

【作者】 高笑霜

【导师】 王跃生;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 人口学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 A群体解放前参加共产党领导的军队,1953年从上海整建制赴长春参加第一汽车制造厂建设,1955年集体转业成为A公司早期主要成员,1960年代南下四川参加三线建设,1970年代末进京至今,历经新中国以来社会变迁和多次迁移。本文通过对平均年龄在85岁以上的A群体的问卷调查和访谈,尤其是通过其50、60年代档案文本的解读,以实证的方式揭示了A群体作为一个被动迁移的生命历程,重点考察了A群体被动迁移所经历的经济、政治和意识形态的人口实践过程,也即一个典型的国家和个人间权力实践的生动过程。迁移的研究是人口学的当然课题,也与社会学紧密相关,本文在关照人口学注重数量统计的基础上,较多使用了社会学、人类学的相关方法,除了基于本文研究的需要,也基于本文关于人口学应当在数量统计基础上关注人口实践过程或生命历程的主张。理论考察和理论假设构成本文研究的主要内容和对A群体实证考察的基础。通过文献综述及对人口迁移概念的谱系式梳理,本文揭示了中国人口迁移理论尚不能满足中国人口迁移的丰富实践的问题。为展开对A群体的考察,本文首先对人口迁移的概念进行了系统的厘清,提出所有的人口迁移首先可以作“主动迁移”和“被动迁移”的区分,提出“被动迁移”是指由国家或社会主导的不可选择的迁移,而传统人口迁移理论是基于“理性人假设”,也可以称之为“主动迁移理论”,无法指导和适用于对被动迁移的研究。在此基础上,本文通过对近现代政治思想关于权力和权利概念的梳理,提出了了本文用以对被动迁移进行考察的国家和个人间权力实践的理论框架:本文所指权力是指基于国家之为国家和个人之为个人即得成立的最基本的权力,它并不依赖某种政体或法律之规定;国家基本权力运行机制包括“权力扩张”、“象征”、“暴力”、“物资”、“实际措施”、“权势人物”等几个方面;个人基本权力运行机制包括“欲望”、“身体”、“同情”、“造神”、“知识”等几个方面;主体间性是国家和个人间权力实践不能摆脱的基本规定,无论国家或个人,其权力运行均从另一方的权力获得依据和加强自身权力的基础,而且自身权力的加强也必然提供另外一方权力加强的基础,在其中没有绝对的主动或被动一方。作为对A群体实证考察的第一步,本文以个案介绍、群体统计以及行业和社会背景的不同视角,对A群体的年龄、生育,A群体的祖父母、父母、子女、孙子女外孙子女等基本情况做了分析。特别是对A群体所在的A公司在建筑业以及国民经济发展中的地位和影响做了分析和介绍,一方面在于揭示A公司作为直接面向A群体的国家权力主体的地位,另一方也在于揭示本文选择A群体作为考察主体所具有的反映全社会人口实践过程的典型意义。在这一部分,同时也揭示了本文何以把A群体作为被动迁移群体的根据。而在此基础上,进一步展开的以A群体生命历程为载体的国家和个人间权力实践考察,是本文的第二个重点,也构成对本文关于被动迁移之国家和个人间权力实践理论假设的回应与验证,不仅对认识A群体被动迁移的人口过程有重要的意义,而且也为基于人口实践来重新审视和界定中国1950年代、1960年代的政治社会实践提供了的新的路径和发现。根据研究过程中对国家权力运行特点的发现,本文从三个方面展开对国家权力运行的实证考察与有关发现的揭示。其一,象征权力和暴力权力的混合实践:揭示了新中国成功确立的象征权力根基是“人民”。成功的把自己塑造为人民的代言人,成为新中国最重要的权力之一。对“人民”之概念的解释成为其象征权力运作的核心机制,也为其它国家权力运作提供给了基础。和人们对“肃反”之类运动“依靠多数人针对少数人”的印象相反,本文发现这类运动的实质是“通过少数人面向多数人”的一种权力过程,并且和象征权力的运行紧密交织运行。其二,物资权力、实际措施权力的综合统治与扩大化:通过对户籍、粮食、供应制度以及劳动竞赛和先进评选等的考察,以及对三反、五反、肃反、文革等的再讨论,揭示了国家权力如何延伸到“田间炕头”,又如何进一步向“一闪念”、向祖宗三代延伸的机制,及国家权力不断扩张的趋势,揭示了“铁饭碗”作为权力博弈产物的实质。其三,权势人物作为权力运作的机制及其变种:通过对A群体的实证考察,揭示了组织的人格化这一新中国权势人物运作的特殊存在,这种发现对传统把“个人崇拜”作为新中国政治的突出弊病的看法提出挑战,认为“组织崇拜”才是新中国政治的特点和弊病。本文对个人权力实践的考察和揭示也是从三个方面展开。其一,欲望的权力和身体的权力作为最活跃的力量:通过对有据可查的档案记载,揭示面对国家权力的个人如何保持以及发展和成长欲望以及身体的权力,懒惰、弄虚作假和性成为几个重要的个人欲望和身体权力运行成长的路径。其二,造神的权力和同情的权力:通过对A群体的实证考察发现,A群体通过对国家象征权力运行的媾合与发展,使自己造神的权力得以迅速成长,这一权力不仅得以辅助他们在当时获得相对舒适的心理生活,也是他们在以后继续向国家主张权力的力量,这种状况也揭示了时至今日仍延续不变的A群体同时代人们对那个时代众口一词的“无私”的神话的精神逻辑。而同情的权力则是近乎和造神的权力同样成功的另外一个权力运行方式,藉此A群体的付出都在子女身上得到必要的回报。其三,知识权力和知识分子与A群体的特殊关系:通过对A群体与知识分子处境的综合讨论,阐述了这样一个思考:使A群体饱受诸多困扰也使A群体收获个人权力诸多成长的国家权力运行模式,来源于对知识分子的改造和不信任,随着国家权力对知识分子的改造的运行方式不得不重新调整,A群体在从国家权力困扰中得以解放的同时,也在逐渐失去他们由其中获得的个人权力的成功。最后,本文集中阐述了本研究的主要贡献或创新:对A群体的抢救性研究;以定性研究的方式关注人口过程即国家与个人权力实践生动的实践过程的主张和尝试;对中国人口迁移迁移研究现状及问题的揭示;的对人口迁移概念的重新建构和被动迁移概念及其权力实践范式的构建;以及基于本文被动迁移权力实践范式展开的A群体考察及重读中国1950年代、1960年代政治社会实践的新发现。

【Abstract】 Group A were from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army led by theCommunist Party of China (“CPC”) before the founding of the People’s Republic ofChina (“the PRC”) in1949; Group A moved in1953from Shanghai to Changchunfor the construction of the First Automobile Works (“FAW”); they were collectivelydemobilized and transferred in1955to Company A and became its early-stage majormembers; they moved south in1960s to Sichuan for the Third Front Constructionwhich was a massive Chinese development of industry in its South-western interior;and they migrated to Beijing in the late1970s and live there until now. In a word,Group A has experienced the social changes and several migrations since thefounding of the PRC. By questionnaire surveys of and interviews with the membersof Group A who averagely are over85years old, especially by theinvestigation and interpretation of the files and documents recording their activitiesin1950s and1960s, this paper empirically describes the life course of Group Aexperiencing passive migrations, and focuses on the economic, political andideological practices experienced by them in their passive migrations, that is, a vividprocess of typical power practices between the state and individuals.Migration is an essential topic in demography and closely related to sociology.Based on the quantity statistics emphasized in demography, this paper also makesmuch use of relevant sociological and anthropological theories and methods, whichis based on not only the needs of the study in this paper but also the opiniondemographic study should pay attention to the population practice course or lifecourse on the basis of quantity statistics.Through the literature review and the clarification of the concept of populationmigration, this paper points out that China’s population migration theory cannotsolve the problems in plentiful practices of population migrations in China. For thestudy of Group A, this paper systemically clarifies the concept of populationmigration, proposes that population migrations can be divided into “activemigrations” and “passive migrations”, points out that “passive migrations” arenon-optional migrations and dominated by the state or society, but the traditional population migration theory, which can be also called the “active migration theory”,is based on the “hypothesis of rational man” and cannot guide and be applied to thestudy of passive migrations.On this basis, by the differentiation of the concepts of “power” and “right” inmodern political thoughts, this paper works out its theoretical framework for thestudy of the power practices between the state and individuals in passive migrations:“power” referred to herein means the most fundamental powers enjoyable by a stateas a state and an individual as an individual, and it is not contingent upon certaingovernmental forms or legal provisions; the operating mechanism of basic statepowers includes several aspects such as “power expansion”,“symbol”,“violence”,“supplies”,“practical measures” and “powerful figures”; the operating mechanism ofindividuals’ basic powers includes several aspects such as “desire”,“body”,“compassion”,“mythmaking” and “knowledge”; inter-subjectivity is the basicprovision that cannot be removed in the power practices between the state andindividuals, either the state or an individual operates its powers based on the powersof the other and obtains the foundation for strengthening its own powers, while onesubject’s strengthening of its own powers will inevitably provides the other subjectwith the foundation for strengthening powers, and there is no absolute active orpassive subject in this process.As the first step of the empirical study of Group A, this paper analyzes the basicinformation of Group A’s ages and maternity and Group A’s grandparents, parents,children and grandchildren from different perspectives such as case studies, groupstatistics, industries and social backgrounds. This paper analyzes and introduces theposition and influence of Company A in the construction industry and the nationaleconomic development. On one hand, this method aims to reveal the position ofCompany A as the subject of state powers directly affecting Group A; on the otherhand, it aims to reveal the typical significance of choosing Group A as the object ofthe study in reflecting the socio-demographic practice process. This part also pointsout the reason why this paper deems Group A as a passively migrated group.On this basis, the further study of the power practices between the state andindividuals embodied in the life course of Group A is the second key point of thispaper and also constitutes the response to and verification of the theoreticalassumption of the power practices between the state and individuals in passivemigrations, which not only has important significance for understanding the population processes of Group A in passive migrations, but also provides newmethods and findings for population-practice-based reexamination and redefinitionof China’s political and social practices in1950s and1960s.Based on the characteristics of state powers operation in the study, this paperconducts the empirical study and reveals relevant findings of state powers operationfrom three aspects. First, combination of symbolic power and violent power: thispaper points out that the PRC’s foundation for successfully establishing its symbolicpowers is “the people” and its successful building its image as the spokesperson ofthe people. The interpretation of the concept of “the people” is the core mechanismfor the operation of the PRC’s symbolic powers and also provides the foundation forthe operation of other state powers. Contrary to people’s impression on “eliminationof counterrevolutionaries” and other similar movements that in such movements“most people are relied upon and a few are targeted at”, this paper finds that suchmovements is essentially a power process of “benefiting most people by fightingwith a few” and closely related to the operation of symbolic powers. Second, thecomprehensive governance and expansion of powers in supplies and powers inpractical measures: through the study of household registration, grain, supply system,labor emulation, selection of advanced individuals or teams and other aspects, andthrough the re-analysis of “Three-Anti and Five-Anti Campaigns”“Political purge ofhidden counterrevolutionaries”“The Cultural Revolution” and other movements,this paper reveals the mechanism by which state powers reaches households andfurther affects “instantaneous thoughts” and earlier generations, reveals the trend ofcontinuous expansion of state powers, and reveals the essence of “iron rice bowl” asthe product of power games. Third, powerful figures as the mechanism and itsvariants of power operation: Through the empirical study of Group A, this paperreveals the special existence of personalized organizations as the operation ofpowerful figures in the PRC, and this finding challenges the traditional perspectivewhich regards “individual worship” as prominent malpractices in the politics of thePRC, and deems it is “organization worship” that is the characteristic andmalpractice in the politics of the PRC.This paper studies and reveals the practices of individuals’ powers from threeaspects. First, the power of desire and the power of body as the most active force: bythe records in well documented files, this paper reveals how individuals facing statepowers maintain, develop and grow the power of desire and the power of body, and laziness, fraud and sex are several important causes for the operation and growth ofindividuals’ power of desire and power of body. Second, the power of mythmakingand the power of compassion: according to the empirical study of Group A, by theinteraction and development of the operation of the state symbolic powers, Group Aenabled the rapid growth of its power of mythmaking, and such power ofmythmaking not only helped Group A live a comparatively comfortable mental lifeat that time, but also drove Group A to continuously demand power from the state atlater time; such condition reveals the mental logic of such mythic “unselfishness” inthe era unanimously as is recognized even until now by the people living in the sameera as Group A. The power of compassion is almost as successful as the power ofmythmaking, and thanks to such power, all the efforts of Group A yield necessaryreturns on Group A’s children. Third, the power of knowledge and the specialrelationship between intellectuals and Group A: By the comprehensive discussion ofthe conditions of Group A and intellectuals, this paper elaborates the followingopinion: Many sufferings by Group A enabled Group A to experience the operationmode of state powers which resulted in the high increase in individuals’ powers; dueto the transformation of and distrust in intellectuals, and with the inevitablereadjustment of the mode of the transformation of intellectuals by state powers,Group A was emancipated from the troubles caused by state powers, but it alsogradually lost the opportunities of successfully gaining individuals’ powerstherefrom.Finally, this paper focuses on the main contributions or innovations of the study:the study of Group A before the members die; proposals and attempts in theempirical study of the population process, i.e., the vivid give-and-take process ofpractices of state powers and individuals’ powers; revelation of the status quo andproblems of the study of China’s population migration; the re-development of theconcept of population migration, and the development of the concept of passivemigrations and the power practice paradigm; and the study of Group A carried out onthe basis of the power practice paradigm in passive migrations in this paper and thenew findings in the re-analysis of China’s political and social practices in1950s and1960s.

【关键词】 被动迁移国家个人权力人口政治
【Key words】 passive migrationsthe stateindividualspowerspopulationpolitics
  • 【分类号】C912.6
  • 【下载频次】170