
老采空区残留空洞空隙分布规律 研究与应用

Study and Application on the Distribution Law of Old Goaf Residual Cavity and Void

【作者】 张宏贞

【导师】 邓喀中;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 老采空区残留空洞、空隙是影响老采空上方建筑地基稳定性的主要因素,研究老采空区残留空洞和空隙分布规律、建立老采空区残余移动和变形预测模型,对老采空区地基稳定性评价、有害气体分布、煤层自然、地下水运移等都具有重要的理论和实际意义。本论文通过实测资料分析、理论推导,确立了老采空区覆岩空间结构类型,分析并总结了老采空区残留空洞、空隙分布规律,建立了各种覆岩空间结构类型的残留空洞、空隙预测模型。通过理论分析构建了概率积分法修正模型及参数选取原则。最后建立了基于老采空区残留空洞、空隙和概率积分修正模型的老采空区残余移动和变形预测理论及方法。论文的主要研究成果及创新点为:1)根据空洞、煤柱之间的相互关系,在平面方向上,将老采空区覆岩结构类型分为“”、“工”、“伞”型三种基本类型,竖直方向上根据上覆岩层结构及性质又分为:(1)上覆岩层为松散岩土层(土层、风化层等);(2)两端位于煤岩柱、中间悬空的弹性地基梁;(3)砌体梁;(4)两端位于煤岩柱、中间位于垮落岩体上的弹性地基梁四种类型。2)分析研究了砌体梁产生的前提条件为:岩块允许最大倾角、最大有效高度(采厚与直接顶碎胀增加量之差)、直接顶厚度三个条件。3)根据现场实测钻孔数据资料,总结分析了老采空区残留空洞、空隙在水平方向和竖直方向上的分布规律,建立了空洞、空隙量与采厚比和离工作面边界距离的关系,推导了“”、“工”型覆岩结构类型老采空区残留空洞、空隙的理论与简化计算公式;构建了破碎岩块圆假设理论,基于此理论,分析探讨了破碎岩块的碎胀系数、破碎岩块应力与应变关系、破碎岩块弹性模量的计算方法。4)基于概率积分法原理,构建了地表移动和变形的概率积分法修正模型,即视作三个不同主要影响半径(r1、R1、R2)的开采引起的移动变形加权值(1、-1/t1、1/t2);确立了概率积分法修正模型参数选取准则及选取方法。5)建立了基于老采空区残留空洞、空隙和概率积分法修正模型的老采空区残余移动变形预测模型,对老采空区残余移动和变形预测模型参数的选取依据及方法进行了研究。总结分析了半无限采空区、不同煤柱宽度、不同采空区宽度的老采空区残余移动变形规律。同时进行了老采空区残余移动变形和老采空区残留空洞、空隙对邻近工作面开采地表移动规律影响的实例应用分析。该论文有图71幅,表27个,参考文献228篇。

【Abstract】 Residual cavity and void is the main factors affect the stability of buildingfoundation over old goaf. The distribution law of old goaf residual cabity, void isstudied, and the prediction model of old goaf residual movement and deformation isestablished in this paper, which has important theoretical and practical significance forold goaf foundation stability evaluation, harmful gas distribution, coal seamself-ignition, carbon monoxide overflow, groundwater movement etc.. In this paper,by experiental data analysis and theoretical derivation, the spatial structure types ofold goaf overlying strata are established, and the distribution law of old goaf residualcavity and void is analyzed, the prediction formula of residual cavity,void for variousspatial structure types of overlying strata are built. Furthermore, the modified modelof probability integral method is established by theoretical analysis, and theparameters selection principle is given at the same time. Finally, the prediction theoryand method of old goaf residual movement and deformation are set up based on oldgoaf cavity and void and the modified model of the probability integral method. Inthis paper, the main research results and innovations are as follows:1) Based on the relationship between cavity and coal pillar, in the plane direction,the overburden structure tpyes of old goaf are divided into three basic types:“”,“工”,“伞”.According to the strata structure and properties, in the vertical direction,each type can be divided into:(1) overlying strata being loose rock and soil(soil,weathered layer etc.);(2) elastic foundation beam with both ends located at the coaland rock pillar and the suspended middle;(3) voussoir beam;(4) elastic foundationbeam with both ends located at the coal and rock pillar and the middle at caving rock.2) Three preconditions for voussoir beam are studied, including: the maximumallowed inclination of rock, the maximum effective height (mining thickness andimmediate roof broken increase difference), immediate roof thichness.3) According to the measured data of borehole data, this paper summarizes andanalyzes the distribution law of old goaf residual cavity and void in the horizontaldirection and verdical direction, analyzes and builds the relationships of the work-faceborder distance with the ratio of cavity and void volume to mining thickness, and setsup the theorical and simplified calculation formula of old goaf residual cavity andvoid with “”,“工”overburden structure type. Besides, the broken rock’sexpansion coefficient, stress-strain relationship and calculation method are analyzed based on the broken rock circle hypothsis theory which is constructed in this paper.4) The modified model of probability integral method is constructed for surfacemovement and deformation by the principle of probability integral method, that theweighted value(1,-1/t1,1/t2) of movement and deformation are caused by miningwith three different major influence radius(r1, R1, R2). Then, the selection criteria andmethod of the parameters in the modified probability integral method areestablished.5) The prediction model of old goaf residual movement and deformation are setup based on old goaf cavity and void and modified model of probability integralmethod, and its parameters selection basis and method are studied in this paper. Then,the residual movement and deformation law are summarized and analyzed for thesemi-infinite old goaf with different coal pillar width and different goaf width.Meanwhile, example application is studied about residual movement and deformationof old goaf and the surface movement law of the adjacent work-face exploitationaffected by old goaf residual cavity and void.
