

Integration Research on the Healthy and Ecological Community Evaluation System

【作者】 赵强

【导师】 宋昆; 蔺雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着人口持续增长和城市的不断扩张,城市对能源资源的消耗日益加增,导致了全球气候变化、城市环境恶化、人体机能弱化等一系列问题,“健康”、“生态”已经成为国际社会的共识。社区作为人居环境科学五大层次之一,是城市中最基本的组成单元,是衔接宏观生态城市层面和微观绿色建筑层面的中观层面人类聚居栖地,在降低居住建筑能耗,改善社区居住环境,促进城市绿色发展等方面具有举足轻重的意义。本文通过对社区生态系统内源性循环与外源性循环之间关系的系统研究和细致梳理,按照问题探源——分析提炼——研究解决——实例引证的逻辑方式,针对社区发展所存在的问题提出了切实可行的实施策略。文章共分为四个部分。第一部分为问题探源,首先是在分析健康、生态、社区各类定义的基础上,抽象出健康生态社区的定义、内涵和基本特征;然后分析中西方生态价值观的演进,构建多维生态价值观;最后分析诊断与社区发展相关的城市“病症”,为下一步研究“治疗良药”提供基础资料。第二部分为分析提炼,以可持续发展指标体系、健康城市指标体系、生态城市指标体系、生态社区指标体系为研究对象,叙述各指标体系的概况,分析指标体系的构架、指标项内容、指标体系的评价方法,得出不同指标体系的特点和优缺点,通过对不同指标体系的比较研究和相关性提炼,为健康生态社区评价体系的建立打下了坚实的案例基础。第三部分为研究解决,客观地总结国内外相关指标体系的已有研究成果,分析我国与“社区疾病”有关的城市问题,全面系统地梳理了影响社区生存和发展的各类因素,并将生态系统健康评价引入社区,立足于指标体系的系统性、综合性,充分挖掘了各层级指标之间和同层级内指标之间的关联性,按照横向分类和纵向分级的方法,创建了社区生态系统健康评价指标体系,搭建了一个科学的健康生态社区评价数学模型,为社区决策工作的可操作性构建了客观、实用的基础平台。第四部分为实例引证,详细介绍了社区生态系统健康评价指标体系的应用,对指标体系进行了实践案例检验。即利用理论结合实际的研究方法,将指标体系应用到中新天津生态城的社区评价中,收集基础资料,进行数据分析,论证健康生态社区评价体系的合理性、可操作性和科学性。

【Abstract】 With continued growth of population and urban expansion, the increasingconsumption of energy resources leads to a series of questions, such as the changes ofglobal climate, the deterioration of urban environment, the weakening of the bodyfunction. Healthy and ecology have become the consensus on the research filedamong international communities. Among the top five layers of Sciences of HumanSettlements, community is the basic constituent units in the city, also the connectingaspect between macroscopic view about eco-city and of microscopic view about greenbuilding. Human settlement habitats own significant values in reducing energyconsumption of residential buildings, improving community living environment andpromoting urban ecological development. Through the systematic study of therelationship between community ecosystem endogenous cycle and exogenous cycle,this article tried to propose implementation strategy aiming at practical problems ofcommunity development, according to the following logic research approaches:digging origins-refining analysis-finding solutions-citing the instances.This article is divided into four parts:The first part-digging origins, was based on the analysis the definition of healthy,ecology and community to abstract the definition, connotation and basiccharacteristics of healthy ecological communities; then analyzed evolution of Westernecological values to build multidimensional ecological values; Finally, analyzed anddiagnosed city illness related to the and community development to provide basicinformation for further research.The second part-refining analysis, regarded index system for sustainabledevelopment, healthy city, eco-city and ecological communities as research objects tonarrative overview of the above index systems and analyze frameworks, contents andevaluation methods. Meanwhile drew characteristics, advantages and disadvantages ofthe different index systems by comparing and refining research. Then laid a solidbasis for the establishment of the evaluation system of the healthy and ecologicalcommunities.The third part-finding solutions, summarized the research on the existingresearch results of related index systems, analyzed urban issues connected with community problems, combed all kinds of factors that affect the survival anddevelopment of the community, introduced ecosystem healthy assessment into thecommunity. Based on the systematic and comprehensive of index system, acquired thecorrelation between various level of indexes and same level indexes. In accordancewith the horizontal and vertical hierarchical approach, healthy and ecologicalcommunity evaluation system was built up, as well as healthy and ecologicalcommunity evaluation mathematical models. Meanwhile a scientific and objectiveplatform was created for community decision-making operability.The fourth part-citing the instances introduced the application of the healthy andecological community evaluation system, examined the index system throughpractical cases by applying evaluation index system to the China-Singapore TianjinEco-city, and collected foundation information for data analysis to demonstrate thereasonableness operational and scientific aspects of the healthy and ecologicalcommunity evaluation system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期