

A Cognitive Study on the Emergence of Mandarin Chinese Verbal Classifiers

【作者】 张媛

【导师】 刘振前;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 英语语言文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 量词词类是印欧语系和汉藏语系的重要区别性特征。现代汉语动量词最大程度地反映了汉语语言的复杂性(郭绍虞,1979:27)。以往研究在一定程度上反映了量词的语法表现及本质,并且推动了量词研究的进程,深化了我们对量词的理解。然而,一些主要问题仍然存在。一方面,大多数研究都是描写性质。另一方面,重名量轻动量的现象一直存在,致使动量词的许多语法表现还未被发掘并深入分析。直到上世纪末,这种趋势有所改观。研究者们已经意识到动量词在现代汉语语法中的特殊性,它们在形式和意义方面都表现出多样性。研究这一语言现象不仅有助于对语言共性的理解,也能够进一步揭示汉语语言的个性。本研究主要从认知角度探讨动量词如何从心智中层现出来并进入自然语言系统。为了达到这一研究目的,以下几个研究问题有待解决:怎样从认知角度阐释动量词并对其分类?动量词从心智中层现的认知过程是怎样的?在层现过程中,动量词次类间有怎样的不同和相同之处?这一层现过程反映了动量词怎样的认知本质?以上研究问题是以对动量词的认知阐释和认知分类为基础的,这些研究问题紧密关联,共同促成研究目的的实现。该研究采用认知的视角和逆推的研方法,并辅以语料库研究。研究者已逐渐意识到跨学科研究对阐释语言问题的优势。该研究以认知语言学作为主要研究方法,借用了心智哲学中的发现,使二者相得益彰。在认知语言学范式下,不同的方法也被用以阐释该语言现象的不同方面。然而,认知视角下的研究常常受到质疑,因为研究结果往往被认为过于依赖于个体的内省。因此,实证的方法必不可少。该研究以语料库为基础,总结出了动量词在自然语言中的用法以及使用频率并基于对语料库中动量词用法的描写,逆推出动量词层现的过程,建构了理论框架,并从认知角度进行细致的阐释。为了深入研究,该研究对三类动量词次类中的三个使用频率最高的动量词做了个案分析。该研究认为对动量词的认知阐释以及认知分类应作为进一步研究的基础。从认知角度来看,动量词是范畴化的方式,是行为或事件的某一侧面突显的结果,反过来又对行为或事件加以界性。这一认知阐释为分类问题提供了理据,根据动词语义框架内的参与者角色,动量词可被分为若干类,基于参与者角色的不确定性,动量词次类划分也具有开放性。动量词在心智中的认知层现过程分为三个阶段:语前思维阶段,语言思维Ⅰ和语言思维Ⅱ。这三个阶段符合人类认知从低级形式向高级形式发展的过程。而且,这三个层次的发展也体现出认知科学的基本原则,即体验性。首先,在语前思维阶段,三类动量词次类历经了相似的心智活动:意向——活动思维——意象思维——内容思维——概念形或。其次,在语言思维Ⅰ这一阶段,语法转喻机制发挥作用,某些参与者角色或行为框架本身作为整体会突显,并转喻动量。名词或动词也被再归类为动量词。然后,在语言思维Ⅱ这一阶段,动量词进入不同的形式-意义的搭配体——构式。形式是意义在句法层面的映射,意义又是对同一场景不同识解角度的反映。三类动量词在构式行为上体现出相似性以及不同特点,语料库检索有利于发现构式类型、个体及使用频率等方面的特点。通过对比,已经发现它们之间形成了种种连续体。总之,现代汉语动量词,无论是暂时借用的,还是已经语法化了的,虽然在各个层次上可能会有一定的区别,但都经历了相似的认知层现过程。本研究在以下几方面也具有一定的启示:(1)反应了语言共性和语言个性的互相作用;(2)跨学科的方法有利于相对全面和系统的研究;(3)依据内省法作出的假设应该用实证方法加以论证;(4)多种研究方法为阐释同一语言现象提供了汇流的证据;(5)研究结果对对外汉语教学具有一定的启示。最后,该研究对动量词的后续研究提出了建议。

【Abstract】 The presence of classifiers constitutes an important feature distinguishing Sino-Tibet languages from Indo-European languages. Classifiers in Mandarin Chinese reflect the complexity of Chinese language to a great extent (Guo,1979, p.27). By revealing to a certain extent the grammatical nature and behaviors of classifiers, previous studies have promoted the research process and deepened our understanding of classifiers in Mandarin Chinese. Some of the major problems, however, still remain. On the one hand, most studies were descriptive in nature. On the other hand, noun classifiers (NCls) had received much more attention than verbal classifiers (VCls). As a result, many grammatical behaviors have neither been discovered nor been explored. It is not until the end of last century that this tendency has changed gradually. The particularity of VCls in Chinese grammar has attracted the attention of researchers due to their diversities in both form and meaning. Thus, the study on this linguistic phenomenon will not only contribute to the understanding of language universality, but also disclose individuality of the Chinese language.The present study is an attempt to explore from a cognitive perspective how VCls emerge from the mind and enter the natural language system. To reach this goal, several research questions are to be addressed:What is the cognitive process for VCls to emerge from the mind? What are the similarities and differences of sub-categories of VCls in the process of emergence? What cognitive nature of VCls is reflected by the emergence process of VCls?The above research questions are based on the cognitive interpretation and classification of VCls which are discussed in the first place. The questions are also intimately connected and the responses may jointly contribute to the research purpose of the present study.This study intends to adopt the cognitive approach and the method of abduction, supplemented by corpus research. It is true that many researchers have come to realize the advantages of interdisciplinary research on the interpretation of language problems. As for the present study, cognitive linguistics is taken as the principal approach, complemented by findings in the field of philosophy of mind. Within the paradigm of cognitive linguistics, different approaches are to be applied to interpret this linguistic phenomenon. However, studies from the cognitive perspective often receive some skepticism, for they are considered to be so heavily based on individual introspections. Therefore, empirical methods are essential for the settlement. The present study is designed to be a corpus-driven one. The corpus is important in that it does not only provide the actual uses of VCls but also offers evidence of usage frequencies. Based on the description of usages of VCls in the corpus, the study is to abduct the process of their emergence from the mind and to construct a theoretical framework, followed by detailed interpretations from the cognitive perspective. In order to deepen the exploration and reveal more aspects relevant to VCls, three sub-categories are selected for an exploration, namely human body part VCls, instrument VC1s and times VC1s. In each sub-category, one VC1is selected for a case study based on its usage frequency.In the present study, interpretation and classification of VCls from a cognitive perspective are foundations for the further cognitive study. VCls are means of human categorization. They are linguistic representations for certain aspects relevant to actions or events. These aspects profile and add boundaries to actions or events. The interpretation further provides evidence for the classification. Accordingly, VCls are classified by the participant roles in the action frame. The participant roles vary according to different action frames, so the sub-categories of VCls are also open-ended.As to the emergence process of VCls, three levels of thinking are proposed: pre-linguistic thinking level, linguistic thinking level Ⅰ and linguistic thinking level Ⅱ. These three levels progress in accordance with the development of human cognition from low to high forms. Besides, the emergence process demonstrates a basic tenet of cognitive science—embodiment.At pre-linguistic thinking level, three sub-categories of VCls undergo similar mind activities:intention—movement thinking—image thinking—content thinkings—conception formation.At linguistic thinking level I, the mechanism of grammatical metonymy functions. Certain participant roles or the action frame as a whole profile and metonymically refer to the quantity of actions or events. Meanwhile the recategorization of word classes occurs—ouns or verbs function as VCls.At linguistic thinking level Ⅱ, VC1s enter different constructions which are pairings of form and meaning. Forms are mapped from meanings and meanings are reflections of different construal perspectives towards the same scene. Through corpus searching, construction types, tokens as well as usage frequencies of each of the three sub-categories of VCls are elicited. The three sub-categories of VC1s show similarities as well as differences in their constructional behaviors. Several continuums have been found by the comparison across them.In conclusion, VCls, whether they are temporarily applied or grammaticalized ones, must have gone through the same cognitive emergence process, which allows possibility for variations at each level.The present study has its implications in the following aspects:(1) the study reflects the interaction of language universality and individuality;(2) the interdisciplinary approach is more advantageous in making a relatively comprehensive and systematic study;(3) this corpus-driven research, hows that intuition should be supported by empirical evidence;(4) multiple approaches provide converging evidences for a particular linguistic phenomenon; and (5) the research findings have pedagogical implications, especially for the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Finally, some recommendations for further studies are provided.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期