

Study on the Vicissitudes of Human Settlements’s Cultural Geography in Three Gorges Area

【作者】 魏晓芳

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 三峡人居环境在历史的进程中经历了漫长的缓变和急剧的突变,与此同时,文化地理也随之变迁。三峡地区曾因壮丽的峡谷风光闻名于世,又因最大的水利工程令世人瞩目,然而在气势恢宏的背后,三峡人居环境却始终不尽如人意,文化环境的建设速度远远比不上物质空间的建设速度。不论是在有关三峡的学术研究中,亦或是城乡规划设计中,还是在实际的移民搬迁城镇建设中,文化都未得到应有的重视,文化之于地区发展的促进力量不仅没有得到充分发挥,反而成为地域发展的阻碍。基于这种背景,在“”文化强国”战略目标的引领下,论文希望通过研究,建立体系、梳理历史、探寻机制、提出对策,促使三峡地区优秀的传统文化得到传承、活力的新兴文化得以发展。论文在人居环境科学体系下,以“文化”为核心、文化变迁过程及规律为对象,以“古代—今日—未来”的时间线索与“面—线—点”的空间层次,以“基础研究—>现象研究—>规律研究—>对策研究——>实践研究”的逻辑思路,运用多学科的综合方法,通过梳理三峡人居环境的文化历史脉络,揭示其地域扩展过程及规律,探讨其文化地理变迁机制,提出三峡人居环境的和谐文化发展对策,开展三峡地区不同空间层次的人居环境规划与建设实践,丰富三峡人居环境的研究领域,为三峡人居环境的规划与实施提供依据,从而全面提升三峡人居环境品质。在基础研究中,论文第二章尝试构建人居环境建设体系下文化地理研究的理论体系,解析三峡文化的组成。论文解析了人居环境语义下文化与文化地理,初步构建了人居环境建设体系下的文化地理研究理论体系,并用类型学解析了人居环境建设体系下三峡地区文化的构成。在现象研究上,论文的第三、四章研究了三峡地区文化的兴起与发展,及主要文化形态的地域扩展过程。论文回顾了三峡文化的缘起;阐述了三峡地区不同历史时期的文化地理形成与发展过程;分析了三峡主要文化形态的历史地域扩展过程;总结了人居环境空间语境下三峡文化历史发展的特点。在规律研究中,论文的第五章进行了三峡人居环境的文化地理变迁机制研究,阐述了人居环境建设的文化地理变迁的基本理论;分析了影响文化变迁的各级因素,并探寻各种因素相互作用下的变迁规律、解析变迁机制;归纳并探讨三峡人居环境的文化地理变迁模式。在对策研究上,论文第六章提出了三峡人居环境的文化发展对策,即三峡地区文化地理区划与协调、文化生命周期的认知与调控、文化价值的评估与提升,从地域文化的空间和谐、时间可持续与保持先进性三个方面提出了三峡地区文化地理区划方法、文化生命周期调控方法与地域文化价值多维评估方法等理论与方法。最后,在实践研究中,论文第七章提出从物质空间规划到文化空间规划的技术思路,建立文化地理数据库、开展文化空间规划、构建地方公共文化服务体系等,以实现三峡地区文化和谐、可持续与积极地发展;并通过不同人居环境空间层次的规划与建设案例来实践对策方法。

【Abstract】 Human settlements in Three Gorge areas have gone through long-slowlyvicissitude and rapid-suddenly vicissitude in the course of history. Cultural geography isensuing to corresponding change. This area was world-famous for its magnificentcanyon scenery,and was the focus of world attention for the largest water conservancyproject. However, behind the spectacular, the human settlement environment in this areais not always what we want it to be. The cultural environment construction speed of isfall further behind of physical space environment. Whether in the academic researcheson the Three Gorges, or in the urban and rural planning, or actual resettlementconstruction, culture has not got enough attention. Instead of becoming the promotepower for locality development,culture problems has become an obstacle of regionaldevelopment. In this context, following the lead of the strategic objectives on “CulturalPower”, it is expected that this study can establish system, combing historical, explorethe mechanism, and propose the countermeasure to prompt the heritage of finetraditional culture and the development of dynamic new culture. In the HumanSettlement science system, centering on ‘culture’, targeting on its transformationprocess and transitional law, using theories and methods from different fields andcombining theoretical research and empirical research, this paper combed culturehistorical context of the Three Gorges Human Settlement construction, revealed itsregion extended process and law, discussed the cultural geographical change mechanism,put forward countermeasures on harmonious cultural development in the Three GorgesHuman Settlement construction, and carry out the practice of human settlementplanning and construction in different spatial hierarchy in the Three Gorges area, taking‘Ancient-Today-Future’ as time clues,‘Area-Line-Point’ as spatial hierarchy, and ‘basicstudy—>phenomenon research—>law study—>countermeasures study—> practiceresearch’ as logical train. And the paper was intended to rich research field of the ThreeGorges Human Settlement construction, provide support for the planning andimplementation, and improve the quality of Three Gorges Human Settlement.In the basic study, the paper try to build theoretical system of cultural geographyresearch based on the Human Settlement science system and analysis the compositionof the Three Gorges culture in Chapter2. It analyses the concepts of ‘culture’ and‘cultural geography’ under the semantic of Human settlements; preliminarily constructed theoretical system of cultural geography research based on the HumanSettlement science system; and analysis the composition of the Three Gorges culturewith typology.In the phenomenon research, the paper studied the culture development andprosperity in the Three Gorges area, and regional expansion process of main cultureforms in Chapter3and Chapter4. It reviewed the origin of the Three Gorges culture;expounded formation and development process of culture geography in differenthistorical periods in the Three Gorges area; analysis regional and history expansionprocess of main culture forms; summarized the characteristics on the historicaldevelopment of Three Gorges culture in the context of Human settlements.In the law study, the paper researched the cultural geography change mechanismon Human settlements in Three Gorge areas in Chapter5. It expounded the basic theoryof cultural geography vicissitudes on Human Settlement construction; analyses theinfluence factors which influenced cultural vicissitudes; explored the vicissitudes ruleunder the interaction of various factors; analytic its mechanism; and inductive thecultural geography vicissitudes mode of Human Settlement construction in Three Gorgeareas.In the countermeasures study, the paper put forward the culture developmentcountermeasures on Human settlements in Three Gorge areas in Chapter6. They areCultural Geography Regionalization and coordination in Three Gorge area, cognitionand regulation of cultural life cycle, evaluation and ascension of Cultural value. It putsforward the theory and method on the Cultural Geographical regionalization, culturallife cycle regulation, and Regional culture value multidimensional evaluation fromregional culture space harmonious, time sustainable, maintaining its advanced nature3aspects.At last, the paper put forward technical ideas that from the physical space planningto culture space planning, such as establish cultural geography database, carry outcultural space planning, Constructing local public cultural service system, etc, to realizethe region culture’s harmonious, sustainable and actively development in Three Gorgearea. And, try to practice countermeasure method through several cases of humansettlement planning and construction in different spatial hierarchy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU982.2;K901.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2398
  • 攻读期成果