

The Study on the Balanced-development Appraisal Index for P.E at Schools

【作者】 屈宏强

【导师】 周登嵩;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 义务教育均衡发展问题是近年来教育界的研究热点,本文在对教育公平原则和教育均衡发展理论进行分析和演绎的基础上,阐述了学校体育均衡发展的理论内涵,提出了基于校际层面的学校体育均衡发展的概念,构建了学校体育均衡发展评价指标体系并且进行了实证研究,本文对于丰富学校体育基本理论,促进学校体育均衡发展具有一定的理论与现实价值。本文以学校层面为基点,以河南省中学(初中)作为调查对象,通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法、系统分析法、特尔非法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法对学校体育均衡发展评价指标体系进行了构建与实证研究。理论研究内容主要包括对教育公平原则和教育均衡发展理论的逻辑分析,通过概念演绎与专家访谈阐述了学校体育均衡发展的理论内涵,并提出了校际水平学校体育均衡发展的概念,即“在学校体育工作特定方面共同达到一定基准水平的前提下,不同学校之间在所处的学校体育环境、体育资源配置、体育教育过程以及取得效果上所达到的互相接近与平衡”的学校体育均衡发展概念。在学校体育均衡发展的概念模型上,经过3轮专家调查,建立了由学校体育资源、过程、结果与社会环境4个一级指标、10个二级指标和28个三级指标构成的学校体育均衡发展评价指标体系。在实证研究部分,本文选取河南省作为调查对象,运用所建立的学校体育均衡发展评价指标体系对河南省中学体育均衡发展现状作出了总体与分类评估。主要研究结果如下:1、河南省中学学校体育在区域间、城乡间和校际间三个层面上均未达到相对均衡的发展状态:造成河南省中学体育非均衡发展的主要原因有:河南省各地区之间经济发展水平差距较大,义务教育事业基础不平衡;现行教育政财政策体制不利于教育资源的合理分配,导致学校体育资源配置不均衡;城乡二元结构是造成河南省城乡之间学校体育发展水平失衡的根本原因;学校等级化现象的存在以及学校主体利益倾向不同是导致学校体育校际间发展失衡的主要原因。2、提高河南省中学学校体育均衡发展应从以下方面入手:全省教育系统应树立公平为先的教育发展观、提高对教育均衡发展问题的认识水平、承担起学校体育均衡发展的重要职责;结合省情合理配置教育资源从而实现学校体育资源分配的均衡化;建立和完善学校体育均衡发展评价体系与监督责任机制;建立科学有效的城乡学校体育均衡发展体制;借鉴国际先进经验改善薄弱学校;大力推进区域内“学校标准化”建设,建立校际间学校体育协同发展机制,积极开发校本和地方体育课程突出学校体育特色成果。

【Abstract】 Balanced development of compulsory education issues in recent years, the education sector research focus, the educational principles of equity and balanced development of education theory on the basis of the analysis and interpretation on the theory of balanced development of school sports content is presented based on inter-school level the concept of balanced development of school sports, build a balanced development of evaluation index system of school sports and empirical research, the basic theory of the rich school sports, to promote the balanced development of school sports has some theoretical and practical value, In this paper, the starting point at the school level, to the Middle School (Junior) for the survey, literature, logical analysis, system analysis, Patel illegal, questionnaires, interviews, Mathematical Statistics Law of the school Sports balanced development of evaluation system for the construction and empirical research.Theoretical research mainly includes the logic of the educational principles of equity and balanced development of education theory, the concept of interpretation and expert interviews described the theory of balanced development of school sports content, and put forward the concept of balanced development of inter-school level school sports " under the premise of the specific aspects of the school sports to reach a certain benchmark levels, between different schools in the school sports environment, sports resource configuration to achieve in the physical education process, and achieve results close to each other and balanced "school sports balanced development concept.Conceptual model of the balanced development of school sports, after three expert surveys, the establishment of a school sports constituted by the four-level indicators of school physical education resources, processes, results and social environment,10two indicators and28three indicators balanced development of evaluation index system.In the empirical research section, select the Henan Province, as the survey, use of the balanced development of school sports evaluation index system of the Middle School Sports balanced development of the status quo to make the overall classification assessment. The main findings are as follows:1, Henan Province, middle school physical education in the inter-regional, urban and rural areas and inter-school at three levels did not reach a relatively balanced state of development:to create the main reason for non-balanced development of the Middle School Sports:Henan Province, regional economic a big gap between the level of development, compulsory education, basic imbalance; fiscal policies of the current education governance system is not conducive to the rational allocation of educational resources, the school sports resource allocation is unbalanced; urban-rural dual structure is the cause Henan Province, urban and rural school level of sports development the root cause of the imbalance; the main interests of the tendency of the existence of the phenomenon of grade schools and school is the main cause unbalanced development in the school sports interschool.2, To improve the compulsory schools in Henan Province Sports balanced development from the following aspects:The province’s education system should foster fair and the first education development concept, improve the level of awareness on the problem of balanced development of education, to assume the important responsibilities of the balanced development of school sports; combined with the situation in the province allocate its resources rationally school sports resource allocation in order to achieve equalization; establish and improve the school sports balanced development of evaluation system of supervision and accountability mechanisms; to establish a scientific and effective urban and rural school sports balanced development system; learn from advanced international experience to improve weak schools; vigorously promote the construction of the regional school standardized, established inter school sports the joint development mechanism, and actively develop the sports characteristics of the outcome of the prominent schools of the school-based and local sports programs.
