

Application Study Based on Complexity Science Method in Military Hospital Service for Army/Soldier

【作者】 罗刚

【导师】 周世伟;

【作者基本信息】 第三军医大学 , 后方专业勤务, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 军队医院是以军队伤病员为主要服务对象,开展门诊和住院治疗为主的军队医疗保健机构,是保障部队健康、实施平战时卫勤保障的重要力量。为部队服务是军队医院生存和发展的根本目的,是一切工作的出发点和落脚点。军队医院为部队服务工作是否很好落实,对于提高部队凝聚力和战斗力具有重要的影响。随着社会的进步、国民经济的发展和健康观念的转变、以及部队官兵卫生服务需求的不断提高,军队医院为部队服务工作面临许多新的情况,出现许多新的问题。因此,需要运用的“评价”方法,获取军队医院为部队服务的信息,提出评价结果,并对发现的问题进行科学的方法去解决。本课题从复杂性科学角度,立足新军事变革形势下军队官兵卫生服务需求,从提高市场经济条件下军队医院为部队服务能力出发,采用文献调研、专家咨询、实地调研、问卷调查、信度分析以及Topsis分析等科学方法,运用复杂性科学理论研究,建立了军队医院为部队服务质量评价指标体系,并通过数据分析对6所参评军队医院的为部队服务质量进行的排序、分析,为军队医院为部队服务质量持续提升提供导向依据。全文共分五部分:第一部分:概述。介绍了介绍本课题的立题依据、研究目标和内容、基本概念和定义、研究方法和系统分析框图。第二部分:市场经济条件下MHSA/SM复杂性研究。系统分析了市场经济条件下军队医院生存发展的环境,以及MHSA/SM工作的复杂性。第三部分:基本理论研究。系统学习了MHSA/SM相关的基本理论。系统分析了复杂性科学理论指导下的评价指标体系建立的需求,以及在构建指标体系过程中存在的问题和影响因素,为实证研究奠定基础。第四部分:MHSA/SM持续评价指标体系研究。综合运用文献调研、专家咨询、实地调研、问卷调查以及信度分析等方法,构建MHSA/SM持续评价指标体系。第五部分:评价模型构建与实证研究。构建了MHSA/SM评价模型,并针对6所参评医院进行的评价,通过数据分析得出了当前军队医院为部队服务存在的问题和下一步发展的重点。

【Abstract】 Military hospitals are health care agencies which accept military patients and mainlyprovide residential treatments for them. They ensure the health of armies and provide healthsupport during both peace and war periods.“Serving for Army”is the fundamental goal of itsexistence and development, and also the guideline for its work. Military central hospitalsplay an important role in enhancing cohesion and improving combating force of our armies.Nowadays, with the progress of the society and national economy, the health demands ofofficers and soldiers are more difficultly satisfied than before, which adds to the challengesthe military central hospitals meet. Therefore, we adopt the means of “evaluation” to collectinformation which reflects the quality of services provided by military central hospitals, sumup the findings and solve the problems in a scientific way.From a perspective of complexity science, basing on the health requirements of officersand soldiers during new military revolution, and proceeding from the purpose of improvingthe service provided by military central hospitals for armies under market economy, thisresearch establishes an index system to evaluate the service of military central hospitals, andranks the six hospitals in order of their service quality, in order to provide orientation forconstantly improving their quality. We employed a variety of scientific methods, includingliterature review, inquiring experts, on-the-spot investigations, questionnaire survey,reliability analysis, and applied complexity science as the theoretical basis.Part One: Introduction. This part introduces the research background, objectives&content, basic concepts&definitions, methods, and systematic analysis framework.Part Two: The complexity research on the systematic analysis of military centralhospitals providing service for armies under market economy. This part systematicallysurveys the existence and development environment of military central hospitals under marketeconomy, and the complexity in providing the service. Part Three: The research of basic method.This part systematically introduces the theoriespertaining to system science and complexity science, and attempts to analyze themethodology of adopting complexity science to guide quality management.Based oncomplexity science, we systematically analyzes the demands for constructing the indexsystem of evaluation; and meanwhile, elaborates the problems and affecting factors inconstructing this system, which lays the foundation for empirical research.Part four: The research of index system to continuing evaluate of MHSA/SM. Based on avariety of scientific methods, including literature review, inquiring experts, on-the-spotinvestigations,we establishe the index system of evaluating to MHSA/SM.Part ficve: The establish of the evaluating model and empirical studies. This partestablishes the evaluating model and index system to evaluate the service of military centralhospitals, and ranks the six hospitals in order of their service quality. It also summarizes theproblems in the service providing and highlights the key issues in future development basedon data analysis.
