

The Construction of Socialism Core Value System in Medium System

【作者】 唐泽

【导师】 徐建军;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文对媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设进行研究。首先,本文提出了研究的背景、目的和意义,且对国内外相关研究文献进行综合评介。以此为基础,提出本文拟研究的内容、研究思路和创新之处。接下来,仔细梳理了核心价值体系的缘起和发展脉络,并对媒介系统核心价值体系及多元价值景观进行了唯象研究。研究的具体内容有:核心价值体系的概念和性质,我国各个时期的核心价值体系,西方的社会思潮和西方的核心价值观,当代中国社会思潮、当代中国核心价值体系及其两者的基本特点,中外媒介的发展及媒介系统价值观的多元景观,西方媒介系统的核心价值体系。值得注意的是,本文还着重对当前我国媒介系统核心价值观存在的主要问题进行了分析,深入剖析了媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设的性质、意义和目标定位。指出,媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设的本质是建设社会主义意识形态,其意义关涉我国社会主义市场经济建设和国际地位大局;除自身建成核心价值体系外,媒介系统还要承担“宣传队”、“播种机”、“发动机”的社会功能。媒介系统如何建设社会主义核心价值体系是本文要解决的关键问题。为此特从“加强理论学习,树立理想信念,确保核心价值体系建设的社会主义方向”的角度,切入媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设的问题本体,讨论了坚持“二为”方向,增强党性,自觉树立中国特色社会主义理想信念,用马克思主义理论武装媒介系统,以及以中国特色社会主义理论为指导促进民族思想共识,如何用社会主义意识形态引导文化大发展大繁荣等几个方面的问题。接下来,本文讨论了如何弘扬爱国主义精神、改革创新精神和科学精神,以鼓舞民族斗志促进媒介和民族发展的问题。创造性地提出了建设有中国特色社会主义爱国媒介,建设创新型世界大媒介的观点和方法。另外,还密切结合我国现实需要,讨论了如何用爱国主义精神武器与民族分裂势力作斗争,如何利用媒介优势推进国家创新、如何实现媒介系统本身科学发展的问题。如何“用八荣八耻”引领道德风尚建设的问题,提出了以人为本坚持走群众路线,媒介系统应大力贯彻以及推广普及社会主义民主法制观念,践行并大力倡导明义利讲诚信,强调了媒介系统自身职业道德的建设问题。媒介系统如何建设社会主义核心价值体系这一板块的每部分内容,都是按照从理论到实践,从媒介系统内部到外部的顺序展开,实现了目标定位。至此,还须有功能架构和实践策略相配合,方能使媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设方案完备。作者认为在思想政治教育基本原理和现代系统科学指导下完成媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设的功能架构,必须激活主导者,培植媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设主动性;创新渠道,提高媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设灵活性;分析受众,加强媒介系统社会主义核心价值体系建设针对性;优化嵌入,提升媒介系统核心价值体系建设的环境适应性。关于实践策略,作者创造性地提出并详细阐述了建设核心价值体系“四个相结合”的原则性要求,即:突出核心与包容多元相结合,精神行为与制度物态相结合,指导教育与引导培育相结合,贯彻实施与创新发展相结合。

【Abstract】 This essay researches the construction of socialism core value system in medium system.Chapter one introduces the background, goal and the significance of this study, analyzing the domestic and foreign research literature about the medium idea. On the basis of this, this essay puts forward its research content, research methods and theoretical creativity in four aspects. Chapter two and chapter three comb through its origin and evolution of the core value system and study the core value system in medium system and multiple values. The details in this two chapters include:the concept and nature of core value system, the core value system of each period in China, the social thoughts and core values in west, the essential features of the social thoughts and core value system in China, the development of Chinese and foreign media, the multiple values of medium system values and the core value system in western media system.Noteworthy, the last part of chapter three mainly discusses the main problems in the core value of the current media system in China. Then, this essay analyses the nature, significance and target position of the socialism core value system in media system, pointing out that the essence of constructing the core value system in media system is the construction of socialist ideology. It is concerned with socialist market economy and international status of China.The key problem to be solved in this essay is how media system builds the socialist core value system.The theme of this essay is "improve theory study and establish belief, to ensure construction of the core value system of socialist direction ". It first analyzes the problem of ontology in the socialist core value system construction of the media system. It mainly discusses the adherence to "two serves" to enhance party spirit, the establishment of beliefs of socialism with Chinese characteristics, arming the media system with Marxist theory, as well as the ethnic ideological consensus promoted by the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At the end of this part, this essay discusses how to use the socialist ideology to guide the development and prosperity of culture combined with the construction of the core value system.Chapter six discusses how to propagate the spirit of patriotism, reform and innovation and scientific spirit, promote the media and national development with the inspiration of national spirit. This chapter creatively puts forward viewpoints and methods of the building of the socialism patriotic media with Chinese characteristics and the innovative world media. Considering the reality of our country, this essay also makes a discussion about how to use the patriotic spirit weapons to fight with the ethnic separatist forces, how to use media to improve the national innovation and how to realize scientific development of the media system itself.Chapter seven discusses how "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" lead the morality construction problem. This essay puts forward the principle of following the people-oriented mass line. Media system should vigorously implement and popularize the concept of socialist democracy. This section discusses the professional ethics construction of the media system.In the part of "how media system builds the socialist core value system realizes the position target", it analyzes it from theory to practice, and from the internal of media system to the external part. The construction of the core value system has clear thinking and focused ideas.At this point, functional frameworks and practical strategies are required to perfect the socialist core value system construction of media system.In order to finish the task of socialism core value system function construction under the guidance of the basic principle in ideological and political education and modern system science, we must activatite leaders; cultivate the initiation of the socialist core value system construction of media system’s construction; discover innovative methods, improve the socialist core value system construction of media system’s flexibility; analyze the receivers to give strength to the construction of the socialist core value system construction of media system; optimal embed to improve the construction of the core value system’s environmental adaptability. As for the strategy in practice, the author creatively put forward and elaborated the construction of core value system of four combination" principle requirement, namely:outstanding core with multiple combination, the combination of mental behavior and system of guidance education, and the combination of carrying out implement and innovation development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期