

Study on Model and Technology of Shortcut Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal

【作者】 李燕

【导师】 张雁秋;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 环境工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 传统的生物脱氮除磷技术因其处理成本低等优点而得到广泛应用,但仍存在许多不足之处,如脱氮除磷过程中存在着的矛盾,如基质竞争和泥龄不同等等。反硝化聚磷菌(DPB)具有同步除磷脱氮的特殊功能,在厌氧条件下,反硝化聚磷菌通过分解胞内多聚磷酸盐,合成胞内物质聚羟基烷酸(PHA),储存在微生物体内;在缺氧条件下,反硝化聚磷菌利用胞内物质—PHA,以硝酸盐氮作为电子受体,在缺氧环境下同时进行除磷脱氮。与传统的生物除磷脱氮工艺相比,反硝化聚磷菌能够同步实现脱氮除磷,实现了“一碳两用”的目标,可以节约碳源用量;此外,缺氧吸磷减少了曝气量,节省能源,减少了排泥量。本论文对短程反硝化除磷的机理进行了探讨和研究,对影响短程反硝化除磷的各种因素进行了分析因素等,结合活性污泥动力学模型,提出了短程反硝化除磷释磷、吸磷的动力学模型,并进行了短程反硝化除磷的动力学实验研究。论文根据短程反硝化除磷的特性,结合序批式生物反应器的优点,结合短程硝化、反硝化聚磷理论和内源呼吸等理论,发明了以短程反硝化除磷菌为优势的新工艺条件—单泥系统短程反硝化除磷工艺。进行了短程反硝化除磷的实验研究,分别驯化培养出高效的短程硝化菌和短程反硝化聚磷菌,接种于单泥系统,成功完成了系统的启动和优化运行,取得了较好的脱氮除磷效果,并研究了COD浓度、氨氮浓度、pH等因素对系统的影响。主要研究成果如下:(1)建立短程反硝化厌氧释磷模型:厌氧段释磷与碳源浓度及微生物体内的聚磷含P聚量有关(聚磷为上一个过程中缺氧吸收的TP量),与碳源浓度C的关系符合统一动力学模型。(2)建立短程反硝化缺氧吸磷模型:缺氧吸磷速度和厌氧阶段吸收的碳源量、微生物浓度、混合液中磷浓度有关,吸磷速度与磷浓度P的关系符合统一动力学模型。(3)研究结果表明微生物的释磷活动是一种呼吸作用,是生长性呼吸。当溶液中的碳源被耗尽时,微生物仍然存在低速度的释磷;碳源存在饱和浓度,高于这一浓度,释磷速率达到最大值,此后释磷速度不随碳源浓度而增加;碳源存在临界低浓度,低于这个浓度,释磷速度明显减小。(4)缺氧吸磷时,当NO2--N浓度充足时,在较低的TP浓度下,微生物仍然可以吸磷,显示出一定的吸磷速率,说明生物除磷达到较低的浓度(小于0.5mg/L)是能够实现的。溶液中TP浓度对吸磷速度的影响表现为,TP浓度存在饱和浓度,高于某一浓度,吸磷速度达到最大,此后释磷速度不随碳源浓度而增加。(5)利用反硝化除磷的原理,在“碳与氧隔离、氧化剂与隔离碳、短程硝化节能”的理论基础上,结合序批式生物反应器的优点,构建有利于反硝化聚磷实现的条件,发明了反硝化菌与聚磷共存的单泥系统工艺,建立了可能适用于生产的工艺技术体系。实验研究取得了较好的脱氮除磷效果,出水NH4+浓度是工艺系统的一项重要的监测控制指标。(6)进行了单泥系统的驯化、启动和优化运行,当进水COD浓度100~220mg/L,NH4+为30~40mg/L,TP为4~5mg/L浓度的前提下,系统可以获得良好的脱氮除磷效果,出水指标达到一级A标准。系统可以处理低C/N的污水,最低C/N为2.5;平均DO在0.5~0.8mg/L时,NO2--N累积率在60%左右,平均曝气量为8.5L/h,节省了曝气量;水力停留时间为40h,曝气池容积比33.75%具有节约曝气量、低碳源反硝化、短程反硝化除磷作用明显的特点,适用于低碳源城市污水的的脱氮除磷。

【Abstract】 Conventional biological nutrient removal technology was widely used due to itslow processing cost and any other advantages. But there are still many deficiencies,such as the contradiction existed in the process of denitrification and phosphorusremoval, the substrate competition, different sludge ages, and so on. Denitrifyingphosphorus removing bacteria (DPB) has a special function of biological nutrientremoval. In anaerobic condition, DPB decompose intracellular polyphosphate topower a life activity and synthesis intracellular material poly light alkanes acid (PHA),stored in a microbe. In anoxic condition, DPB use intracellular material PHA thatproduced in anaerobic phase, and utilize nitrate as an electron acceptor, denitrificationand phosphorus removal at the same time. Compared with traditional biologicalnitrogen removal process, DPB realize denitrification and phosphorus removalsimultaneously, achieve the goal of "one carbon source for two uses", save dosage ofcarbon source, furthermore, Absorption of phosphorus in anoxic condition, can reduceaeration rate, save energy, can also reduce the emission amount of sludge.In this research, study on mechanism and influencing factors of short-cutdenitrifying phosphorus removal was conducted, dynamic of phosphorus release andphosphorus uptake was proposed based on activated sludge dynamic model.Based on the characteristics of short-cut denitrifying phosphorus removal and theadvantages of SBR, batch tests on short-cut denitrifying phosphorus removal wereconducted, high efficient short-cut denitrifying bacteria and short-cut denitrifyingphosphorus removal bacteria were domesticated respectively, then inoculated theminto, completed the starting and optimized operation of short-cut denitrifyingphosphorus removal single sludge system. After the starting, study on CODconcentration, ammonia nitrogen concentration and pH of the system was conducted.Principal results are as follow:(1) Anaerobic phosphorus release dynamic model of short-cut denitrifyingphosphorus removal:Anaerobic phosphorus release is related to carbon source and the ratio of P聚inaccumulating phosphorus in microorganism, the relationship between anaerobicphosphorus release and carbon source C in coincidence with the unified kinetics.(2) Anoxic phosphorus uptake dynamic model of short-cut denitrifying phosphorus removal:Anoxic phosphorus uptake speed is related to the absorbed carbon source, micro-organism concentration, and phosphorus concentration in mixed solution. and therelationship between anoxic phosphorus uptake and phosphorus concentration (P) incoincidence with the unified kinetics.(3) It is shown that phosphorus release activity is a respiratory. When the carbonsource is exhausted, microorganism is still release phosphorus at a low speed. There isa saturated concentration for carbon source, if the concentration higher than this, thephosphorus release speed will reach the maximum, thereafter the phosphorus releasespeed will not change along with the increase of carbon source. The carbon source hasa critical low concentration; lower than this, the phosphorus release speed reduceobviously.(4) In the anoxic phosphorus absorption phase, if the NO2--N concentration issufficient and the TP concentration is very low, microorganism still can absorbphosphorus at a constant speed, it is shown us that can be biological phosphorusremoval can be realizated at a lower concentration(0.5mg/L). The TP concentrationhas effect on phosphorus uptake speed and has a saturated concentration, higher thanthis, phosphorus uptake speed will reach the maximum, and thereafter the phosphorusrelease speed will not change along with the increase of carbon source.(5) Based on the principle of denitrifying phosphorus removal, the carbon andoxygen do not present simultaneously, shortcut nitrification efficiency theory and theadvantages of SBR, a single sludge system that in the coexistence of denitrifyingbacteria and phosphorus removal bacteria was invented. A technical system whichapplicable to the production was established, in which the concentration of NH4+ineffluent is an important control index.(6) The domestication, starting and optimized operation of single sludge systemwas carried out in this research, when the influent COD concentration was100~220mg/L, NH4+concentration was30~40mg/L, TP concentration was4~5mg/L, systemcan obtain good denitrification and phosphorus removal effect, the effluent quality canmeet the first class of A standard. System can handle sewage of low C/N and thelowest C/N was2.5.Controlling the dissolved oxygen with the average level0.5~0.8mg/L, NO2--N accumulation rate reached60%. The average aeration rate was8.5L/h,therefore it saved aeration rate. The hydraulic retention time was40h and the volume ratio of aeration pool was33.75%. The system has characteristics of saving aeration,denitrification with low carbon and significant short-cut denitrifying phosphorusremoval. It is suitable for urban wastewater with low carbon source.There were59figures,42tables and172references in this paper.
