

Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on Construction and Development of Agricultural Industrial Technological System Based on Institutional Innovation

【作者】 苏小姗

【导师】 祁春节;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业贸易与农村金融管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 2007年12月,在不影响农业体系现有部门现有体制的条件下,农业部与财政部等九部委联合启动了现代农业产业技术体系建设试点工作。初步选择了水稻、玉米、小麦等10个产业开展技术体系建设试点,并于2008年逐步推进试点建设,使体系内的产业种类基本涵盖了全国主要的50个大宗农产品。现代农业产业技术体系的建设发展,以我国农业产业发展需求和产业技术升级为导向,能有效突出农产品生态区域优势、整合农业科技创新优势资源,为我国农业生产提供全面技术支撑,保障国家粮食安全,促进农民增收和促进农业产业协调、持续、健康发展。同时,体系的改革试行能不断探索有效促进我国农业技术创新、产业技术集成与升级和整个农业产业间及区域间均衡发展的新思路,为积极创新我国现有农业科技体系的组织结构与科技管理机制提供重要参考。本研究以我国传统农业产业技术体系的内在制度缺陷为出发点,综合运用制度创新理论、制度创新与技术创新互动关系理论和计量经济学原理深入探讨“体系创新绩效如何,体系组织管理与激励约束等机制创新对农业科技创新微观个体的技术创新行为影响如何,体系制度创新对技术创新的诱导作用如何,体系对于提升农产品生产技术效率的促进作用如何,以及如何通过改善体系制度结构安排和外部制度环境提高产业技术体系的制度创新绩效”的问题。首先,从制度创新的动因和绩效分析出发,构建我国现代农业产业技术体系制度创新的一般分析框架。其次,以制度分析和比较分析为主要研究方法,回顾与分析传统农业产业技术体系的发展演化轨迹和其内在制度缺陷以及现代农业产业技术体系建立的内涵与制度创新之处,并分析现代农业产业技术体系制度创新的动力机制及其制度创新绩效的影响因素。然后,着重分析现代农业产业技术体系的制度创新绩效,采用主成分分析和Panel Data模型研究现代农业产业技术体系制度创新对技术创新的诱导作用;基于体系内人员的技术创新行为,采用层次分析法和模糊数学综合评价模型构建其个人创新绩效的综合评价指标体系,探明体系创新绩效的有效评价方法;并构建引入制度因素的随机前沿生产函数模型和技术效率损失函数模型,比较分析体系内几种农产品的生产技术效率及其影响因素。最后借鉴美国农业科技体系建设与发展的先进经验,提出有利于我国现代农业产业技术体系建设与发展的相关政策建议。本研究可能的创新之处在于:其一,借鉴诺斯的制度创新理论模型分析范式,结合速水-拉坦的“诱致性技术创新-制度创新”模型,以制度创新的动因和绩效为立足点,构建我国现代农业产业技术体系制度创新的一般分析框架;其二,基于制度创新与技术创新关系的相关理论,从探讨体系制度创新对技术创新的诱导作用出发,采用主成分分析和Panel Data模型,研究国家现代农业产业技术体系制度创新对技术创新效率的促进作用;其三,注重实证分析和定量分析,结合案例分析与计量经济学模型实证分析的研究方法,采用层次分析法及模糊数学综合评价模型构建体系制度创新个人绩效的综合评价指标体系,并构建引入制度因素的随机前沿生产函数模型和技术效率损失函数模型,分析体系制度创新对生产技术效率影响,着重研究现代农业产业技术体系的创新绩效问题和体系制度创新机制的有效性,以此作为如何完善与拓展其创新机制的依据。本文共分为九个章节,各章的研究内容和主要结论如下:第一章导论部分。在明确论文研究背景、目的及意义的基础上,提出论文拟要解决的主要问题、论文的分析框架和研究思路与方法,界定相关基本概念,并介绍论文可能的创新与不足。第二章我国现代农业产业技术体系制度创新的一般分析框架。借鉴诺斯的制度创新理论模型分析范式,以制度创新的动因和绩效为立足点,构建我国现代农业产业技术体系制度创新的一般分析框架。第三章基于制度因素的我国农业产业技术体系历史与现状分析。回顾我国农业产业技术体系历史演化的轨迹,阐述其现状,从制度因素着重分析传统农业产业技术体系存在的问题以及问题产生的内在制度缺陷,并分析国家现代农业产业技术体系建立的背景、意义、内涵与创新之处。第四章我国现代农业产业技术体系制度创新的动力机制及影响因素研究。重点分析传统农业产业技术体系技术创新与制度安排的矛盾与现代农业产业技术体系组成主体及利益关系;以云南省某特色农产品种植为例,对现代农业产业技术体系制度创新绩效进行案例分析,并从制度供给层面和制度创新作用对象行为层面分析体系制度创新绩效的影响因素。第五章我国现代农业产业技术体系制度创新对技术创新诱导作用的实证分析。首先回顾农业技术创新与制度创新相互关系的相关理论,然后运用主成分分析法和Panel Data模型实证研究我国现代农业产业技术体系制度创新对技术创新的诱导作用。研究结果表明,体系的一系列制度创新举措,通过激励与约束微观个体技术创新行为,对农业技术创新具有正向促进作用。各微观个体为体系开展科技创新的时间工作效率和经费开支使用效率能显著影响其技术创新效率的高低;各微观个体为体系工作时间越长、分配在农业基础科学研究与技术研发及推广上的时间安排越合理,技术创新成果越显著;其研究经费使用效率越高,技术创新效率越高。同时,从影响程度来看,相较于时间安排合理程度而言,科研经费投入和使用效率的高低对于技术创新成果取得和技术创新效率大小的影响更为明显。第六章基于技术创新微观个体创新行为的我国现代农业产业技术体系制度创新个人绩效综合评价。基于科技创新微观个体行为,采用层次分析法及模糊数学综合评价模型构建现代农业产业技术体系制度创新个人绩效的综合评价指标体系,并以选择其中一个产业体系进行实证测算与检验。结果发现,其制度创新个人绩效年平均值约为0.23,与“优秀”绩效水平还具有较大的差距;同时各创新微观个体间差异较大,其制度创新绩效还具有较大的提升空间。第七章现代农业产业技术体系下基于制度因素的主要农产品生产技术效率比较分析。通过构建引入制度因素的超越对数形式随机前沿生产函数模型和技术效率损失函数模型,测算并分析4种农产品生产技术效率的时间变化趋势及其影响因素。研究发现:现代农业产业技术体系的一系列制度安排对于指导油菜、生猪和棉花实际生产的技术创新和技术推广效率具有促进作用,有利于其生产技术效率的提升,并且对油菜生产的作用最为显著,但是对于棉花生产的促进作用目前还没有完全显现出来。第八章美国农业产业技术体系建设与发展的经验分析与借鉴。第九章论文的主要结论和提出的相关对策建议。本章对全文的主要结论做出总结,并从创新现代农业产业技术体系的内在组织结构与制度安排和完善现代农业产业技术体系的外在制度环境方面给出相关对策与建议。

【Abstract】 In late2007, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance, P. R. C, co-launched a pilot construction of ten modern agricultural industrial technology systems, such as paddy, maize, wheat without underlying the existing agricultural departments and mechanism. By the end of2008, the system was expanded to fifty main primary products. Oriented by the demand of industrial development and technology upgrading, the construction of our modern agricultural industrial technology system can efficaciously outline the ecological location advantages of our special agricultural products, assemble all the advantageous innovation resources, provide comprehensive technological service for our agricultural production in order to ensure our food security, increase peasants’ income and advance agricultural industry with harmonious and healthy development. Meanwhile, the pilot revolution helps to explore a new approach to efficaciously promote agricultural technological innovation, technology upgrading and agricultural industry balancing development. It can provide practical grounds to reasonably expand innovation mechanism of modern agricultural industrial technology system and provide important references to zealously innovate organization framework and management mechanism of existing agricultural scientific and technical system.With the purpose of how to enhance technological innovation performance and system operating performance of our modern agricultural industrial technology system by institutional innovation, this study discussed several problems based on institutional innovation theory, the theory of interactive relationship between institutional innovation and technological innovation and econometrics principles as follows:How about the operating and innovational performance of this system? What’s the influence of system supervising and inspiriting mechanism to micro-individuals’technological innovation behavior? How about the inductive action of system’s institutional innovation to technological innovation? Whether it can promote productive efficiency of farm products or not? How to seek after a management approach to boost its operating performance through perfecting its internal institutional arrangement and external institutional environment? Firstly, based on the dynamic reasons and performance of institutional innovation, construct a normal analysis framework of institutional innovation of our modern agricultural industrial technology system. Secondly,retrospect evolutional trajectory of traditional agricultural industrial technical system, analyze its internal institutional limitation and institutional innovation of our modern agricultural industrial technology system adopted institutional analysis and comparable analysis methods, analyze its institutional innovation dynamic mechanism and influence factors. Thirdly, focus on institutional innovation performance analysis of this system. It makes an empirical study on how dose system’s institutional innovation induce agricultural technological innovation by principal component analysis and Panel Data model, then constructs a comprehensive evaluation index system to evaluate micro-indiciduals’ institutional innovation performance of modern agricultural industrial technology system based on micro-individuals’behaviors of technological innovation and finds an effective way to evaluate its personal institutional innovation performance by AHP and fuzzy synthetic evaluation model. It aslo compares several agricultural products’productive technical efficiency within this industrial technology system and analyzes its influence factors by stochastic frontier production function model and technical efficiency loss function model added institutional impact factors. At last, draw lessons from America agricultural scientific and technical system and raised some related measurements to stimulate construction and development of our modern agricultural industrial technology system.The study may have three innovations as follows. Firstly, form a new study paradigm on performance of modern agricultural industrial technology system and construct a normal analysis framework of modern agricultural industrial technology system institutional innovation based on the dynamic reasons and performance of institutional innovation. Secondly, with the purpose of studing inducement of system institutional innovation to agricultural technological innovation, analyze the inductive relationship by principal component analysis and Panel Data model based on the theory of interactive relationship between institutional innovation and technological innovation. Thirdly, pay more attention to empirical study and quantitative analysis, make focus on its innovational performance and the efficiency of its institutional innovation mechanism combined case analysis with econometrical model analysis, evaluate its personal institutional innovation performance by AHP and fuzzy synthetic evaluation model and analyzes its influence to productive technical efficiency by stochastic frontier production function model and technical efficiency loss function model added institutional impact factors to study its organizational performance, then make them as important grounds to perfect and spread the system’s innovational mechanism.This dissertation is composed of nine chapters, the main contents and conclusions of each chapter are as follow: Chapter Ⅰ is an introduction. On the basis of defining research backgrounds and objectives and significance, the chapter proposes involved problems needed to be solved, analysis framework and research methods. The possible innovations and shortcomings are also revealed.Chapter Ⅱ is a construction of institutional innovation normal analysis framework of our modern agricultural industrial technology system. Dawn lessons from North’s analysing paradigm of institutional innovation model, constructs a normal institutional innovation analysis framework of this system based on institutional innovation performance and dynamic causation.Chapter Ⅲ is an analysis of the history and current situation of our tranditional agricultural industrial technology system based on institutional factors analysis. The chapter retrospects to its evolutional trajectory and expatiaties its current situation, summarizes its existing problems and analyzes internal institutional limitations, then gives a representation on backgrounds significance and innovations of modern agricultural industrial technology system.Chapter IV is an analysis of innovational dynamic mechanism of modern agricultural industrial technology system and influence factors of its institutional innovation. Taken a characteristic product production of Yunnan province for example, this chapter analyzes the system’s innovation performance and its influence factors from the view of institutional supply and objectives on which the institution performs. The results show that motivations of our modern agricultural industrial technology system are not only the internal contradictions between institutions and technology innovation efficiency under the traditional agricultural scientific and technical system, but also the pursuit of potential innovation profit to system members.Chapter V is an empirical study on inductive relationship between institutional innovation and technological innovation of modern agricultural industrial technology system. Based on the interactive relationship theory, it analyzes the inductive action of system’s institutional innovation to technological innovation efficiency by principal component analysis and Panel Data model. The results show that a series of institutional innovation measures can spirit up and restrict system members’technological innovation actions and play a positive role in advancing agricultural technological innovation. System members’working time and research fund arrangement efficiency can significantly underly system’s technological innovation efficiency and research fund arrangement efficiency has more apparent effect than working time arrangement efficiency. Chapter VI is the comprehensive evaluation of personal institutional innovation performance of modern agricultural industrial technology system. Based on micro-individuals’technological innovation behaviors, this chapter constructs a comprehensive evaluation index system of personal innovation performance by principal component analysis and Panel Data model. Taken one of industrial technology systems for instance, this chapter calculates its personal performance and verifies validity of the index system. Results show that its average personal performance value is about0.23which is far behind the level of "excellent" and there are some apparent differences among all the micro-individuals. So there is a great scope for each micro-individual to upgrade its innovational performance.Chapter VII is the measurement and comparison of several main agricultural products’productive technical efficiency added institutional influence factor. Based on the data of productive output and input from1992to2009, this paper calculate technical efficiency of rapeseed, cotton, non-scaled cultured swine and apple which firstly pilot in modern agricultural industrial technology system by stochastic frontier production function model, and comparatively analyze the effect of the system to their technical efficiency by adding institutional impact factor to technical efficiency loss function model. The results showed that a series of institutional arrangement of modern agricultural industrial technology system can play a positive role in enhancing agricultural productive technical efficiency of which the rapeseed most significant and the cotton most insignificant.Chapter VIII is drawing lessons from construction and development of American agricultural scientific and technical innovation system.Chapter IX is the conclusions and measurements. The main research conclusions are summarized, it puts forward some corresponding measurements and suggestions from the perspective of innovating internal institutional arrangement and perfecting external institutional environment of our modern agricultural industrial technology system.

  • 【分类号】F323.3;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
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