

Effects of Soil Moisture on Water Use Characteristics and Grain Yield and Quality in Different Wheat Cultivars

【作者】 孟维伟

【导师】 于振文;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 试验于2009~2010和2010~2011小麦生长季,在山东泰安山东农业大学实验农场进行。2009~2010生长季,小麦生育期间降水量为播种至冬前期34.2mm、冬前至拔节期43.1mm、拔节至开花期34.1mm、开花至成熟期37.7mm,总计149.1mm;以济麦22、泰山23和洲元9369为试验材料,设置6个土壤水分处理:不灌水(W0),拔节期和开花期0~140cm土层土壤相对含水量分别补灌至65%和60%(W1)、70%和60%(W2)、70%和65%(W3)、75%和65%(W4)、75%和70%(W5)。2010~2011生长季,小麦生育期间降水量为播种至冬前期2.7mm、冬前至拔节期28.7mm、拔节至开花期117.7mm、开花至成熟期22.9mm,总计172mm;以济麦22、泰山23、洲元9369和济麦20为试验材料,设置6个土壤水分处理:不灌水(W0’),拔节期和开花期0~140cm土层土壤相对含水量分别补灌至65%和70%(W1’)、70%和75%(W2’)、70%和80%(W3’)、75%和75%(W4’)、75%和80%(W5’)。研究了土壤水分对不同小麦品种耗水特性和产量及品质的影响,主要结果如下:1土壤水分对不同小麦品种耗水特性的影响1.1土壤水分对小麦耗水特性的影响两生长季,各供试品种不补灌处理总耗水量最低,总耗水量来源于降水和土壤贮水消耗量的比例最高,表明全生育期不补灌促进了小麦对土壤贮水的吸收利用。补灌处理间比较,2009~2010生长季,济麦22和泰山23W3和W4处理的总耗水量与W5处理无显著差异,显著高于W1、W2处理;土壤贮水消耗量及其占总耗水量的比例高于W5处理,灌水量及其占总耗水量的比例低于W5处理;开花至成熟期的阶段耗水量和日耗水量高于W1、W2处理。洲元9369W3处理的总耗水量与W4处理无差异,显著高于W1、W2处理;土壤贮水消耗量及其占总耗水量的比例高于W4、W5处理,灌水量及其占总耗水量的比例低于W4、W5处理;开花至成熟期的阶段耗水量和日耗水量高于W2、W4处理,与W5处理无显著差异。表明W3和W4处理比W5处理促进了济麦22和泰山23对土壤贮水和开花至成熟期阶段水分的吸收利用;W3处理比W4和W5处理促进了洲元9369对土壤贮水和开花至成熟期阶段水分的吸收利用。2010~2011生长季,各品种W4’处理的土壤贮水消耗量及其占总耗水量比例显著高于W3’、W5’处理,灌水量及其占总耗水量的比例显著低于W5’处理。济麦22和泰山23W4’处理总耗水量与W5’处理无显著差异,高于其他处理;济麦20和洲元9369W3’、W4’和W5’处理的总耗水量无显著差异,高于W0’、W1’、W2’处理。各品种W4’处理开花至成熟期阶段的耗水量和日耗水量高于W0’、W1’、W2’处理。表明W4’处理促进了各小麦品种对土壤贮水和开花至成熟阶段水分的吸收利用。1.2不同小麦品种耗水特性的差异2009~2010生长季,济麦22W1、W2、W3、W4处理的总耗水量、灌水量、土壤贮水消耗量及其占总耗水量的比例显著高于泰山23和洲元9369;开花至成熟期的阶段耗水量、日耗水量高于洲元9369,与泰山23无显著差异;W0、W1、W2、W3处理拔节至开花期的阶段耗水量、日耗水量高于洲元9369,与泰山23无显著差异。表明济麦22对不同来源水分利用能力强,对拔节至成熟期水分利用能力显著高于洲元9369,利于对水分的高效利用。2010~2011生长季,济麦22W0’、W2’和W4’处理的总耗水量、土壤贮水消耗量和灌水量及其占总耗水量的比例显著高于其他品种,降水量占总耗水量的比例较低;越冬至拔节阶段耗水量、日耗水量、耗水模系数显著高于其他品种;拔节至开花期阶段耗水量、日耗水量显著高于泰山23;W2’和W4’处理开花至成熟期的阶段耗水量显著高于济麦20和洲元9369,与泰山23无显著差异。表明济麦22总耗水量中来源于灌水和土壤贮水的比例较高,对不同来源水分的充分利用能力强;拔节至开花及开花至成熟阶段耗水量较高,对拔节后水分的利用能力高于其他品种。1.3不同降水年型小麦耗水特性的差异2009~2010生长季小麦生育期内总降水量149.1mm,各生育阶段分布较均匀,2010~2011生长季小麦生育期内总降水量172mm,各生育阶段分布不均匀。与2009~2010生长季比较,济麦22、泰山23和洲元93692010~2011生长季降水量占总耗水量的比例均显著增加,总耗水量、补灌水量、土壤供水量及其占总耗水量的比例显著降低。济麦22播种至越冬期和拔节至开花期的阶段耗水量、日耗水量和耗水模系数均显著降低,泰山23播种至越冬期、越冬至拔节期和拔节至开花期的阶段耗水量、日耗水量和耗水模系数均显著降低,洲元9369播种至越冬期和越冬至拔节期的阶段耗水量、日耗水量和耗水模系数显著降低。表明2010~2011生长季,播种至拔节降水31.4mm,拔节至开花期集中降水117.7mm条件下,各小麦品种对土壤贮水的吸收利用减弱,降低了补灌水量和总耗水量。不同品种各阶段耗水受不同降水年型的影响不同,越冬至拔节期降水仅31.4mm,泰山23和洲元9369播种至冬前和冬前至拔节阶段耗水量显著降低,济麦22冬前至拔节阶段耗水量较多,利于其对水分的高效利用;拔节至开花期降水117.7mm,济麦22和泰山23该阶段耗水量降低;各小麦品种两生长季开花至成熟期阶段耗水量无显著差异,均高于其他阶段耗水量,利于小麦对开花至成熟阶段水分的充分吸收利用,籽粒灌浆充分。2土壤水分对不同小麦品种碳代谢的影响2009~2010生长季,各品种W3、W4、W5处理花后30d旗叶净光合速率和最大光化学效率均高于W0、W1、W2处理;W4、W5处理花后10d、20d和30d旗叶实际光化学效率高于其他处理。济麦22和泰山23W4处理花后21d旗叶蔗糖含量高于W5处理,花后28d低于W3、W5处理;开花后干物质积累量高于其他处理。洲元9369W3处理花后21d旗叶蔗糖含量与W4、W5处理无显著差异,开花后干物质积累量与W4处理无显著差异,高于其他处理。表明济麦22和泰山23的W4处理、洲元9369的W3和W4处理灌浆中后期旗叶净光合速率、最大光化学速率和实际光化学速率较高,开花后干物质积累量最高,有利于光合产物积累和向籽粒中转运。2010~2011生长季,各品种W4’处理花后20d、30d旗叶净光合速率和花后30d实际光化学效率与W3’、W5’处理无显著差异,均高于W0’、W1’、W2’处理;花后30d旗叶最大光化学效率显著高于W0’。济麦22和泰山23的W4’处理花后14d旗叶蔗糖含量高于W3’、W5’处理,济麦20和洲元9369高于W5’处理;花后21d各品种均低于W3’、W5’处理;开花后干物质积累量高于其他处理。表明各品种W4’处理灌浆中后期旗叶光合速率、最大光化学速率和实际光化学速率较高,小麦开花后的干物质积累量最高,利于光合物质的积累和转运。3土壤水分对不同小麦品种氮代谢的影响2009~2010生长季,济麦22W4处理成熟期植株和籽粒氮素积累量高于W0、W1、W5处理,与W2、W3处理无差异;营养器官氮素向籽粒的转移量和转移率高于W3、W5处理。泰山23W4处理成熟期植株和籽粒氮素积累量高于W0、W1、W3处理;营养器官氮素向籽粒的转移量高于W0、W1处理,与W2、W3、W5处理无差异。洲元9369W3处理成熟期植株氮素积累量与各补灌处理间无差异;成熟期籽粒氮素积累量和营养器官氮素向籽粒的转移率高于W5处理,与W2、W4处理无显著差异。表明W4处理有利于济麦22、泰山23,W3处理有利于洲元9369开花后植株氮素积累和向籽粒转运。4土壤水分对不同小麦品种旗叶相对含水量和水势的影响2009~2010生长季,花后30d旗叶相对含水量和水势,济麦22和泰山23的W4处理高于W0、W1、W2处理,低于W5处理;洲元9369的W3、W4和W5处理无显著差异,高于W0、W1、W2处理。表明济麦22和泰山23的W4处理,洲元9369的W3、W4处理灌浆后期旗叶相对含水量和水势较高,有利于灌浆后期保持较高旗叶净光合速率。5土壤水分对不同小麦品种旗叶衰老特性和根系活力的影响5.1旗叶衰老特性2010~2011生长季,各品种W4’处理旗叶超氧物歧化酶(SOD)活性高于W0、W1处理,花后32d低于W5处理;花后28d和32d旗叶丙二醛含量与W3处理无差异,显著低于W0’、W1’、W2’处理,高于W5’处理。表明各品种W4’处理旗叶SOD活性较高,旗叶膜质过氧化水平较低,质膜受损程度低,有利于延缓旗叶衰老,灌浆期保持较高光合速率。5.2根系活力2009~2010生长季,济麦22和泰山23W4处理开花期根系活力高于W0、W1、W2、W3处理,灌浆期根系活力显著高于其他处理;洲元9369W3处理灌浆期根系活力与W4、W5处理无显著差异,显著高于W0、W1、W2处理。表明W4处理有利于济麦22和泰山23,W3、W4处理有利于洲元9369灌浆中后期对水分和养分的吸收利用。2010~2011生长季,济麦22和济麦20W4’处理开花期和灌浆期根系活力显著高于W0’、W1’、W2’、W3’处理;泰山23开花期与W2’、W3’处理无差异,灌浆期显著高于W3’、W5’处理;洲元9369开花期高于W0’、W1’、W2’、W3’处理,灌浆期与W3’、W5’处理无显著差异,均高于W0’、W1’、W2’处理。表明各品种W4’处理开花期和灌浆期根系活力较高,利于小麦在灌浆期对水分和养分的吸收利用。6土壤水分对不同小麦品种籽粒产量、水分利用效率和灌溉效益的影响6.1土壤水分对小麦籽粒产量、水分利用效率和灌溉效益的影响2009~2010生长季,济麦22和泰山23W4处理籽粒产量最高,水分利用效率与W2、W3、W5处理无差异,高于W0、W1处理;灌溉效益与W2处理无显著差异,高于W3和W5处理。洲元9369W3处理籽粒产量和水分利用效率与W4处理无显著差异,均高于W0、W1、W2处理,灌溉效益显著高于W4处理。表明本试验条件下,W4处理是济麦22和泰山23,W3处理是洲元9369分别获得高产高效的最优处理。2010~2011生长季,各品种W4’处理籽粒产量和水分利用效率最高,灌溉效益显著高于W3’、W5’处理,是各小麦品种获得高产高效的最优处理。6.2不同小麦品种籽粒产量和水分利用效率的差异2009~2010生长季,济麦22各处理的籽粒产量和W0、W1、W4处理的水分利用效率显著高于泰山23和洲元9369,泰山23W2、W3、W4、W5处理的籽粒产量和水分利用效率高于洲元9369。2010~2011生长季,济麦22各处理的籽粒产量和水分利用效率均最高,济麦20和泰山23次之,洲元9369最低。济麦22籽粒产量最高、水分利用效率较高,是本试验条件下高产高水分利用效率品种;泰山23和济麦20籽粒产量和水分利用效率较高,是本试验条件下高产较高水分利用效率品种;洲元9369籽粒产量和水分利用效率较低,是本试验条件下较低产低水分利用效率品种。7土壤水分对不同小麦品种籽粒品质的影响2009~2010生长季,各品种W3处理籽粒蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、面团稳定时间高于W4、W5处理,蛋白质产量高于W0、W1处理,是各品种品质较优处理。2010~2011生长季,济麦22W3’、W4’处理和泰山23W3’、W5’处理湿面筋含量较高,面团稳定时间最长,品质较优;济麦20W2’、W4’处理和洲元9369W2’、W3’处理湿面筋含量最高,面团稳定时间最长,品质最优。综合籽粒产量、水分利用效率、灌溉效益和品质,2009~2010生长季,拔节期和开花期0~140cm土层土壤相对含水量分别补灌至75%、65%的W4处理是济麦22和泰山23高产高效的处理,分别补灌至70%、65%的W3处理为洲元9369高产优质高效处理。2010~2011生长季,拔节期和开花期0~140cm土层土壤相对含水量均补灌至75%的W4’处理是济麦22、泰山23和洲元9369高产高效处理,是济麦20高产优质高效处理。品种间比较,济麦22籽粒产量和水分利用效率显著高于其他品种,是高产高效品种。济麦20籽粒产量和水分利用效率较高,蛋白质含量与洲元9369无显著差异,显著高于济麦22和泰山23,蛋白质产量最高,面团稳定时间最长,品质最优,是本试验条件下高产优质高效品种。

【Abstract】 The experiment was carried out in Shandong Agricultural University Experimental Farm.In2009~2010wheat growing season, during the growing period, the precipitation was34.2mm (sowing to pre-wintering),43.1mm(pre-wintering to jointing stage),34.1mm(jointing stage to anthesis),37.7mm(anthesis to maturity stage) and total was149.1mm. Threewheat cultivars were used including jimai22、taishan23and zhouyuan9369. Six treatmentsapplied in the experiment were with no irrigation during the whole growth stage(W0), the rthe relative soil moisture contents of0~140cm soil layers were65%and60%(W1),70%and60%(W2),70%and65%(W3),75%and65%(W4),75%and70%(W5) in jointing stage andanthesis. In2010~2011wheat growing season, during the growing period, the precipitationwas2.7mm (sowing to pre-wintering),28.7mm(pre-wintering to jointing stage),117.7mm(jointing stage to anthesis stage),22.9mm(anthesis stage to maturity stage) and total was172mm. Four wheat cultivars were used including jimai22, jimai20, taishan23and zhouyuan9369.Six treatments applied in the experiment were with no irrigation during the whole growthstage (W0’), t the relative soil moisture contents of0~140cm soil layers were65%and70%(W1’),70%and75%(W2’),70%and80%(W3’),75%and75%(W4’),75%and80%(W5’) in jointing stage and anthesis. The effect of soil-moisture on water consumptioncharacteristics, grain yield and quality on different wheat cultivars was studied by usingrandomized block design. The results as follow:1. Effects of soil-moisture on water consumption characteristics in different wheatcultivars1.1Effects of soil-moisture on water consumption characteristicsIn the two seasons, for a single species, total water consumption amount of W0was thelowest, but the rates of the precipitation and soil-moisture to total water consumption amountwere the highest. It indicated that the wheat consumed more soil moisture in the whole growthstage than others. Compared among the supplemental irrigation based on measured soilmoisture treatments, in2009~2010wheat growing season, for jimai22and taishan23, thetotal water consumption amount of W4was significantly higher than that of W1and W2.Thesoil-moisture consumption amount and the proportion of soil water consumption amount tototal water consumption amount of W4was significantly higher than that of w5. During anthesis to maturity, the total water consumption amount and daily water consumption amountof W4were higher than that of w1and w2. For zhouyuan9369, the total water consumptionamount of w3was no difference compared with w4, but higher than that of w1and w2. Theirrigation amount and the proportion of irrigation amount to total water consumption amountwere lower than w4and w5; the soil-moisture consumption amount and the proportion ofsoil water consumption amount to total water consumption amount were higher than that ofW4and W5. The total water consumption amount at stage from anthesis to maturity and dailywater consumption amount were higher than that of W2and W4. For jimai22and taishan23,the results above suggested that W4in favor of wheat using different sources of water of0~140cm soil layer. The total water consumption amount at stage from anthesis to maturityand anthesis to maturity, daily water consumption amount and water consumption percentagewere higher than others. And it made the wheat to use water efficiently. For W3ofzhouyuan9369, the wheat consumed more soil-moisture than W5. The water consumptionamount at stage from jointing stage to anthesis and anthesis to maturity, daily waterconsumption amount and water consumption percentage were higher than others. And it madethe wheat to use water came from soil-moisture efficiently. It indicated that W3and W4promoted the soil-moisture use efficiency and water use efficiency at stage from anthesis tomaturity of jimai22and taishan23; W3promoted the soil-moisture use efficiency and wateruse efficiency at stage from anthesis to maturity of zhouyuan9369.In2010~2011wheat growing season, for a single species, the total water consumptionamount of W4’which obtained the highest grain yield was higher than that of W1’,W2’,W3’,and the consumption amount of soil-moisture was higher than that of W3’and W5’. Forjimai22, jimai20and zhouyuan9369, the water consumption amount at stage from anthesis tomaturity and daily water consumption amount of W4’ were higher than that of W1’ and W2’,but lower than that of W3’and W5’. For all of the cultivars the water consumption amount anddaily water consumption amount of W4’ were higher than that of W0’, W1’ and W2’. Itindicated that W3’ promoted the soil-moisture use efficiency and water use efficiency at stagefrom anthesis to maturity of all wheat cultivars.1.2Differences of water consumption characteristics of different wheat cultivarsIn2009~2010wheat growing season, compared regime W1、W2、W3、W4, the totalwater consumption amount, irrigation amount, soil moisture content consumption amount andit’s ratio to total water consumption amount of jimai22were significantly higher than that oftaishan23and zhouyuan9369. The water consumption amount at stage from pre-wintering to jointing, water consumption amount per day and water consumption percentage were higherthan those of zhouyuan9369, but no difference between taishan23and jimai22. For W0、W1、W2、W3, the water consumption amount at stage from jointing to anthesis, water consumptionamount per day were higher than those of zhouyuan9369, but no difference between taishan23and jimai22. The water consumption amount at stage from anthesis to maturity, waterconsumption amount per day were higher than those of zhouyuan9369, but no differencebetween taishan23and jimai22. It indicated that the capability of jimai22of using water ofdifferent resources was high. And the capability of using water was higher than that ofzhouyuan9369during jointing-maturity, which promoted the water use efficiency.In2010~2011wheat growing season, for W0’,W2’ and w4’, the total waterconsumption amount, soil moisture content consumption amount, irrigation amount and it’sratio to total water consumption amount of jimai22were higher than other three cultivars. Theratio of precipitation to total water consumption amount was low. The water consumptionamount at stage from pre-wintering to jointing, water consumption amount per day and waterconsumption percentage of jimai22were significantly higher than those of other threecultivars’. The water consumption amounts at stage from jointing to anthesis of jimai22weresignificantly higher than those of taishan23. For W2’ and w4’, the water consumption amountat stage from anthesis to maturity was significantly higher than that of jimai20andzhouyuan9369, but no difference between taishan23.The results suggested that the ratio ofirrigation and soil storage water to total water consumption amount of jimai22was high,which promoted the use of water from different sources. The water consumption amounts atstage from jointing to anthesis and anthesis to maturity of jimai22were higher than others’.Both of them increased the water use efficiency in jointing and filling stage and the capabilityof using water after jointing was higher than that of other cultivars’.1.3Differences of water consumption characteristics in different precipitation patternIn2009~2010wheat growing season, the total precipitation amount which distributedevenly was149.1mm. In2010~2011wheat growing season, the total precipitation amountwhich distributed unevenly was172mm.Compared with2009~2010wheat growing season, in2010~2011wheat growingseason, the ratio of precipitation amount to total water consumption amount ofjimai22,taishan23and zhouyuan9369increased significantly. The total water consumptionamount, irrigation amount, soil water consumption amount and it’s ratio to total waterconsumption amount decreased significantly. The water consumption amounts at stage from sowing to pre-wintering and jointing to anthesis, water consumption amount per day andwater consumption percentage of jimai22decreased significantly. The water consumptionamounts at stage from sowing to pre-wintering, pre-wintering to jointing and jointing toanthesis, water consumption amount per day and water consumption percentage of taishan23decreased significantly. The water consumption amounts at stage from sowing topre-wintering, pre-wintering to jointing, and water consumption amount per day and waterconsumption percentage of zhouyuan9369decreased significantly. The results suggested that,in2010~2011wheat growing season, when the precipitation amount was31.4mm atpre-wintering to jointing and was117.7mm at jointing to anthesis, soil water consumptionamount, supplemental irrigation amount and total water consumption amount decreased. Theeffect of precipitation pattern on water consumption was different. The precipitation amoutwas31.4mm, and the precipitation amount what inhibited the plant growth weakened thecapability of use soil moister, and decreased the stage water consumption amount of taishan23and zhouyuan9369. And it which was benefit for wheat to consume water increased thecapability of soil moister absorption and stage water consumption amount of jimai22. Whenthe precipitation amount was117.7mm at jointing to anthesis, the relative soil water contentincreased and the stage water consumption amount of taishan23and jimai22lowered. Therewas no difference in stage water consumption amount in the two seasons at anthesis-maturity,which was benefit for water absorption and grain filling.2. Effects of soil moisture on carbon metabolism in different wheat cultivarsIn2009~2010wheat growing season, the photosynthetic rate of flag leaf and maximumphotochemical efficiencies of flag leaf (Fv/Fm) at30d after anthesis of W4had no significantdifference compared with W3,W5, but were higher than W0,W1,W2. The actualphotochemical efficiencies of flag leaf (ΦPSII)at10d,20d,30d after anthesis was the highestamong all treatments except W5. For jimai22and taishan23, the sucrose content of flag leaf at21d after anthesis had no significant difference compared with W3, but were higher than W5;and at21d after anthesis, were lower than W3,W5. The dry matter that stored in vegetativeorgans transported to grains was lower than W0,W1,W2. The dry matter assimilated amountafter anthesis and contribution to kernel was the highest among all treatments. Forzhouyuan9369, the sucrose content of flag leaf of W3at21d after anthesis had no significantdifference compared with W3, W5. The dry matter assimilated amount after anthesis of W3was the highest among all treatments except W4. Those indicated that W4for jimai22andtaishan23and W3, W4for zhouyuan9369, the photosynthetic rate of flag leaf and maximum photochemical efficiencies of flag leaf (Fv/Fm) and actual photochemical efficiencies of flagleaf (ΦPSII) were high at late grain filling stages. The dry matter assimilated amount afteranthesis was the highest among all treatments and contribution to kernel was high. It wasencouraged to higher photosynthetic matter accumulation and transportation.In2010~2011wheat growing season, for a single species, both of the photosyntheticrate of flag leaf at20d and30d after anthesis and the actual photochemical efficiencies of flagleaf (ΦPSII)at30d after anthesis of W4’had no significant difference compared with W3’,W5’;were higher than W0’,W1’,W2’. The maximum photochemical efficiencies of flag leaf(Fv/Fm) at30d after anthesis was only higher than W0’. For jimai22and taishan23, thesucrose content of flag leaf at14d after anthesis of W4’ was higher than W3’and W5’. Forjimai20and zhouyuan9369, the sucrose content of flag leaf at14d after anthesis of W4’ wasonly higher than W5’. The sucrose content of flag leaf at21d after anthesis of W4’ for all thewheat cultivars was lower than W3’and W5’. Those indicated that the photosynthetic rate offlag leaf, maximum photochemical efficiencies of flag leaf (Fv/Fm) and actual photochemicalefficiencies of flag leaf (ΦPSII) of W4’ were high. The dry matter assimilated amount afteranthesis was the highest among all treatments and the contribution to kernel was high. It wasencouraged to higher photosynthetic matter accumulation and transportation.3Effects of soil moisture on nitrogen metabolism in different wheat cultivarsIn2009~2010wheat growing season, for jimai22, the plant and grain nitrogenaccumulation amounts in maturity stage were higher than W0, W1, W5. Nitrogen stored invegetative organs transportation mounts and ratio of W4in maturity stage were higher thanW3, W5. For taishan23, the plant nitrogen accumulation amounts in maturity stage of W4were higher than W0, W1, W3. Nitrogen stored in vegetative organs transportation mounts ofW4were higher than W0、W1, had no significant difference compared with W2, W3, W5. Forzhouyuan9369, grain nitrogen accumulation amounts and the ratio of nitrogen stored invegetative organs transportation in maturity stage were higher than W5. Those indicated thatW3and W4encouraged nitrogen accumulation and transportation of jimai22,taishan23andzhouyuan9369, respectively.4Effects of soil moisture content on relative water content and water potential of flagleaf in different wheat cultivarsIn2009~2010wheat growing season, for jimai22and taishan23, the water content andwater potential of flag leaf at30d after anthesis of W4were lower than W5, but higher thanW0, W1, W2. For zhouyuan9369, the water content and water potential of flag leaf at30d after anthesis of W4were higher than W0, W1and W2. It indicated that water content andwater potential of flag leaf of W4for jimai22and taishan23, and W3, W4for zhouyuan9369were high at grain filling stages, which kept the photosynthetic rate of flag leaf high.5Effects of soil moisture content on flag leaf senescence and root activity in differentwheat cultivars5.1Flag leaf senescence after anthesis in different wheat cultivarsIn2010~2011wheat growing season, for a single species, flag leaf SOD activity ofW4’was higher than W0’ and W1’ during the growing period, but was lower than W5’ at30dafter anthesis. And the MDA content had no significant difference among the treatments. Butit that higher than W5’was significantly lower than W0’, W1’ and W2’. The results aboveindicated that, under the condition of this experiment, flag leaf SOD activity of W4’was high,which was beneficial to delay the senescence of flag leaf and kept the photosynthetic rate offlag leaf high.5.2root activity in different wheat cultivarsIn2009~2010wheat growing season, the root activity decreased gradually during thegrowing period. The root activity at anthesis stage of W4was higher than that of W0, W1, W2and W3. And it was higher than that of W5at grain filling stages. The results indicated that,under the condition of this experiment, treatment W4was favorable for jimai22andtaishan23, and W3, W4was favorable for zhouyuan9369to enhance water and nutrients useefficiency.In2010~2011wheat growing season, for jimai22and jimai20, the root activity ofW4’at anthesis and grain filling stages was higher than that of W0’, W1’, W2’ and W3’. Fortaishan23it was higher than that of W3’and W5’at grain filling stage. For zhouyuan9369, itwas higher than that of W0’, W1’, W2’and W3’ at anthesis, and was higher than that of W0’,W1’and W2’at grain filling stage. The results indicated that treatment W4’ increased the rootactivity at anthesis and grain filling stage, which was favorable for enhancing water andnutrients use efficiency.6Effects of soil water content on grain yield and water use efficiency6.1Effects of soil water content on grain yield and water use efficiencyIn2009~2010wheat growing season, for jimai22andtaishan23, the grain yield was thehighest. And water use efficiency of W4was higher than that of W0and W1. The irrigationbenefit (IB) of W4was higher than that of W3and W5. For zhouyuam9369, the grain yieldand water use efficiency of W3had no significant difference compared with W4, but were higher than that of W0, W1and W2. The irrigation benefit (IB) of W3was higher than that ofW4. The results indicated that treatment W4of jimai22and taishan23and W3ofzhouyuan9369was considered optimal supplemental irrigation treatment.In2010~2011wheat growing season, for all of the cultivars, the grain yield and wateruse efficiency of W4’was the highest among all treatments. The irrigation benefit (IB) ofW4’was higher than those of W3’and W5’. W4’ was considered optimal supplementalirrigation treatment.6.2Difference of the grain yield and water use efficiency in different wheat cultivarsIn2009~2010wheat growing season, for jimai22, the grain yield of all treatments andwater use efficiency of W0, W1and W4were significantly higher than those of taishan23andzhouyuan9369. Under the condition of W2, W3, W4and W5, the grain yield and water useefficiency of taishan23were higher than those of zhouyuan9369. In2010~2011wheatgrowing season, both of the grain yield and water use efficiency of jimai22were the highestamong all the wheat cultivars, the second was those of jimai20and taishan23, and the lastwas zhouyuan9369.It was said that, under the two experimental conditions, both of the grain yield and wateruse efficiency of jimai22were the highest among all the wheat cultivars. So jimai22was thehighest yield and water use efficiency wheat cultivar. The second was jimai20and taishan23,and the last was zhouyuan9369.7Effects of soil moisture on grain quality in different wheat cultivarsIn2009~2010wheat growing season, the grain protein content of W3had no significantdifference compared with W4and W5. And the grain protein yield was higher than that of W0and W1. The quality was high. So W3was considered optimal supplemental irrigationtreatment. In2010~2011wheat growing season, the dough stability time of jimai22forW3’and W4’and of taiahan23for W3’and W5’was the longest. The dough stability time ofjimai20for W2’and W4’and of zhouyuan9369for W2’and W3’ was the longest.Comprehensive consideration of grain yield, irrigation benefit, quality and water useefficiency, in2009~2010wheat growing season, W4which the relative soil moisture contentwas75%at jointing stage and65%at anthesis stage for jimai22and taishan23was consideredthe optimal supplemental irrigation treatment. For zhouyuan9369, W3which the relative soilmoisture content was70%at jointing stage and65%at anthesis stage was considered optimalsupplemental irrigation treatment. In2010~2011wheat growing season, treatment W4’whichthe relative soil moisture content was75%at jointing stage and65%at anthesis stage was the best treatment which obtained the high yield and efficiency treatment for jimai22,taishan23and zhouyuan9369, and was the best treatment which obtained the high yield and efficiency,good quality for jimai20.Compared among the cultivars, jimai22which grain yield and water use efficiency weresignificantly higher than those of jimai20, taishan23and zhouyuan9369was considered as thehighest yield and high efficiency wheat cultivars. Jimai20which grain yield and water useefficiency were significantly higher than those of taishan23and zhouyuan9369and obtainedthe highest protein yield, longest dough stability time and best grain quality was considered asthe good quality, high grain yield and high efficiency wheat cultivars.
