

Measuring Externalities of Rural-Urban Land Conversion and Policies of Internalizing Externalities

【作者】 陈竹

【导师】 张安录;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 我国目前处于工业化、城市化快速发展时期,农地城市流转规模大、效率低,地方政府“主导”的违规用地现象突出。单一的数量、指标控制农地城市流转的政策已难以实现农地城市流转数量的优化。为了能从理论上实现农地城市流转过程优化,外部性是需要研究的重要问题,外部性的存在往往导致市场机制效率偏低,而在农地城市流转的过程中,众多过去被忽略的重要问题,例如粮食安全、生态安全以及城市扩张带来的环境污染,都可以从外部性理论中得到体现。在我国经济发展模式转变的新时期,以外部性视角分析农地城市流转问题,能够全面考虑农地所提供的社会、生态效益以及农地转为建设用地所产生的环境损害,提出有效、可持续的农地保护政策。为此,本文针对农地城市流转中涉及的外部性进行了系统的归纳,认为农地城市流转破坏了农地保有的正外部性(外部效益),同时带来了农地城市流转的负外部性(外部成本),将其纳入效益成本衡量的体系当中予以考虑,能够避免大量的农地过度流转。本文将农地城市流转外部性的测度和配置优化作为研究重点,从农地城市流转外部性分析、外部性测度、外部性内化政策等方面入手,具体分析外部性的数量、差异以及农地城市流转时间、规模,同时,将我国现状纳入到本文理论分析的框架中,通过理论分析和实证研究对理想状况和现实状况进行对比,从而有针对的提出农地城市流转控制政策及建议。具体的研究和讨论从以下几个方面展开:首先,论文对农地保有的外部效益进行测度。该工作首先对农地保有外部效益进行界定和理论分析,明确农地保有外部效益的内部(发出区)和外部(接受区);然后对支付意愿测算方法进行归纳比较;之后选择武汉市作为实证区域并利用选择实验法对武汉市外部区域个体的支付意愿进行测算。考虑外部性影响范围,研究将结合实证结果进行讨论,利用三种方法估算外部效益并进行比较分析。结果表明武汉市耕地、园地、林地和农村水面的外部效益分别为30773.2元/hm2,653860.0元/hm2,119267.0元/hm2和82472.7元/hm2。比较不同内、外部划分方法所得的结果,发现用行政区域直接代替外部性影响区域的做法会使耕地外部效益的测算结果偏高,也会造成园地、林地和农村水面测算结果的误差。随后,论文对农地城市流转外部成本进行测算。这一部分首先对农地城市流转外部成本进行界定,并分析外部成本测算涉及的理论。实证在武汉城市圈优化开发区和重点开发区分别选择武汉市和仙桃市作为研究区域,在城市建成区边缘选择样点进行农地城市流转外部成本测算。对于测算中涉及到的部分-整体误差、外部区域界限识别等问题进行了讨论,最后对两个城市农地城市流转外部成本的差异和变化规律进行比较分析。在外部性测算之后,研究对农地城市流转外部性内化的方法和基本模型进行了分析。针对外部性问题,研究归纳了庇古解决方法、科斯解决方法以及政府进行外部性内化的方法;在此基础上,对基本的农地城市流转决策模型以及农地城市流转动态决策模型进行了分析。分析认为,相比而言,税费政策能够产生财政收入、具有公平性且更有效率,因此广为采用,但其也存在一些不足需要直接管制政策进行弥补。对于农地城市流转中的土地配置问题,目前已经产生了多个决策模型,基本思路为效益-成本分析,在动态最优化技术的支持下,模型能够对流转数量和流转时间进行分析,从而推算最优化条件。最后,在外部性测算结果和外部性内化理论的基础上针对国内情况进行了流转规模以及政策优化的研究。这一部分首先对目前国内农地城市流转的现状、管理体系进行了介绍和分析。然后提出了符合国内实际情况的农地城市流转分析模型,通过模型分析了不同外部性内化政策的效果。随后的实证研究以武汉城市圈为研究对象对理论模型进行模拟,以估算城市圈农地城市流转的最优规模,同时,将估算结果与现实政策进行比较,从而提出相应的政策建议。研究发现,尽管我国农地城市流转决策主体为地方政府而非个人,但农地城市流转中的农地保护政策仍然可以视为农地外部性内化的过程,土地用途管制(土地利用规划和年度用地计划)和能够影响地方政府收益的税费政策(耕地开垦费、新增建设用地使用费、耕地占用税)的结合,能够实现农地外部性的内化并且保证地区农地城市流转的适度进行。同时,目前的武汉城市圈的相关政策和流转最优化的目标存在一定的偏差,一方面,相关税费政策的标准偏低,使得农地城市流转控制的任务还依赖于土地用途管制的指标和来自于中央的监督,建议提高税费标准使其与土地用途管制目标相一致,流转优化便可主要通过税费政策得以实现;另一方面,武汉城市圈部分年份的建设用地占用农用地指标较最优规模数量差异偏大,建议指标根据农地外部性的情况进行制定。

【Abstract】 China is in the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization, meanwhile, large amount of agricultural lands have been converted to urban lands, then inefficiency or illegal conversion leaded by local government becomes serious problem. To analyze the issue theoretically and achieve optimal rural-urban land allocation, externality of rural-urban land conversion is an essential topic to focus on, since externality is important reason for inefficiency of market mechanism and could cause problems such as food security, ecological security, environmental pollution and urban sprawl. However, these were neglected in land conversion decision-making. Nowadays, it is realized that the pattern of economic development must change to consider resource conservation and environment protection. Therefore study on rural-urban land conversion from the perspective of externality could consider social and ecological benefit of agricultural land and environmental damage, and provide effective and sustainable policies of agricultural land preservation. To achieve the objective, the dissertation regards land conversion eliminating positive externality (external benefit) of agricultural land and bringing extra negative externality (external cost), and considers externality of rural-urban land conversion into benefit-cost analysis to avoid excessive land conversion.In the dissertation, externality measurement of rural-urban land conversion and externality internalization are main foci. The research contents include connotation of externality, method of externality measurement and policies of externality internalization. Specifically, measurement of externality, difference in externality between areas, optimal timing and magnitude of land conversion are analyzed. Meanwhile, the research considers Chinese context into theoretical framework and compare actual state with ideal state for operational suggestions. The Study is as the following.At first, the dissertation tries to measure external benefits of agricultural land preservation. In this section, external benefits of agricultural land preservation are defined theoretically as not being rural collective and farmers, but individual utilities from agricultural land preservation. Following this definition, theoretical analysis found that internal part and external part should be divided and the extent of external part need be specified in the measurement process. In the empirical process, choice experiment (CE) model was used to calculate WTP(willingness to pay) of citizens. As a result, that external benefit of farmland, garden land, forest and pond in Wuhan is30773.2yuan/hm2,653860.0yuan/hm2,119267.Oyuan/hm2and82472.7yuan/hm2respectively. The result has significant difference with methods which ignore division of externalities extent. Secondly, external costs of rural-urban land conversion are estimated in Wuhan metropolitan areas, the research reviews literatures on external costs of rural-urban land conversion and defines external costs in the process of rural-urban land conversion. Basing on the definition, the concept of external cost should be distinguished from non-market value. After that, the study divides external parts and internal parts by homogeneity areas, and separates affected areas and unaffected areas by Loomis’equation which was used in range estimating of public goods. The effects of external cost were generalized from land use types. In empirical study, the model is estimated using survey questionnaire data from urban fringe of Wuhan city and Xiantao city. In farmland and fishery, external costs are guaged by change in productivity method; in rural settlement, willingness to pay for avoiding external costs was estimated with contingent value method and the total value was decomposed by analytic hierarchy process method. The result of Wuhan city suggests that external costs of rural-urban land conversion in Yangdian, Zonghuang, Jinghu, Jinghe, Tianyuan, Sandian, Shekou, Tushan and Liujiazui are4.6×104yuan/hm2/a,7.2×104yuan/hm2/a,32.6×104yuan/hm2/a,1.2×104yuan/hm2/a,5.2×104yuan/hm2/a,1.5×104yuan/hm2/a,4.8×104yuan/hm2/a,4.1×104yuan/hm2/a and3.2x104yuan/hm2/a respectively; In Xiantao city, results are respectively0.6×104yuan/hm2/year,1.45×104yuan/hm2/year,1.17×104yuan/hm2/year,1.16×104yuan/hm2/year in4areas. Theory and methodology about measurement of externalities are discussed then.Thirdly, the author analyzes solutions to externality internalization of rural-urban land conversion and introduces basic models of land conversion decision making. Pigovian solution, Coasian solution and policies of government to internalize externality are generalized. On the basis of the above solution analysis, decision-making principles of rural-urban land conversion are discussed and the dynamic optimization model relating land conversion is constructed. The result shows that policies of taxation or fee have justification and efficient, besides it could generate fiscal revenue instead of regulation or compensation. However, because of some flaws, combination of taxation/fee and regulation would be more effective. As to land allocation between rural and urban land, benefit-cost decision-making models have been suggested by scholars. Supported by dynamic optimization method, the temporal and magnitude of land conversion condition to achieve optimal target could be found.At last, externalities of rural-urban land conversion are stdudied theoretically and empirically basing on model of local governments as decision-makers. Theoretical results presented that policy of land planning control and policy of taxation or fee about rural-urban land conversion could have different effects on decision-making of local government, therefore, combination of two kinds of policies should be used and the quantity standards of policies need to be determined by consistant objective. Empirical results presented that the magnitude of rural-urban land conversion surpass optimal amount from2003-2008in Wuhan metropolitan areas. Policies of land planning control reduced amount of rural-urban land conversion by691.88hm2; taxation and fee policies decreased amount by2203.37hm2. According to the analysis, although the decision-makers of rural-urban land conversion in China are local governments instead of individuals, policies of agricultural land preservation are still used for externalities internalization and optimization of land conversion anounts. To improve welfare relating rural-urban land conversion, policies-makers could adjust quantity standards of policies of agricultural land preservation.
