

Ordering, Pricing for Fresh Agriculture Product Considering Freshness-keeping Influence Consumer Utility and its Supply Chain Coordination

【作者】 王磊

【导师】 但斌;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 生鲜农产品作为人们日常消费必需品,在人们生活中具有不可或缺的重要作用。然而生鲜农产品具有易腐性,且当前我国冷链运输和存储成本较高,生鲜农产品在运输途中和零售商卖场销售过程中都会出现损耗和产品变质,导致消费者难以买到优质低价的生鲜农产品。鉴于此,本文以生鲜农产品保鲜为切入点,关注不同消费者偏好对生鲜经营企业决策的影响,综合运用优化理论、变质产品库存理论、效用理论以及非合作博弈理论和方法,研究了生鲜农产品保鲜影响消费者效用下零售商的订货和定价策略,并进一步研究了促使生鲜经营企业增加保鲜投入并保证生鲜农产品供应链实现协调的契约。首先,针对处于完全竞争市场的零售商,考虑到保鲜能够促进消费者增加购买但零售商无法通过提高售价的方式弥补保鲜成本这一问题,建立了生鲜农产品新鲜度和价格影响下的消费者时变效用模型,结合传统的变质产品库存模型建立了基于消费者效用和需求的零售商生鲜农产品库存模型,进而建立了单品种单独订货和多品种统一订货两种订货模型,分析了针对供应商不同单位保鲜成本时零售商的订货决策。其次,对于处于不完全竞争市场的专业生鲜经营零售商,考虑到零售商可以通过改变销售价格的方式弥补保鲜成本,建立了生鲜农产品新鲜度和价格影响下的消费者时变效用函数,在此基础上建立了新鲜度和价格影响下的零售商生鲜农产品库存模型,进而建立了零售商独自保鲜和生鲜农产品配送过程中保鲜两种形式下的零售商最优定价模型,分析了能够提高消费者效用的零售商定价策略和保鲜投入。此外,对于处于不完全竞争市场的非专业生鲜经营零售商,在传统的质量价格选择模型基础上,建立了生鲜农产品新鲜度和价格影响下的消费者时变选择模型,基于零售商所面临的初始订货数量变化或潜在市场容量变化,分析了零售商对于生鲜农产品的定价策略及保鲜投入。最后,在前面研究的基础上,鉴于单个企业保鲜动力不足的问题,分别从零售商保鲜和供应商保鲜两种情形研究零售商和供应商合作保鲜的问题。在零售商保鲜情形下,鉴于”保鲜成本分担”契约仅能激励零售商提高保鲜投入而无法实现供应链协调的问题,设计了“保鲜成本分担+收益共享”契约以保证生鲜农产品供应链协调及成员企业的双赢。而在供应商保鲜情形下,分别设计了“保鲜成本分担+收益共享”契约和“基于生鲜农产品新鲜度的采购价”契约来促进供应链协调,并分析了两种契约的适用性。最后均通过算例验证了所设计契约的有效性。

【Abstract】 Fresh agriculture product is important and indispensable in people’s life because itis daily necessities. However, the fresh agriculture product is perishable and the cost ofcold chain transport and storage is high in our country, so the consumer is difficult topurchase the high-quality agriculture products with lower prices. Therefore, aiming atthe preservation of the fresh agriculture product and the impact of the differentconsumer preferences on the enterprise decision and by using optimization theory,deteriorating items inventory theory, utility theory, non-cooperative game theory, thisdissertation studied on retailer’s ordering policy and pricing policy for fresh agricultureproduct considering freshness-keeping influence consumer utility, and then studied onhow to promote the enterprise improve the preservation investment and coordinatesupply chain by designing contracts.First of all, based on the retailer who is in the perfect competition market promotethe consumer increase purchases by freshness-keeping but it is unable to change theprice to make up the preservation cost, a time-varying consumer utility functioninfluenced by freshness and price is developed, and on the basis the retailer’s freshagriculture inventory model influenced by freshness and price is developed. Then, asingle ordering model for each item and a jointly ordering model for all items aredeveloped to analyze the retailer’s ordering policies under different unit fresh keepingcost of supplier.Secondly, for the retailer who is specialize in fresh agriculture product and in theimperfect competition market is able to change the price to make up the preservationcost, a time-varying consumer utility function influenced by freshness and price isdeveloped, and on the basis the retailer’s fresh agriculture inventory model influencedby freshness and price is developed. Then a retailer’s pricing model are developed forboth preserve by retailer and in transit to analyze the retailer’s pricing policies andpreservation investment. Moreover, for the retailer who isn’t specialize in freshagriculture product and in the imperfect competition market, on the basis ofquality-price choice model, a time-varying consumer choice function influenced byfreshness and price of the fresh agricultures product is developed, then, based on thechange of the ordering quantity and potential market capacity, the pricing policies andinvestment for fresh-keeping of the retailer are analyzed. Finally, on the basis of the previous research, aiming at the issue that only aenterprise is lower motives to afford the freshness-keeping cost, how to cooperate onfreshness keeping between retailer and supplier is analyzed. In the case of preserved byretailer, because of the "preservation cost sharing" contract is only to promote retailer toincrease input of freshness keeping but not coordinate the fresh supply chain, a"preservation cost&revenue sharing" contract is designed to ensure supply chaincoordination and a "win-win" situation between supply chain members. In the case ofpreserved by supplier, two contracts called "preservation cost&revenue sharing"contract and "purchase price based on product freshness" contract are designed tocoordinate the fresh supply chain, and then the applicability of the two contracts isanalyzed. In the end, numerical example has been used to further confirm all contractshave high efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期