

【作者】 张田田

【导师】 陈昌来;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以代词并入的方式形成的一类双音词为研究对象,主要是指示代词并入后形成的双音词,同时也涉及到虚化的人称代词并入后形成的双音词。文章从语言事实出发,并结合词汇化与语法化理论,从并入的时间、并入的方式以及并入的结果这三个方面深入探讨以代词并入方式形成的双音词的演变过程。代词并入后主要形成的是副词和连词,这些双音副词和连词的演变机制和动因也是本文研究的重点。通过对这类双音词演变过程的描写,以期揭示汉语代词并入的特点和规律。全文共分五章。第一章绪论。这一部分说明了研究对象,阐述了选题意义以及研究的理论依据,介绍并总结了目前的研究现状,明确了研究思路和研究方法,并对研究语料作了说明。第二章主要从代词并入的时间这一视角来探寻代词并入的情况。代词并入的时间可分为上古时期、中古时期和近代时期。上古时期能够并入的代词非常少,主要是指示代词“是”,“是”并入后形成的双音词“于是”。通过代词并入的方式形成的双音词绝大多数是在中古时期和近代时期产生的。并入时间为中古时期的用例我们以“既然”的成词加以说明,并入时间为近代时期的用例我们以“诚然”的成词加以说明。第三章主要从代词并入的方式和并入后的内部结构关系这两个侧面对代词并入现象进行研究,具体而言就是从位置和内部结构关系两个方面着手。并入的位置可分为前置和后置两种,以后置为主,我们分别用“然后”和“因此”的成词加以说明。从内部结构关系上看,可分为句法结构关系和非句法结构关系。代词以后置的方式并入形成的双音词,一般都是句法结构词汇化而来的。这类双音词内部结构关系可以分为两类:动宾结构关系和偏正结构关系。而以前置的方式并入形成的双音词其内部关系大多数是非句法结构关系。这一章节我们分别以“加之”、“其实”和“然而”的成词来说明位置和句法结构之间的关系。第四章主要探讨代词并入后所产生的句法结果,主要包括两个方面的内容:一方面是代词并入后其本身的变化,即某个代词并入后,由于指代功能的虚化和表达功能的弱化而逐渐虚化为一个词缀。根据考察,能够虚化为词缀的代词主要有“然”和“其”。另一方面是代词并入后整个结构句法功能的变化,主要有三个层次:副词化、连词化和标记化。代词并入后形成的主要是连词和副词,以连词为主,其次是副词。文章分别以连词“否则”的成词、副词“尤其”的成词以及话语标记“管他”的成词加以说明。第五章概括总结。在二至四章具体个案分析的基础上,不仅较为全面了解了汉语代词并入现象,并总结出汉语代词并入的特点和规律,还探讨了以代词并入的方式形成的双音词的成词动因和机制。

【Abstract】 This thesis, taking these double syllable words formed by pronounincorporation as investigation objects including double syllable wordsformed by demonstrative pronoun and bleaching personal pronounincorporation.Starting from language materials and according to the theories oflexicalization and grammaticalization, this paper deeply explores theformation of double syllable words formed by pronoun incorporationfrom three perspectives: the time of incorporation, the manners ofincorporation and the results of incorporation. We also pay muchattention to the motivation and mechanism of the formation of doublesyllable words. This thesis also aims to reveal the characteristics and lawof incorporation in the light of the formation of the specific words.This thesis consists of five chapters including the introduction.Chapter1is introduction. This part does overall introduction andsummarization of the studying on double syllable words, then raises thestudying methods, introduces the theories that this paper based on, aswell as illustrates the language data.Chapter2is mainly on the view of time of incorporation to explorethe phenomenon of pronoun incorporation. The time of pronounincorporation includes ancient period, mesoid and modern times. In theancient period, the pronouns which can be incorporated are very few,in fact excepting the example that the demonstrative pronoun “shi”(是)incorporated into a new words “yushi”(于是), we hardly findanother case of this pronoun incorporation. The most of double syllablewords formed by pronoun incorporation were emerged in mesoid andmodern period. We can take two instances to explain the course ofevents, the lexicalization of “jiran”(既然)for mesoid period and the lexicalization of “chengran”(诚然)for modern period.Chapter3mainly examines the phenomenon of pronounincorporation from the perspectives of manners of incorporation andinner structure relations. The manners in fact is the place can bedivided into front adhering and back adhering, mainly is back adhering.we respectively take two instances, the lexicalization of “yinci”(因此)and the lexicalization of “ranhou”(然后)to explain. Inner structurerelations can also be split into syntax structure relations and non-syntaxstructure relations. The double syllable words formed by back adheringare normally lexicalized form syntax structure and the inner structurerelations of these words can be divided into verb-object relations andpolarization relations. On the contrary, the double syllable wordsformed by front adhering are lexicalized form non-syntax structure. Wewill respectively use the lexicalization of “jiazhi”(加之),“qishi”(其实),“raner”(然而)to explain.Chapter4mainly discusses the syntactic results after the process ofpronoun incorporation, including two parts: the change of pronounafter incorporation; the change of whole structure. As to one part, itmeans that with the meaning of one pronoun bleaching and theaccessibility weakening, incorporated pronoun was changed into affix.According to investigation, pronoun can be developed to affix are“ran”(然)and “qi”(其) The other part is the change of function ofwhole structure can be divided into three levels: adverbialization;conjunctionalized; marked. We will respectively use the lexicalization of“youqi”(尤其),“fouze”(否则),“guanta”(管他)to explain.Chapter5is the conclusion. Based on the case studies fromchapter2to4, we not only understand the phenomenon of Chinesepronoun incorporation, but also generalize the characteristics and lawof incorporation, as well as explore the motivation and mechanism ofdouble syllable words formed by pronoun incorporation.
