

On the Youth Political Socialization Problems

【作者】 王少萍

【导师】 苏振芳; 陈桂蓉;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本文以共青团作为实施主体来考察青年政治社会化问题。青年是人类文明生生不息的传承者,随着人类进入21世纪,青年将在社会历史发展进步过程中发挥更大的作用。青年群体的政治素质与政治人格关系到国家政治民主化建设的未来,在当代中国,青年政治社会化是亟需推进的时代主题。本文以历史唯物主义为指导,以共青团引导青年政治社会化的具体实践与政治社会化的相关理论相观照,考察共青团引导青年政治社会化的历史轨迹,分析青年政治社会化的现状与问题,进而提出共青团在新的历史条件下引导青年政治社会化的战略选择。论文以文本解读的方法阐明政治社会化的马克思主义理论渊源,梳理中国共青团引导青年政治社会化在不同历史阶段的具体表现。论文提出,共青团引导青年政治社会化的历史经验主要有,坚持以共产党的指导思想为行动指南,以马克思主义中国化理论成果构建青年的思想基础,适应形势要求和时代特征,及时调整组织形式和工作方式,注重发挥青年政治社会化的媒介作用,广泛组织引导青年,坚持引导青年与服务青年的有机结合,以活动为载体影响青年;共青团引导青年政治社会化的运行机制是以活动为载体的主体间互动,坚持自我教育与社会教育的辩证统一,从而实现政治参与与政治认知、政治认同的良性转化。论文提出,当前青年政治社会化总体状况良好,但也存在问题,一些青年政治认识模糊、理想信念动摇、政治意识淡薄,存在一定程度的认同危机和政治冷漠倾向,政治参与的广泛性有待于加强,参与的不平衡性突出等,问题成因包括青年的自身因素和外在客观因素。自身因素主要有文化教育程度不足,欠缺实践历练,不能有效实现“知行转化”等。外在因素主要有,全球化、文化多样性和信息化带来意识形态的斗争暗流涌动,青年思想和价值观多样性趋势,社会转型和互联网的发展深刻影响青年政治社会化,传统思想政治教育方式有待于创新,网络管理的规范性不足,政治参与渠道有待于拓展等。论文进一步分析当前共青团引导青年政治社会化所面临的机遇和挑战,在此基础上提出,共青团引导青年政治社会化要坚持正确的政治导向,以青年为本,坚持科学化和不断创新的实践原则;新时期共青团引导青年政治社会化,在具体措施上应竭诚服务青年,促进青年对团组织的情感认同,分层次分类别、有针对性地引导各类青年,充分利用新媒体,拓展青年政治社会化途径,有效引导各类青年组织,打造青年政治参与的良性运行机制;在保障机制上,要构建引导青年政治社会化的组织基础,努力完善工作机制和社会协同机制,营造有利于青年政治社会化的文化氛围。

【Abstract】 Take the Communist Youth League as the main body, this dissertation makes an inquiry into the political socialization problems of youth based on the view of historical materialism and materialistic dialectics. Political caliber and personality of the young people is closely related to the future of any nation. Therefore, it is an urgent task to promote the theme of the times--the youth political socialization. By summarizing the basic contents of youth political socialization firstly and excavating the Marxist concept of youth and Marxist theory of political socialization, this dissertation demonstrates the theoretical origins of youth political socialization--Marxism. The historical experience mainly covers the following points:insistence on the leadership of communist party, building the ideological foundation for the young people on the basis of Chinese localized Marxism theory, keeping pace with the times, adjusting the form of organization and way of working promptly, stressing on the media’s function of youth political socialization, organizing the young people broadly and insisting on the combination of guiding and caring for the young people, using the activities as the carrier to influence the young people. A number of ways are adopted to guide the youth political socialization by the Communist Youth League, including ideological and theoretical education, social practice participation, training of organization activities, systematical arrangement for the young people to participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs, typical guidance and exemplary demonstration. The working mechanism of Communist Youth League’s guidance to the youth political socialization is to achieve positive transformation of political participation, identification and recognition through activity carriers’interaction and insistence on Dialectical Unity of self-education and practical education. Through analyzing the current situation and existing problems of youth political socialization, as well as the opportunity and challenge, this dissertation proposes a new time strategy of the political socialization guidance. The paper concludes with a new era guidance proposition, that is, to expand the coverage of the league organizations, to build the organizational foundation to guide the youth political socialization, to establish the mechanism with sound services and good mobilization to young people. Emotional identity of the youth league organizations should be promoted for the young people to guide different levels of youth groups according to their characteristics. Advantage of the network platform should also be taken fully to expand the means of youth political socialization so as to guide all kinds of youth organizations effectively, and to create the benign operation of the youth political participation mechanism.

【关键词】 青年政治社会化共青团引导
【Key words】 Political SocializationYouthCommunist Youth LeagueGuidance
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2822