

Research on Secret Sharing Theory and its Applications

【作者】 胡春强

【导师】 廖晓峰;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,由于网络环境自身的问题,网络环境已存在严峻的安全隐患;为了避免由于网络中重要信息和秘密数据的丢失、毁灭以及被不法分子利用或恶意篡改,而无法恢复原始信息,研究者提出利用秘密共享机制对数据进行处理,从而达到保密通信中,不会因为数据的丢失、毁灭或篡改,而无法恢复原始信息的目的。从而吸引了越来越多的科研人员对该研究内容的关注。秘密共享体制已经成为现代密码学的一个重要的研究领域,同时,它也成为信息安全中的重要的研究内容。论文着重研究了秘密共享理论及其在相关领域中的应用。首先,对秘密共享体制的研究背景、研究现状进行简要的介绍,并概述了其在相关领域中的应用研究;其次,设计了安全有效的可验证的共享秘密体制。同时,结合身体区域网络(Body Area Networks,简称BANs)的特点,基于秘密共享体制,构造了解决身体区域网的安全有效的基于模糊属性的签密算法和安全通信协议。此外,将秘密共享体制应用到图像中,有效的解决了图像中的相关问题。最后,论文为秘密共享机制在相关领域中得到应用,同时我们也指出了未来的研究方向。具体来说,本论文主要的研究内容如下:①简单回顾了秘密共享体制的研究背景和现状及其在相应领域中的应用,对秘密共享中涉及到的数学知识及其本论文用的相关知识进行了简单介绍。接着,论文设计了两个可验证的多秘密共享方案——基于LFSR的可验证的多秘密共享方案。分发者无需对参与者分发秘密份额,所有的秘密份额,可由参与者自己生成。并且参与者之间可以相互验证,因此该方案可以抵制共谋攻击等攻击方法。②身体区域网络是新兴的研究领域,对病人和战争中士兵的健康进行监控中起着关键的作用。由于身体区域网络的特殊性,具有不同角色的用户对BAN数据有不同的访问权限,结合该特点,将秘密共享体制应用到BodyArea Networks中,设计构造了安全有效的基于模糊属性的签密算法。并从理论上,证明了算法的可行性和正确性,同时对其安全性进行了分析,并对性能进行了评估。③由于在身体区域网络中,主要考虑BAN内部设备(传感器)之间的通信和内部传感器与外部设备或用户之间的通信,而BAN中传感器具有很低的计算能力。因此如何设计构造合理的通信协议、建立内部传感器与用户之间、内部传感器、数据中心和外部设备之间安全通信是一个难题。结合秘密共享特点及其相关的密码体制,论文设计了两个协议以分别确保内部传感器之间、内部传感器与外部设备之间的安全通信。④图像的安全问题成为其网络传输过程中亟待解决的问题。图像传输过程中,存在部分图像信息的丢失、毁坏或被盗等。而采用加密的方式虽能保证图像信息的安全,但是不能保证缺失部分加密图像的信息,则无法恢复原始图像,而秘密共享体制可以解决该问题。论文将中国剩余定理与Logistic映射应用到图像中,实现了对秘密图像信息的共享处理。该算法设计简单、实现方便、有效地实现了对秘密图像的操作。最后,在论文中,并进行了实验,实验表明新算法图像无损失,即增加了算法的适用性,又降低了图像的膨胀率。⑤最后对本论文工作进行了系统的全面总结,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Secret sharing plays a significant role in protecting secret information frombecoming lost, being destroyed/altered, or falling into the wrong hands. Meanwhile, theresearchers have also employed secret sharing to solve the above problems. Thus, secretsharing has become one of the most important research areas in modern cryptography,which could ensure information security and data privacy.This dissertation focuses on research of secret sharing theory and its application.First, this dissertation reviews the secret sharing technology, and analyzes thecharacteristics of the existing secret sharing schemes; Meanwhile, this dissertationintroduces the applications based on the scheme. Second, according to thecharacteristics of Body Area Networks, a secure and efficient Fuzzy Attribute-basedsigncryption, which is related with secret sharing, is designed to ensure the securecommunication between the BAN controller and external users, and then, two protocolsare designed to securely retrieve the sensitive patient data from a BAN and instruct thesensors in a BAN. Additionally, based on the secret sharing scheme, image secretsharing scheme is proposed to solve the image security issues in this dissertation.Finally, the summarization of the research on secret sharing is presented, and the trendof future research on secret sharing is also given. The main contributions of thedissertation are as follows:①A summarization is given to cover common idea of secret sharing, and then, averifiable Multi-secret sharing scheme is degigned i.e. Verifiable Multi-secret sharingbased on LFSR sequences. In this scheme, the secrets are hidden into the polynomial;the participants choose their own shadows, and make it impossible for the dealer tocheat them. Therefore, we do not need to verify the validity of the dealer②Body Area Networking is a promising technology for real-time monitoring ofphysiological signals to support various medical applicatons and modern wars. Forexample, modern wars are fought in both physical and cyber-space. The sensitive natureof the data collected makes BANs be a target for malicious entities to exploit. Lack ofadequate security features may not only lead to a breach of soldier’s privacy, but alsomay enable a malicious entity to modify data from the BAN to mislead the fieldcommanders and medical staff. In order to ensure the security of the privacy of thepatient or soldier, a fuzzy attribute-based signcryption scheme is designed. This scheme provides a certain level of error-tolerance for the identities. Moreover, the correctness ofthe scheme is theoretically proven and its efficiency and feasibility are also analyzed indetail. Finally, the performance of the scheme in terms of energy consumption andcommunication/computation overhead is evaluated.③Establishing secure communications between BAN sensors and external users isa key to addressing the prevalent security and privacy concerns. The author proposes theprimitive functions to implement a secret-sharing based Ciphertext-PolicyAttribute-Based Encryption (CP_ABE) scheme, which encrypts the data based on anaccess structure specified by the data source, and the author also designs two protocolsto securely retrieve the sensitive patient data from a BAN and instruct the sensors in aBAN. Furthermore, the analysis has also illustrated that the proposed scheme is feasible,which also provide message authenticity, and can counter possible major attacks such ascollusion attacks and battery-draining attacks.④Security for image transmission is a very important issue. If the image isencrypted, the encrypted image losted some part information. The encrypted image willbe not recovered, so in order to solve the problem, a scheme is proposed based onChinese remainder thereom and Logistic map. The algorithm is a lossless image sharingschemes method.⑤Finally, the research work is summarized, and the dissertation presented thetrend of the future research field on secret sharing and its applications in thisdissertation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期