

Study on Traffic Management and Control of Oversaturated Traffic Networks

【作者】 李轶舜

【导师】 徐建闽;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济的飞速的发展,小汽车保有量的迅猛增长,城市交通问题不断加剧,特别是在大城市,过饱和交通拥堵已经成为常态。过饱和交通拥堵以及随之而来环境污染及能源短缺等问题已经成为影响城市发展和市民生活水平的重大问题。本文在分析各项过饱和管控措施的发展和研究现状的基础上,选择了过饱和区域边界主动控制和拥挤收费这两种对过饱和交通拥堵起到直接管控作用且互补性较强的措施作为过饱和区域交通管控的主要方法。针对这两种措施目前存在的问题,提出了具有创新性和实用性的方法和模型,形成了能够满足大多数过饱和区域交通拥堵情况的管控理论与方法体系。本文的主要工作和研究成果有:1、建立了基于车道组过饱和交叉口交通流宏观演化模型和支路宏观交通流模型。本文从过饱和区域边界主动控制的实际需求出发,对基于车道组的宏观交通流模型进行改进,建立了过饱和交叉口交通流宏观演化模型和支路宏观交通流模型,模型能够很好的模拟交叉口排队溢出时不同流向交通流的相互阻碍甚至死锁过程和交通流从支路出入的演化过程。改进后的模型在时间和精度上均能够满足过饱和区域边界主动控制的需求。2、提出了过饱和区域边界主动控制方法。本文设计了交通量清洗算法,排除过饱和时上游信号配时和拥堵的影响,获得真实交通需求,识别出引起区域交通拥堵的关键交叉口,设计了绿灯时间优化算法,主动控制进入过饱和区域的交通量,避免关键交叉口排队溢出和拥堵扩散,最大化区域路网通行能力,并采用遗传算法优化相序和相位差,最小化路网延误。本文分别研究了给定控制边界下的过饱和区域单层边界主动控制方法和动态确定边界下的过饱和多层边界主动控制方法,为过饱和交通信号控制提供了一个新的途径和思路。3、提出了过饱和干道动态协调控制方法。以干道主要交通流方向作为协调方向,利用过饱和区域边界主动控制方法对绿信比进行优化,并在确定绿信比的条件下,动态优化周期保证协调方向各交叉口之间的相位差满足理想相位差,避免绿灯损失和路段过饱和排队溢出,充分利用交叉口的通行能力和路段的存储能力,降低路网延误。4、提出了基于关键交叉口的过饱和交通控制子区划分方法。综合分析影响过饱和交通控制子区划分的因素,以过饱和干道动态协调控制方法为基础,给出过饱和区域边界至关键交叉口的交通量累积路径识别方法,将每条路径作为一个控制子区,具有同一关键交叉口的控制子区形成一个以关键交叉口为核心的子区组,突破了传统交通控制子区划分的理念和限制,为过饱和交通控制子区划分提供了一个新方法。5、提出了过饱和区域拥挤收费与停车换乘组合措施。考虑停车换乘(P&R)作为一种既不影响驾车便利性,又可以鼓励出行者使用公交的措施,将其与停车换乘措施相结合,充分发挥两种措施的优势,给出区域拥挤收费与停车换乘组合网络均衡条件,建立了组合网络均衡模型,设计了对角化算法进行求解,定义了基尼系数评估组合措施的公平程度。该措施在很大程度上降低社会和空间不公平性,提高组合措施的社会认可度和可操作性。6、提出一个双模式(小汽车和公交)多用户类的帕累托一致改进拥挤收费和税收返还策略。建立了双模式(小汽车和公交车)多用户类网络均衡模型,证明了帕累托一致改进拥挤收费及税收返还策略当且仅当拥挤收费策略降低路网一直驾驶小汽车的出行者和转而乘坐公交的出行者总的出行成本时存在,建立了双层规划模型并设计模拟退火算法进行求解。该策略能够在缓解交通拥挤的同时,不增加任何一个出行者的广义出行成本,使拥挤收费成为一个能够被公众接受的管控措施。但该理想策略并不一定总是存在,与区域的现状交通拥堵程度和公交服务水平相关。7、最后,本文对上述提出的多种过饱和区域管理与控制措施从适用范围、实施效益、实施成本和公平性四个方面进行了评价,为交通管理人员选择何种措施提供了参考。总的来说,本文为交通管理人员提供了一套的解决区域过饱和交通拥堵问题的理论与方法体系。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy, vehicle registrations are growing fast and traveltimes are generally high and increasing. Especially in large cities, oversaturated trafficcongestion has become the norm. Oversaturated traffic congestion and the attendant issuessuch as environmental pollution and energy shortage have become the major problems ofurban development and living standards.On the basis of analysis of research and development status of the traffic demandmanagement measures, the perimeter active control and congestion pricing that directlymanage and control oversaturated traffic congestion are selected as the main study measures.In order to overcome the shortages of current methods, some creative and useful methods andalgoritms are proposed. Main research contents and results of this dissertation are asfollowing:(1) Based on requirements of oversaturated perimeter control method, the lane-groupbased macroscopic traffic flow formulations is improved, lane-group based oversaturatedintersection macroscopic traffic flow formulations and branch macroscopic traffic flowformulations are established. The formulations could model the dynamic interactions of trafficflows when queues spillback occurs and the entering and exiting traffic dynamic of brancheswell. The improved lane-based macroscopic traffic flow formulations could satisfy the needsof perimeter active control in time and accuracy.(2) Perimeter active control strategy of oversaturated area is proposed. Traffic volumcleaning algorithm is designed to gain real traffic demand and identify the key intersectionsthat cause regional traffic congestion. Then, the green splits are optimized, actively control thetraffic entering the oversaturated areas and hold a portion of traffic outside, avoid theoversaturated traffic congestion to occur. The single-layer perimeter active control strategyunder given perimeter and the multi-layer perimeter active control strategy under dynamicdetermined perimeters are put forward respectively, which provides a new way and thinkingfor oversaturated traffic control.(3) Based on static perimeter active control, the dynamic signal coordination model foroversaturated aterials is proposed. This model takes the main traffic flow direction of theatertial as the coordinate direction, optimizes the green splits by perimeter active controlstrategy and dynamic optimizes the cycles to make sure that offsets of all neighboringintersections satisfy the ideal offsets, avoids the queue spillback and the lose of green time,maximizes the intersections’ capacity and minimizes the network delays. (4) The key intersections based division method of oversaturated coorditnaed controlsubareas is proposed. By comprehensive analysis of the influences factors, the traffic volumeaccumulated paths from oversaturated area perimeter to the key intersections are indentified.Each path is considered as a control subarea and subareas having a common key intersectioncompose a subarea group. The divison method breaks through the traditional concept ofcoordinated control subareas division and proposes a new way for the division ofoversaturated coordinated control subareas.(5) As area-based congestion pricing could well restrict cars running into city center andpark and ride (P&R) could encourage public transport while doesn’t affect convenience ofdriving, two measures are combined to relieve traffic congestion problem in urban area.Combined area-based congestion pricing and P&R network equilibrium conditions isproposed and combined area-based congestion pricing and P&R network equilibrium modelis established. Further, a modified Gini coefficient is proposed to measure the social andspatial equity impact. The combined measure could increase the social and spacial equity andenhance the operability and social recognition.(6) Uniformly Pareto-improving congestion pricing and revenue refunding schemes inbimodal (automobile and bus) transportation networks is proposed. Bimodal multi-classnetwork equilibrium model is formulated, and the exsiting condition that uniformlyPareto-improving congestion pricing and revenue refunding scheme exist if and only if thetotal travel costs of people who have been driving cars before pricing is reduced is proposed.Further, a bi-level programming model and solution algorithm are proposed. The schemecould relieve traffic congestion while automobile-insistent users and shifting-automobile usersare equally better off regardless of their value of time (VOT) and origin-destination (OD)pairs and would be easily accepted by the public. However, related with the level of currentcongestion and transit service, the ideal scheme doesn’t always exist.(7) At last, the oversaturated areas traffic management and control measures proposedare evaluated from the scope of application, implementation effectiveness, implementationcosts and equity, providing the gudie for traffic managers to select the suitable measure.Overall, this dissertation provides a set of oversaturated traffic managent and controlmeasures for traffic managers.
