

A Study on Property and Evolution of Road Network of Urban Agglomeration

【作者】 王国明

【导师】 李夏苗;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 交通运输工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 城市群道路网络研究逐渐开始被理论研究所重视。本文运用系统科学、复杂网络理论、交通运输规划理论、城市规划理论、系统动力学、区域经济理论、产业经济学等相关理论对城市群道路网络进行了理论分析与实证。从静态角度,研究了城市群与城市群道路网络关系、城市群道路网络特性、城市群城镇道路网络特性、城市群道路网络层次结构与组团结构;从动态角度,研究了城市群道路网络演化动力、城市群道路网络演化机理、城市群道路网络演化模型。主要的研究工作与结论如下:(1)城市群与城市群道路网络关系介绍了城市群的概念、特征、功能、类型,列举了国内外典型城市群,分析了城市群道路网络的特征、城市群城镇网络和城市群道路网络的形态,阐述了城市群与城市群道路网络的关系。以长株潭城市群为例,实证分析了城市群与城市群道路网络的关系。(2)城市群道路网络特性以美国东北部大西洋沿岸、日本太平洋沿岸、英国以伦敦为核心、长三角、京津唐、珠三角等国内外六大典型城市群为背景,对它们的道路网络的平均度、网络密度、聚集系数、平均最短路径、随机网络聚集系数、随机网络平均最短路径、结构熵、全局系数等网络特性指标进行计算和比较分析。实证分析表明六大国内外典型城市群道路网络都具有小世界性而不具有无标度性。六大典型城市群道路网络都存在着极少介数值很大的道路,其中珠三角城市群道路网络的整体效率最高,日本太平洋沿岸城市群道路网络最有序。(3)城市群城镇道路网络特性以长沙、株洲、湘潭城镇道路网络,以及长株潭城市群市县城市道路网络、城镇道路网、城镇乡道路网为背景,计算和分析了它们的平均度、网络密度、聚集系数、平均最短路径、随机网络聚集系数等网络特性指标,实证分析表明城市群城镇道路网络都是小世界网络,城市群城镇道路网络都不是无标度网络。(4)城市群道路网络的层次结构与组团结构根据网络层级结构与组团结构划分思想,建立了复杂网络层级结构和组团结构识别算法。以长株潭城市群道路网络为例,通过对长株潭城市群道路网络的层次结构与组团结构的划分与分析,验证了城市群道路网络层级结构和组团结构并存的特性(5)城市群道路网络结构洞根据网络结构洞分析原理,建立了道路网络结构洞算法。以长株潭城市群为背景,建立道路对偶网络,对其有效规模、效率、约束度、等级度等结构洞理论指标值进行分析计算,结果表明长株潭城市群道路网络不存在着结构自治,表明不存在着无效道路。(6)城市群道路网络演化机理城市群道路网络总是处于不断的发展演化之中,是一个随着时间变化多维因素影响的过程,从多维因素、聚集与扩散、中心点引导等三个方面分析了城市道路网络演化动力,根据城镇形态变化、城市群道路网络的吸引与排斥相互作用等机制,揭示了城市道路网演化的机理。(7)城市群道路网络演化模型基于城市群道路网演化机理,构建了城市群道路网络演化模型。通过对模型的仿真分析,揭示了城市群道路网络演化过程第一阶段、第二阶段都不存在小世界性,不是小世界网络,第三阶段存在着小世界性是小世界网络。通过对其层级结构与组团结构的分析,验证了城市群道路网络在演化发展的过程中弱化了组团结构。

【Abstract】 A study on road network of urban agglomeration was attached great importanc. The theoretical analysis and empirical research of urban agglomeration road network were earried out in the dissertation. Theories and methods applied in the research process included the system of scientific theories, methods of network theory, the road planning of theories, urban planning theories, system dynamics, regional economic theory, and industrial economics. From a static perspective, the dissertation studied on the relationship of urban agglomerations and its road network, properties of road network and urban road network of urban agglomeration, and hierarchy and group structure. From a dynamic perspective, the dissertation studied on power and mechanism of the road network evolution of urban agglomeration, and established the model of the road network evolution of urban agglomeration.The main conclusions of the work are as follows:(1) The relationship between urban agglomerations and urban agglomeration road networkThe dissertation introduced the concept, features and functions, typical types of urban agglomeration, and analyzed the characteristics and morphology characteristics of urban agglomeration road network. It summed up the relationship between urban agglomeration and road network of urban agglomeration. The author gave the empirical analysis of the relationship between changsha-zhuzhou-xiangtan urban agglomeration and its road network.(2) The road network properties of the urban agglomerationThe dissertation studied six urban agglomerations in the world, which included the north-eastern United States’Atlantic coast Urban Agglomeration, Japan’s Pacific coast Urban Agglomeration, British London Urban Agglomeration, Yangtze River delta Urban Agglomeration, Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration, and Beijing-tianjin-tangsan Urban Agglomeration. The author established the models of the six urban agglomerations road networks, and figured out averaged-degree, averaged-clustering coefficient, betweenness centrality, structure entropy, global coefficient, etc. The results show that road networks have small-world property but not scale-free property; it is significant for integrity, connectivity and security of the road networks of six urban agglomeration that the betweenness of a few real road is greater; the global coefficient of Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration is greatest; and the entropy of Japan’s Pacific coast Urban Agglomeration is in order.(3) The urban road network properties of the urban agglomerationThe dissertation studied six urban road networks of Chang-Zhu-tan urban agglomeration, which included the Changsha road network, the Zhuzhou road network, the Xiangtan road network, the Chang-Zhu-tan city road network, the Chang-Zhu-tan city and town road network, the Chang-Zhu-tan city, town and small town road network. The author figured out their averaged-degree, averaged-clustering coefficient, betweenness centrality and structure entropy, global coefficient, etc. The results show road networks have small-world property but not scale-free property.(4) The hierarchy structure and community structure of the road networks of urban agglomerationAccording to the division thought of hierarchy and community structure, the dissertation established the identification algorithm of complex network hierarchy and community structure, which was used to analyze the hierarchical structure and community structure of the road networks of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration. The results show that the hierarchical structure and community structure of the road networks of urban agglomeration are not isolated and both exist simultaneously.(5) The structural holes of the road networks of urban agglomerationAccording to theiery of structural holes, the dissertation designed the model of Urban Agglomeration by dual approach, and established structural holes algorithm. The author calculated the effective size, efficiency, constraint, hierarchy of the structural holes theory of the road networks of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration. The ruslts show that the Road Networks of Urban Agglomeration of Chang-Zhu-tan do not exist structural autonomy, which shows that it not invalid roads.(6) The evolution mechanism of urban agglomeration road networkRoad network of the urban agglomeration is always in constant evolution. With the time varying, multidimensional factors impacted on it. Multidimensional factors, accumulation and diffusion, the center of the boot were the power of its evolution; urban change, the road network of attraction and repulsion of the interaction mechanism constituted its evolution mechanism.(7) The model of urban agglomeration road network evolutionThe dissertation established evolution model of road network urban agglomerations. By the analysis of the model, the results show that the road network evolution of urban agglomeration is not a small world network on the1st stage and the2nd stage, but a small world network on the3rd stage. The analysis on its hierarchy and community structure shows that the hierarchy and community structure of the road network of the urban agglomeration is weakened in the process of evolution, which proved the road network of the urban agglomeration develop at deeper levels.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期