

Research on Establishment of Regional Eco-innovation System in Northeast of China

【作者】 华振

【导师】 郭振;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨商业大学 , 产业经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,我国经济取得了举世瞩目的辉煌发展,经过多年的稳定而迅速增长,中国GDP终于超越日本,成为仅次于美国的世界第二大经济体。然而,在赞叹“中国奇迹”的同时,还应该注意到,现阶段我国这种稳定快速的“高产出”是“以高投入、高能耗、高污染”为代价换来的,能源消耗量巨大、环境污染面积甚广等问题日渐凸现,资源枯竭和环境恶化等问题日趋严重,经济与环境的协调发展越来越受到政府、社会以及学界各方的高度重视。在科学发展观的指引下,如何实现经济、资源、环境的可持续发展,成为当今我国经济发展面临和必须解决的现实问题。东北三省是我国重要的老工业基地,在新中国成立之初曾扮演了重要角色,但改革开放以来,东北三省的经济发展受地理位置的制约逐渐放缓了前进的脚步。2012年1月9日,温家宝总理主持召开了国务院振兴东北地区等老工业基地领导小组会议,讨论通过了《东北振兴“十二五”规划》,这一重大规划的发布给“十二五”时期东北地区的发展指明了方向:通过增强东北地区创新能力、加强生态建设和环境保护来进一步完善现代产业体系。基于此,本文提出东北地区绿色创新体系的构建问题,并结合目前东北地区的发展现状提出促进地区绿色创新体系实现模式与对策。研究内容包括:第一,从理论上分析区域绿色创新体系与现代产业体系的关系,随后详细分析了区域绿色创新体系与现代产业体系的互动发展机理,并对基于区域绿色创新的现代产业体系的发展模式进行了理论论证。第二,分析了区域绿色创新系统的影响因素。并利用DEA的Malmquist生产率指数对区域绿色创新能力的影响因素进行了实证分析,从数据选取,到区域绿色创新能力的影响因素模型的建立,最后结合实证分析结果进行了论述。第三,对全国我国30个省市的绿色创新能力进行了量化分析。构建了绿色创新绩效评价指标体系,并利用因子分析法研究了全国30个省的绿色创新绩效,重点分析了东北三省与全国其它各省的差距。第四,在对基础理论的研究以及实证研究的基础上,根据东北地区的区域绿色创新的现状,分析了制约东北区域绿色创新体系的影响因素、发展现状与存在的问题,提出东北区域绿色创新体系构建的思路、思路、实现模式与对策。

【Abstract】 China’s economy has made remarkable brilliant development since its reform and opening up more than30years ago, after years of stable and rapid growth, China has finally overtaken Japan to become the world’s second largest economy after the United States. However, in praise of the "China miracle", meanwhile, it should be noted that such a steady rapid high-output "is in exchange for the cost of "high input, high energy consumption and high pollution" in China at this stage. The problems that a wider area which is suffering environmental pollution becoming much more apparent than ever before. Resource depletion and environmental degradation may cause the irreversible consequence. The conflict between economic development and environmental protection has been attached great importance to by society, academia and government at all levels. With the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development, the question of "how to achieve the sustainable development of the economy, resources, environment" which is China’s economic facing today must be addressed. The old industrial bases in three provinces in Northeast China in the founding of New China had played a significant role; however, economic development in the three northeastern provinces has slowdowned in the pace of progress by its geographical constraints gradually since China’s reform and opening up.On January9,2012, on the Conference of State Council’s leading group for revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China which is chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao, it discussed for the revival of Northeast China "Twelve-Five" plan, the release of a major plan to "Twelve-Five" development in Northeast China during the period specified in the direction:in order to build up the modern industrial system throughout enhancing the regional innovation capacity, strengthen ecological construction and environmental protection. Due to all above, this paper proposes the construction of regional eco-innovation system innovation in the Northeast of China, it includes:First, the relationship between eco-innovation system and the modern industrial system has been analyzed theoretically, then, followed by detailed analysis of development of regional eco-innovation system of interactive mechanism with the modern industrial system, as well, it discussed development mode of the modern industrial system based on regional eco-innovation for the theory of argumentation.Second, it analyzed the main factors which may influence the regional eco-innovation system using factor analysis method:from the data selection, the building of factors affecting model of regional eco-innovation system, and finally combined the results of factor analysis for discussion.Third, it carried out a quantitative analysis of eco-innovation capability within30provinces or municipalities throughout China. It built up the indicators system for regional eco-innovation performance evaluation; furthermore, it is focused on the gaps between the three provinces in Northeast China and other provinces.Forth, on the basis of empirical and theoretical research on the regional eco-innovation system, according to the situation current of eco-innovation in three provinces in Northeast China, it clarify the factors which restricts eco-innovation system in the Northeast, and meantime, it made the development strategy for the construction of eco-innovation system in Northeast China.
