

China’s Image of Chinese American Literature in the20th Century

【作者】 杨华

【导师】 黄万华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以20世纪美国华人文学作为研究对象,进行了跨文化形象学研究,从庞杂的美华文学文本中梳理归纳出四种“中国形象”类型:伦理中国、草根中国、诗性中国、现代中国。这四种形象类型涵盖了两种语言(汉语和英语)和不同体裁的美国华人文本对中国的表述。选择这几类中国形象进行论述,主要是因为这几种角度可以较好地概括美华文学塑造的“中国形象”的性质,从中可以看出海外中国人在文化碰撞时对血缘国多维度的反观视角、表述策略和文化反思样式。伦理中国、草根中国、诗性中国、现代中国这四种形象既相互关联,又相互包容,共同构成丰厚复杂的中国形象。全文由绪论、正文和结语三个部分组成。绪论对国内外中国形象研究进行了回顾,并列出了本文要解决的主要问题和采用的研究方法。这部分辨析了形象、华文文学和华人文学、自我与他者等概念。华文文学以汉语写作为核心概念,标示语种文学的界限。华人文学则强调创作主体的族裔身份,涵盖华人用不同语言创作的文学作品。本文采用“华人文学”这一概念,主要是为了强调“中国”这一血缘背景,强调文化母体在空间“移位者”身份认定中起到的作用。在文本选择上,以美国华人新移民文学和美国华裔文学为主,旁及台湾旅美华人文学,以及一些很难归属于某种作家群体但写作卓有成绩的华人作家。本文选取的这些华人作家,其创作有明显的全球意识和文化对比意识,和单一文化背景下的写作相比,这些作家写作的主题、视角、风格都明显不同。论文第一章从家庭伦理、社会伦理、生命伦理三个层面探讨了伦理中国形象。中国伦理直接映射在海外中国式家庭对人物情感和行动的影响,无论是接受、抗争,或是批判性审视,都脱不掉这个文化传统。第一节家庭伦理部分首先分析了为什么伦理主题在美华文学中很多见,因为它反映了不同时代、教育背景、社会环境、东西文化交织下的一些深层问题。新移民文学经常关涉婚姻对人的束缚;华裔家庭由于异族通婚的可能性较大,文化冲突的尖锐性就更明显,华裔遇到的文化身份认同更加模棱两可。华裔家庭的生活因太过重视人伦关系而具有其他族裔所没有的压力与道德内省,这成为阻碍第二代华裔个性发展的因素之一。因此,在许多华裔作品的描述中,人物希望通过个人努力,通过对长辈的反叛来实现自己的个体意识与尊严。在此类作品中,中国形象以家为本位的特征非常明显。第二节社会伦理部分分析了荒诞岁月的非理性集体人格和居美华人的人格面具问题。人格面具的存在表明了居美国华人文化身份中具有双重人格,论文据此指出华人群体中普遍存在的身份焦虑,源于不平等的族裔交往,是两种文化体系在个体身上进行的拉锯战对人格造成的撕裂所致。第三节生命伦理部分从重生的生死观、乐生的生活观,慎独的内省方式,以柔克刚的处事态度几个方面探讨了中国生命伦理在海外的变异与发展。总之,在美国华人文学中,尽管也书写了中国传统伦理压抑人性、保守封闭的一面,但主导性的价值取向是重情恋家的家庭观念、仁爱友善的道德伦理观和健康进取的生命观。论文第二章讨论了草根中国形象。草根经验的表述和草根移民历史的再现始终是美国华人文学的重要传统。这一传统代表了一个不能忽视的流脉,与留学生文学、知识分子写作或中产阶级文学以及自由主义写作共同构成美华文学的完整的历史图谱。草根中国形象集中体现为底层中国人的形象,这在美华文学中主要表现为三种类型:一是大陆乡土社会(中原农耕文明)中的贫苦农民,二是岭南文化中的农民通过移民转化而成的异国都市平民,三是八十年代以来赴美打工的低知识阶层新移民。他们所体现的“草根力量”,乃是天然根植于民间的一种文化内部力量,带有自发性的生生不息,柔弱的表象内里是坚韧的品质,能够承受巨大的外力。本章首先从左翼叙事海外延伸的角度,重点解读了黄运基的长篇小说,认为无论是人物设计上的引路人形象,还是“革命加恋爱”的结构模式,对场景、人物和心理的速写式勾勒,以及纪实性和自传性等方面,他的小说都对接了中国现代文学中左翼叙事的传统。接下来论证了华裔作家书写祖先移民史具有“记忆政治”的意义,指出他们通过回顾祖先在美国采矿、修铁路、开垦种植园的经历,重新发现和再现了百年来“隐匿的历史”,以证明华裔在美国生存的合法权利。唐人街那来自底层的声音,深沉地传递着华人在美国的坎坷经历和艰苦人生,而小人物的韧、善、美也从唐人街叙事中自然呈现出来。中国民众长期以来所形成的重义轻利、礼尚往来、自强不息等方面的集体无意识,在草根们的血液中流淌,也必然长久地照亮着海外华人寻找精神家园的道路。本节还注意到,在西方社会,知识分子属于职业化的社会阶层,本身就身处民间社会,所以根本没有草根与精英的分野,他们的平等意识和平视眼光就分外鲜明。这种身份意识被美华作家所汲取;同时,美华作家多有打工经历或至少也熟悉打工生活,所以在他们笔下,劳心与劳力的分野不再是不可跨越,他们所体现的是底层移民虽贫贱如草却仍旧梦想“舞”动人生、鹰击长空的坚定信念。本章还运用跨国移民理论分析反映早期移民生活的作品,认识到出洋的广东乡村农民不是因动荡和穷困而背井离乡的被动者,反而是敢于挑战、改变自身经济地位的开拓者。早期移民的心态是中华海洋文化特别是珠江文化的典型代表。珠江文化自古以来务实、敏锐、争先,因吸纳海洋文化精华而封闭意识和保守性较少,开放性和先进性成份多。老一代移民及其后代被打上珠江文化的印记,以雄强进取的精神对接积极向上的美国精神,但又抵御极端个人主义的美国文化的侵入,彰显出珠江文化的价值和魅力,客观上构成了对闭锁困守的中国形象的一种反驳。第三章诗性中国形象阐述华人对文化中国的审美想象。文化层面的中国和现实中国构成了某种对立与补充关系,换言之,美国华人作家不满社会生活层面的中国时,“文化的中国”往往成了他们想象性的精神补偿,成为他们的诗意家园。本章分析了林语堂的多部英文作品,认为林语堂有意识地将优雅、闲适、安详的中国形象传递给西方人,对于改观近代以来中国落后、疲弱、愚昧的形象起到了良好作用。林语堂对中国人旷怀达观、陶情遣兴的生活方式和注重审美感受的浪漫高雅的东方情调予以阐扬,也有其不足之处。他展示给外国人的中国形象,是经过萃取和删减的雅化中国。美国读者可以借“闲适”的趣味来慰藉忙碌的现实所导致的精神紧张,却很难以此增进对现代中国的了解。王鼎钧在抗战的纷飞战火中离家再未能返回,所以中国形象在他笔下美则美矣,却有着乱世罹忧的大哀痛,也因此造就了他沉郁顿挫的乡愁美学。诗人张错则沉潜古文物,在现代时空中考察过往历史事件,抒发怀古幽情并对存在进行哲学追问。裴在美将昔日台北和今日纽约并置,揭示喧嚣骚动的的都市永远无法取代宁静悠长的原乡。尤其是20世纪90年代以来,中国片面发展经济所导致的价值混乱发展给不少作家带来精神的冲击,他们选择了文化返身,向古老的诗意中国致敬,将乡愁提升到文化乡愁的层次。本章还解读了木心的诗歌和散文,认为木心通过在观念世界里漫游,执着地表达出他的怀乡诉求。在不断回望人类曾经拥有的文明、文化甚而精英个体生命矜贵的品性的同时,过去的文化在木心的选择性书写中获得再一次的想象性的生成,生成为木心理想的精神故园。第四章分析了现代中国形象在美国华人文学中的构建与缺席。从19世纪中叶至今,劳工潮、留学热、技术移民、投资移民,“到美国去”的潮流方兴未艾,根本动因在于中美经济的巨大落差,国人对于现代性的急切追求和渴望。华人文学首先流露出中国人追寻现代化的心理。本章第一节探讨华人作家怎样为国内读者展示了他们眼中的“美国”。越界后的“中国人”塑造的“美国”形象,既说明了中国对西方“怎么看”和“看什么”,也表现出中国对自我的想象方式。美国被视为现代化的终点,各类型的移民面对西方时震惊、失落、艳羡种种情绪交织一体。本节还从“人的体验的现代转型比历史的社会政治经济制度的转型更为根本”这一视角出发,论证了体验的现代性从根本上代表着现代中国人(民族群体和个体)在世界上的生存价值或地位问题。移民作为第三世界的个体目击和亲历第一世界的故事,更为直接和有代表性地表达了中国的现代性焦虑。他们追求个人价值和自我的实现,强调心灵的解放和自由,但又在此基础上生发出诸如文化差异、文化反思、追求财富、追求感受的丰富等等很多崭新的现代性体验。第二节分析了新移民作家观察和思考中国式现代化的弊病的角度。本文认识到,叙述者依据西式的文化参照体系和价值标准审视作为国族象征的罗坎村(袁劲梅)、史屯(严歌苓)、大岛(刘索拉),既包含着对中国现代化的深刻洞见,又保留了启蒙话语那种对中国文化结构的批判思路。他们反思东方文化中的消极因素,寻找中国人爱面子、讲人情、特权意识等为现代化发展带来的负面效应。另一方面,现代化作为一种世界性的历史过程,有其共性特征。美国作为后现代资本主义的“现在”,正预示着启动“改革”、全面加入资本主义全球化进程的中国的“将来”。华人作家们意识到西方文明(现代文明)的弊病,并做了理性的反思,希望中国不要再重蹈其覆辙,走出符合带有自己特性的现代化之路。第三节从视域扩大、华人女性在西方“再社会化”的成功、世界人新质的获得三个角度探讨了美国华人现代身份的构建。现代“职场”取代了传统的社群成为人们最主要的生活场景和生存体验之所,新一代华人在身份上完成了他们的“现代化转型”。他们不仅获得了对于现代人而言是立身之本的专业技能,更关键地是获得了对职业角色和职业身份的体认。第四节探讨美国华人作家构建中国形象的缺失不足。指出无论是新移民作家还是华裔作家,均未逃脱美国社会对中国所持主流话语的影响,在局部和细节上难免有“自我东方化”之嫌。然而应该看到,华人文学可以启发我们采取“互为主观”的认识方法。很有价值的一点是,我们在外国文学中看到了“中国形象与中国文化”(无论扭曲程度如何)。于是,本民族作为他者被观察和被投射,这种被看的意义非常重要。突破我们视界的封闭,或许能发现许多曾经是盲点的部位,进行一些有益的思索。通过对美国华人文学作品的分析和归纳,本文在结语中指出,写作使用的语种及作品指向的目标读者的期待视野、创作时的社会历史语境以及作者身份这三点是决定某个特定中国形象的主要原因。在美国文化语境中,除了种族、族裔以及性别这三种主要的身份标志以外,作者的社会阶层、政治倾向、职业特征、在中国的境遇等因素,也对塑造中国形象有直接的影响。华人文学在书写中国题材和异域华人生活时,实际上内含了中国的国际形象变迁。美国华人塑造的中国形象展示出中国的各种面相:它既可以描写中国历史的阴暗面和传统文化的负面影响,揭露“文革”的残酷面影和对人性的毁灭性打击,刻画底层民众的生活习性和劣根性;它也可以书写记忆缅怀中的虚实相间的审美之乡,或展示草根移民雄强进取的精神和生生不息的力量,或回顾中国现代化之路上的艰难前行。前者不是“新东方主义”,后者也不是“东方中心主义”。丰富多彩的中国形象,是美华作家回应主流文化的一种叙事策略和生存策略。美国华人文学最醒目的成就并不是中国形象的完美呈现,而是海外作家直面自己母体文化时大胆的精神挑战。美国华人文学具有双重文化视野、双重文化传承,用双重视角描写出的中国形象表述着他们对中国和中国文化的想象和态度,同时述说着他们在居住国的生活境遇、生活欲望和梦想。实际上恰恰是多重形象才能无限趋近完整的中国形象。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the American ethnic Chinese literature(ECL) in the20th century for the study. Chinese Literature,with Chinese writing as the core concept, marks the disciplinary boundaries of the language of literature. Ethnic Chinese literature is named from the creation of the main ethnic identity, and covers all the Chinese literary works created in different languages. In this paper the concept of "Ethnic Chinese Literature", mainly in order to emphasize the "kinship background, emphasizing the cultural matrix in the space shift" Identity of the role play. On the text selection to the new literature of immigration of the Chinese American and Chinese American Literature paraneoplastic Chinese American literature in Taiwan, as well as some very vested in a certain group of writers, but writing successful Chinese writer. Chinese writer of this article selected, their creation is full of global awareness and cultural contrast. Compared with that in the single cultural context of the writing, the theme, perspectivestyle of these writers is obviously different.This paper conducted a cross-cultural studies. From the numerous literary text, summarizing four types of "image":ethical China, grass-roots Chinese,poetry Chinese, modern Chinese. These four types of image covers the formulation of the two languages (Chinese and English) and different genres of Chinese text. Discusses the categories image, mainly because these types of image shape angle is very representative of significance can be seen from the overseas Chinese kinship country differences in the cultural collision the other hand, perspective, style of cultural reflection and Expressive Strategies. Ethical China, grass-roots Chinese, Poetic China, modern Chinese image of these four is interrelated, mutually inclusive, together constitute a rich and complex image of China.The full text has three parts of the introduction, body (four chapters) and the conclusion. Introduction of domestic and international image of China research review, and lists the main issues and need to be addressed in this article the main research methods.The first chapter explores the ethical image of China from the family ethics, social ethics, three levels of Bioethics. Chinese ethics mapped directly in the overseas Chinese family on the characters emotions and actions, whether it is to accept, fight, or critical examination of all off can not afford this cultural tradition. Section1(family ethics) firstly analyzes why ethical theme in the literature of the United States and China see, because it reflects a different era, some deep-seated problems in the educational background, social environment, Eastern and Western cultures intertwined. The new literature of immigration is often concerned with the shackles of marriage; Chinese family due to the possibility of intermarriage, the sharp cultural conflict is even more obvious, the cultural identity of ethnic Chinese encountered more ambiguous. Chinese family life due to too much emphasis on human relations with other ethnic groups do not have pressure and moral introspection, which became one of the factors that hinder the second generation of Chinese character development. Therefore, the description of many Chinese works, the characters through personal efforts to achieve their own individual consciousness and dignity, through the rebel elders. Section2(social and ethical) is the analysis of the absurd years of non-rational collective personality and home of the Asian American personality mask the problem. Personality mask the presence of that ranking Chinese American cultural identity has a dual personality, the paper pointed out that pursuant to the common identity of anxiety in the Chinese population is unequal ethnic contacts, tug of war between the two cultural systems in individuals who The personality tear caused by. Section III (Bioethics) explore the variation and development of the Chinese Bioethics overseas,of the conception of death from rebirth, happy life, outlook on life, Maintenance of introspection, the softness of attitude. In short, the Chinese American literature, though written Chinese traditional ethics to suppress human nature, conservative and closed, but the dominant value orientation of Emotion Love family, family values, the benevolence friendly moral ethics and a healthy and progressive view of life.The second chapter discusses the grass-roots image of China. Representation of grass-roots experience and reproduction of the grass-roots immigration history has always been an important tradition of the Chinese American literature. This tradition represents the flow pulse, one can not ignore the literature students, intellectuals, writing, or middle-class literature, and liberalism writing to constitute a complete history of the literature of the United States and China map. Grass-roots image of China epitomized the bottom of the image of Chinese people, in the literature of the United States and China mainly into three types:First, the poor farmers in the continent Rural Society (Central Plains farming civilization), and second, farmers in the Lingnan culture is through immigration into from the exotic city of civilians, and low knowledge levels of new immigrants since the1980s, the United States to work. They reflect the "grassroots power", but natural internal forces of a culture, rooted in folk with spontaneous perennial weak representation inside a tough quality to withstand the tremendous force. This chapter first point of view extends from the left-wing narrative overseas, focusing on interpretation of Huang Yunji novel that the image of a guide on the character design, or "revolution plus love" structural model, sketch-style scenes, characters and psychological outline, as well as documentary and autobiographical aspects of his novel docking tradition of left-wing narrative of modern Chinese literature. Goes on to clarify the context of the immigration history of the Chinese writers writing ancestor, and that by reviewing the mining of the ancestors in the United States, railroads, reclaiming the experience of plantation, re-discovery and reproduction of the "hidden history for centuries, to prove the survival of Chinese in America legal rights. Chinatown that sound from the bottom of the deep to convey the ups and downs experienced and hard life of the Chinese in the United States, while little tough, good, the United States is also naturally present from the Chinatown narrative. Chinese people have long formed the Valuing Loyalty and reciprocity, self-improvement of the "collective unconscious","grassroots are the blood flowing, and are bound to long to light the road to find a spiritual home of overseas Chinese. This section also notes that in Western society, intellectuals, professional, social class, itself living in civil society, so there is no grass-roots and elite distinction, their sense of equality, peace, as the vision of a particularly distinctive. This sense of identity is gained by the United States and China writer; the same time, the writers in the United States and China have work experience or at least familiar with working life, so in their pens, painstaking and labor distinction is no longer insurmountable, they embodied "the underlying "Although the immigrant poor and lowly such as grass, but still dreamed of the Dance" move "Life, the Eagle of the firm belief of the sky. This chapter also provides the use of transnational migration theory works reflecting the life of early settlers, and understanding to go abroad in Guangdong village of farmers is not the passive displaced by unrest and poverty, but the courage to challenge, change of the pioneers of their own economic status. The mentality of the early settlers is a typical representative of the Chinese marine culture, especially the Pearl River culture. Pearl culture since ancient times pragmatic, sensitive, and competed to attract marine cultural refinement and closed awareness and less conservative, openness and progressiveness ingredients and more. The older generation of immigrants and their descendants are marked with the imprint of the Pearl River Culture, hung strong and enterprising spirit docking positive American spirit, but to withstand the extreme individualism of the intrusion of American culture, highlights the value and charm of the Pearl River Culture. The objective form the atresia barricaded the image of a rebuttal.The third chapter of the poetic image of China described the aesthetic imagination of the Chinese culture in China. Cultural dimensions and reality constitute some kind of opposition and complementarity, in other words, the Chinese American writers are dissatisfied with the social aspects of life in China,"culture" often they imagine the spirit of compensation, their poetic home. This chapter analyzes a number of English works of Lin Yutang Lin Yutang have a sense of elegance, quiet, serene image is passed to the Westerners, for change in modern times China’s backwardness, weakness, ignorance, the image played a good role. Lin Yutang on the people of China Kuang pregnant with philosophical Tao the situation Qianxing lifestyle and focus on the aesthetic sense of the romantic and elegant oriental exoticism be extolled, but also has its inadequacies. He showed the image of foreigners, after extraction and deletion of the Ya of China. American readers can borrow to comfort the busy reality of the "leisure" taste, caused by mental stress, it is difficult in order to enhance the understanding of modern China. Wang Ting-chun and then failed to return to home in the swirling flames of war of war, so the image he described America America carry, has a troubled suffer worry grief, thus creating a nostalgic aesthetic of Contemplative. Poet Zhang wrong Downs the ancient artifacts in the modern time and space to examine past historical events, to express the nostalgic times past and the existence of philosophical questioning. Pei in America will be the former Taipei and New York home, reveals a noisy commotion of the city can never be replaced by quiet a long hometown. Especially the impact caused by the confusion of values since the1990s, one-sided development and economic development to many writers to bring the spirit, they chose cultural Fanshen, paid tribute to the ancient poetry of China, and nostalgia elevated to the level of cultural nostalgia. More part of the writer to transcend the cultural strength of the pattern of confrontation, not only to retain the strength of character of China, while standing on the height of world culture, mutatis mutandis, Chinese and Western literature and art. Such as wooden heart "Six Notes" boldness, Chinese and Western art explanation for the aesthetic judgment, showing a flair of classical culture, especially the traditional and the Wei, Jin and strength of character, adhering to the showing memory of Pursues classical, pure, style perfect Humanities.The fourth chapter analyzes the construction and absence of the modern image of China in the Chinese American literature. Since the mid-19th century, laborers, students heat, skilled migrants, investment immigration, to the United States,"the trend in the ascendant, the fundamental motivation is the huge gap in Sino-US economic, people for modernity the eager pursuit and desire. Chinese literature first showing the Chinese people to pursue the modernization of mental and shows them in the eyes of the "American" for the domestic audience. Cross-border "people" shaped "American" image, both China also showed how to look and see what the West imagine ways of the self. The United States as the end of the modern immigrants face of the West of the various types of shock, loss, envy of all kinds of emotions interwoven. This section also starting from the perspective of the modern transformation of the human experience more fundamental "than the history of socio-political and economic system transformation, the modern experience fundamentally represent the modern Chinese people (ethnic groups and individuals) in survival value or status of the world. Immigration as a Third World individuals witnessed and witnessed first-world story, more direct and representative of the present anxiety. Their pursuit of personal value and self-realization, emphasizing spiritual liberation and freedom, but such as cultural differences, cultural reflection, the pursuit of wealth, the pursuit of the feelings of the rich, and so many new modern experience of Health issued on this basis. Section Ⅱ analyzes the new immigrant writers from which angle to look at and think about the ills of modernization with Chinese characteristics. This article recognized. The narrator look at a symbol as a nation the Rokkan Village,(Yuan Jinmei), history of Tuen (Treats), Oshima (Liu Sola), contains both a profound insight into China’s modernization based on Western cultural reference system and the standard of value, but also retains the Enlightenment discourse that critical thinking on the structure of Chinese culture. They reflect on the negative factors in the oriental culture, looking for the Chinese people face, talk about the human sense of privilege, the negative effects of modernization. The other hand, modernization as a world historical process, there are common characteristics. Modern capitalism in the United States as "now", is indicative of the start of the reform, China’s full accession to the process of capitalist globalization,"future". Chinese writers aware of the ills of Western civilization (modern civilization), and rational reflection, hope that China will not repeat the same mistakes, out of the modern road with its own characteristics. Section Ⅲ from the horizon to expand women to the success of the community, the world’s new qualitative three perspectives to explore the construction of modern Chinese identity. The modern workplace replaced the traditional community to the people the most important scenes of life and survival experience of the new generation of Chinese identity, their modern transformation. They not only won the conduct of the professional skills for the modern people, more critically, he gained the recognition of occupational roles and professional identity. The fourth part discusses the lack of Chinese American writers to build China’s image. That new immigrants writer or Chinese-American authors were not to escape the mainstream discourse held by the United States on China’s local and details inevitably suspected of "self-Orientalizing". However, it should be noted that Chinese literature can inspire us to take each other subjective understanding. Valuable point is that we see the image of China and Chinese culture "(regardless of the degree of distortion) in the foreign literature. As a result, the nation, as he who was observed and projected, the significance of this is seen very important. Breakthrough in the closure of our horizon was once blind spot area might be able to find some useful reflections.From a large number of discussion, analyzation and summarization on the ethinic Chinese literary works in America, the conclusion that the writing language and its target readers’ expectations inherent in vision, social and historical context as well as Creation of the identity of these three is to determine a The main reason of the specific image. In the American cultural context, authorship of race, ethnicity and gender of these three major status symbol, of course, the author’s social class, political orientation, occupational characteristics, the style, the situation in China and other factors, have a direct impact on shaping the image of China. Chinese literature in the writing of Chinese themes and exotic Chinese life, in fact, contains the changes of China’s international image. Chinese Images in American Chinese demonstrate a variety of face:It can describe the dark side of Chinese history and the negative impact of traditional culture, to expose the brutal side of the "Cultural Revolution" shadow, and a devastating blow to human nature, depicts the bottom of people’s living habits and evil; It can also be written in the memory in the memory of the actual situation and white aesthetic Township, or display of grass-roots immigrant male strong and enterprising spirit and the endless power, or review the difficulties ahead for China’s modernization road. The former is not "new Orientalism", the latter is not "Oriental centrism. The colorful image of China, the United States and China writers respond to the mainstream culture, a narrative strategy and survival strategy. The first remarkable achievements of the Chinese American literature is not the Chinese image of the perfect appearance, but the overseas writers face the challenges of the spirit of their parent cultures. This is difficult the creation of new "immigrant culture" in exotic foreign land, is the reflection and open up the heritage of Chinese literary tradition and consciously significance.Chinese American literature has a dual cultural perspective, the dual cultural heritage, the description of the dual perspective image representation of the imagination of China and Chinese culture and attitude, while bearing witness to their country of residence, living conditions, life, desires and dreams. In fact it is precisely the multi-image can be infinitely approaching a complete image.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期