

Development of the Celiac Minimally Invasive Surgery Robotic Executing System and Research on Its Control Algorithm

【作者】 马如奇

【导师】 杜志江;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 机器人微创手术不仅具有传统微创手术创口小、疼痛轻、出血少及术后恢复快等优点,同时也解决了传统微创手术中存在的诸多问题:如基于主从控制的手术方式能够减轻医生手术时的疲劳,并解决传统微创手术中存在的“筷子效应”问题;机器人能够实现更为复杂精细的手术操作,可以极大地拓展医生的手术能力。正是由于这些无可比拟的优势,机器人微创外科手术已经得到了外科手术领域的广泛认可,国内外众多医疗机构都对微创外科手术机器人表现出极大的使用欲望,研制和开发具有自主知识产权的微创外科机器人系统不但具有很高的学术研究价值,同时也可以带来巨大的社会经济效益,这是本文开展微创外科手术机器人系统研制工作的目的及意义所在。通过对微创外科手术操作环境进行分析,提出了微创外科手术对机器人机构设计的基本要求,并在此基础上研制出了由手术机械臂系统及手术微器械组成的机器人执行系统。为了满足微创手术所需的术中空间不变点,本文对复合平行四边形机构进行改进,研制出一种基于钢带传动的新型平行四边形远心点运动机构,并将该机构用于本文的机械臂机构设计中。此外,本文还研制出一种采用钢丝驱动的单自由度关节,并将该关节用于手术微器械的腕部机构设计中。实际的微器械腕部运动测试表明该单元关节具有较好的运动灵活性,完全能够满足微创手术微器械腕部机构设计要求。为了满足微创手术对机械臂术中运动灵活性的要求,采用机械臂雅可比矩阵的奇异值构造了基于条件数和可操作度的综合灵巧度评价指标,并建立了基于该综合评价指标的机械臂灵巧度优化模型。通过采用序列二次规划算法对该优化问题进行求解,实现了对机械臂术中运动灵巧度的优化,优化结果表明机械臂在其工作空间内具有良好的各向同性及可操作度,能够满足微创手术对其运动灵活性的要求。此外,本文采用摆位机构的封闭逆解方程对梯度投影算法进行改进,并采用改进的梯度投影算法对机器人执行系统进行了术前摆位规划;双器械机械臂在动物胆囊摘除手术中的实际操作性能表明该术前规划方法对机器人系统的术前摆位具有较好的指导性作用。针对所研制的微创外科手术机器人系统,提出了一种基于位姿分离的主从控制算法,该主从控制算法通过实现主从运动映射中的位置和姿态分离,将手术机械臂系统中的6自由度串联机构逆解问题简化为两个3自由度串联机构的逆解问题,极大地降低了机械臂系统的逆解求解难度。同时,本文采用该主从控制算法实现了基于主手位置增量的主从轨迹跟踪控制,并成功解决了手术过程中的主从一致性问题、主从二次映射问题以及轨迹跟踪过程中的位置指令平滑处理问题。此外,本文提出了基于器械末端位置不变的腕部姿态细分算法,该算法可实现术中手术器械的快速安全更换。在上述研究基础上,本文对所研制的手术机器人进行系统集成,并对机械臂系统中的远心点机构进行标定测试,测试数据表明该机构能够满足微创手术对远心点空间位置稳定性的要求。同时,本文通过采集手术过程中的实际数据对提出的主从控制算法进行验证,结果表明该主从控制算法能够较好的实现机器人系统的主从轨迹跟踪控制。最后,本文通过实际的动物胆囊摘除手术对所研制的手术机器人整体操作性能进行验证,手术结果表明该机器人系统具有较好的术中操作性能,并基本具备开展临床手术的能力。

【Abstract】 Robot minimally invasive surgery not only has the strengths of traditionalminimally invasive surgery: Small wound, less pain, less bleeding and rapidpostoperative recovery, but also solves many problems existing in traditional minimallyinvasive surgery, such as master-slave control surgery can reduce the doctor’s fatigueand resolve the problems of "chopstick effect" in traditional minimally invasive surge ry;the robot can also achieve subtler surgical operation which can greatly expand thedoctor’s surgical capacity. It is because of these unparalleled advantages, that roboticminimally invasive surgery has been widely recognized in the field of surgery, a ndmany domestic and foreign medical institutions both showed great desire to use theminimally invasive surgical robot. Researching and developing a minimally invasivesurgical robotic system with independent intellectual property not only has highacademic value, but also can bring enormous social and economic benefits, which is thepurpose and significance of the research work presented in this thsis.By analyzing the operating environment of minimally invasive surgery, the paperpresented the basic requirements of the minimally invasive surgical robot mechanismdesign, and developed a surgical robot execution system consisting of surgicalmanipulator system and micro-instruments. In order to meet the intraoperative spatiallyinvariant point required by the minimally invasive surgery, a new romote-center-of-motion(RCM) mechanism, parallelogram RCM mechanism, was designed by improvingcomposite parallelogram mechanism. In addition, a wire-driven modular joint withsingle-degree-of-freedom was also developed, which has been used for the wristmechanism design of the micro-instruments. The motion test of micro-instruments wristshows that the joint has good flexibility and can fully meet the design requirements ofthe micro-instruments wrist mechanism.In order to meet the dexterity requirements of robotic manipulator in minimallyinvasive surgery, the paper constructed comprehensive evaluation index of the dexterityby using the jacobian matrix singular value, and established the optimization modelbased on the index. By using sequential quadratic programming algorithm, theoptimization problem was solved and the optimization results show that the manipulatorhas a good isotropy and operability in its work space, which can meet the requirementsof dexterity for the minimally invasive surgery. In addition, the paper improved thegradient projection algorithm by using the closed inverse solution equation of thepositioning mechanism, and achieved the preoperative positioning planning of the twoinstruments manipulators based on the improved gradient projection algorithm. The performance of the preoperative planning in the animal experiments showed that theplanning method has a good guidance for preoperative positioning of the robot system.For the minimally invasive surgery robot systems developed in this paper, amaster-slave control algorithm based on the separation of the position and posture waspresented. By separating position and posture of the master-slave kinematic mapping,the control algorithm simplified the6-DOF serial mechanism inverse kinematicsproblem into two3-DOF serial mechanism inverse kinematics problem, which cangreatly reduce the difficulty of the inverse kinematics solving problem of the system. Inaddition, trajectory tracking control algorithm based on the position increment of themaster hands was realized by using the control algorithm, which successfully solved themotion consistency problem, remapping problem and the position instruction smoothingprocessing problems. Moreover, a wrist posture partitioning algorithm was presentedbased on the position of the instrument tip unchanged, and the algorithm can achieve thefast and safe replacement of the micro-instruments during minimally invasive surgery.On the basis of the above researchments, the minimally invasive surgical roboticsystem developed in the paper was integrated.The calibration and test results of theparallelogram RCM mechanism showed that the mechanism was able to meet theminimally invasive surgery requirements for the stability of the remote center position.The master-slave control algorithm was verified by using actual data obtained in theoperation, the results indicated that the proposed master-slave control algorithmsatisfied the requirements of the master-slave trajectory tracking. At last, the wholeoperation performance of minimally invasive surgical robot system was verified by theactual animal gallbladder removal experiment, and the operation effect suggested thatthe robot system has a good operation performance and it has the basic ability to clinicaloperation.
