

A Study on Empathy in the Vision of Western Moral Sentimentalism

【作者】 齐贵云

【导师】 刘杰;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 外国哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以西方近代以来道德情感主义的主要辩护根据——移情为研究对象,着重考察西方道德情感主义理论中移情产生的背景和移情在道德情感主义理论中的重要地位。现代道德心理学已经用实证方法从多层次、多角度对移情与道德之间的关系进行了研究,印证了之前休谟等人提出的有关移情的不少观点。移情不仅是西方道德情感主义的一种主要道德心理设计,而且也可能成为构建普世伦理的基础和希望。道德理性与道德情感在个体的道德意识中本来是密不可分、相互渗透的,道德理性始终渗透着情感的因素,道德情感也总是伴随着一定的理性认识过程而产生的。但是在西方伦理学史上,道德理性与道德情感的关系长期被分割开来,片面强调其中一个在道德中的作用而忽视或贬低另一个的作用,从而导致伦理学上出现道德理性主义与道德情感主义的分野。道德理性主义认为道德来自于理性,理性是道德的基础和判断标准。任何一种伦理学理论在设定了人们道德生活中追求的价值目标与最高的善之后,更重要的是提供驱动他们行为的道德心理方面恰当的说明。而道德理性主义为了论证其理论的客观普遍性,就必须找到一个普遍的道德心理,如康德义务论中的“义务感”。“义务”在康德看来并不是一种感性的、心理的道德感情,而是一种基于理性的责任。它源于基督教伦理中对上帝的敬畏、服从和原罪意识。不过,由于当时宗教信仰式微,义务感已经失去了得以普遍执行的神学背景,因而将义务感作为一种普遍的道德心理不可能合理地解释任何情境中行为者真实的道德心理。这种道德心理与人们现实中行动的理由不一致的现象就是迈克尔·斯托克(Michael Stocker)所说的“现代伦理理论的精神分裂症”。道德情感主义认为道德植根于人类中的某种道德情感,在道德判断和道德评价中起决定作用的是情感而不是理性。道德情感是指人的道德需要是否得到满足的内心体验和主观态度,它往往能够真实地反映出行为者在做某种道德行为时的道德心理状况。道德情感主义的确避免了道德理性主义忽视道德心理的缺陷。但是,道德情感主义认为道德来源于某种情感,由于情感具有不稳定性、个体情感的差异性等特点,因而道德情感主义又面临着相对主义、主观主义的风险。近代以来道德情感主义发展过程中最主要的辩护立场就是将道德建立在人人生而有之的移情基础之上,移情对道德情感主义而言是一种主要的道德心理设计。自大卫·休谟、亚当·斯密开始,移情就扮演着为道德情感主义辩护的角色,发展心理学家马丁·霍夫曼对移情理论的研究可以说是对休谟同情理论的继承和发展,实现了移情理论从传统到现代的转换。当代的情感主义伦理学(主要理论形态是关怀伦理学与斯洛特的道德情感主义)吸收了现代心理学发展的最新成果,将移情作为行为者的主要心理机制,以此来论证移情对道德发展、移情对利他行为的重要性,从而为道德情感主义更符合人们的常识道德作有力的辩护。但是,由于道德情感主义同道德理性主义一样都没有正确理解理性与情感的关系,道德情感主义只是片面强调移情的作用自然不能充分有效地证明道德情感主义哲学的道德要求。然而,这并不妨碍道德情感主义哲学自身的理论和现实意义。它迎合了人们要求伦理学能够合理说明现实中丰富多样的道德心理的需求,反映了道德心理问题在伦理学中的重要地位。本论文的导论部分首先从历时性维度上对理性主义主义伦理学与经验主义伦理学的分野、道德情感主义产生的背景以及道德情感主义的主要道德诉求进行考察。接着分析道德情感主义在当代复兴的理论形态,然后综述国内外关于同情、移情的研究状况,最后分析本文的研究思路及研究方法。第一章“移情理论的基本内容”主要考察移情理论的产生背景、移情的内涵、结构以及移情与其它几个相似概念的区别与联系。移情虽然最早出现于美学领域,但与哲学尤其是康德哲学有着直接的渊源。移情在心理学领域的研究最为广泛,在不同时期不同心理学派别那里移情的内涵也互有差别,但总的来说,在对其基本内涵的理解上还是存在着一致性。这是对有着复杂历史背景的“移情”进行研究的前提。第二章主要讨论同情在18世纪英国的道德情感论中的重要地位。道德情感论是莎夫茨伯里最早提出的,哈奇森、休谟、斯密等人对它进行了完善与发展。休谟虽然不是道德情感论的最早倡导者,但从其理论的发展完备程度来看显然是这一派别的集大成者。最早将“同情”视作一种心理机制的是休谟。休谟使用的“同情”已经非常接近今天所说的“移情”。“同情”被休谟用来为道德情感论作辩护,在当时就已经发挥了很强的解释力。本章还从同情伦理学谱系的角度来比较了休谟、斯密、卢梭、叔本华、舍勒等人对“同情”的不同理解,根据各自不同的理论体系的设计,他们对“同情”的理解互有不同。其中,休谟、斯密等人以“同情”作为道德心理机制构建的同情伦理学,彻底摧垮了理性主义伦理学的根基,从而使由理性主义长期一统天下的伦理学领域发生根本性的变化,伦理学领域开始出现非理性主义和反理性主义思潮。第三章考察当代多元视域中关于移情与道德之间的关系问题。哲学领域和道德发展心理学领域对移情的兴趣主要集中在移情与道德之间的关系方面。移情究竟在多大程度上、在哪些方面影响道德的发展是他们关注的焦点。在移情研究领域最权威性的代表是霍夫曼,他著有《移情与道德发展:关爱和公正的内涵》。霍夫曼经过多年的研究发现,移情是人类关心他人的火花,使社会生活成为可能的粘合剂。他从移情作为一种替代性情感的角度对于移情的发生机制、发展阶段、移情对道德的影响、移情与道德原则的关系、移情与亲社会行为的关系等各个方面进行了研究。另外,巴特森、艾森伯格等人也都从不同的角度证明了移情与道德之间存在的密切关系。霍夫曼等人的研究成果不仅是对休谟伦理学的继承与发展,而且对当代道德情感主义的复兴提供了丰富的理论资源。第四章主要分析当代道德情感主义发展中的一个主要理论派别即女性主义关怀伦理学关于移情的观点。关怀伦理学的倡导者吉利根认为人类社会存在着两种道德价值取向,即正义的道德价值和关怀的道德价值,这两种道德价值结合起来才能完整地描述人类道德的发展。以往人们过多地关注正义的道德价值观,而忽视了关怀的道德价值观。女性在进行道德推理时的确以一种不同于男性的声音说话,她们更强调人际关系。诺丁斯在吉利根理论的基础上全面构建了关怀伦理学,提出了关怀方与被关怀方的概念。她把关怀放在关系中来理解,认为关系是存在的基础,关怀是道德的基础。诺丁斯对关怀方的心理过程的分析表明,关怀事实上仍是属于移情的范畴。虽然诺丁斯把关怀放在关系中来理解,把理性与情感尽量结合起来,但她的理论整体上仍是属于情感主义路线。由于她们是从女性独特的道德体验出发来研究伦理学,因而遇到了来自各方面的批评。斯洛特认为女性主义关怀伦理学要想解决发展过程遇到的各种问题,最好的办法就是全面引进移情的概念,将关怀伦理学发展成一个更全面的理论。第五章考察当代道德情感主义的新进路。当代美德伦理学运动是在批评理性主义规则伦理学的过程中兴起的。当代美德伦理学并不赞成规则伦理学将行为者本来丰富的道德心理仅仅归结为一种单调的义务感,用一条所谓的普遍的道德规则来解释所有的伦理学问题。但是,有些美德伦理学家例如斯洛特在发展自己思想的同时也逐渐与亚里士多德主义美德伦理学区别开来。他认为亚里士多德主义美德伦理学将人类的幸福作为品质和行为动机的评价标准容易陷入效果论的指责。斯洛特批评亚里士多德主义美德伦理学将行为者的行为正确与否挂靠在行为者之外的“幸福”,而没有从行为者自身找根基。斯洛特主张建立一种以行为者为基础的“纯粹的”美德伦理学,将道德行为正确与否完全以行为者的动机与品质特征作为标准,这种动机与品质在斯洛特看来是根本性的,是自身即是善的。斯洛特这种极端的观点容易被批评为主观主义。为了更好地为自己的理论作辩护,斯洛特新近又找到一条美德伦理学发展的新进路。他一方面吸收休谟伦理学中的“同情”概念,一方面借鉴关怀伦理学中的“关怀”概念,以为移情为主要心理机制,以关怀为主要伦理学方法,试图建构一种以移情为基础的关怀伦理学。当然,这种以移情为基础的关怀伦理学并非是休谟情感主义伦理学的重述或翻版,而是在吸收传统理论资源和借鉴现代道德心理学研究成果的基础上提出来的,比休谟的伦理学有着更坚实的基础,也比女性主义关怀伦理学有着更宽阔的视野。但是,把道德基础试图建立在理性或者感情上的努力早在启蒙时期道德理性主义与道德情感主义的争论中就已经证明是完全失败的,无论是道德理性主义者还是道德感情主义者都有一个共同点,都认为道德是普遍的、客观的,都试图以主体性的不同方面(或者是理性或者是普遍的情感)来作为普遍道德的基础,但是在各自的论证过程中都存在某种逻辑上的缺陷,各种理论都无法为道德提供一个可信的基础。理性与情感在道德生活中是同等重要的,二者原本也是密不可分的。任何一种情感因素、理性因素在道德中都是不可缺少的。不同的社会生活处境决定了行为者会有不同程度的自主性和能动性,具体到某种道德情境中可能会有不同的表现维度,有些是理性的色彩较重,有些是情感的纽带优先。现代社会道德建设的目标是实现有序的道德化的社会生活,但是道德生活的现状却不尽如人意。因此,不少人呼吁将道德原则变成制度和法律,实现道德的制度化和法律化。这种观点实质上是想重回道德理性主义的老路。当然这种观点也是行不通的。我们必须在充分认识理性在道德中的重要性的基础上,重新认识并充分发挥道德情感、道德心理在道德建设中的积极作用,积极探索人类心理发展变化的规律性,将人类心灵的自然有序性同道德建设的规律性结合起来,从而实现二者的和谐统一。这也是考察西方道德情感主义的得失对我们今天的社会主义道德建设的启示。

【Abstract】 In this paper, I will study empathy which is the main defense of moral sentimentalism in western modern times, and I will lay stress on the background of empathy and significance in moral sentimentalism. Modern moral psychology has researched the relation between empathy and morality with empirical methods from the view of multi-level and multi-angel, which confirm Hume’s theory of empathy. Empathy is not only the main moral psychology design of western moral sentimentalism, but also the possible basis and hope to construct universal ethics.Moral reason and moral sentiment in the individual moral consciousness are always inseparable and interpenetrative. Moral reason is always permeated with moral sentiment, and moral sentiment is always accompanied by certain rational cognitive process. But the relationship between moral reason and moral sentiment has long been separated in the history of western ethics. One’s role in the morals has been put undue emphasis while the other has been ignored or depreciated. Therefore the division between moral rationalism and moral sentimentalism appeared in the history of ethics. Moral rationalist argues that morality comes from reason, and reason is the basis of morality and criteria of moral judgment. After setting the value goal and the highest good that people pursue in the moral life, more significantly, any kind of ethical theory should provide the appropriate explanation driving their behavior in moral psychology. However, moral rationalist has to find a general moral psychology in order to argue the objectivity and university of the theory, e.g."sense of duty" in Kant’s deontology. In Kant’s theory,"Sense of duty" is not a sensible, psychological moral sentiment, but a responsibility based onreason. It comes from awesome to God, obedience and original sin in Christian ethics. It has lost the theological background that duty could be implemented universally during the declining of religious belief, therefore the sense of duty as a universal moral psychology could not explain the actors’ real moral psychology reasonably in any context. The inconsistence between the moral psychology and the reason of action in reality is called "the schizophrenia of modern ethical theories" by Michael Stocker.Moral sentimentalists think that morality is rooted in some kind of moral sentiments. It’s sentiment, not reason, that plays a decisive role in moral judgment and moral evaluation. Moral sentiment is inner experience and subjective attitude whether a person’s moral needs are met. It can really reflect the actors’state of moral psychology in doing some kind of moral behavior. Moral sentimentalism indeed avoids the defect that moral rationalism ignores moral psychology. Moral sentimentalists think that morality comes from some kind of sentiments, while sentiments have characters of instability, differences of individual emotions, etc. So, moral sentimentalism has the risk of relativism and subjectivism.In modern times, the most important defense position in the developmental process of moral sentimentalism is to establish the basis of morality on empathy that everyone was born with, and empathy is a major design in moral psychology in moral sentimentalism. Empathy plays the role to defense for moral sentimentalism since David Hume, Adam Smith. Martin Hoffman, a developmental psychologist, carried out the research on empathy on the basis of inheriting and developing Hume’s theory of sympathy. He realizes the transformation of empathy from traditional to modern theory. The main theoretical forms of contemporary moral sentimentalism are care ethics and Michael Slote’s moral sentimentalism. These theories absorb new achievements of modern psychology, and take empathy as actor’s main psychological mechanisms in order to demonstrate the importance of empathy in moral development and altruistic behavior. They made a vigorous defense for moral sentimentalism more in line with people’s common sense of morals. But, moral sentimentalism does not understand the relation between reason and sentiment correctly just as moral rationalism, so it naturally can not effectively demonstrate moral requirements of moral sentimentalism to put emphasis on the role of empathy. However, this does not preclude the theoretical and practical significance of moral sentimentalism. It caters to people’s demands that ethics should reasonably explain the needs of a variety of moral psychology, and reflects the importance of moral psychology in ethics.In the introduction, I first investigate the division between moral rationalism and moral sentimentalism, the background and moral appeals of moral sentimentalism from diachronic dimension. Then I analyze the main theoretical forms of moral sentimentalism in contemporary revival, and summarize research status about empathy and sympathy at home and abroad. At last I analyze the paper’s research approach and methods.In the first chapter "the main contents of theory of empathy", I mainly investigate the background, connotation and structure of empathy, and the distinction and relation of empathy and other similar concepts. Empathy although first appeared in aesthetic field, it has a direct origin with philosophy especially with Kant’s philosophy. Empathy is most widely researched in the field of psychology. Its connotation is different in different schools of psychology in different periods. But in general, the basic connotation is consistent. This is the precondition to pursue empathy that has a complex historical background.The second chapter tries to introduce British moral sentimentalism and the important role of sympathy in moral sentimentalism. Moral sentimentalism was first put forward by Shaftesbury, developed and perfected by Hutcheson, Hume, Smith, et al. Hume isn’t the earliest advocator of moral sentimentalism, but clearly he is a comprehensive synthesist in the field in the competence of the theory.The first person who regards sympathy as a kind of psychological mechanism is Hume. Hume’s use of sympathy is very close to today’s empathy. Sympathy was used by Hume as defense to moral sentimentalism, which played a strong explanatory force at that moment. Moral sentimentalism based on sympathy became a competent theory with moral rationalism dominating in the long history of ethics.In this chapter I also compare the different understanding about sympathy of Hume, Smith, Rousseau, Schopenhauer and Max Scheler from the perspective of ethical pedigree of sympathy. Their comprehension of sympathy is different according to their different design of their theory system. Among them, sympathy ethics constructed by Hume and Smith in which sympathy is regarded as a moral psychological mechanism, completely destroys the foundation of moral rationalism. Therefore fundamental changes have happened in ethics dominated by rationalism for a long time, non-rationalism and anti-rationalism began to appear in ethics.I will examine the relation between empathy and morality in contemporary moral psychology in the third chapter. The interests about empathy mainly focus on the relationship between empathy and morality in philosophy and moral developmental psychology. The focus of their attention is that empathy influence moral development to what degree and in what way. The most authoritative behalf in the research field of empathy is Martin Hoffman, who wrote the famous book empathy and moral development:the implications of care and justice. After years of research, he finds that empathy is the spark of human concern for others, the glue that makes social life possible.He examines on many problems such as the mechanism of empathy, developmental stages of empathy, the influence of empathy on morals, the relation between empathy and moral principles, the relations between empathy and pro-social behaviors etc. He looks upon empathy as an alternative feeling. In addition, C.D. Batson and N. Eisenberg also prove that there is close relationship between empathy and morality from a different perspective. Their research not only inherits and develops Hume’s ethical theory, but also provide rich theoretical resources for the contemporary revival of moral sentimentalism.In the fourth chapter I will analyze the view on empathy of a major theory school appeared in contemporary moral sentimentalism. This school is feminist care ethics. Carol Gilligan, the advocator of care ethics, thinks that there are two moral value orientations in human society, which are moral value of justice and moral value of care.Only by combining these two moral values can we depict moral development completely. In the past, people paid too much attention on moral value of justice, while ignored moral value of care. Women speak in a different voice with men in moral reasoning. They emphasize interpersonal relationship. Nel Noddings constructs care ethics in an all-round way on the basis of Gilligan’s theory. She puts forward the concepts of the one-caring and the one-cared. She understands care in the relation, relation is the basis of existence, care is the foundation of morality. Noddings’analysis of psychological process of the one caring shows that care in fact still belongs to the category of empathy. Noddings understands care in the relation, and tries to integrate reason with sentiment, but in general care ethics still belongs to sentimentalism. As they study care ethics from the unique feminist moral experience, they encounter criticisms from all sides. Slote suggests that the best way to resolve the problems of developing process in care ethics is to introduce empathy in an all-round way. So care ethics could be developed into a more complete theory.In the last chapter Ⅰ will examine the new approach of contemporary moral sentimentalism. Contemporary virtue ethics movement rises in the process of criticizing normative ethics. Contemporary virtue ethics does not agree with that the original diversified moral psychology is came down to a kind of monotonous sense of duty by normative ethics, that a so-called moral rule can demonstrate all the ethical problems. Slote differs his theory from Aristotelian virtue ethics while developing his virtue ethics. He thinks that Aristotelian virtue ethics is apt to be accused as consquentialism because it regard people’s happiness as evaluation criterion of characters and behavioral motives.Slote criticizes Aristotelian virtue ethics for it does not find the foundation from the agent itself, while whether the agent’s action is right or wrong is linked with the happiness outside the agent. Slote advocates constructing a pure virtue ethics based on the agent. Whether the agent’s action is right or wrong depends on the agent’s motive and character, which are fundamental and good in itself. His radical views are criticized as subjectivism easily. He finds a new approach of virtue ethics recently in order to defend his theory. One the one hand, he absorbs Hume’s concept of sympathy; on the other hand, he uses the concept of care as a source of reference. He tries to construct the ethics of care and empathy, in which empathy is regarded as main moral psychology and care is regarded as main method. Of course, the ethics of care and empathy is not statement or modern versions of Hume’s moral sentimentalism. It is put forward on the basis of absorbing traditional theoretical resources and using the achievements of modern moral psychology as reference. It has a stronger foundation than Hume’s ethics, and a more spacious view than feminist care ethics. However, the efforts have proved to be a total failure to establish moral foundation on reason or sentiment in the debate of moral rationalism or moral sentimentalism during the Enlightment. Whether moral rationalism or moral sentimentalism has some thing in common that morality is universal and objective. They have tried to regard different aspects of subjectivity, reason or universal sentiment, as the foundation of universal morality. They have some logical flaws in their own arguments, so they can’t provide a credible foundation for morality.Reason and sentiment are equally important in moral life, and they are originally inseparable. Any kind of factors of reason and sentiment is indispensable, but a single factor can not play a decisive role. Different social living conditions decide that the agent has different autonomy and active agency. In specific context, the agent may show different dimensions, sometimes more rational side, and sometimes more emotional side. The goal of moral construction in modern society is to achieve an orderly moral social life, but the status of the moral life has frequently been deemed inadequate. Therefore, many people appeal that moral principles should be transformed into systems and laws, realizing institutionalization and verrechtlichung of moral principles. It’s going to return to the old path of moral rationalism. Of course, it is not feasible. We should reacquaint and give fully play to the positive role of moral sentiment and moral psychology on the basis of fully understanding the significance of reason in moral construction. We should actively explore the regularity of human psychological changes, and combine the natural order of human mind with the regularity of moral construction, so as to realize the harmonious unity of the two. This is also the revelation of today’s socialist moral construction to examine the pros and cons of the western moral sentimentalism.

【关键词】 移情同情关怀道德情感主义
【Key words】 empathysympathycaremoral sentimentalism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期