

Wuhan Aquatic Products Supply Chain Structure Optimization Research Based on the Safety and Efficiency

【作者】 黄勇

【导师】 易法海;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业贸易与农村金融管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,在一系列有利于水产业发展的政策引导、科技支撑、市场推动及各种要素的积极参与下,武汉市按照“区域化布局、标准化生产、规模化推进、市场化运作、产业化经营”的要求,全面发展“优质、高产、高效、生态、安全”的水产业,使其水产业保持着持续、稳定、健康发展的好势头,并且随着武汉市经济持续快速而健康地发展,未来水产业将在武汉市的农业经济发展中占据越来越重要的位置。但是,因武汉市水产品供应链在生产、加工、流通等各个环节还存在一些问题,导致武汉市面临着水产品供应链效率低下和一定的质量安全问题,这阻碍着武汉市水产业进一步做强做大。在党中央提出必须把加快转变经济发展方式贯穿于经济社会发展全过程和各领域,在发展中促转变,在转变中谋发展,实现经济社会又好又快发展的背景下,武汉市如何在资源与环境刚性约束日益突出的条件下进一步巩固全国第一淡水产品生产大市的地位、解决好“大”而不“强”的问题,如何在经济全球化日益深化的大背景下推进水产业又好又快发展、实现由“大”变“强”的跨越式发展,更新发展理念、转变发展方式,成为当前我们的必然选择和紧迫任务,本研究正是在此背景下,从安全与效率并重的角度,对武汉市水产品供应链结构优化进行研究将具有非常重要的现实意义,一方面将有助于武汉市水产品供应链整体运营效率的提高和水产品质量安全状况的改善,另一方面将为相关决策部门制定促进武汉市水产业由“大”变“强”的相关政策提供一定的依据,从而为武汉市水产业引入供应链管理提供实证支持。本文在对已有研究成果进行梳理,并借鉴供应链结构领域已有的研究成果的基础上,结合物流、供应链的前沿理论,通过比较分析法、层次分析法、博弈分析法等方法,在对武汉市水产业生产与流通的发展现状进行考察的基础上,首先从整体上对武汉市水产品供应链结构的现状、模式及问题进行了描述,以对武汉市水产品供应链结构的整体发展有一个比较清晰的定位。然后通过对武汉市水产品供应链中所涉及的水产品养殖、加工、销售的大型龙头企业进行实地考察,并对影响水产品安全和水产品供应链效率的因素进行量化分析,研究有利于武汉市水产品供应链结构优化的良好互动的机理。同时运用豪泰林模型从水产品供应链终端入手,从注重安全因素和不注重安全因素两个方面对超市、农贸市场和消费者三个经济主体进行博弈分析,并引出在水产品供应链中最优的监管者应该是政府。最后在提出优化武汉市水产品供应链结构优化的基本思路的基础上,进一步提出优化武汉市水产品供应链结构的主要措施。相关研究的主要结论如下:1.武汉市水产品供应链结构现状。调查表明,武汉市现行的水产品供应链结构模式主要有以批发市场为中心的水产品供应链、以加工企业为中心的水产品供应链和以连锁超市为中心的水产品供应链三种类型的结构模式,其中以批发市场为中心的水产品供应链结构模式是目前武汉市水产品供应链中最为主要的结构模式,但却是一条断裂的链条。而以农业协会或合作社为依托和以第三方物流企业为依托的供应链结构模式仍然不成熟,还不是当前甚至未来武汉市主流的水产品供应链结构模式。因此,在当前及未来一段时间内,在以批发市场为中心的水产品供应链结构模式中,武汉市应大力发展养殖合作社,即首先由养殖户成立养殖合作社,负责技术和管理上的交流和协调,养殖户只用养殖出高品质的水产品,由专业市场提供交易和储存场所(比如建立一个水产品活体恒温贮藏基地),最终通过品牌化、标准化、产业化运作吸引采购商直接到生产地采购水产品,从而减少了中间环节,增加了养殖户效益。因此,养殖合作组织在当前及未来一段时间内应逐渐成为武汉市大力发展的一种主要组织形式。2.武汉市水产品供应链体系发展模式。目前武汉市的水产品供应链体系存在两种发展模式,一种是以超市为终端的水产品供应链体系发展模式,另一种是以农贸市场为终端的水产品供应链体系发展模式。由于武汉市居民的消费者偏好、收入、文化程度等的不同,使不同的消费者的市场需求存在一定的差异性,这使得当前这两种发展模式互相依存,互为补充,并在未来较长的时间内长期共存,在某种程度上,当前两个特征差异较为明显的水产品供应链的存在应是市场选择的结果。虽然当前农贸市场仍然是武汉市水产品流通主渠道,但是,伴随着武汉市居民收入水平的提高,消费态度的改变以及武汉市连锁超市经营理念和管理思路等的变化,武汉市水产品供应链的未来发展模式也会同发达国家一样向着效率更高和质量更加安全的以连锁超市为终端的水产品供应链体系方向发展。3.影响武汉市水产品供应链质量与安全的因素。通过对武汉市水产品供应链中处不同环节上经济主体的调查,并获取相关数据,再运用层次分析法进行计量分析后,发现“水产品安全认知”和“水产品质量安全对水产品供应链的影响”对武汉市水产品安全有非常大的影响。进一步研究发现,水产品安全认知的影响则更为重要,其在某种意义上更具指导性,他也是水产品供应链内各经济主体不断自我完善的外在力量,而供应链内各经济主体对水产品安全的合作对有助于提高武汉市水产品供应链的竞争力。4.水产品供应链主体基于产品质量安全的博弈。分析表明:如武汉市水产品消费者自身不提高安全认知,整个水产品生产经营者为追求利润的最大化,一般不会主动而自觉的增加水产品的安全投入。而通过建立一种供应链内部的协调或内部的监督机制也无法促进各经济主体间就水产品安全问题进行合作,这主要是因为水产品安全具有“公共产品”的特征。因此,对水产品安全监督应当通过政府的相关职能部门来进行,尤其是需要政府逐步完善政策法规,加大水产品安全的监管力度和执法力度,其中,对其进行监管的重点应该在源头,即要能够追根溯源,因为只有源头是安全的,才能在一定程度上保证进入供应链内的水产品是安全的,同时需要注意的是对水产品的流通、销售等环节应进行“关键点”控制,只有这样才能使消费者吃到质量安全的水产品。5.影响武汉市水产品供应链组织效率的因素。通过对武汉市水产品供应链组织效率的影响因素分析,发现合作效率是诸多影响因素中最为重要的因素。而合作效率主要受合作能力和合作意向影响,因此,要提高武汉市水产品供应链的组织效率即要强化合作意向,又要提高合作能力,要做到这一点,最为重要的就是应当通过构建水产品供应链纵向联盟,建立强有力的信用机制,使各经济主体共担风险,以达到有效降低不可控因素所导致的损失;同时,还要求处在水产品供应链上的各个不同环节的主体有实现共同目标的愿望和实现该目标的合作机制。另外,由于合作能力和合作意向也影响着企业合作条件和合作的不可控性。其中合作能力是影响企业合作条件的主要因素,而合作意向是影响合作不可控性的主要因素,因此,一方面,应大幅度提高企业的合作能力促进水产品供应链上下游企业间的合作;另一方面,还需要武汉市水产品供应链各经济主体间加强沟通与协商,对其长期发展目标达成共识,消除合作的不可控性。6.优化武汉市水产品供应链结构的主要措施。目前,武汉市水产品供应链结构已初步形成,但是与发达国家和地区相比仍然存在着较大的差距。政府和企业未来应从加快武汉市渔业基础设施建设、加快水产品养殖结构的调整、提高养殖户的组织化程度、加快培育以大型批发市场和大型连锁超市为主导的水产品供应链、构建水产品供应链的HACCP体系、加快水产企业的品牌建设、培育水产品牌、积极推进武汉市水产品冷链物流体系建设、充分发挥政府在提高水产品供应链合作效率方面的积极作用、完善水产品供应链内部的利益分配机制、完善水产品供应链的约束机制。最终从安全与效率并重的角度优化武汉市水产品供应链结构。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening, in a series of beneficial to the development of aquaculture industry policy guiding, scientific support, market promotion and active participation of the various elements, wuhan city according to "the regional distribution, standardized production, scale, marketing operation, promote industrialization" requirement, comprehensive development "high quality, high yield, high efficiency, ecological, safe" aquaculture, make its aquaculture keep the sustainable, stable and healthy development of good momentum, and along with the wuhan sustained, rapid economic and healthy development of aquaculture in the future will be in wuhan city agricultural economy development in the occupied the position of the more and more important. But, for wuhan aquatic products supply chain in the production, processing, distribution and so on each link still has some problems, and lead to low efficiency of the supply chain in wuhan city the whole aquatic products and faced with a certain quality safety problems, it hinders fishery in wuhan city to grow bigger and stronger. The party central committee to put forward to speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development through the whole process of economic and social development and the field, in promoting the development of transformation in transformation seeks the development, realize the eco-social development background, wuhan city how in resources and environment rigid constraint growing conditions to further consolidate the first fresh water production status, solve the "big" and not "strong" problems, and how to economic globalization deepens in the background of aquaculture and promote sound and rapid development, realize the "big" change "strong" leapfrog development, renew the development idea, change development way, become the the inevitable choice and urgent task, this research it is in this context, the safety and efficiency from the Angle of both of wuhan in aquatic products supply chain structure optimization research will have very important practical significance, on the one hand, will help to wuhan aquatic products supply chain the improvement of operation efficiency and aquatic products quality safety improvements, on the other hand will for related decision-making department in wuhan promoting aquaculture by changing "strong" policies to offer some basis, so as to supply chain management in wuhan introduced aquaculture provide empirical support.This paper review of existing research results, and profits from the supply chain structure area of the existing research results, and on the basis of logistics, supply chain with the leading edge of the theory, through the comparative analysis, the analytic hierarchy process (ahp), game analysis method of wuhan in aquaculture production and circulation of the current situation of the development of the basis of investigation on the whole supply chain structure of wuhan in aquatic products of the current situation and the mode and describe the problem of wuhan in aquatic products supply chain structure in the whole development of have a clear orientation. And then the aquatic products supply chain in wuhan city involved in aquatic products breeding, processing and sales of large leading enterprise field investigation, and influence the safety and aquatic products supply chain efficiency of aquatic products factors quantitative analysis, research to wuhan aquatic products supply chain structure optimization good interaction mechanism. At the same time using hotelling model from seafood products supply chain of terminal, from how to pay attention to the safety factors and does not pay attention to safety factors in two aspects of the supermarket, farmers markets and consumer three game analysis of the economic subject, and draw out in aquatic products in the supply chain optimal regulators should is the government. Finally put forward in wuhan city in optimization of aquatic products supply chain in optimizing the structure of the basic idea further, on the basis of wuhan city aquatic products supply chain structure optimization put forward the measures. The main conclusions of related research are as follows:1. Wuhan aquatic products supply chain structure the status quo. Survey shows that the aquatic products supply chain structure in wuhan city in the current pattern mainly have with the wholesale market for the aquatic products supply chain, to the center processing enterprise as the center of the supply chain and aquatic products to supermarket chain as the center of three types of aquatic products supply chain structure model, among them with the wholesale market as the center of aquatic products supply chain structure model is the most main in wuhan city aquatic products supply chain structure model, but it is a fracture of the chain. And in agriculture or cooperative association for relying on and to the third party logistics enterprise based on supply chain structure model is still not mature, also not current even the mainstream of the supply chain in wuhan city in the future of aquatic products structure mode. Therefore, in the current and future within a period of time, in the center of the wholesale market for aquatic products supply chain structure model, the wuhan city should vigorously develop aquaculture cooperatives, namely first established by breeding farmers breeding cooperatives, responsible for technology and management of communication and coordination, farmers only the high quality products and breeding, the professional market provide trading and storage place (such as establish a aquatic products living constant temperature storage base), ultimately through the brand, standardization, industrialization operation attract buyers directly to the producer purchasing aquatic products, thus reducing the intermediate link, increases the farmers benefits. Therefore, breeding cooperation organization in the current and future for a period of time in wuhan city should gradually become to develop a main form of organization.2. Wuhan aquatic products supply chain system development model. At present the aquatic products supply chain system in wuhan city there are two development mode, one is the supermarket for end of aquatic products supply chain system development mode, and the other one is the farmer’s market for end of aquatic products supply chain system development model. Because of the residents of wuhan city consumer preferences, income, the degree of different culture, different consumer market demand, there are certain differences, which makes the current the two development model depends on each other, complement each other, and in the long term future long-term coexistence, on some level, the difference between two features obvious aquatic products the existence of the supply chain should be the result of marketing choice. Although the current farmers market is still wuhan aquatic products circulation channel, but, with the improvement of wuhan city residents income level, a change of attitude and consumption in wuhan city in the supermarket chain to manage the idea and the management of the change of the idea, the future development of wuhan city aquatic products supply chain model also jointly with the developed countries toward higher efficiency and quality as more security to the supermarket chain of aquatic products for terminal system of supply chain development direction.3. Influence of aquatic products supply chain in wuhan city quality and safety factor. Through the supply chain of wuhan in aquatic products in different segments of the main body of the economy in the survey, and access to relevant data, and analytic hierarchy process (ahp) measurement analysis, found "aquatic products safety cognition" and "the quality and safety of aquatic products of aquatic products supply chain effect" in wuhan city is very big to the influence of the aquatic product safety. Further research found that the influence of aquatic products safety cognition is more important, its in a sense more guidance, he is also aquatic products within the supply chain of the economic subject constantly perfect self s external forces, and within the supply chain of the economic subject to the safety of aquatic products to help improve the cooperation in wuhan city the competitiveness of aquatic products supply chain.4. Aquatic products supply chain based on subject product quality and safety of the game. Analysis shows that the wuhan aquatic products such as consumer oneself do not raise the safety cognition, the aquatic product production operators for the pursuit of profit maximization, the general can’t active but aware of aquatic products increased safety input. And through the establishment of a supply chain coordination or internal internal supervision mechanism also cannot promote the economic subject between aquatic product safety problems in the cooperation, this is mainly because aquatic product security has "public product" the characteristic. Therefore, the aquatic product safety supervision and shall, through the government functional department, especially need government gradually improve policies and regulations, and increase the aquatic product safety and the supervision of the law enforcement, among them, the key should be in the regulation of the source, that wants to be able to be traced back, because only source is safe, can to a certain extent in the aquatic products in the supply chain that is safe, and note that the distribution and marketing of aquatic products such links should be "key point" control, the only way to make consumers eat to the quality safety of aquatic products.5. Influence of the efficiency of the organization of supply chain of aquatic products in wuhan city factors.Through the organization of supply chain of wuhan in aquatic products of the efficiency of the influence factor analysis, found that cooperation in many factors efficiency is the most important factor. And cooperation mainly by the cooperation capacity and efficiency of cooperative intent effects, therefore, to improve the efficiency of the supply chain in wuhan aquatic products is to strengthen the organization cooperative intent, and to improve the cooperation ability, to do this, the most important is to should build aquatic products supply chain through longitudinal alliance, to build a strong credit mechanism, make each economic subject and risks to effectively reduce the controlled factor the loss that causes; At the same time, also requires in aquatic products supply chain different segments of the main body has the desire to achieve common goals and achieve the goal of cooperation mechanism. In addition, because cooperation ability and cooperative intentions also influence enterprise cooperation conditions and cooperative not controllable. Among them is the ability to affect the enterprise cooperation the main factors of conditions for cooperation, and cooperation intention is to influence the main factors of cooperation not controllable, therefore, on one hand, the enterprise should be greatly improved the ability to cooperate to promote aquatic products supply chain cooperation between the upstream and downstream firms; On the other hand, also need to wuhan aquatic products supply chain between the economic subject to strengthen communication and negotiation, the long-term development goals reached an agreement, eliminate the cooperation not controllable.6. Optimize the structure of wuhan city aquatic products supply chain major measures. At present, wuhan aquatic products supply chain structure has been formed, but compared with the developed countries and regions still has the big gap. The government and enterprises should speed up the future in wuhan city infrastructure construction, speed up fishery breeding aquatic products, improving adjustment of the structure of the institutionalization of the farmers, accelerate the large wholesale market and to large supermarket chain for the leading products, building supply chain of the supply chain HACCP system, aquatic products to speed up the brand construction, aquatic breeding aquatic product brand, actively promote the wuhan cold chain logistics system construction, aquatic products give full play to the government in improving the efficiency of supply chain cooperation aquatic products, perfect the positive role of aquatic products supply chain in the interests of the internal distribution mechanism, improve the supply chain of the aquatic products restriction mechanism. From safety and efficiency eventually pay equal attention to the point of view of the wuhan aquatic products supply chain structure optimization.

  • 【分类号】F323.7;F224
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