

The Research on the Pedigree of British Architectural Technology Aesthetics

【作者】 程世卓

【导师】 刘松茯;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 17、18世纪,英国率先驶入现代社会轨道,开启了人类历史的现代篇章。体现在建筑领域,英国因社会现代转型一跃从输入国成为输出国,生发了“现代建筑”的雏形,并随之形成现代建筑的代表美学类型——崇尚功能、理性、实效的技术美学。英国不仅滋生了现代建筑技术美学,而且伴随着文化交流与传播,于二十世纪派生到欧美大陆乃至亚洲,枝脉繁多、开花结果,对它国现代建筑的产生起到了不同程度甚至是至关重要的启发和影响,成为轰轰烈烈席卷世界的现代主义建筑的主要源头之一。在这一过程中,英国建筑技术美学带有鲜明的谱系特征,并在接下来的发展中,迎合时代的特征调整自身,使该谱系得以延续,成为历时二百余年,带有鲜明英国传统与现代特征的美学类型,在世界建筑领域中始终占据重要一席。本文以英国建筑技术美学的谱系发展和特征为研究对象,研究阈限主要立足于英国本土,涉及18世纪至今的英国建筑技术美学的代表思想和实践,并以英国自身以及与它国之间所建立的建筑技术美学谱系为重点,进而展开全文。在研究方法上以历史考据法为基础,以谱系学方法为主导,梳理了英国的建筑技术美学谱系的演进脉络,分析了该谱系在源起、生发、裂变、复兴、新趋向等各个不同历史阶段的发展态势、动态成因、基本特征、内部结构、辐射性影响等内容,探讨了造成英国建筑技术美学谱系演进的技术发展、经济社会、时代文化和建筑思潮等影响因素。在全文分析和研究基础上,本文创新性地提出,英国建筑技术美学是一个原生型的美学类型,具有明确的谱系特征;它以实用理性精神为核心;以民族性为内质属性,以现代性为外显表征,以技术发展和传统与新统的博弈为双轮驱动的美学体系;英国建筑技术美学占据了现代主义建筑美学来源的两个重要源头,并与现代主义建筑存在“共源”关系,最后为英国建筑技术美学谱系建立了总体谱系图和各个阶段、代表节点的子谱系图。从谱系的角度对英国建筑技术美学进行研究,具有如下实际学术意义:(1)打破对美学研究的宏观叙事方式,在微观层面上观照建筑美学的演进,肯定偶然因素在建筑历史尤其是建筑美学演进过程中不可忽视的作用,拓展建筑美学研究路径;(2)以英国为核心,在微观层次上为现代社会以来世界范围内的建筑技术美学发展建立更为明确、清晰、详尽的相互关系,明确以英国建筑技术美学为代表的建筑美学并非单一的线性发展脉络,而是充满了错综复杂的影响因素;(3)英国建筑技术美学的谱系演进过程,是建筑技术美学迎合时代变迁动态发展的过程,在这期间始终贯穿着英国对于传统技术精神的探索和延续。因此,对于英国建筑技术美学的谱系研究,实际上也是对于时代与传统之间看似矛盾又相互关联关系的探究,其主要内容和成果对我国当前建筑界寻找传统与时代的健康关系具有一定的借鉴和参考价值。

【Abstract】 From the17th and18th century, the Britain entered into the modern societytrack, opened the modern chapter of human history. In the architectural field, theBritain became exporting countries from the importing country, generated theprototype of modern architecture, and followed by the formation of the modernaesthetic type which called technical aesthetics advocating functional, rational,pragmatic feature.The Britain not only has given rise to the modern architectural technologyaesthetic, also derived important inspiration and influence along with the culturalexchange to Europe, America and Asia, become major sources of the Modernistarchitecture. In this process, the British Architectural Technology Aesthetics haddistinctive features of pedigree, and adjust itself to meet the development of era.This pedigree lasted more than200years, combines traditional and moderncharacteristics, occupied an important seat in the world architectural field.This paper regards the Pedigree of British Architectural Technology Aestheticsas research object, based on the ideology and practice of the18th century to thepresent Britian architecture, and took the focus on British as well as with othercountries to establishthe Architectural Technology Aesthetics pedigree, then expandthe full text. About research methods, this paper regarded historical test as the basicmethods, the pedigree as main analysis approach, studied on the internal structure,radiation effects, influenced factors, dynamic causes in the origins, generation,fission, renaissance and new tend historical stages, and explored the technologydevelopment, contemporary culture and architectural trend in this pedigree.Base on analysis and research, this paper put forward innovativly, the BritishArchitectural Technology Aesthetics was a native aesthetic type, has a clear lineagecharacteristics. It took the practical reason as the core spirit; the national characteras the endoplasmic; the modernism as significantly characterization; the traditionaland new factors of technological development as the two-wheel-drive. The BritishArchitectural Technology Aesthetics occupy two important sources of modernistarchitectural aesthetics, and had the common-source with it. At last, this paperestablished the overall system, main stages and the nodes of the sub-pedigreechartof this aesthetic pedigree.There were these academic significance as follows:(1) Break themacro-narrative way of aesthetic studies, do the research at the micro level, paidclose attention to theaccidental factors in the evolution of architectural history,expanding the the architectural aesthetics path;(2) Took the Britain as the research core, set up the more explicit, clear, detailed relationship for the development ofarchitectural technology aesthetics, since the modern society at the micro level. Gotthe conclusion that the British Architectural Technology Aesthetics was not a singlelinear development context, but full of intricate factors;(3) The Pedigree of BritishArchitectural Technology Aesthetics was a dynamic development process,duringthis period runs through the spirit of British exploration and continuation. Theresearch contained certain references and the reference values for China.
