

On the thought of the Public Security in the Traditional Chinese society: a survey of Prevention and Control of "Dao Zei" Crime

【作者】 王瑞山

【导师】 徐永康;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 在中国传统社会,历代帝王考虑最多的事情莫过于其统治的长治久安,故中国传统社会史可称之为一部“治安”史。思想也称观念,思想是人们对事物的理性认识,治安思想即是对治安的本质、治安的实现、治安的阻却因素及克服等问题的理性认识。对于治安问题发生原因与对策的思索成为历代统治者和思想家所关注的重要问题。先秦诸子面对礼崩乐坏、战乱频发、盗贼公行、民不聊生的社会现实,从人性、经济、社会、法制等多角度、多层次对社会治安问题进行分析并提出相应的对策,秦汉以降的历代统治者和思想家也对社会长治久安进行了不懈的思考,此中有争论与传承,有创新与发展,并形成独特的中国传统治安文化。本文以中国传统社会中的“盗贼”治理为考察对象,探讨其所反映的治安思想。全文共分六个部分:第一部分,导论。本部分对已有的传统治安思想研究和“盗贼”问题研究成果加以考察,说明了当前传统治安思想的研究比较薄弱,多为传统政治思想的研究,缺乏治安学专业分析框架;接着明确了传统治安思想研究的范围、研究进路和主要内容。第二部分,“盗贼”问题在中国传统社会治安治理中的地位。本部分考察了传统立法中关于“盗贼”的规定,分析了“盗贼”的行为类型和危害,说明了“盗贼”在中国传统社会治安治理中的核心地位,并进一步探讨了传统社会应对“盗贼”问题的预防思想。本部分主要目的在于说明为什么将“盗贼”治理作为传统治安思想研究的考察对象。第三部分,养性成善的传统治安思想。中国传统社会先贤们注重从人性角度解释人的行为选择,虽然关于人性善恶的观点不一,但都必须解释人之为恶(自然包括“盗贼”行为)的社会现象,进而提出养性成善、扬善抑恶的对策,为统治者建构和维护道德伦理秩序提供理论依据。儒家提出以礼教化、礼刑结合的策略,法家提出严刑峻法、以行止刑的策略,道家提出道法自然、无为而治的策略,后世发展成为刑、礼、道迭相为用的综合治理战略。儒家思想成为汉武帝以后传统社会的正统思想,统治者虽高举德主刑辅的大旗,但实践中却推行意在止刑的重典。在统治者心中,也许没有什么真正的信仰,一切以稳定统治秩序的现实需要为务。在中国传统社会中,言教化,其内容固有利于社会建构最基本之内容,如孝、诚、信等,但从血缘关系发展而来的天人合一理论,使这些理论成为统治者的理论工具,统治者亦努力推行这一符合自己利益的价值观,让民众接受自己的统治。但民众是被化的对象,无思想自由可言,不能有任何的反思,更不能有任何的反对,否则将被作为大逆不道的异端,被打击、排斥,无论是在家、在国,均无生存空间。言刑罚,实乃统治者打击对教化违反者的工具,让民众不敢违抗自己的统治。西方古典主义犯罪学派亦主张刑罚威慑,但取公正、及时、必得为刑罚执行理念;中国传统社会中的帝王们但求迅速、必得为执行理念,因为公平由帝王自己来评价,有时完全取决于自己的需要,而不需要公正。正统的人性理论中,把为恶者视为“斗筲之性”、“下品之性”,是顽固不化、无可救药的,所以,统治者口中“刁民”、“顽民”充塞,屠刀挥舞,血流成河,得生者少、见杀者多。第四方面,足民以安的传统治安思想。本部分从人的生存伦理角度来考察民成为“盗贼”的经济原因,如同西方犯罪社会学派提出的社会紧张理论,或因天灾,或因人祸,民陷入生存困境,其结果是弱者转死沟壑,强者转为“盗贼”。人的得不到满足的需求层次越低,其反抗的强度就越大。当民的贫困使民陷入生存困境,求生的欲望就会使其寻找一线希望;而现有的合法渠道不能为其解决生存问题,那只有借助于非法;非法渠道面临的是统治者的严刑峻法,剥夺生命的处罚使得非法求生者放手一搏的同时,亦注意寻找安全系数较大的做法。在冷兵器时代下,大规模杀伤武器的不发达,使得民众借助于群力,这亦是中国传统社会群盗众多的原因;加之中国传统社会中地广人稀、地形复杂,或聚啸山林,或割据一方,历代不绝,甚至到近代亦是一条成功经验。统治者不愿坐等灭亡,或出于真诚,或出于假意,为民制产、鼓励农业、轻徭薄赋、抚恤孤寡、赈荒救灾、安抚流民等措施历代不绝,是否能得到顺利执行,是否能收到预期效果亦不一定,无论如何总归是积极的。当出于安的角度去考虑民生问题,问题的解决程度也只能到“足衣食”,即不寒不饥,并不是积极发展经济,而是使大量“劳心者”醉心于功名利禄,而不是改善落后的个体农业、发展商品经济。中国幅员辽阔、自然灾害多发和官吏的侵渔,民生问题亦连年不断,朝廷穷于应付,却总得不到根本解决,若遇外患,或内政昏暗,这些问题坐大,就会成为改朝换代的根源。第五部分,任官以贤的传统治安思想。官吏是君王和民众的中间人,君王通过官吏执行法律和命令来治理民众,即“君不能自治其民,治之者官吏也。”官吏是治安行政的主体,君王欲实现治民则需要通过官吏来实现,即“治吏不治民”。可官吏不行王命,知法犯法,侵渔百姓,激变良民,又是治安的原因,即“盗寇之生发,固有民穷而为之者,亦有官吏激发而致之者。”诸多的统治者和思想家都清醒地认识到治吏的重要,提出任贤的观点,并在实践中通过制度设置来抑制官吏成为“盗贼”发生的原因。即使选用的都是贤能,如果把这种贤能看成不变的,则是刻舟求剑的愚蠢做法,明知愚蠢而为,是自欺欺人,是内有不可告人的事实。几乎所有的官员在事发前,其形象既贤且能、爱国爱民、独不爱己,事发后往往暴露出无德无能、祸国殃民、专门利己。这就说明人在不同的环境下,其行为选择条件是不同的,没有严密的、真正的监督存在,贤是靠不住的。专制体制下一些明白的皇帝是很想监督、控制官吏的,臭名昭著的特务政治就是这种监控的畸形结果,它严重破坏了官场生态。皇帝知道官吏有自身的利益选择,官吏监督都是靠不住的,对民而言,亦是如此。当代民主政治解决这一问题的途径便是民众的监督,只有落实民众的监督才能最终实现。这在专制体制下是无法实现的。第六部分,消极求安的传统治安思想。基本的社会控制是必要的,如户籍管理、邻里联防、危险物品管理、治安耳目、特种行业管理等措施,在今天中外治安防范实践中都是必要的。但中国传统社会中,这些措施的推行有极大的人身强制联系在一起的,如禁止逃亡、治安连坐、夜禁、聚众禁止、出行管制、特务控制等,像一道道制度的绳索把民牢牢地禁锢在闾里之内,除了外出劳作,民几乎没有人身自由,任何的违反将招致消极的惩罚后果。这反映了统治者消极、保守的治安观,统治者用举国的强制力和严酷的刑罚为后盾,维持着一种静止的安定。这种治安理念迷信暴力,视民为草芥,与统治者所宣扬的为政以德、德主刑辅的治安理念恰恰相反的。所以,大部分专制统治者的人格是分裂的,虽口称教化,却磨刀霍霍,用严防死守来控制小民任其剥削,当小民面临生存困境而得不到救助时,只有走上犯罪的道路,甚至推翻原有统治,缔造新的王朝,亦开始新的轮回。

【Abstract】 In traditional Chinese society, The concern for social stability rankshigh on the agenda of the emperors, so the history of traditional Chinesesociety can be called a “security” history.Thought is the rationalknowledge, the thought of the public security is also a rational knowledgewhich includes the essence of public security, the realization of security,the obstacle factors and overcome.The important issues for the rulers andthinkers is what is the causes and Countermeasures of the public securityproblems in the ancient China. In Pre-Qin period, the thinkers face moralanomie, war, crime, and the masses who have no means to live, they try theirbest to find the reasons and the corresponding measures of those problemswith the multi-angle of the human nature, people’s economic condition,the bureaucracies’ corruption, and other social causes. From Qin Dynasty,the rulers and thinkers succeed the thought about the society stabilitywith unremitting ponder, they inherit the elements of ideas from theirforebears and they get also some new good ideas, which form a unique Chinesetraditional public security culture. On survey of Prevention and Controlof “Dao Zei” Crime, this article aims at the thought of the Public Securityin the Traditional Chinese society, which is divided into six parts: Part one: Introduction. This part aims at studying the currentlyexisting research findings about the ideas of ancient public security andthe “Daozei”crime. The ideas of the public security in the Chinesetraditional society are abundant, while the research findings about it arenot rich. By analyzing the research findings about the ideas, to find theway to study further the ideas of the public security in the traditionalChinese society, this paper think that the thoughts is the content of theideas of the public security which take the prevention and control of theproblems of the public security as the goal.Part two: On the importance of the Prevention and Control of “Dao Zei”Crime in the traditional Chinese society.This part tries to introduce why“Dao Zei” Crime (including stealing, robbery and revolt, etc.)is alwaysthe focal point for the rulers to deal with in the traditional Chinesesociety, they want to control the people through dealing with the “DaoZei” crime. Who conduct the “Dao Zei” crime are the peasant, and whomthe “Dao Zei” violate are the peasant, how to find the reason andcountermeasures with the “Dao Zei” crime makes up the content of the ideasof the public security in the traditional Chinese society.Part three: On the ideas of making someone kind in Chinese traditionalSociety. Goodness and Badness is used to morally evaluate one person, butmany behaviors are bad often illegal, which is more obvious in Chinesetraditional society in which the behaviors that obey the moral rules“Li”(rite) will get punishment as a crime. In Chinese traditional societythinkers who study what Human Nature is, whatever Human Nature is Goodnessor Badness, all to answer why one person commit offences including crimeand other public security problems. In the ideas of keeping public security,how to make people comply with morally or legally rules is an importantaspect.There are mainly two ways to make people kind and not to commit acrime, one is civilization, one is punishment. Education is the main way of the civilization, penalty is the main means of the punishment then. Thecivilization is main means in the orthodox theory of domination in ancientChina, but the punishment is auxiliary. In traditional Chinese society,the rulers who have no real firm belief in some one theory advocate civilizethe people in their theory of governance, but they give prominence topunishment in their practice.Part four: On the ideas of keeping people from poverty in Chinesetraditional Society. This part tries to find the relation between thepeople’s living conditions and crimes. Poverty is the main reason why thecrime of“Dao Zei”has happened. Then the main reason which caused thepeasants’ poverty was man-made factors, including the rulers’exploitation, the bureaucracies’ corruption and the despots’ raven,besides the natural disaster. The rulers and the thinkers in traditionalChinese society did their best to find the way of eliminating those problemsand got many good ideas, which including making the peasants have theirfield, the encouragement of the development of agriculture, the reductionof corvee and taxes, giving widows and orphans the pension, relievingcalamity, appeasing and resettling the refugees. The rulers think theproblems of people’s livelihood as a security problem, and they do not paymore importance on the development of commodity economy, so they cannotsolve the people’s problems of having enough food and clothes. Especially,almost all intellectuals do not follow the plough, and not pay attentionto agricultural science and technology, which can improve the yield permu and support more people. The people who have not food and clothes tosustain their lives, and they may get it through illegal ways, in the final.Part five: On the ideas of keeping officials worthy in Chinesetraditional Society. The king appoints officials to manage people, andofficials enforce the laws and commands. Crime prevention and punishmentis officials’ duty, but official who bully the people and take bribes is a major contribution towards “Dao Zei” crime. The reasons why officialsdrive the people to steal and rob include mainly four parts: firstly,Officials have their own interests which are different with the emperorsand the people; secondly, the selection cannot find the honest man; thirdly,the officials are paid too little; fourthly, the supervision over theofficials is not effective. The emperors are aware of the importance ofthe honest and upright of the officials, so they puts forward the viewsof “Ren Xian” and implement it, but it looked doesn’t work. Obviously,the principle of “Ren Xian” is not enough to ensure find the good officialsin selection who perform their duties honestly and exercising strictself-discipline, the most important thing is to build a effectivesupervision mechanism that make officials dare not to abuse power forpersonal gains.Part six: On the ideas of control strictly of personal freedom inChinese traditional Society. The basic social control is necessary, suchas population register management, neighborhood watch, the control ofdangerous goods and special industry management, and other measures. Butin the Chinese traditional society, these measures are implemented withgreat personal forcible, and people have little freedom who work in thefield from dawn to dusk supervised by village chief, they have not freedomto leave. They are prohibited walking out on night without warrant, andthey cannot go on travelling without a certificate issued by the official.In addition to go out to work, people almost have no personal freedom, anyviolation will lead to negative consequences of punishment. This reflectsa negative and conservative thought on public security of the rulers whotry their best to maintain a static stability by the coercive force andharsh penalties.
