

The Research of Mao Zedong Water Conservancy Thought and the Contemporary Value

【作者】 王琳

【导师】 邸敏学;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在全球气候变化和大规模自然开发双重因素的交织作用下,中国水资源形势更加严峻,水旱灾害频发,对国民经济发展和人民群众生活造成了极大的影响。研究毛泽东水利思想,总结毛泽东等老一辈国家领导人在全国百废待兴,自然灾害频发和经济发展落后的历史条件下,如何发展水利事业,治理大江大河的经验,对于重新思考水资源与环境、经济和人口的关系,更好地指导当前治水实践,完善水利建设具有重要意义。由于毛泽东并未就水利思想做过系统的论述,因此,本文以毛泽东水利思想的发展脉络为主线,通过充分搜集毛泽东水利言论和水利实践资料,在考察其形成的理论渊源和历史实践的基础上,提炼了毛泽东水利思想的主要内容和特点,深入总结了它的历史作用,并对我国当代水利建设提出若干建议,对毛泽东水利思想进行了系统的研究。全文共分为五章:第一章,首先对毛泽东思想和毛泽东水利思想两个重要概念进行了界定,在此基础上,从毛泽东所处的社会环境和所受的文化教育角度出发,总结了其水利思想来源于两方面,即马克思、恩格斯的生态观和中国传统治水思想与实践,毛泽东正是受这两方面思想的影响和熏陶,在早期的革命战争时期形成了毛泽东水利思想的萌芽和雏形。第二章,论述了毛泽东在充分认识水的基础上,认为应辩证地看待水利和水害的关系,并提出水利是农业的命脉等科学论断。毛泽东始终将治水作为兴国安邦的大事对待,在建国初期便提出了防洪为主、全面开发,统筹兼顾、综合利用,调查研究、重视科学等合理用水的治水思想与方针,在指导水利实践的过程中,其水利思想得到不断发展与完善。第三章,在整体总结毛泽东水利思想内容的基础上,根据毛泽东长期的治水实践,通过提炼总结,提出了毛泽东由小到大,量力而行;一以贯之,高度重视;尊重群众首创精神三个重要的治水特点,并通过具体事例进行了科学论证。这三个重要特点是贯穿于毛泽东治水实践始终的,从他青年时代兴修小型水利工程到晚年治理大江大河,修建大型水库的实践,无一不体现着这三个特征。第四章,纵观毛泽东在革命战争年代和新中国经济建设时期,其治水实践自始至终遵循实事求是的原则,赋予了不同时代各异的治水思想,是我党水利建设的宝贵财富,对指导我国生态文明建设有着重要指导作用。而且毛泽东水利思想对当时的经济社会发展起到了积极的促进作用,本文通过一系列数据资料进行了论述。同时,本文也指出毛泽东水利思想是特定历史条件下的产物,应该用历史的发展的眼光看待它。第五章,毛泽东水利思想有重要的时代意义,更对当前的水利建设有着指导意义,因此本文从毛泽东水利思想中总结出其对当今水利建设与治水文化,以及对合理利用水资源,达到人水和谐的指导意义与重要启示。本文的创新之处有三。一是在综合学界研究成果的基础上,结合中国革命和建设过程中水利建设的实际,明确提出毛泽东水利思想源于传统的中国治水思想和马克思、恩格斯自然观,是适合中国国情的水利思想;二是通过对不同时期毛泽东关于水利建设的论述和实践,系统总结了毛泽东水利思想的主要内容,高度概括了毛泽东水利思想的特点;三是以经济效益为标准衡量了建国以来在毛泽东的指导下兴建和重修的水利工程所发挥的效益,并且在灌溉、发电、水土保持等方面进行了不同省份的比较。

【Abstract】 Water is the source of life, the key of production and the base of ecology, which is the necessary material resource of human life. Currently, under the dual factors of global climate change and the development of large-scale natural intertwined, the Chinese water resource situation will be even more severe, furthermore, floods and droughts are still frequent, all of which will cause a great deal of influence on national economic development and people’s living. So it has important practical significance to research how to break the bottleneck of the water resources for economic development Water conservancy construction guidance by Mao Zedong and other leaders in the old society riddled and the poor and weak China had played an important role. Through the studying of Mao Zedong Water thought and summing up the experiences of older generation leaders like Mao Zedong how to develop water conservancy and govern of major rivers in the frequent natural disasters and economic development of backward historical conditions, we can learn from them and rethink the relationship between water resources and the environment, economy and population, thus do better to guide the current water management practices and improve water conservancy construction.Because Mao himself hadn’t analyzed his water thought systematically, so this paper will lay the development of Mao Zedong Water thought as main line. Through the full collecting Mao Zedong’s speech and practice information about water, and at the base of examining its theoretical origins and historical practice, we will refine the main contents and characteristics of Mao Zedong Water thought. Through in-depth summarizing of its historical role, we can carry out a number of proposals of contemporary water conservancy construction in China and do a systematic study of Mao Zedong Water thought. The full text is divided into five chapters:The first chapter, we firstly define the two important concepts of Mao Zedong Thought and Mao Zedong water thought. On this basis, starting from the social environment and cultural and educational point of Mao Zedong, we summe up his water thought from two aspects, they are Marx and Engels’ Ecological Thought and Chinese traditional water management thought and practice. Influenced by these two aspects, Mao Zedong water thought had germinated in the early Revolutionary War Period.The second chapter discusses that on the basis of full understanding of the water, Mao Zedong considered that we should have a dialectical view of the relationship of water conservancy and water damage, and the Water is the lifeblood of agriculture. Mao Zedong always treated flood event as the first importance. He proposed a series of water control ideas and approaches in the early years, such as comprehensive utilization of research, emphasis on scientific and rational use of water. In the process of guiding water practice, his water conservancy thought had been developed and improved continuously.The third chapter, Chapter III, with the overall summary of Mao Zedong Water Thought, according to Mao Zedong’s long-term water management practice; we refine three important water control features and make the scientific proof through specific examples. These three important characteristics are throughout the Mao Zedong water management practice, from the small water conservancy projects in his youth to the construction of large reservoirs in his old age.The fourth chapter, throughout the revolutionary war and China’s economic construction period, Mao Zedong’s water management practice always followed the principle of seeking truth from facts and given the different flood thoughts, which is a valuable asset for our party of water conservancy construction and has an important role in guiding our ecology Civilization. Mao Zedong Water Thought had played a positive role in promoting the prevailing economic and social development. Meanwhile, this paper also pointed out that Mao Zedong water conservancy thought was the product of specific historical conditions, we should look at it from a developed view.The fifth chapter, Mao Zedong Water thought doesn’t only have an important era meaning, but also has a guide on the current water conservancy construction. So this article will sum up the guiding significance and enlightenment of Mao Zedong water thought about conservancy construction and flood control culture, as well as the rational use of water resources.There are three innovations of this paper. First, the origin of Mao Zedong water thought is divided into the traditional Chinese water management ideas and Marx and Engels’ view of nature; second, through different periods of Mao Zedong’s remarks on water conservancy construction and action, the paper summarizes the characteristics of Mao Zedong Water thought, which is a highly condensed summary of the water thought of Mao Zedong; third, we measure the effectiveness of water conservancy construction and rehabilitation under the guidance of Mao Zedong since the founding of nation by economic benefits, and make the comparison of different provinces in irrigation, power generation, soil and water conservation aspects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】A841;F426.91
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1144
  • 攻读期成果