

Constructing the System of College Network Mental Health Education

【作者】 姜巧玲

【导师】 胡凯;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 网络技术的飞速发展使一种新的心理健康教育方式——网络心理健康教育发展起来。对于网络心理健康教育概念的完整理解包括广义和狭义两种内涵:一是网络环境下的心理健康教育,二是基于网络的心理健康教育。前者是对网络心理健康教育的广义理解,提出的问题是在网络化的社会环境下,传统的心理健康教育从理念到内容、方法、途径与运行模式如何发展、如何创新,是一种心理健康教育全面体系的构建问题;而后者是对网络心理健康教育的狭义理解,提出的问题是把网络作为心理健康教育的新阵地、新工具、新方法,用以加强和改进传统的心理健康教育,是心理健康教育局部体系的构建问题。本研究在马克思主义理论指导下,运用思想政治教育学、心理学的基础理论,借鉴网络心理学、网络社会学等学科的理论和方法,从高校实际出发,将理论研究和实证分析相结合,在构建基于网络的心理健康教育局部体系的同时,构建起了高校网络心理健康教育的全面体系。本文结合理念和操作两个层面创新研究方法:在理念层面上,全文以辩证唯物主义世界观与方法论为指导,并贯穿了系统科学等基础理论的方法论意义、多学科理论视野和方法论视域,以及对比思辨的研究方法;在操作层面上,本研究吸纳了思想政治教育学和心理学研究常用的一些方法,如问卷调查、个案分析等,从定量和定性两个方面探索研究对象。通过问卷调查和个案访谈等方法,对我国高校网络心理健康教育现状进行了实证分析,发现高校网络心理健康教育工作的突出问题就是,大学生网络心理服务需求强与高校网络心理健康教育现状不能满足之间的矛盾。随着网络心理健康教育实践和研究的进一步深入,有必要构建网络心理健康教育体系:明确网络心理健康教育的理论基础,审视和把握网络心理健康教育的对象、内容和方法,探索网络心理健康教育的实施途径,加强网络心理健康教育的队伍建设,并开展网络心理健康教育的评估。本文在厘清网络心理健康教育概念及其在思想政治教育意义上的四个构成要素后,指出了它不同于现实心理健康教育的五个特点:教育主体非固定化、教育客体更具能动性、教育内容多元化、教育活动具有网络性以及教育方法具有现代性。从网络与大学生心理需求的满足和大学生在网络空间的消极心理体验两个方面阐述了网络对大学生心理健康的积极影响和消极影响,并客观理性地分析了大学生网络心理行为状况及其未来发展。认为高校网络心理健康教育的内容,要充分体现受教育者的需要,以发展性内容为主,要明确大学生网络心理健康的标准,着重培养大学生网络心理素质。本文在继承的基础上创新网络心理健康教育方法,提出“网下”与“网上”心理健康教育相结合的方法。建构高校网络心理健康教育实施的功能系统,提出高校心理咨询网上网下“二元结构”模式,即将网络心理咨询(简称“网上”)与现实心理咨询(简称“网下”)二者结合起来开展心理咨询工作。最后是高校网络心理健康教育的评估。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of network technology, a new type of mental health education developed——the network mental health education. For a complete understanding of network mental health education including two kinds of meaning:the generalized one is the mental health education under the network environment, the narrow one is the mental health education based on the network. The former is the broad sense of network mental health education, in the internet society, how to develop and how to innovate the traditional mental health education from concept to content, means, methods and operation mode, that is a comprehensive system construction of mental health education; While the latter is the understanding of network mental health education in a narrow sense, the network is the position, the new tools and the new methods of the mental health education in the new era, to strengthen and improve traditional mental health education is a part system construction of mental health education. On the basic methods of dialectical materialism, in combination with empirical research, theoretical and system analysis, with the guidance of Marx theory, using the theory and method of Ideological and Political education, Psychology, internet Psychology and Sociology for reference. From the present situation of college’s network mental health education, combining with theoretical research and empirical analysis, constructing a part system of mental health education based on network, at the same time, constructed a comprehensive system of college mental health education.To innovate research methods by combining with two dimensions of the concept and operation:at the concept level, according to the guidelines of the dialectical materialist world outlook and methodology, and through the basic theory of system science methodology, interdisciplinary theory and methodology of comparative thinking perspective; at the operational level, this paper absorbs several commonly-used methods of the Ideological and Political Education, and Psychology, such as questionnaire investigation, case analysis, to explore the research object from the quantitative aspect and qualitative aspect. Through questionnaire investigation and individual interview, etc., the empirical research is carried out about college network mental health education in our country, which found the outstanding problem of the mental health education in colleges in the internet era is the contradiction between college students’strong demands for network mental health services and an unsatisfied state of college network mental health education currently. With the development of practice and study of the network mental health education, it is necessary to construct the system of network mental health education. We should clear the theory foundation of the network mental health education, inspect and control the object, content and method of the network mental health education, build a mode of operation of network mental health education, strengthen the team building of network mental health education, and evaluate the network mental health education.After clearing the concept of network mental health education and the four elements of it in a sense of the Ideological and Political Education, the characteristics of network mental health education are pointed out. We analysis the internet’s positive and negative effects on college students’ mental health from two aspects of the college students’ mental needs and the negative mental experience in the internet space, and analysis the college students’network mental and behavior status objectively and rationally, and future development as well. The contents of college network mental health education should fully reflect the needs of college students, to clear the network mental health standards, focus on the cultivation of college students’ network mental quality. This paper, on the basis of inheritance to innovate the method of network mental health education, puts forward a combined method of offline and online mental health education. To construct the function system of network mental health education, and to implement the "dual structure" model of college counseling, that is, based on their own characteristics and advantages of online and offline counseling, to carry out a certain division and cooperation. The last is the assessment of college network mental health education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期