

On Teachers’ Sense of Teaching Practice

【作者】 李本东

【导师】 徐学福;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 教师教学实践感是作为特定主体的教师所特有的,由于教学实践活动作为对象存在才产生出来的一种实践感,它在根本上是教师特有的理性化的对象性直觉思维能力。教学实践感是教学实践能力的基本表现形式,是教学实践能力之智力基础的核心,培养教师的教学实践感有助于教师教学实践能力的提升。为此,该论文把关注教师教学实践感作为对当前基础教育课程改革深化和教学创新之迫切的现实需要的一次尝试性的理论回应,以期使教学实践感研究成为感觉理论研究的深化和具体化,为进一步探讨其他教师理论问题提供理论支持,从而为重建教师主体性、确立教师教育价值打下基础,从思维上弥合教学理论与实践的裂缝,最终促成对教师专业成长及教师教育的整体认识深化。由于教学实践感几乎是一个全新的领域,该论文借鉴先贤前哲诸感觉学说所提供的丰富学术资源,主要尝试解决以下问题:一是厘清教学实践感的内涵、属性、特征及其机制;二是结合教师教学实践实际,探索教学实践感的现实价值及其培养策略、培养方式;三是进一步探讨教学实践感与教师教育之间的关系,提出教师教育的“教学实践感基点论”主张;四是明确教师教育贯彻教学实践感基点论的基本原则;最后昭明基于教师教学实践感培养的教师教育展望,为教师教学实践感的后续研究指明方向。首先,该论文从教学作为一种人类实践的特殊性和感觉的实践性发展开始,讨论了教学实践感的内涵。在评析既有的“教学”界说、明确“教学”是指教师的“教”的基础上,基于汉语词源学考察,将“教学”重新界定为:一定社会历史文化情境中的教师,根据时代发展的育人要求和规定,基于自我与社会关系的主观认识理解和现实社会的支持,遵循并利用人的天赋学习能力及其发展规律,通过呈现与自然、与社会和与自我等三重关系中的自我个体生命,示范性地激发、引导、促进学生的主体性学习,助其成长为人的实践活动。教学实践的特殊性,在于它是教师以神相感的生命示范活动。该论文接着指出,感觉是人类掌握世界的最基本实践形式,而实践感是感觉发展的最高级形态,是人把握实践的主要方式,是人对实践的理性化直觉思维能力,是人类掌握世界之感觉方式的实践性深化和具体化。一个教师只存在于他对自己的教学活动的感知中,他只能在对自己一次次的教学活动的感觉过程中确证自己的教师身份。该论文得出结论:教学实践感是以教学实践为对象的理性化的对象性直觉思维能力,是教师作为人的一般感觉在教学实践塑造下实践性发展的最高级形态,既是教师把握教学实践的主要方式,也是教师职业生存的最小生命单元,表现为教学直觉认知能力、教学直觉判断能力和教学直觉构形能力等的辩证统一。教学实践感也有复杂多样的“社会感官形态”,如教学主体感、教学对象感、教学环境感,等等,既是教师感觉社会历史化发展的产物,又在教师的教学实践中继续向前发展着,始终保持着感性形态。该论文还对教学实践感作了概念辨正,指出教学实践感既不是教师的教学知识,也不是教师的教学机智或教学智慧,更不是人在实践过程中的情绪反应;并强调在教师教育领域,“教学实践感”将是一个随着时间不断流变的概念,它的内涵与外延会在流变中逐步变化、丰富、清晰,对它的认识是一个不断深化的过程。接着,该论文就教学实践感的特征、属性和机制进行了详细探讨,指出教学实践感是感性与理性的统一、主观性与客观性的统一、科学性与人文性的统一、历史继承性与创造发展性的统一,以及其生成发展的非逻辑性、功能发挥的直接性、实时监控性和把握教学实践的有机整体性,明确教学实践感是教学实践各构成要素及其整体对象化的结果,就其生成来说,神经活动习性化是其生理性机制,实践思维意志化与小群体交往是其社会性机制;就其作用机制而言,则一方面是生理感官和社会感官的分工协作,另一方面是以普遍统率特殊和以个别体现整体相统一。至此,该论文为理解教学实践感提供了一个清晰的框架。其次,该论文分析了教学实践感的影响因素,指出在主体性方面,教师身份角色意识是教学实践感的内在动力源,教学生活体验是教学实践感的主观内容源,专业文化素养是教学实践感的主观内环境,教育教学理念是教学实践感的内在指南,职业生存理想是教学实践感的精神旨归;在客观性方面,教学环境是教学实践感生成的客观时空,教学理论是教学实践感的客观化了的主观性事实基础,教学形式是教学实践感的客观对应物。在此基础上,该论文对教学实践感的培养进行了大胆构想,认为依据感性思维与理性思维互补发展原理,感官感觉之间叠加代偿、互渗互扩、互核互证原理,以及感知目标孤立化与对象要素、属性呈现多元化互补原理,对教学实践感的培养可以根据其“社会感觉器官”进行感知目标孤立化的训育,如教师角色感训育、教学对象感训育、教材感训育、教学环境感训育、教学形式感训育、教学理论感,等等,并提出了“三习”交互并举、“四化”同步升华的培养策略,以及教学观摩、教学案例分析、教学反思等多种形式的教学事实感知、以冥想为主要形式的视觉-运动行为演练法(VMBR)、以亲历为特征的实践教学,以及撰写教学实践感随笔等培养方式,从而为自觉培育教师教学实践感、充分利用教师教学实践感为教学实践服务提供相应的依据。再次,该论文进一步探讨了教学实践感与教师教育之间的关系。在审视批判传统教师教育在指导思想上囿限于“知识中心论”、在课程观、教学观上游离于教师、在教师学习评价观上偏重于培养“知识人”等偏颇之后,提出了教师教育的“教学实践感基点论”主张,认为与知识相比,教学实践感是教师教学能力生成的更基本的起点和来源,它造就一个人的教师志向和选择。教学实践感的生成、发展和丰富最能体现教学与教师的生命之一体性关联,因而教师教育应当聚焦于教学实践,以教师的教学实践感为基点,以教学过程激活教师感觉,以提高教师感觉素质、丰富和发展教师作为人的职业化生存感觉即教学实践感为首要任务,在此基础上辅以教学理论知识的学习以及有关的技术训练,发展教学思维,培养教学能力,生成教学理论,乃至形成教学思想。该论文还对“教学实践感基点论”的教师教育作了哲学、心理学和教育学的诠释。从哲学看,教学实践感是教师整体生命之所属,任何知识、理论都必须经过感觉化才能对现实实践起作用,教师教育通过教学活动将教师培养成人,必须致力于教学实践感的培养,即以教学实践感为基点,使教师的教学实践感“由片面而全面、由肤浅而深刻、由贫乏而丰富、由迟钝而灵敏”。从心理学看,教师教育的主要任务就是培养和发展教师创造性解决教学实践问题的能力,培养教师的教学实践感有助于教师教学实践能力的提升,对教师开展教学活动提供启示。批判地继承、借鉴于既有教学认识的理论成果,吸收间接经验丰富自身,正是使教学实践感得以广化、深化、美化和敏化的重要途径,但必须以成功的教学案例作为培养教师教学实践感的中介。从教育学看,教学实践感作为“认识性的感觉”,以审美为最高境界。教师教育应是以经验课程为主的“解放教育”,而不是“驯化教育”。教学实践感基点论是对“知识中心论”的科学扬弃,是教师教育的新方向。该论文还进一步指出,教师教育是一个创造教学实践感的工程,高品质的教学实践感是教师素质的核心。因此,教师教育贯彻教学实践感基点论要遵循教师中心、教学对象化、感性发展与理性提升同步和实践主导等基本原则。最后,该论文基于教师教育转向“回到教师本身”的时代态势,从将教师教育实践重心下移到教学实践感培养,将教学实践感培育课程化以构建感性与理性一体化的教师教育课程体系,从测评上将教学实践感“客观化”并纳入资格考核范围以推进教师资格制度进一步完善等三个方面,作了走向基于教学实践感的教师教育的实践展望,为教师教学实践感的后续研究指出了一个参考方向。

【Abstract】 Teacher’s sense of teaching practice is such a sense of practice peculiar to those teachers as given subjects that can’t be created out until teaching practice activities exist as their objects. It is a special rationalized objective capacity for intuition thinking at all. The sense of teaching practice is the primary form of the ability of teaching practice, and the core of the intelligence foundation of ability of teaching practice. Cultivating teachers’sense of teaching practice helps to upgrade the teachers’ ability of teaching practice. Therefore, this thesis is focus on teachers’sense of teaching practice as a tentative theoretical response to the urgent need to deepen the curriculum reform and the teaching innovation of basic education currently, in order to make the research of sense of teaching practice become a deepening and reification of the theoretical research of sense, and to provide theoretical support for further discussing of other theory problems about teachers, and to ground us in reconstructing the subjectivity of teachers and refines the value of teacher education, and to bridge between teaching theory and practice, in the end, to achieve a whole deepening of understanding to teacher profession growth and teacher education. Due to the sense of teaching practice is nearly a bran-new field, this thesis, by referring to plenty of academic resources of theories about sense created by those past sages and scholars, this thesis mainly tries to solve the following questions:to ascertain the connotation, the attribute, the characteristic and the mechanism of sense of teaching practice; and to find out the practical value of sense of teaching practice and its’cultivation strategy and modes; and to discuss further the relationship between sense of teaching practice and teacher education and present the doctrine of "the sense of teaching practice, the starting point of teacher education"; and to clarify the basic rules of implement the doctrine of "the sense of teaching practice, the starting point of teacher education"; In the end, to give a prospect of teacher education is based-on cultivating sense of teaching practice, and as guidance to following research of sense of teaching practice. Firstly, beginning with the originality of teaching as a practice peculiar to human and the practice-based development of sense, this thesis discusses the connotation of sense of teaching practice. Based on analyzing the given definitions about teaching and clarifying that teaching refers exclusively to teacher teaching, this thesis redefines teaching grounded on a review of etymology in Chinese, points out that teaching is that a teacher who lives in a certain social-cultural-historical situation, according to the requirements and rules of education under the times situation, with the support from social reality and his subjective understanding of the relation between self and society, following and using the innate learning ability of human and its laws, exemplarily excitateds and leads and advances students’subjective studying so as to help them grow as well-rounded people by showing the individual form of life of himself in the triangular nature-society-self relationship. The particularity of teaching practice lies in that teaching practice is the life exemplarity grounded on teachers’spirit. This thesis subsequently points out that sense is the most basic form of mastering the world for human, sense of practice is the most superlative form of the development of sense, and the main way to grasp practice, and human’s intuition thinking ability rationalized of practice. One teacher exists only in his sensation to the teaching activities of himself, and he identifies his position of a teacher only in the course of sensing his teaching activities one after another.This thesis comes to a conclusion:sense of teaching practice is the most superlative form of the practicality development of the common sense of teacher as human under the molding of teaching practice, and it is the main way to master teaching practice, as well as the smallest life unit, and it is for teaching practice as teachers’rationalized and objective intuition thinking ability unified dialectically with intuition cognition, judgment and configuration ability to teaching. Sense of teaching practice also has complicated and varied "social organic shape", for example, sense of teaching subject, sense of teaching object, sense of teaching environment, etc. and it is the product of social-historical-cultural development of teacher sensation as well as continues to advance in the process of teaching practice, and it always keeps its sensible species, this thesis also distinguishes sense of teaching practice and related concepts, show clearly that sense of teaching practice is not teaching knowledge, teaching tact or teaching wisdom, and not human’s emotional reaction in practice course. And it emphasizes that, in teacher education field, sense of teaching practice will be a changing concept with the times, its intension and extension will have gradually change, richness and clear, and people’s knowledge on it will be a constantly deepening process.Then, the thesis discusses in detail the characteristics, the attributes and the mechanism of sense of teaching practice, showing its characteristics such as the unity of perception and rationalism, the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, the unity of science and humanism, the unity of historical inheritance and creative expansibility; and along with this, its attributes such as the non-logicality in growth and development, the directness and real-time monitoring in functioning, and the organic wholeness in taking teaching practice in particulars; and its formation mechanism such as the habituation of nervous activity in physiology, and the willized practical thinking and the social interaction within little group in sociology; And its motive mechanism such as the cooperation with proper division between physiological sense organs and social sense organs, and the unity of universal’s command to particular and wholeness’s embodiment by individual. By this time, the thesis provides a clear formula for understanding sense of teaching practice.Secondly, the thesis analyzes the uncertainties affecting sense of teaching practice, and points out that, as to its subjectivity aspects, the awareness of teacher role is its inner drive source, the experience of teaching life is its subjective content source, the specialized culture is its inner guide, the ideal of survival of teacher occupation is its spiritual homeland; As to its objectivity aspects, teaching environment is its objective world, teaching theory is its subjective factual basis externalized, teaching form is its objective correlative. Based on this, the thesis makes a bold concept of cultivating sense of teaching practice. According to the principles like the complementary development between sense thinking and rational thinking, the superimposition and the compensatory, the mutual infiltration and extendibility, the mutual verification and confirmation among sense organs, and the mutual supplement between the isolation of sense-goal and the diversification of factor-unfolding and attribute-manner, it considers that sense of teaching practice can be cultivated by isolating its "social organic shape" to make individual goal such as sense of teacher role, sense of teaching object, sense of teaching materials, sense of teaching environment, sense of teaching forms and sense of teaching theories, etc. What’s more, the thesis puts forward the cultivating strategy of interactive promoting "3-in-1practice" and simultaneous sublimation "4-in-1convert", and the cultivating mode of perceiving teaching facts, VMBR, practical teaching and writing "Essay on Sense of Teaching Practice" and such. Thus it gives corresponding basis for conscientious cultivating sense of teaching practice and fully utilizing it to serve for teaching practice.Thirdly, the thesis gives a deep probing into the relationship between sense of teaching practice and teaching education. After having surveyed the bias of traditional teacher education such as the guideline of "Knowledge-Centered Ideology", and its view of curriculum and teaching divorced from teachers, and its views of valuating teachers’learning biased towards cultivating "Knowledge People", the thesis offers a proposal of "Sense-of-Teaching-Practice-based Ideology" teaching education. It declares that, in relation to knowledge, sense of teaching practice is the starting point and the source of teachers’ability of teaching, and made one’s ambition and choice of being a teacher. The formation and development and richness of sense of teaching practice can display mostly the oneness life relevance between a teacher and his teaching, so teacher education should focus on teaching practice, take sense of teaching practice as its starting point, activate teachers’ sense by using teaching process, makes its primary task to improve teachers’sense quality, enrich and develop sense of teaching practice as the sense of professional life of teachers being human, and based on this, complement study of teaching theory and relatively skill training, in order to develop teaching thinking, cultivate teaching ability, producing teaching theories and even come into being teaching thoughts.The thesis interprets "Sense-of-Teaching-Practice-based Ideology" from the philosophy, psychology and pedagogy way. From the view point of philosophy, sense of teaching practice is the master of every teacher’s whole life, and any knowledge or theory can’t work for the reality of teaching practice until it is converted into some organic sense. So, teacher education is training a teacher into a human being through teaching activities, and then it must aim at cultivating sense of teaching practice, that is to say, adhere to "Sense-of-Teaching-Practice-based Ideology" and promote teachers’ sense of teaching practice to develop "from partial to total-from superficialness to profundity-from want to rich-from bluntness to sensitivity". From the view point of psychology, the main task of teacher education is to train and develop teaches’ ability to solve creatively real teaching problems with teaching activities, so, to cultivate teachers’ sense of teaching practice helps to upgrade teachers’ ability of teaching practice, and helps teachers to enlighten their teaching activities. To inherit and refer critically the existing theory fruit of knowing teaching, and to absorb indirect experience to enrich self are important ways to make sense of teaching practice wider, deeper, more beautiful and more sensitive. But a teacher’s sense of teaching practice must be cultivated by taking those successful cases of teaching as mediation. From the view of pedagogy, aesthetics is the highest level of sense of teaching practice as the "epistemic sensitivity". Teacher education should be "liberation education" in which "Experience Curriculum" plays the principal role, but not "domesticating education"."Sense-of-Teaching-Practice-based Ideology" should become the new direction of teacher education by sublating "Knowledge-Centered Ideology" Furthermore, the thesis points out that, teacher education is an engineering of creating sense of teaching practice, the high quality sense of teaching practice is the core of teachers’ professional competence. Thus, teacher education should abide by these principles such as teacher-centrism, teaching-objectification, perceptual development synchronized with rational improvement, and practice-leading.Finally, based on the times tendency of "back to Teacher itself, the thesis looks forward to the future of teacher education based on "Sense-of-Teaching-Practice-based Ideology" from following aspects:to move down the focus to cultivating sense of teaching practice in teacher education, to absorb sense of teaching practice into curriculum for teacher education so as to build a integrated curriculum system unitized sensibility and rationality, and to externalize sense of teaching practice with evaluation in order to bring it into the range of qualifications examination, and further drive the improvement of teachers’ qualification systems, which points out a referring direction of the following study on sense of teaching practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2824