

Analysis and Recognition of the Wear State of Full-face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine Disc Cutter

【作者】 王立辉

【导师】 亢一澜; 秦庆华;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 固体力学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 全断面岩石掘进机(TBM)是一种专门用于开挖岩石隧道与地下通道工程的大型高科技施工装备。在硬岩TBM掘进过程中,刀具磨损消耗一直是困扰施工效率的瓶颈问题之一。本论文以硬岩TBM的滚刀为对象,围绕着刀具磨损状态检测理论与预估方法展开研究。在研究中从装备载荷与能耗信息分析入手,建立这些信息与刀具摩擦和磨损的关联,进而从载荷与能耗信息的响应变化中对刀具磨损状态进行识别与提取,以此建立刀具磨损的分析方法与刀具磨损状态实时预估模型,并结合工程采集的掘进数据,对上述模型适用性进行了比较和验证。本论文对常截面(CCS)盘形滚刀进行受力分析,通过力学分析和有限元数值模拟研究了刀具与岩体接触曲面弧长上的载荷分布,提出了在接触曲面弧长上分布载荷的近似抛物线分布模型,通过相关试验研究结果和实际工程中的载荷数据,验证了这一载荷分布模型的有效性。通过分析掘进参数与刀具几何构形参数间的关联,建立了检测刀具磨损的分析方法。在建立刀具载荷分布模型的基础上,本论文进一步分析了硬岩TBM掘进参数与岩体参数和刀具几何构形之间的相互关系。通过对比能的研究,结合上述研究结果,提出了预估刀具磨损的掘进比能公式,建立了预估刀具磨损量的能量方法。并通过土耳其Kozyatagi-Kadikoy(Ko-Ka)地铁隧道和秦岭隧道对这一方法的有效性进行了验证。本论文从装备能耗及其变化信息分析出发,进一步研究了TBM掘进过程中摩擦功对扭矩功和推力功的影响,讨论了扭矩功与推力功之间存在相互关系,从能耗信息的响应变化中对刀具磨损状态进行提取,建立了刀具状态方程,提出了掘进能耗的上下限判据。根据盘形滚刀失效表面的宏观分析、扫描电镜分析及表层金相分析结果,考虑刀具表面接触疲劳磨损等主要因素,分析了摩擦功与摩擦体积的关系,建立了适于工程应用的磨损换刀模型。结合引洮工程9#隧洞硬岩阶段的掘进数据与相应的换刀记录,验证了这一磨损换刀模型的有效性。

【Abstract】 Full-face tunnel boring machine (TBM) is a kind of specialized high-techconstruction equipment for large-scale excavation of rock tunnels and undergroundchannel engineering. During hard rock TBM tunneling process, cutter wearconsumption has been one of the bottlenecks that plagued the construction efficiency.In this thesis, the researches on the hard rock TBM disc cutter are conducted, in termsof the tool wear state detection theory and estimation method. Beginning from theinformation analysis of the equipment load and energy consumption, the relationshipsbetween above information and the friction and wear of cutter are established. Thenthe cutters wear state, in response to the changes of load and energy consumptioninformation, are identified and extracted. Based on these, the analysis method ofcutter wear and cutter wear real time prediction model are established and validatedby the collected engineering excavation data.In this paper, the forces on constant cross section (CCS) disc cutter are analyzed,and the load distribution on cutter and rock contact arc length is researched throughmechanical analysis and finite element numerical simulation. As a result, the model ofapproximate parabola distribution of distributed load is presented, which is validatedby the relative experimental results and actual engineering load data. The analysismethod to detect disc cutter wear is established according to the correlation betweenworking parameters and disc cutter geometry parameters. Based on above researches,the relationship between hard rock TBMs working parameters, rock mass parametersand disc cutter geometry is further investigated. Combined with above research results,the specific energy formula is proposed, and the energy method to estimate the wearextent of disc cutter is established. Furthermore, above specific energy formula andenergy method are validated by Turkey Kozyatagi-Kadikoy (Ko-Ka) subway tunneland Qinling Mountains tunnel.According to the analysis of equipment energy consumption and its changeinformation, the influences of friction energy on TBM torque energy and thrust energyare studied, the interrelation between torque energy and thrust energy is analyzed, andthe cutter wear state is extracted from the response to changes in the energyconsumption information. Then the cutters wear state equation is established, and the criteria for upper and lower limits of the tunneling energy consumption are proposed.According to the macro analysis, SEM analysis and surface metallographic analysis ofthe failure surface of disc cutter, considering the main factors of the tool surfacecontact fatigue wear, the relationship between friction energy and friction volume isanalyzed, and the abrasion cutter change model suitable for engineering applicationsis established. At last, the validity of the abrasion cutter change model is confirmed byYintao project9#tunnel.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期