

Study on Third-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic π-electron Conjugated Compound Composite Films

【作者】 陈经纬

【导师】 任诠; 王新强;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 光学工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 现代社会已进入信息化时代,人们对通信容量和通信速度的需求与日俱增,传统的电通信已经很难满足这种需求。作为光通信技术的代表,光纤通信技术因具有传输速率高、信息容量大、传输损耗小、抗电磁干扰能力强、保密性好以及节省资源等特点得到广泛的应用。目前的光纤通信系统中,在信号发送端和接收端都需要进行光信号与电信号之间的转换,而这些光/电、电/光转换器件存在着切换速度慢、严重串话和高功耗等缺点,大大影响了系统的信号传输速度,形成了光纤通信系统中的“信息瓶颈”。为了解决这一问题,人们提出了“全光网络”的概念,它利用各种光学器件来实现信息的传输、再生、光交叉连接、光分插复用和交换/选路,不需要任何光/电、电/光转换器件,从而大幅度提高信息的传输速度。全光开关是光交叉连接和光分插复用的关键器件也是波长变换的重要器件,所以是全光网络的关键器件之一。在军事上,潜艇因具有隐蔽活动和突然攻击能力,成为军事武器系统中的重要一环,但是潜艇在水下的通信联络以及探测能力比较差,利用无线电通信或者声频信道都不能保证进行可靠的通信。光通信技术中的蓝绿光通信因为通信波长在450~570nm范围,而海水对此波段的可见光吸收损耗极小,因此蓝绿光在海水里穿透能力强而且方向性好,蓝绿光通信已经成为潜艇与地面联络以及相互间联络的重要通信方式。但是蓝绿光通信需要发射端先用电信号来调制光信号,使激光器发射的光频强度随信息的变化而变化;接收端也要经光电检测器把光信号还原成电信号,因此也存在着光/电、电/光转换的瓶颈问题。随着蓝绿光通信研究的深入,制造在蓝绿光通信领域应用的全光开关便相当重要。一种令人广泛关注的全光开关是利用材料的三阶非线性光学特性的非线性折射型全光开关。其工作原理是利用一束控制光产生材料的折射率变化,当信号光在材料中通过时就会带来相位的变化,从而实现开关动作。国际上关于全光开关的研究,既有技术与结构方面的创新,又有新的材料的寻找和探索。由于目前还没有找到非常理想的适用于全光开关器件制备的非线性光学材料,所以新型非线性光学材料的探索和合成显得尤为重要。通常人们用两个品质因子来衡量材料是否适用于研制全光开关:W=n2I/α0λ和T=βλ/n2,其中n2为三阶非线性折射率,I为激光光强,α0为线性吸收系数,λ为应用波长,β为非线性吸收系数。三阶非线性光学材料必须满足|W|>>1且|T|<<1才适用于研制全光开关。因此,要求三阶非线性光学材料在工作波段的三阶非线性折射率要大,可以降低控制光的功率,避免对器件造成损伤;线性和非线性吸收系数要小,可以降低信息传输过程中的损耗,也能减小热效应的影响;响应速度要快,可以提高开关速度;物理化学性质要稳定,易于制作成波导器件。本课题组基于全光开关对材料的要求,致力于探索和研究具有高三阶非线性光学效应和超快响应速度的三阶非线性光学材料。通过对大量材料的研究发现,查尔酮类和过渡金属1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基(DMIT)类材料具有大的平面π电子共轭结构,在激光入射情况下π电子趋于离域,易发生极化和电荷转移,使材料具有较大的三阶非线性光学效应。尤其是DMIT类材料,由于共轭体系中引入了金属离子,金属离子与有机体系之间的电荷转移使整个共轭体系的电子离域性更强;再加上分子中的阴离子是富含硫的基团,可以在分子间形成有效的轨道重叠,使材料的响应速度快。本文针对全光开关对材料三阶非线性光学性质的要求,从材料内部结构与外部条件两方面探讨了影响材料三阶非线性光学性质的各项因素。探索并合成了十余种DMIT类材料和查尔酮类材料,利用激光Z扫描技术筛选出适用于1064nm波段的金属离子分别为Au和Mn的DMIT类材料;适用于532nm波段的查尔酮类材料中的NNDC。利用聚合物包覆旋涂法将两类材料分别与PMMA聚合物复合,制备成复合薄膜,采用Z扫描方法研究了复合薄膜的三阶非线性光学性能,利用棱镜耦合、视频摄像和光谱技术等对复合薄膜的折射率、光吸收、热效应和光传输损耗等光学性能进行了系统地研究。目的是寻找提高材料的三阶非线性折射率,降低线性和非线性吸收和提高复合薄膜光学质量的方法,为材料的最终器件化提供实验依据。本论文的研究工作主要有以下几个方面:第一、探索并合成了十余种DMIT类和查尔酮类有机π电子共轭化合物新材料。其中中心金属离子为Mn的Mn(dmit)2材料为首次合成。首次报道了1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基合金苄基三乙基铵盐(BTEAADT)、1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基合镍苄基三乙基铵盐(BTEANDT)、二(1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基)合锰四丁基铵盐(BAMDT)和(2E)-1-(2,4-二氯-5-氟苯基)-3-[4-二甲氨基)苯基]丙-2-烯-1-酮(NNDC)等新型光学材料的晶体结构、线性吸收等物理化学性质。第二、搭建了研究材料三阶非线性光学性质的Z扫描实验装置和研究复合薄膜光传输损耗的视频摄像装置,并在数据处理等方面做了完善。Z扫描方法是研究材料三阶非线性光学性质的常用方法,具有实验装置简单,测量灵敏度高,并能区分三阶非线性折射和非线性吸收等优点。本论文对Z扫描方法进行了详细研究,并自行搭建了一套Z扫描实验装置,用Labview图形语言编写了自动控制数据采集和平移导轨移动的程序,用Mathcad编写了处理实验数据的程序,缩短了实验时间,提高了数据采集和结果分析的准确性。视频摄像法是能简便、准确研究复合薄膜光传输损耗的方法。本论文建立了视频摄像实验装置,利用C语言编写了处理实验数据的程序,研究了复合薄膜的光传输损耗。第三、研究了DMIT类材料的中心金属离子和外部阳离子对材料三阶非线性光学性质的影响。利用激光Z扫描方法研究了Au(dmit)2、Ni(dmit)2、Mn(dmit)2等材料的三阶非线性光学性质,经计算得到了材料的非线性折射率、非线性吸收以及分子二阶超极化率等光学参数,和全光品质因子等性能参数。通过对材料性质的研究,得到了一些重要研究结果:1, DMIT类材料的三阶非线性光学性质与材料中心金属离子密切相关。在1064nm处,Au(dmit)2材料表现出自散焦效应,非线性吸收效应可以忽略;Ni(dmit)2材料表现出自聚焦效应,非线性吸收效应为饱和吸收;Mn(dmit)2材料表现出自聚焦效应,非线性吸收效应可以忽略。进一步计算得到Au(dmit)2和Mn(dmit)2材料的三阶非线性光学参数满足全光开关对材料品质因子的要求,而Ni(dmit)2材料则因|T|>>1而不满足要求。2, DMIT类材料的三阶非线性光学性质与材料外部阳离子有一定关系。在1064nm处,具有相同中心金属离子的BTEAADT、1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基合金三苯基乙基膦盐(TPEPADT)、1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基合金四丙基铵盐(TPAADT)和1,3-二硫杂环戊烯-2-硫酮-4,5-二巯基合金四乙基铵盐(TEAADT)等Au(dmit)2材料表现出相似的非线性折射性质,但是因为阳离子的不同而具有不同的三阶非线性折射率。第四、研究了DMIT类材料的三阶非线性光学性质与外部条件(激光波长、光强)的关系。1,同种材料在研究波长处于材料线性吸收的不同区域时表现出不同的三阶非线性光学性质。处于共振区或近共振区时,较强的线性吸收会加强材料的非线性光学效应。Au(dmit)2材料在1064和532nm处均表现出自散焦效应,但非线性吸收效应在1064nm处可以忽略,在532nm处为反饱和吸收,且532nm处三阶非线性光学参数比1064nm处大。这是因为532nm处于材料线性吸收的近共振区域,线性吸收较大,更容易发生非线性吸收,非线性光学效应也被加强。2,同种材料在不同光强下的三阶非线性光学参数大小不同。Ni(dmit)2材料在1064nm处,当实验光强在一定范围内逐渐变大时,材料的非线性饱和吸收效应在逐渐减弱,非线性吸收系数在逐渐变小,同时三阶非线性折射率和Z扫描曲线的峰谷差值也在逐渐变小。这是因为随着光强的增大,材料的激发态吸收截面在逐渐变小,从而导致材料的三阶非线性光学效应逐渐变弱。第五、采用聚合物包覆旋涂法制备了Au(dmit)2/PMMA和NNDC/PMMA复合薄膜。用激光Z扫描方法研究了它们的三阶非线性光学性质,并讨论了复合薄膜的非线性基元和掺杂质量比的不同对复合薄膜的三阶非线性光学性质、折射率、光吸收、热效应和光传输损耗等光学性能的影响。1,选取Au(dmit)2材料与PMMA制备成复合薄膜。用Z扫描方法在1064nm处研究了它们的三阶非线性光学性质。发现复合薄膜的非线性吸收效应小到可以忽略,且其他三阶非线性光学参数比溶液中高三个数量级。品质因子满足全光开关对非线性光学材料的要求:|W|>>1和|T|<<1,在全光开关器件化方面具有应用潜力。2,制备了五种不同掺杂质量比的NNDC/PMMA复合薄膜,用Z扫描方法在532nm处研究了它们的三阶非线性光学性质,发现随着复合薄膜掺杂质量比的提高,复合薄膜的线性吸收、折射率和三阶非线性折射率在逐渐增大,但是非线性吸收效应仍然可以忽略。品质因子|W|在逐渐增大,且都满足全光开关对材料品质因子的要求:|W|>>1和|T|<<1。同时,查尔酮类材料的响应时间在2.0ps左右。以上结果说明NNDC在蓝绿光通信领域的全光开关器件研制中具有重要的应用潜力。3, Au(dmit)2/PMMA复合薄膜的热效应因为Au(dmit)2系列材料的掺入而明显大于纯PMMA薄膜的热效应。利用有温度控制装置的棱镜耦合仪在632.8nm处测量Au(dmit)2/PMMA复合薄膜的热光系数在10-5/℃量级。由热效应引起的热致折射率变化因为其响应时间远大于电子云畸变引起的折射率变化的响应时间,所以它是阻碍全光开关器件实现超快响应速度的主要因素。通过降低复合薄膜的线性和非线性吸收或者控制复合薄膜波导工作的外部条件,可以有效减小热效应的影响。4,利用视频摄像法研究NNDC/PMMA复合薄膜的光传输损耗,发现随着掺杂质量比的提高,光传输损耗系数呈近似线性增加的趋势。降低复合薄膜的光传输损耗,可以提高复合薄膜的稳定性和实用性。完善复合薄膜制备工艺和复合薄膜表面处理技术,提高复合薄膜的光学质量,是有效降低复合薄膜光传输损耗的途径。第六、DMIT类材料的时间响应特性的研究。利用飞秒分辨光克尔方法获取了DMIT类材料的光克尔信号的响应时间,其中部分材料的响应时间是首次报道。发现DMIT类材料的响应时间都在200fs左右,响应速度比目前常用的电光开关约快4-6个数量级。说明DMIT类材料的响应速度可以满足全光开关对材料的要求。综上所述,本论文针对全光开关对材料三阶非线性光学性质的要求,从材料内部结构与外部条件两方面探讨了影响材料三阶非线性光学性质的各项因素。研究了具有大的平面π电子共轭结构的查尔酮类和过渡金属DMIT类材料,研究了具有不同金属离子的材料、具有同种金属离子和不同阳离子的材料、同种材料在不同激光强度和波长下的非线性光学现象,揭示了阳离子和金属离子对材料三阶非线性光学效应的影响。发现Au(dmit)2材料和NNDC具有三阶非线性折射率大、线性和非线性吸收系数小及响应速度快的特点,分别可以满足光纤通信和蓝绿光通信中全光开关对材料品质因子的要求。通过制备复合薄膜,系统研究了复合薄膜的非线性基元和掺杂质量比对复合薄膜的三阶非线性光学性质、折射率、光吸收、热效应和光传输损耗等光学性能的影响,找到了一些解决问题的有效方法和途径,为下一步优化波导器件性能及设计制作全光开关器件提供了重要的依据。

【Abstract】 The demand for the capacity and speed of communications increases rapidly as our society has entered the information age. The traditional radio communication cannot satisfy the demand completely. As a representative of the optical communication technology, optical fiber communication technology has been widely used because of its high transmission rate, large information capacity, small transmission loss, strong anti-jamming ability, good confidentiality and resources saving. However, in the present optical fiber communication system (OFCS), optical signal and electrical signal must convert to each other at both the sending and receiving terminals. These photoelectric conversion devices have some disadvantages such as slow switching speed, serious crosstalk and high power loss which influence the signal transmission speed and lead to the "bottleneck" of the OFCS. In order to break the "bottleneck", people have put forward the concept of "all-optical network". In it the information transmission speed is improved greatly because pure optical devices are used to realize the information transmission, regeneration, optical cross connect (OCC), optical add and drop multiplexing (OADM) and exchange/routing without any photoelectric conversion devices. All-optical switch (AOS) is a key device for OCC, OADM as well as for wavelength exchange, therefore AOS is an importance kind of device in all-optical network.While submarines becomes an important part of national military weapon system because of its ability of covert activities and sudden attack, its capability for underwater communication and detection are poor. Reliable communication cannot be obtained by using radio communication or audio channel. The wavebands used in blue and green light communication as a kind of optical communication is450~700nm region. The absorption loss of the light in this band is very low in sea water, so the penetration and direction are excellent when blue and green light goes across the sea water. Blue and green light communication has become a predominant means for information exchange between the ground and submarines. However, in blue and green light communication, optical signal needs to be first modulated by electrical signal of the transmitter to carry the required information. At the receiver side, the optical signal is demodulated by the electrical signal again through optoelectronic detector, thus the "bottleneck" still existing. It is demanding to develop AOS which can be applied in blue and green light communication.A noticeable type of AOS aims to take advantage of the third-order nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of materials. Its work principle can be described as follows: with a control beam inducing the change of refrative index of materials, the other signal beam transmitting in the material will produce phase change to realize the function "On" or "Off" of optical switches. Researchers seek not only innovative technologies and structures but also novel materials to implement such kind of AOS. Up to now, people have not discovered ideal materials whose performance is perfectly suitable to prepare AOS devices. It appears to be fundamentally important to explore and synthesize novel NLO materials. Two quality factors:W=n2I/α0λ and T=βλ/n2are used to analyze the suitability of a material for application in AOS, where n2is the third-order nonlinear referative index,I the laser intensity, α0the linear absorption coefficient, λ the wavelength, and β is nonlinear absorption coefficient. To make practicable AOS, NLO materials must satisfy|w|>> and|T|<<1. Therefore, the NLO materials should possess large third order nonlinear refractive index, low linear and nonlinear absorption coefficients, fast response speed and stable physical and chemical properties at the operating wavelength. The first element can reduce the power density of control light and avoid damage to the device. The second one can reduce the information transmission loss and weaken the thermal effect. The third can increase the switching speed and the fourth one makes waveguide fabrication more easily.Our group devote ourselves to exploring and studying novel NLO complexes which have large third-order NLO effects and ultrafast response speed to satisfy the material requirements for AOS application. We have studied many materials and found that the chalcone and transition metal1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate(DMIT) complexes possesses large planar π electron conjugated structure. The π electron becomes delocalized in the incident laser, making polarization and charge transfer occur easily and materials have large third-order NLO effects. Especially when metal ions are introduced into the conjugated system of DMIT complexes, the charge transfer between metal and organic system makes the electron delocalization property of total conjugated system stronger. In addition, the anion in the molecules is rich in sulfur which can form effective orbital overlapping between molecules and make DMIT have fast response speed.This dissertation discusses the factors which affect the third-order nonlinear properties of materials from internal structure and external conditions. More than ten kinds of DMIT and chalcone complexes were explored and synthesized. DMIT complexes with central metal ions Au and Mn suitable for1064nm and NNDC belonging to chalcone complexes for532nm were investigated using laser Z-scan technique. DMIT and NNDC were doped with PMMA polymer separately to prepare composite films using polymer spin coating method. The third-order NLO properties of the composite films were studied by Z-scan technique and the refractive index, light absorption, thermal effect and light transmission loss of the composite films were systematically studied by prism coupler, photographic technique and spectroscopic techniques. The purpose is to explore ways to enhance third-order nonlinear refractive index, weaken linear and nonlinear absorption, improve optical quality of composite film, and provide experimental basis for final device manufacture. The work of this dissertation will be described in the following aspects:Firstly, we explored and synthesized more than ten kinds of DMIT and chalcone organic π electron conjugated compound materials. The Mn(dmit)2materials with central metal ion Mn were synthesized for the first time. The crystal structure, linear optical absorption and the other physical-chemical properties of benzyltriethylamine bis(2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato)aurate(Ⅲ)(BTEAADT), benzyltriethylamine bis(2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato)nickel(Ⅲ)(BTEANDT), bis(tetrabutylammoniu-m)bis(2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato)manganate(Ⅱ)(BAMDT) and (2E)-1-(2,4-dichloro-5-fluorophenyl)-3-[4-dimethylamino)phenyl]prop-2-en-1-one (NNDC) were reported for the first time.Secondly, we established Z-scan experimental apparatus which was used to characterize the third-order NLO properties of the materials. Photographic technique apparatus was also built up to characterize the optical transmission loss of compound films. Experimental data processing method was complemented and perfected as well.Z-scan technique is a commonly used method to characterize the third-order NLO properties of materials. It has the advantages of simple experimental device, high measuring sensitivity, distinguish ability third-order nonlinear refraction and nonlinear absorption part, and so on. We established a set of Z-scan experimental apparatus to investigate the third-order NLO properties of the materials synthesized by us. A program was developed using Labview to realize controlled sample translation during the experiment and automated experimental data collection. Mathcad program was also written to realize the automation of data processing, which shortened the time of experiment and data analysis and increased the precision of experimental data collection. The photographic technique can characterize the optical transmission loss of composite films conveniently and exactly. We established photographic experemental apparatus, developed a program to realize the data processing, and characterized the optical transmission loss coefficient of the compound films.Thirdly, we studied the impact of central metal ions and external cations of materials on third-order NLO properties of DMIT complexes.The third-order NLO properties of Au(dmit)2. Ni(dmit)2and Mn(dmit)2were studied by Z-scan technique. The optical parameters, such as third-order nonlinear refractive index, nonlinear absorption coefficient, molecular second-order hyperpolarizability and the performance parameter such as all-optical quality factor were obtained after calculation. We obtained some important results after studying the properties of DMIT complexes:1. The third-order NLO properties of DMIT complexes were closely related to its central metal ions.Au(dmit)2materials exhibited self-defocusing effect and negligible nonlinear absorption at1064nm. Ni(dmit)2materials exhibited self-focusing effect and saturable absorption effect at1064nm. Mn(dmit)2materials exhibited self-defocusing effect and negligible nonlinear absorption at1064nm. The third-order NLO parameters of Au(dmit)2and Mn(dmit>2satisfy the requirements of AOS to the material quality factor. But the parameters of Ni(dmit)2materials did not satisfy the requirements because its|T|>>1.2. The third-order NLO properties of DMIT complexes is relevant to its external cations.Some Au(dmit)2materials with the same central metal ion, such as:BTEAADT, tetraphenylphosphonium bis(2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato)aurate(Ⅲ)(TPEPADT) tetrapropylammonium bis(2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato)aurate(Ⅲ)(TPAADT) and tetraethylammonium bis(2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato)aurate(Ⅲ)(TEAADT) exhibited similar nonlinear refraction at1064nm, but their third-order nonlinear refractive indexes were different when external cations changed.Fourthly, we studied the impact of external factors (laser wavelengths, intensity) on the third-order NLO properties of DMIT materials.1. The same material exhibited different third-order NLO effects when measuring at different linear absorption ranges of the materials. Strong linear optical absorption enhances the NLO effect when measuring at the resonance wavelength or in the region near it. Au(dmit)2materials exhibited self-defocusing effect at both1064and532nm, but the nonlinear absorption could be neglected at1064nm and exhibited reverse saturation absorption at532nm. The third-order NLO parameters of Au(dmit)2at532nm are larger than those at1064nm. The reason is that532nm is in the near resonance region in the material’s linear optical absorption spectra. Strong linear optical absorption induced nonlinear absorption easily and enhanced materials’ NLO effect.2. The third-order NLO parameters of the materials were different under different laser intensities. As the probing laser intensity becomes larger in a certain range gradually, Ni(dmit)2materials’ nonlinear saturable absorption effect becomes weaker correspondingly. The nonlinear absorption coefficient, the third-order nonlinear refractive index and the peak-valley differentials of Z-scan curves all become smaller at1064nm. This is because the excited state absorption cross sections of Ni(dmit)2materials decreased gradually when the light intensity increase, and thereby made the third-order optical properties of Ni(dmit)2weaker.Fifthly, Au(dmit)2/PMMA and NNDC/PMMA composite films were prepared using polymer spin coating method. Their third-order NLO properties were studied by Z-scan technique. The impact of nonlinear element and doping concentration on the parameters were studied such as third-order NLO properties, refractive index, light absorption, thermal effect and light transmission loss of the composite films.1. Au(dmit)2materials were selected and doped with PMMA to prepare the composite films. Their third-order NLO properties were investigated using Z-scan technique at1064nm. The results revealed that composite films have negligible nonlinear absorption. The magnitudes of other third-order optical parameters were three orders larger than those in solutions of Au(dmit)2materials. The composite films satisfy the requirements of AOS for material quality factor, i.e.|W|>>1and|T|<<1and can be potentially applied in AOS device manufacture.2. NNDC/PMMA composite films with five different doping concentrations were prepared. Their third-order NLO properties were studied by using Z-scan technique at532nm. The results revealed that the linear light absorption, refractive indexes, third-order nonlinear refractive indexes and the quality factor|W|of the composite films increases with the doping concentrations. These composite films still have negligible nonlinear absorption effect. The composite films satisfy the requirements of AOS for materials quality factor, i.e.|W|>>1and|T|<<1. At the same time, the response time of chalcone materials was about2.0ps. These results showed NNDC had application potentials in AOS device manufacture in the blue and green light communication.3. The thermal effects of Au(dmit)2/PMMA composite films were larger than those for pure PMMA films. The thermo-optic coefficients of Au(dmit)2/PMMA composite films were calculated to be in the magnitude order of10-5/℃by using temperature-controlled prism-coupler system. The change of the refractive index induced by the thermal effect is the major factor that hinders the ultrafast response speed of AOS devices because its response time is much larger than that of refractive index change induced by electron cloud aberration. The influence of thermal effect can be depressed effectively by reducing the linear and nonlinear absorption of films or controlling the working conditions of films.4. The light transmission loss coefficients of NNDC/PMMA composite films were measured by using photographic technique. The results revealed that light transmission loss coefficients increased approximately linearly with the doping concentration. Reducing the light transmission loss of films can improve the optical stability and practicality of the films. The effective method to reduce the light transmission loss of the films is to improve the optical quality by virtue of appropriate fabrication technique and surface treatment technology.Sixthly, we investigated the time response properties of DMIT complexes. The response time of optical Kerr signal of dmit materials were measured by using optical Kerr method with the sensitivity of femto-second. The response time of some materials was firstly reported. The response time of DMIT materials was all about200fs which was4-6orders of magnitude faster than that of the current popular electro-optic switch. The results show DMIT materials satisfy the requirements for material response speed of AOS.In conclusion, in this dissertation we analyze various aspects which affect the third-order NLO properties of the materials from internal structures and external conditions based on the requirements for materials of AOS. The NLO phenomenon of chalcone and transition metal DMIT materials which have large planar n electrons conjugated structures were investigated in different conditions such as:(a) with different metal ions;(b) with the same metal ion but different cations, and (c) the same material at different laser intensity or wavelengths. The influence of cations and metal ions on NLO effects of materials was investigated. We found Au(dmit)2materials and NNDC have large third-order nonlinear refractive indices, small linear and nonlinear absorption coefficients and fast response speed. They can satisfy the requirements of AOS for material quality factor in optical fiber communication and blue and green light communication respectively. The impact of nonlinear element and different doping concentrations on the third-order NLO properties, refractive indexes, light absorption, thermal effects and light transmission losses of composite films were systematically studied in the prepared composite films. We found some effective methods of solving problems and provided important experimental basis for performance optimization of waveguide devices and for AOS device design and manufacture in the future study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期