

The Construction of Theoretical Systems of Chinese Clinical Sport Psychology

【作者】 刘丽

【导师】 石岩;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 临床运动心理学是由临床心理学与运动心理学交叉、融合而形成的一门新兴心理学分支学科,二十世纪八十年代萌芽于美国,本世纪初迅速发展,目前正在向其它国家扩展,并逐步走向成熟。日益加剧的竞技体育激烈竞争使我国运动员、教练员面临巨大压力,体育教学中也存在许多威胁师生心理健康的问题,一些健身者面临许多与运动有关的心理问题,频繁发生的体育暴力威胁着运动者的生命安全以及社会稳定,迫切需要临床运动心理学的研究与服务。但是,目前我国临床心理学与运动心理学的发展现状都不能满足体育运动事业发展对临床运动心理学人才的需要,因此,非常有必要建立和发展我国的临床运动心理学。作为一门新兴学科,它首先面临着学科理论体系建构的问题。因此,审思美国临床运动心理学学科的发展经验与问题,探讨临床运动心理学学科的概念、属性、研究对象、研究功能、研究方法、内容体系、理论基础、专业教育等基本问题是非常必要的。在借鉴和超越美国临床运动心理学学科发展经验的基础上,建构具有中国特色的临床运动心理学学科的内涵与框架,不仅对我国临床运动心理学学科创立与发展具有重要的理论意义,同时也能为我国体育强国战略的实现构筑基本的学科基础,促进我国运动者的心理健康与社会的和谐。本研究综合采用内容分析法、扎根理论法、专家问卷调查法和演绎推理法进行研究。首先,对《临床运动心理学杂志》创刊以来的99篇论文进行内容分析,以了解国外临床运动心理学研究与理论建构的现状,为我国临床运动心理学的建构提供参考;第二,对1981年至2010年期间我国临床运动心理学的680篇论文进行内容分析,以了解我国临床运动心理学研究成果与发展趋势,为我国临床运动心理学建构奠定基础;第三,采用问卷调查法收集70名国内专家学者对临床运动心理学理论体系建构的意见;第四,在以上三方面研究基础上,综合采用扎根理论法、专家调查法和演绎推理法,建构中国特色的临床运动心理学理论体系。研究得出如下结论:临床运动心理学理论体系建构的基础为:(1)学科概念:学者们对临床运动心理学概念界定大都停留在对临床运动心理学家服务对象、职能及所应接受训练的描述上,存在狭义与广义之分,还没有形成普遍认可的统一定义。(2)学科性质:西方和我国学者普遍强调临床运动心理学的临床心理学本质。(3)研究对象:国内外专家学者对临床运动心理学的研究对象的意见存在分歧,一些人主张仅仅关注运动员的严重心理问题,更多的专家学者认为还应关注广大运动员者的心理健康和运动表现;《临床运动心理学杂志》论文比较关注大学生运动员、少年运动员和高水平运动员的运动功能障碍、心理健康、运动功能损害和运动表现发展;我国临床运动心理学研究较多关注高水平运动员、专业运动员、大学生运动员的运动表现发展、运动功能障碍和心理健康,相对忽视其运动功能损害,这种情况近几年有所改善。(4)研究功能:学者们普遍强调临床运动心理学的改变功能,一些学者谈及其描述功能。(5)研究方法:西方研究者广泛采用问卷调查法、访谈法、量表测验法、个案法、实验法、质性研究法进行研究;我国专家学者也主张采用访谈法、心理测验法、行为评估法、生理测试法、个案研究和实验研究方法进行研究,但在实际研究中较多使用理论分析法、量表测验法和问卷调查法,很少进行个案研究、实验研究,近几年实验研究有所增长;国内外许多临床运动心理学研究不符合研究设计与方法学的要求;多元统计分析应用较少,近几年出现增长趋势,未出现元分析。(6)内容体系:尚未有人就临床运动心理学学科的知识结构进行专门论述;Gardner和Moore的《临床运动心理学》由基本理论、评估与诊断、心理干预、特别考虑四个部分组成,但其知识结构不够合理,组织概括化程度不高,各部分知识之间缺乏内在逻辑联系;我国专家学者主张其学科内容体系的建构应围绕研究任务进行,以心理健康与障碍的基本理论为基础,以临床运动心理学实践知识与技能为核心。国外临床运动心理学的研究依次为原理研究、干预研究、现状研究与评估诊断研究,我国临床运动心理学的研究依次为干预研究、原理研究、现状研究、评估研究。(7)基本理论:运动表现整合模型试图从整体上解释运动员运动表现的机制,但它只是一个运动表现的认知、行为和生理模型,不能全面解释运动者心理问题发展的原因与机制;我国专家学者主张整合各种心理病理理论进行临床运动心理学研究;长期以来,国内外临床运动心理学研究绝大多数以认知行为理论为基础;近几年我国理论基础有逐渐丰富的趋势。(8)专业教育:国内外专家学者一致认为临床运动心理学家应接受临床心理学的博士训练,并接受500-5500小时的临床督导,同时接受一定的运动科学训练;我国专家学者认为临床运动心理学专业培训模式应为“科学家——实践者”与“实践家——研究者”的结合;国外的临床运动心理学研究者主要来自心理学院(研究所)和体育学院(研究所),而我国的研究者绝大多数来自体育学院(研究所);近几年,我国来自心理学院(研究所)的研究者有所增多。中国临床运动心理学理论体系建构要点为:(1)学科概念:临床运动心理学是运用心理学的知识和方法,评估、诊断、理解、预测和干预运动者的心理问题,缓解和矫正运动者的心理障碍,维护和促进其心理健康与幸福,优化其运动表现和自我实现的一门学科。(2)学科性质:临床运动心理学是基础理论学科,更是应用学科;兼具自然科学、社会科学和人文学科属性;是临床心理学和运动心理学的有机结合,但更偏重临床心理学。(3)研究问题域:临床运动心理学的研究对象为广大运动者的心理障碍、心理健康与自我实现;研究视野为临床视野,对心理问题与障碍的处理要经过仔细的评估、诊断、研究、预测、咨询或治疗、效果评估;研究问题域为广大运动者的心理障碍、健康性心理问题及发展性心理问题。(4)研究功能:临床运动心理学具有描述运动者的心理问题、解释运动者心理问题产生的原因、预测运动者心理问题的发展、矫正运动者心理障碍和改善运动者心理健康状况与运动表现的功能。(5)研究方法:临床运动心理学的研究方法主要包括个案研究法、流行病学调查法、心理测验法(自陈量表测验、他评量表测验、仪器测试法、投射测验)、实验研究法、元分析法、质性研究法(深度访谈、焦点访谈、实物分析、观察法)等。(6)内容体系:临床运动心理学学科内容体系建构原则主要有:聚焦研究功能原则;综合性原则;理论与实践紧密结合原则;本土化原则。临床运动心理学的内容体系由临床运动心理学的基础理论、临床运动心理评估和临床运动心理干预三部分构成。(7)基本理论:中国临床运动心理学的理论建构要以心理病理理论为基础,整合精神分析、行为主义、认知流派、人本主义、生物学流派的心理病理理论及中国的心理病理思想,聚焦中国运动者面临的现实问题,并采用质与量相结合的研究方法建构心理问题的具体理论。(8)专业教育:临床运动心理学从业人员应接受博士训练;体育学院培养临床运动心理学的实践人员;心理学院培养临床运动心理学的研究人员;医学院培养临床运动心理学的循证管理人员。课程体系由科学思维、临床评估与诊断、临床干预三个模块组成。

【Abstract】 Clinical sport psychology emerged in the United States in1980s which is a sub-discipline from intersection and influence of clinical psychology and sport psychology. It develops rapidly at the beginning of this century. Now, it is extending to other countries and becoming matured gradually. Chinese athletes and coaches are facing a big pressure with the increasing intense competition of competitive sports. Many threats of mental health problems to teachers and students happened in the physical education and some exercisers faced many psychological-related problems. However, the status of clinical psychology and sport psychology can not meet the needs of clinical sport psychologist to sports career. As the reasons above, it is very necessary to construct our clinical sport psychology.Clinical sport psychology, an burgeoning discipline, has to face the problems of its theoretical system building, thus, the examination of the experience in America, the exploration of these basic questions (including concepts, attributes, research objects, research methods, system of content, theoretical basis, and professional education), the attempt to construct the framework and contents of clinical sport psychology discipline with Chinese characteristics are not only a great importance to the development of clinical sport psychology discipline in China, but also lay a solid theoretical foundation to realize the strategy of Sport Power, and then contribute to the mental health of sportsmen and harmonious of society.This paper used the methods of content analysis, grounded theory, expert questionnaire, and deductive reasoning. Firstly, in order to know the worldwide status of clinical sport psychology, it analyzes99papers published in the Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP) since its first issue to provide a reference for the construction of clinical sport psychology; Secondly, it analyzes680papers of clinical sport psychology in China from1981to2010to understand status and development trends of Chinese clinical sport psychology research, and lay the foundation for the construction of Chinese clinical sport psychology; Thirdly, it gathers the views on construction of clinical sport psychology of70domestic experts and scholars by the method of questionnaire. Fourthly, on the basis of the above, using the methods of grounded theory, expert questionnaire, and deductive reasoning, this paper constructs theoretical system of clinical sport psychology with Chinese characteristics by. The following conclusions were obtained.The basis of theoretical system construct of clinical sports psychology is as:1. Concepts:The scholars define clinical sports psychology which stays on description of objects, functions and professional training of clinical sport psychologist. It is not generally accepted by united definition in the viewed of narrow and broad differences.2. Disciplinary nature:The western and domestic experts and scholars generally emphasize on the essence of clinical psychology in clinical sport psychology.3. Research Object:Experts and scholars at home and abroad have different opinions on the research object of clinical sport psychology, some of them only show concern for the athletes’serious psychological problems, most of them think that the mental health and athletic performance of the majority of athletes should also be concerned; papers in Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology are more concerned about the performance dysfunction, mental health, performance impairment, and performance development of college athletes, youth athletes and high-level athletes. Papers on clinical sport psychology in china are more concerned about the performance development, performance dysfunction, and mental health of high-level athletes, professional athletes, and college athletes, but neglecting of their performance impairment, which are improving in recent years.4. Research function:Most scholars generally emphasized on the changeable function of clinical sport psychology, some scholars referred to its descriptions function.5. Methods:Foreign researchers wildly use the methods of questionnaires, interviews, psychometric testing, case studies, experimental and qualitative research. Chinese experts and scholars advocate using the methods of interviews, psychometric testing, behavioral assessment, physiological test, case study and experimental research, but they research with the methods of more theoretical analysis, psychometric testing, and survey in the actual study, seldom using the methods of case studies and experimental studies. Experimental researches are growing in recent years. Many researches on clinical sport psychology at home and abroad do not meet the requirements of the research design and methodology. The multivariate statistical analysis application uses less; no meta-analysis method appears.6. Content system:No one has discussed the content system of the clinical sport psychology. The content system of Gardner and Moore’s Clinical Sport Psychology were composed of four parts, such as theoretical foundations, assessment and classification, interventions, and special considerations, but its structures are not reasonable, and generalization is not high, and is lack of internal logic of contact between various parts. Chinese experts and scholars advocate the construction of content system should focus on its research functions, base on the theory of psychopathology, and put practical knowledge and techniques of clinical sport psychology as the core. The study of foreign clinical sport psychology was in the order of mechanisms studies, the intervention studies, the status quo studies, and evaluation studies, the study of domestic clinical sport psychology in order of intervention study, mechanisms studies, the status quo studies, and evaluation studies.7. The basic theory:Integrated Model of Athletic Performance tried to explain the athletes’ sports performance from the whole mechanism, but it’s just a model of cognitive, behavioral and physiological on athletic performance, can not explain the causes and mechanisms of the psychological problems of sportsmen; Chinese experts and scholars advocated the integration of all kinds theories of psychopathology for the study on clinical sport psychology. The vast majority of study on clinical sport psychology in domestic and international have based on cognitive behavioral theory for a long time, this situation has improved a little in China in recent years.8. Professional education:Experts and scholars at home and abroad agree that the clinical sport psychologist should accept the clinical psychology doctoral training, and500-5500hours of clinical supervision, while accepting certain sports science training; Chinese experts and scholars advocate that the clinical sport psychology professional training model is a combination of "scientist-practitioners" and "practitioners-researchers". Most of foreign researchers are from the school of psychology (institute) and the college of sports (institute), while the vast majority of Chinese researchers are from the college of physical education (institute); researchers from the school of psychology (institute) in China are increasing in recent years,.The key points of theoretical system construction of Chinese clinical sports psychology are as followed:1. Concepts:Clinical sport psychology is the discipline of application of principle and technology of psychology to evaluate, diagnosis, understand, predict, and intervene the sportsmen psychological problems, for the alleviation and correction of their mental barriers, the promotion and maintenance of their mental health and well-being, and the optimization of their athletic performance and self-realization.2. Disciplinary nature:It is the subject that both study theories and practices. Its nature is natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. It is the combination of clinical psychology and sport psychology, but more emphasis on clinical psychology.3. The problem area:The study object of clinical sport psychology is mental disorders, mental health, and self-realization of sportsmen. The research field of view is the clinical perspective, the processing of deal with psychological problems in order of careful assessment, diagnosis, study, predict, consultation or treatment, and the assessment effect. Its problem area was mental disorders, healthy psychological problems, and developmental psychological problems.4. Research functions:The functions of clinical sport psychology are as follows: describing the sportsmen psychological problems; explaining reason and mechanism of sportsmen mental problems; predicting sportsmen mental health, correcting sportsmen mental disorders, promoting and maintaining of their mental health and well-being, and optimizing their athletic performance and self-realization.5. Methods:The research methods of clinical sport psychology including:case study, epidemiological survey, psychological test (self-report questionnaire test, other-report scale test, the instrument test, projective test), experimental method, meta-analysis, and qualitative research (depth interviews, focus interviews, physical analysis, observation) and so on.6. Content system:Constructing principles of content system on clinical sport psychology including:the principles of focusing on research functions, the principle of comprehensive, the principles of closely integrating theory and practicing, and principle of localization. Its content system consists of three parts such as the basic theory of clinical sport psychology, assessment in clinical sport psychology, and interventions in clinical sport psychology. 7. Basic theory:The theory construction of clinical sport psychology is based on theory of psychopathology, the integration of psychopathological theories of psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive approaches, humanistic, biological, and Chinese psychological pathology thinking, focus on the practical problems faced by the Chinese sportsmen. It researches with the methods of combination of quality and quantity to construct the specific theory of psychological problems.8. Professional education:Clinical sport psychology practitioners should accept doctor degree training. Practitioners are trained in School of Sports, Researchers are cultivated in School of Psychology, and evidence-based managers are trained in Medical School. Curriculum system consists of three modules:scientific thinking, clinical assessment and diagnosis, and clinical intervention. Keyword:Clinical sport psychology; Construction of theoretical system; Content analysis

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期