

On Fairness Thoughts of Marx

【作者】 江胜珍

【导师】 李建华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 马克思公平思想是马克思思想体系的重要组成部分。有关马克思公平思想的内涵外延、理论基础、发展历程的探讨,有助于揭示马克思公平思想的全貌,同时通过探讨其历史定位与当代价值,亦能更好地服务于社会主义建设。马克思公平思想有深刻的科学内涵。马克思一直强调公平的历史性与相对性。从马克思所提出来的生产力决定生产关系,社会存在决定社会意识的一般原理可推导出社会公平是被生产实践所决定的;从阶级社会必然存在不平等现象,从通过无产阶级革命推翻资产阶级的统治走向社会主义社会和共产主义社会可以知道只有消灭阶级才能实现公平;从共产主义社会将不存在生产资料的私人占有制、不存在国家和一切等级组织,将实现人与人在经济、政治上的平等,消除因分工所导致的差异,可以看出共产主义社会将是完全公平平等的社会。马克思公平思想是建立在之前相关理论基础之上的,也经历了三个主要发展阶段。马克思公平思想产生的现实基础是社会上所存在的经济与政治的不平等,主要表现为财富的集中与贫困的增长并存、无产阶级与资产阶级直接对立;马克思公平思想的理论渊源有古典公平思想和自由主义公平思想、黑格尔与费尔巴哈的公平思想、空想社会主义的公平思想等;马克思公平思想的发展历程是以《莱茵报》时期、巴黎时期为界而划分为三个阶段,在这三个阶段中马克思分别扮演着追求人类幸福的民主斗士、追求公平的人道主义者和基于历史唯物主义的公平批判与重建者三种角色。马克思公平思想有经济、政治和道德等三个维度。马克思经济公平思想是从劳动与经济关系当中逐渐推导出来的,深刻揭示了资本主义的不公平的实质,其核心在于通过对生产资料占有制的考察来揭示资本主义经济过程的不公平性。马克思政治公平思想主要集中于阶级与政治权利方面的探讨,消除一切政治特权是其主要实现途径。马克思道德公平思想关注的是作为世界主体的人和整个人类的命运这一最高层次的道德追求,人类自由解放是其终极追求和体现。实际上这三种公平思想最终都是为了实现人类的自由解放这一共同目标。马克思公平思想需要科学客观的评估,以明确其价值并更好地指导我国的社会主义建设实践。马克思公平思想在他所处的时代具有非常重要的意义,体现了马克思思想的博大精深,具有极强的实践价值,也遗留了一些历史谜题。在现代社会,马克思公平思想既受到来自于以罗尔斯为代表的自由主义公平思想的挑战,又有来自于分析马克思主义为代表的西方马克思主义学者的不同解释和理解所带来的困惑。当前,马克思公平思想的现实价值主要体现在有助于和谐社会的实现,同时马克思公平思想对人类社会公平的终极理想的描绘,也可以为当下社会提供现实努力的方向和动力。

【Abstract】 Fairness thoughts is a very important part in Marx’s thoughts. It is useful to uncover the complete picture of the Marx’s fairness thoughts that we discuss the connotation, extension, rationale and development history of Marx’s fairness thoughts. Moreover, we can research its location in the past and value its contemporary meaning in order to serve the socialist construction.Marx’s fairness thoughts have very deep scientific connotation. Karl Marx always emphasized that fairness was historic and relative. It can be deduced that social fairness is decided by mode of production according to the theory of Marx through which productivity determines relations of production and social being determine the social consciousness. In Karl Marx’s opinion, all the class societies have unfairness; therefore proletarian revolution is necessary to over-turn domination of the capitalist class. So, it is the only way to realize the fairness that elimination of classes. Communistic society may be absolute fairness. In that society, it has no possession of material, no country and no any organization. Then, it can realize the equalities of economy and politics. It can eliminate the difference because of division of labor.There are many thoughts, past and present, have been the source of fairness thoughts of Marx. And his fairness thoughts can be divided three parts from early years to late years. This theory is based on unfairness of economy and politics in reality. The coexistence of amassing of wealth and increasing of poverty, the opposing of the proletariat and the capitalist class can show that. The sources of the theory are the fairness thoughts of classic, liberalism, Hegel and Feuerbach,utopian socialism, and so on. Marx’s fairness theory can be divided into three stages by the period of "Rhine" and "Paris". In the three stages, Karl Marx can be described as three roles, which are fighter for democracy, humanitarian of fairness and rebuilder of historical materialism.There are three divisions of fairness theory of Marx, economic fairness thoughts, political fairness thoughts and moral fairness thoughts. The division of economy is about the nature of unfairness of capitalist production, which deduced from the relationship between the labor and economy. This unfairness can be revealed by investigation of the owning goods. The main idea of politics fairness is about political rights, so wiping off the privilege level is the way to this fairness. Marx’s fairness in moral pays close attention to human fate and the liberty is ultimate pursuing in this kind fairness. In fact, the three thoughts all serve to realize the same goal:freedom and liberty of human beings.Assessing the value of Marx’s fairness thoughts is very important for us to learn from them. It was significant in Marx’s time and it reflected the profound theory of Marx, but it hands down some riddles now. Marx’s fairness theory is challenged by the justice of Rolls and the different understanding about fairness of Western Marxism. Nowadays, Marx’s thoughts of fairness not only can be used to help the realization of harmonious society, but also can supply us the direction and impetus through describing the ultimate ideal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期