

Research on Distributed Coordination Control for Spacecraft Formation Flying

【作者】 周稼康

【导师】 马广富;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,越来越多的航天研究机构针对多个航天器编队飞行的空间任务展开研究。随着一致性算法在一阶和二阶线性积分动力学系统的分布式控制中的应用研究越来越成熟,如何将一致性算法应用到航天器编队系统的协同控制中,引起国内外专家学者的关注。本文在总结已有研究成果的基础上,对航天器编队飞行的姿态及相对位置协同控制进行研究。论文主要内容如下:针对多个航天器编队飞行的姿态协同控制问题展开研究,基于无向通信拓扑,根据一致性算法的思想,引入相互通信的航天器姿态及角速度信息设计姿态协同跟踪控制策略。并将此控制策略扩展到含时变权值协同控制系数、利用滑模估计器获得期望信息、面向有向通信拓扑的情况下,通过设计一系列控制算法来提高编队系统中航天器间相对姿态误差的控制精度及动态性能,减轻对地面站或主航天器的通信依赖。并通过设计控制策略使得编队航天器可在有限时间内快速协同收敛于期望姿态,以及克服航天器物理参数的不确定性及外干扰力矩的影响。通过仿真验证了相比于传统主从结构的航天器集中式控制,上述分布式控制策略能够更好地解决多个航天器的姿态协同问题,具有较好的鲁棒性。考虑到相互通信的航天器间存在不可避免的信息传递时间延迟现象,通过选取合适的Lyapunov函数,建立了面向通信时滞的变结构姿态协同跟踪控制策略,并找到不依赖时滞信息的稳定性条件。进一步,给出保证外干扰力矩对系统输出的影响满足L2增益性能指标的控制参数选取范围。另外,将此控制策略扩展到有向通信拓扑条件下,并考虑航天器间协同控制项的输入时滞,进而找到依赖时滞信息的稳定性条件,降低了对控制参数要求的保守性。最后,通过引入含通信时滞的滑模滤波器的状态信息来降低地面站或主航天器的通信压力。通过仿真验证了上述两种含时滞信息控制策略的可行性。考虑当航天器采用无角速度敏感器配置方案时,仅利用航天器绝对姿态及航天器间相对姿态信息设计输出反馈姿态协同控制算法,并通过引入含积分项的滤波器达到抑制常值外干扰力矩的作用,同时给出期望姿态信息仅对编队中部分航天器可知情况下无向通信拓扑需满足的条件。在上述面向通信时滞的姿态协同控制策略基础上设计无需角速度信息的姿态协同跟踪控制算法,同样将结果扩展到存在协同控制项输入时滞的情况下,并分别给出独立及依赖时滞信息的控制参数选取范围。仿真结果表明在无需航天器角速度测量的基础上,输出反馈分布式控制策略仍然能够使得多个编队航天器协同跟踪动态期望目标,并具有较好的控制精度。考虑到航天器的相对位置对姿态控制的影响,基于在主航天器轨道系中建立的从属航天器相对位置动力学方程给出分布式控制策略,并在有向通信拓扑条件下进行稳定性分析。根据具体通信测量任务的要求,给出一种利用航天器间的相对位置确定期望姿态与角速度的方法。类似于面向通信时滞的航天器姿态协同控制问题,在航天器速度信息不可测量情况下,设计了含时变通信时滞的自适应分布式控制策略。并通过仿真验证了上述控制策略对航天器相对位置控制的有效性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, more and more aerospace research institutions develop thespace missions which are fulfilled by multiple spacecrafts formation flying.Meanwhile as the applications of the consensus algorithm to the distributed controllaws of the first and second order integral dynamical systems are becoming moreand more mature, how to apply the consensus algorithm to the cooperation controlof spacecrafts formation system gets more and more attention of the scholars andexperts at home and abroad. By surveying existing research results on thespacecrafts formation flying control and consensus algorithm, the dissertationmainly research on the coordinative attitude and relative position control laws of thespacecrafts formation system based on consensus theory. The main contents of thedissertation are as follows:In order to solve the coordinative attitude control problem of spacecraftsformation flying, the attitudes and angular velocities of the spacecrafts wereintroduced, by which the spacecrafts could communicate with each other, and then acooperative attitude control law is designed based on the consensus algorithm andundirected communication topology. Then extending this control law to thesituations that the controller contains time-varying weighted cooperation controlparameters, the desired states can be accepted by the sliding-mode estimator, and thedirected communication topology, several control algorithms are proposed toimprove the accuary and the dynamic performance of relative attitude errors, toreduce the communication pressure of the ground station or the leader spacecraft, tocooperatively converge to desired attitude in finite-time, and to overcome thespacecraft physical parameters uncertainty and external disturb torque. It isvalidated by the simulation results that the above distributed control strategies cansolve the spacecrafts formation attitude cooperative problem better and are morerobust, compared to the traditional centralized control of the leader-followerstructure.The time-delays of information transmission is usually inevitable among thespacecrafts which communicate with each other in the formation. Taking this intoaccount, proper Lyapunov function is chosen to propose a distributed variablestructure attitude cooperative control law, meanwhile the condition of thedelay-independent stability is found. Furthermore, the range of the controlparameters is given when the tracking performance is evaluated by L2-gain from thedisturbance input to the penalty output of the control system. In addition,considering the input time-delays of the relative control part, this control law is extend to the situation of the directed communication topology, a new distributedcontrol strategy is designed and the delay-dependent stability condition is found,thus the conservative of the delay-independent stability condition is reduced. Finally,a finite-time sliding-mode estimator is introduced in order to release the heavycommunication pressures of the earth station or the leader spacecraft. Simulationresults are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the two control schemeswith time-delays.An output feedback attitude cooperation tracking control law is proposed byonly using the absolute and relative attitude measurements when there are noangular velocity sensors, and the constant disturbance torque can be overcomed bydesigning the filters with integral term. In addition, the condition of the underictedcommunication topology is proved when the desired attitude only can access to apart of spacecrafts. Based on the above attitude coordination control law withtime-delay, an attitude cooperation tracking control law is proposed without usingexplicit angular velocity, the results of which are also extended to the situation thatcontains the input time-delays of the relative control part, then thedelay-independent and delay-dependent stability conditions are given respectively.The simulation results show that the distributed output feedback control laws canmake multiple formation spacecrafts to track the dynamic desired target and havegood accuracy even without the angular velocity measurements.Based on the relative position dynamics in the orbit reference of the leaderspacecraft, a distributed position cooperation tracking control law is designed,taking into account the effect of the attitude control due to the relative positionamong the spacecrafts in the formation. The stability analysis of the formationsystem is performed under the dericted communication topology. Further more,using the relative positions among the spacecrafts, the desired attitude quaternionand angular velocity can be determined for the requirement of thespecific communication measurement task. Like the above case of attitude controlwith time-delay, a distributed adaptive cooperation control law with communicationtime-varying delays is proposed without any velocity measurements. Numericalsimulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposedcontrollers for the relative position of the spacecrafts in the formation.
