

A Study on Government Information Disclosure from the Perspective of Service-Oriented Government

【作者】 朱友刚

【导师】 张锡恩;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪中期以来,随着参与式民主的兴起,政府信息公开呈现出全球化的趋势,成为一种世界范围内的普遍潮流。政府信息公开不仅是促进政府信息资源充分利用和优化配置的有效途径,而且是推动公民参与、发展政治民主、构建服务型政府的必备要素。如何认识政府信息公开的内在必然性,探索在服务型政府的框架下政府信息公开发生发展的内在机制和保障措施,构建信息公开有效运作的制度体系,在当前政府治理模式转型的背景下是一个需要深入研究的课题。2008年5月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》是我国第一部国家层面的信息公开立法,启动了面向行政公开和公众参与的公共行政改革。从价值追求上看,政府信息公开将公众由行政过程的外在要素转变为内在要素,使公众知情并实质性参与重要的公共政策的制定过程,表达了行政民主化的核心内涵,反映了政府服务行政的属性。政府信息公开法律制度的实施,契合了当前我国走向民主化、现代化的政治转型和以服务型政府建设为目标的政府治理模式转变的要求。认真探究服务型政府的治理理念,充分利用政府信息公开的制度平台,结合政府职能转变和社会管理创新,实现政府和公民之间的良性互动、协商合作,不断增进政府活动的公开性与透明性,促进公民参与行政过程,保障公民的知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权,对促进服务型政府建设的实质性进步具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文力求运用规范分析和实证研究相结合的方法,探讨在政府治理模式转型的背景下,如何更好地发挥政府信息公开的作用,推进服务型政府建设。论文在对政府信息公开进行一般性理论分析的基础上,从政府信息公开与服务型政府的关系以及政府信息公开的制度建设两个方面展开论述:一是通过对服务型政府治理理念和政府信息公开的理论依据与实践功能的分析,探讨服务型政府与信息公开内在契合的关系,分析信息公开在服务型政府建设中的作用,认为以政府信息公开作为我国服务型政府建设的突破口是当前服务型政府建设最为现实、可行的一种路径。二是通过对政府信息公开的实证分析,探讨地方政府信息公开的现状和面临的困境,分析信息公开在政府治理模式转型中的作用,并借鉴国外政府信息公开的成功经验,探索我国政府信息公开的思路与对策,为服务型政府建设提供现实的依据。通过分析论证,本文试图阐明如下观点:(1)从政府信息公开的作用看,政府信息公开既是服务型政府建设的必然要求和前提条件,又是服务型政府建设的重要推动力量。政府信息公开在服务型政府建设中的地位和作用,主要体现在对公民知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权的保障和改进政府运行机制、推进行政民主两个方面。(2)从政府信息公开的价值取向看,在服务型政府的框架下,服务理念必然被引入政府信息公开的价值体系,因此政府信息公开在法律层面的价值约束之外,更应注重道德层面的价值追求,信息公开行为应当立足于满足公民知情权、服务公民信息需求,顺应服务型政府的价值目标。(3)从政府信息公开与服务型政府的相互关系看,在政府治理模式转型的背景下二者在诸多方面表现出内在的一致性,契合了服务型政府的治理理念和治理模式转变的要求,应当而且可能成为建设服务型政府的突破口和重要路径。本文并不企求对服务型政府及政府信息公开的理论进行全面的阐述,而主要是从分析二者的关系入手,力求在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,论证政府信息公开在服务型政府建设中的基础性意义,对服务型政府与政府信息公开的相互关系进行探讨,探索通过政府信息公开、推进服务型政府建设的路径。在这一分析思路下,本文共分五个部分展开论述:第一章为导论,提出本文研究的主题,即服务型政府视角下的政府信息公开,并就研究该主题的背景与意义、学界对服务型政府和政府信息公开研究的现状、本文的研究思路、结构安排以及可能的创新之处等进行说明。第二章主要是对服务型政府与政府信息公开相互关系的理论分析。该部分在对服务型政府和政府信息公开相关概念进行界定的基础上,首先讨论了服务型政府的治理理念,认为服务型政府的治理理念决定了政府治理方式的转变;其次,政府信息公开的性质和功能是政府信息公开理论研究中的一个重要问题,在考察政府信息公开理论依据及实践功能的基础上,具体探讨了政府信息公开与服务型政府在构筑政府合法性、治理模式、保障公民权利、提升政府公信力等方面的内在一致性。第三章以山东省为例,具体分析地方政府信息公开的相关问题。一是从组织体系、制度体系方面,分析政府信息公开运行的制度环境;二是从政府信息公开平台建设方面,分析传统公开方式和网络媒体在政府信息公开中的具体运用及各自的优缺点,重点分析了青岛政务网的主要栏目、建管模式、政民互动模式、监控模式等网站运行要素,提出承载“信息公开、网上办事、公众参与”三大功能的政府门户网站将成为政府信息公开的主渠道;三是通过政府信息公开的具体数据和实例,分析政府信息公开的成效和面临的问题。通过实例分析,说明了政府信息公开在疏通政府与公众的对话渠道、保障公众知情权、实现政府与公民互动和协调、实现政府决策与行为逐步由“以政府为中心”向“以公众为中心”转移,以及强化政府公共服务职能方面的重要作用,契合了当前我国以服务型政府建设为目标的政府治理模式的转型。第四章探讨了国外政府信息公开的经验与启示。一是分析了国外政府信息公开的动因,既有政治经济因素,也有技术进步因素。二是梳理了国外政府信息公开的主要做法和经验,即必须有健全的法律制度、明确的公开内容和范围、规范的公开方式和程序,以及完善的监督与救济机制。三是总结了国外政府信息公开对我国政府信息公开的启示,即应当具备相应的思想基础、需要与本国国情相结合、应当循序渐进、需要依靠公众和社会组织的积极推动、应当建立健全的法律制度体系。第五章通过借鉴国外政府信息公开的成功经验,结合我国实际情况,提出了服务型政府视角下政府信息公开的基本策略和路径选择,认为其核心在于加强和完善政府信息公开法律体系,健全相关的配套制度和政策措施,切实保障公民知情权,为公众提供一个积极参与的政治环境,建设一个民主、活泼、高效的社会主义政府体系,实现政府治理模式的变革和公民参与的民主治理格局。结语部分对前文各部分内容进行了简要总结,归纳了论文的主要观点。完善政府信息公开、推进服务型政府建设是一个复杂的系统工程,内容涉及方方面面,有待于学界、政界及各方人士进一步的探索和思考。

【Abstract】 Government information disclosure has become a global topic and common trend since the emergence of participatory democracy in the middle of the20th century. Government information disclosure is not only an effective way of promoting optimal allocation and full utilization of government information resources, but necessary requirement for developing political democracy, constructing political civilization and building service-oriented government. How to understand the inherent necessity of government information disclosure, explore the intrinsic evolution mechanism and guarantee measures, and construct a system of effective information disclosure operation is an issue worth studying against the background of current governance mode transformation. This paper tries to discuss how to display the role of government information disclosure and promote the construction of service-oriented government from the perspective of governance mode transformation.Based on the government information disclosure theory and value analysis theory, by resorting to theoretical analysis and empirical researches, the paper elaborates on the following viewpoint:A. government information disclosure is necessary requirement, prerequisite and important impetus for building service-oriented government. Its position and role in the construction of service-oriented government is mainly reflected in protecting the citizens’right to know, to participate, to express and to supervise as well as improving the government operation mechanism. B, regarding the value orientation of government information disclosure, in service-oriented government, the service concept will definitely be introduced into the value system of government information disclosure. The government information disclosure therefore pays more attention to moral values besides legal restrictions, and all information disclosure actions are based on endowing people with the right to know and satisfying people’s demand for information, which complies with the values of service-oriented government. C. In terms of the relationship of government information disclosure and service-oriented government, they are inherently integrated and interacted in many areas in the context of governance mode transformation, and government information disclosure becomes the major link and important route to press ahead the construction of service-oriented government.From the above-mentioned point of view, this paper takes the perspective of governance mode transformation, and based on the ordinary theoretical analysis of government information disclosure, elaborates on the relationship between government information disclosure and service-oriented government and the system construction of government information disclosure. On one hand, the paper analyzes the governance concept of service-oriented government and the value of government information disclosure, discusses their inherent interactive relationship, and analyzes the role of government information disclosure in service-oriented government construction. On the other hand, through empirical researches of government information disclosure in Shandong, the paper talks about existing problems, learns from the experience of western countries, and explores the line of thinking and countermeasures of information disclosure in China, to provide practical basis for the construction of service-oriented government. This study does not offer a panorama of the theory of service-oriented government and government information disclosure, but starts from their relationship to the way of constructing service-oriented government through information disclosure. With this in mind, this article is composed of five chapters.Chapter one is introductory remarks. It proposes the research topic-government information disclosure from the perspective of service-oriented government, and explains the background and significance of the study, existing researches of the academic community, the creative points of view, reasoning and structure of this article. The paper tries to demonstrate, on the basis of existing research results, the fundamental significance of government information disclosure in the construction of service-oriented government, and make positive exploration into the relationship between them.Chapter two focuses on the relationship between service-oriented government and government information disclosure. The nature and role of government information disclosure is an important matter in the theoretical research. This chapter first defines the related concepts of service-oriented government and government information disclosure, discusses about the governance philosophy of service-oriented government and believes that the governance philosophy decides the functioning of service-oriented government. Then after discussing about the theoretical basis and value analysis of government information disclosure, this chapter puts forward the idea that government information disclosure is an important component of democratic system of modern times, its importance must be recognized at the height of socialist political development. The inherent integration of government information disclosure and service-oriented government in terms of forging political legitimacy, governance mode and protecting citizens’right is also discussed.Chapter three mainly talks about the problems facing government information disclosure in China. The province of Shandong is chosen as the object of empirical researches, for it is very typical as a strong economy in coastal area, located in the cultural interaction between the South and North China, has a high demand for social public services and information disclosure. This chapter studies its government information disclosure system, disclosure demand and relief, analyzes the current status and problems in government information disclosure, and provides grounds for the improvement of the system.Chapter four discusses about the experience of western countries in government information disclosure and the inspiration from that. It analyzes the reason for western countries to disclose information, including political and economic reasons and technology progress factor. The main practices and experience of western countries are then sorted out:there must be full-fledged legal system, clear disclosure content and scope, standard manner and procedure of disclosure, and well-established supervision and relief mechanism. A conclusion is made about the preconditions which include ideological foundation combined with national conditions, gradual process, positive promotion of social organizations and social security system in good shape.Chapter five is a key part of the paper, which combines the western countries’successful experience with the practical conditions of China and proposes the route choices and basic strategies for government information disclosure in the service-oriented government. The core strategy is to strengthen and improve the legal system and supporting systems and measures, protect citizens’right to know, offer a political environment for citizens to participate actively, build a democratic, live and efficient socialist government system, realize the reform of governance mode and a situation where citizens participate in democratic governance.The conclusion is a brief summary of the chapters before and expresses the major viewpoint of this paper. The improvement of information disclosure and promotion of service-oriented government construction is a complicated system project which involves many areas and deserves further exploration and thinking of the academic, political and other related communities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期