

Study on Biodegradation of Forest Floor

【作者】 彭徐剑

【导师】 胡海清; 刘雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林防火, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 森林可燃物是森林燃烧的物质基础,是林火行为的主体,是林火管理的基本依据。森林地被可燃物作为一种可再生资源,在我国大兴安岭林区载量十分丰富,其引发的火灾不计其数,由于地处寒温带,森林地被可燃物的分解受到很大程度的制约,如何使该地区的地被可燃物加快分解,而又使环境不受污染,是现代林业面临的难题。本文应用微生物学和森林防火学的原理、技术和方法,通过对大兴安岭地区可燃物降解菌的分离、纯化、优良菌株筛选、降解菌剂配制、室内外降解试验等系列研究,建立了适合于大兴安岭林区微生物防火的技术和方法,为我国森林防火在防控技术领域提供了新的方法,丰富了森林防火研究的理论和技术,现将研究结果总结如下:本文大兴安岭地区三种主要可燃物类型(落叶松-白桦混交林、白桦林、落叶松林)地被物为研究对象,通过野外采集样品,室内富集、分离、纯化及培养得到19株作为初筛的试验菌株,并通过滤纸降解试验初步筛选出12株对滤纸有良好降解作用的菌株。随后进行以降解落叶松松针为基质的复筛实验,同时通过酶活性的测定,筛选出三株具有良好降解效果的真菌,分别为菌株JZM112、菌株THI2331和菌株HZI3FX532,并对三株菌进行了鉴定,结果为JZM112为深绿木霉Trichoderma atroviride; THI2331为哈茨木霉Trichoderma harzianum; HZI3FX532为比来青霉Penicillin bilaiae。最后将三株菌接种于PDA试管斜面培养基,冷藏于4℃冰箱,待用。选用菌株JZM112、菌株THI2331、菌株HZI3FX532和菌株HZI1FX441(几乎没有降解效果的对照菌株)四株真菌作为菌剂制备的真菌。分别接种于麸曲培养基上,待长出孢子后,将麸曲固体基质经冷冻真空干燥处理,然后利用振动筛将孢子粉和麸皮等固体基质分开,得到孢子粉。待需进行喷洒试验时,将孢子粉配制成孢子悬浮液,加入定量的药品后制成菌剂,可以用于的地被可燃物降解试验。为确定野外喷洒实验,本实验设计了特定的室内实验。主要考察各菌剂在恒温、恒湿的状态下对地被可燃物的降解效果。喷洒剂按9种不同剂型(无机盐溶液、水、112菌剂、331菌剂、532菌剂、112532菌剂、331532菌剂、441菌剂、3混合菌剂),三种剂量(50倍液、100倍液、400倍液)喷洒。并通过对相同剂量不同菌剂对可燃类型地被物影响比较分析得出,112532菌剂均优于其它菌剂,112532菌剂对三种可燃物类型地被物的降解效果都为最好,可作为野外喷洒试验的菌剂。野外喷洒试验在开放的地区进行,样地设置于大兴安岭塔河林区。选用112532菌剂的50倍液、100倍液、400倍液进行室外喷洒,并以同剂量的无机盐溶液、水及441菌剂为对照,结果显示,与未喷洒区相比,100倍液的112532菌剂,在降解的30d内,能使落叶松-白桦混交林木素降解速率提高7.08倍;使白桦林综纤维素降解速率提提高10.46倍;使落叶松林热值损失速率提高提高2.44倍。降解效果显著。研究结果表明,利用高效降解微生物可有效提高森林地被可燃物降解率,通过此方法对开设防火林带,降低森林火险,预防森林火灾的发生,具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Forest fuel is burning basis of forest and also dominating the fire behaviors. It has been considered as a major factor for forest management. Forest ground biomass, as a renewable resource, is dramatically abundant in Daxing’an mountains; however, It caused considerable fires in the past several decades. The decomposition of forest fuel is constricted seriously due to the cold-temperate zone where Daxing’an mountains located in. Hence, how to make ground fuel decomposed quickly without any pollution has been a great concern for modern forestry. The study set up the technical and method of microbe-fireproof ing which is fit for Daxing’anling, under the theory, technology and method of microbiology and forest fire science, through separating, purifying, selecting the germ which can decompose combustible, and preparation for microbial inoculums, and degradable test indoor-outdoor. The research supply a new method for China forest fire prevention, which increase theory and technique. The Result of study as follows.In this paper, the ground fuel in three major forest types (Larix gmelini-Betula platyphylla、Betula platyphylla、Larix gmelini) of Daxing’an mountains has been studied.19strains were obtained through the process of fieldwork, indoor enrichment, separation, purification and culture. After second filter paper degradation test,12strains left because of the superiorities on decomposition. We did the third round test based on Larch pine leaves, then only three fungal being selected with good degradation effect. They are Trichoderma atroviride,Trichoderma harzianum and Penicillin bilaiae respectively after identifying. Another four stains also be chosen for comparison. We inoculated them in the bran medium for spores growing. The bran solid matrix was dealt with through freeze vacuum drying process, then separating the spore powder from wheat bran solid substrate using shaker. The last step before spraying test is making spore powder to spore suspension by adding quantitative drugs that made from bacteria.An indoor trial experiment was done in order to test the performance of every strain in degradation under condition of constant temperature and humidity. Spray9different degradation liquid with three doses (50times,100times,400times) in our study area. Compared with other correspond strains, we got the strains with best effect of degradation which is more suitable for doing field experiment. Several plots were set up for doing spray experiment with different types of strains liquid. The results showed that100times doses of degradation liquid of112532can increase the speed of degradation of lignin in Larix gmelini-Betula platyphylla is7.08times faster than natural process with30days and increasing the speed of degradation of holo-cellulose in Betula platyphylla is10.46times faster than its natural process. Degradation effects were significant.The results indicated that efficient degrading microorganisms can improve the degradation rate of forest fuel effectively. It would be having an important practical meaning if the strains be used to make fire belt and reduce and prevent forest fire.
