

Research on Ethical Appeal of the University Teaching Management

【作者】 张东

【导师】 李森;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 加强教学管理的理论研究是推动教学理论发展和丰富教学论研究的内在需要,也是更好地揭示和分析当前教学管理实践困惑的需要。与基础教育阶段的教学相比,大学阶段的教学具有自主性和学术性的特征,对国家经济社会发展和学科知识的集聚有着更直接、更有力的支撑作用。大学教学管理能否为教学自由和规范兼具、学术和德行共存提供保障,已然成为教学论研究的重要课题。教学管理本身源自克制人性和促进人性完满的需要,其本质是促进教育规范和精神提升。教学管理作为文化领域的管理,与政治、经济领域的管理既有联系又有区别,分别追求的重点有所不同,政治领域更强调“力”(权力)、经济领域更强调“利”(利益),文化领域则更侧重“理”(道理、伦理)。教育教学属于文化领域,大学教学管理在承载规范职能的管理性的同时,蕴含着更加丰富的教育性和伦理精神,天然地形成和包容了规范伦理和美德伦理两个层次的伦理特性。大学教学管理的本质特征、主体要素和外部环境都存在着客观的伦理诉求,这些诉求依照道德原则在大学教学管理实践中达成理解和共识,将形成现代大学教学管理的应然诉求体系,这些诉求客观地为规范教学管理实践,完满师生精神人格,生成师生伦理美德将起到呼吁和促进作用。大学教学管理是一种价值承载的伦理实践活动,具有复杂的实践场域,充满着丰富的人性精神,其蕴含的规范和美德的诉求存在着价值序列上的差别,其中规范之于大学教学管理具有优先价值和工具意义,而促进美德伦理和形塑完整的人则具有更高价值和实质意义。全文分为九个部分:第一部分导论。大学教学管理是大学精神和文化的体现,近年来以国家整齐划一的大学本科教学工作水平评估,学校目标责任和绩效考核,学生量化评比等为特征的刚性化、工具性管理模式与大学精神相悖,教学管理的应然伦理精神缺失,导致教学异化和偏离,大学教学管理亟需“回归理性”和“弘扬德性”。本部分明确了课题研究目的与意义,锁定大学教学管理这一研究场域,以伦理为分析视角,按照“是什么?”、“怎么样?”、“为什么?”、“应如何?”和“怎么办?”的逻辑,厘清研究思路,构建研究框架。第二部分大学职能演变与教学管理的变革。通过对大学职能演变的历时性考察和大学教学管理观念的发生学分析,系统梳理我国大学教学的历史沿革和职能变迁,探索我国大学价值观、发展观、质量观和育人观以及与之伴随而来的大学教学管理观念的转变和演进,说明大学教学管理观念的产生是一个历史性的动态生成过程,大学教学管理的伦理诉求具有鲜明的时代性和实践性。第三部分大学教学管理及其伦理精神。通过对大学教学管理及其伦理精神的本体性解读,分层揭示大学教学管理在大学实践场域中的意义和特征,机构和要素,功能和机制。围绕伦理的词源分析和内涵解读,阐释伦理的本质,回答“伦理何谓”;结合伦理的本质和大学的使命,回答“伦理何求?”,阐释大学这一特殊伦理共同体形式,理性解读大学教学管理存在的伦理精神、核心表征和主要功能。第四部分中外管理伦理思想对大学教学管理的启示。我国传统管理伦理强调“以人为本”、“正人正己”、“以德为先”、“天人合一”、“以义制利”的伦理理念,西方管理伦理则强调“个人中心”、“契约理性”、“自由民主”、“自我实现”等伦理导向,本部分系统分析和反思中外管理伦理思想的优势和不足,从理性与德性,个性与社会性的四维矩阵结构中分析中西管理伦理价值统整互补的可能与必要,认真把握现代大学教学管理“德性与功利”,“和谐与竞争”,“理性与情感”相结合的启示。第五部分大学教学管理存在的问题及其伦理反思。揭示大学教学管理在民主与集权、以事为本与以人为本、行政管理与学术管理等价值取向上的冲突与碰撞,校院两级管理、多元民主参与等模式选择上的困境,通过对大学教学管理的现状分析,呈现和揭示大学教学管理伦理诉求不足的主要表征,并积极探究大学教学管理伦理诉求不足的症结和根源。第六部分大学教学管理伦理诉求的类型与功能。大学教学管理可分为“内发”和“外求”两种类型的伦理诉求,其中内发式诉求主要体现为“关系伦理”,外求式诉求主要体现为“实践伦理”。在大学教学管理的生态视域中,最终应通过内外双向的统整,实现交往实践的和谐美德。围绕伦理在大学教学管理中的认识功能、价值导向功能、反馈调节功能、动力激发和价值激励功能,阐释伦理在大学教学管理中的功能与意义。第七部分大学教学管理伦理诉求的核心原则。围绕大学教学管理内部发展需求和社会发展需要,把握教育者、受教育者的客观发展规律,结合中外管理伦理思想的统整与启示,提出了大学教学管理伦理诉求的求真、崇善和尚美的核心取向,在大学教学管理伦理诉求中坚持和遵从教学管理的合理性原则、合德性原则和协调性原则。第八部分大学教学管理伦理诉求的应然与可能。围绕大学教学管理存在的问题和核心原则,本部分将大学教学管理对民主与自由、规范与秩序和公平与正义的追求作为大学教学管理的应然诉求维度,同时,还通过对大学教学管理可诉性考量,客观分析该诉求的可能性与局限性,并将“主体性激发度”、“自由性的实现度”和“社会性的契合度”作为衡量大学教学管理伦理诉求实现的尺度。第九部分大学教学管理伦理诉求的实现机制和路径。从大学教学管理内外双向互动机理入手,形成了“伦理目标、主体德性、关系协调、反馈调整”的内部动力机制和“环境营造、制度规范、文化提升、服务配套”的外部保障机制。在大学教学管理伦理诉求的路径选择上,提出了从“规训”到“理解”的伦理范式转型,构建教学管理伦理共同体以激发主体意识和组织力量;弘扬大学教学管理的角色德性和促进教师道德发展;推进大学教学管理伦理诉求的制度化建设和积极营造教学管理文化,深化大学教学管理伦理理论研究等实现路径。本研究的创新之处在于,一是研究视角新,以伦理的视角对大学教学管理进行本体性解读、历时性考察、价值论分析和实践性探索,对拓展“大学”这一阶段性教学论研究,探索大学教学伦理理论创新的趋势和走向具有借鉴意义。二是研究内容和体系新,立足“求真”、“崇善”和“尚美”的价值追求,围绕着“发展”、“效能”和“艺术”等三个基本向度及“合理性”、“合德性”与“协调性”的核心原则,揭示大学教学管理应然存在的规范与自由、公正与效率,和谐与审美等多个伦理诉求维度,为大学教学管理的伦理建构提供了可资借鉴的逻辑框架和理想图景。三是研究观点新,提出了大学教学管理伦理“内发”和“外求”的双向诉求机制,将“主体性的激发度”、“自由性的达成度”和“社会性的契合度”作为大学教学管理伦理诉求实现的三个基本衡量尺度,并在范式转型、角色德性养成、伦理制度化等方面提供出诉求实现的路径选择。

【Abstract】 To strengthen the construction of teaching management theory is the intrinsic need in enriching teaching theory research and promoting teaching theory development, also the need to preferably reveal and the analyze the current perplexity in practicing teaching management. Compared with teaching in Basic education, teaching in university education is of more innovative and academic. It is a more direct and powerful support to the national economic and social development, as well as collecting discipline knowledge. Whether college teaching management can provide guarantee to college education, especially in promoting both freedom and standard teaching, academic and virtue coexistence--has become the an important research project in theoretical research of college teaching. Teaching management itself derived from restraining human nature and promoting humanity perfection, its essence is to promote education standards and spirit elevation. As the management in culture domain, teaching management is related to management in political domain and economical one and also distinct from that. The distinction lies in that management in university teaching does not only contain richer educational characteristics but also ethical spirit; meanwhile it bears the function of regulating management. Thus it naturally forms and embraces two levels of ethical characteristics-the normative ethics and the virtue ethics.University teaching management itself had a strong ethical appeal, and the educators and other participants of university teaching management also have certain ethics appeal. These certain moral principles in university teaching management reach a consensus, thus form the appeal system of modern university teaching management. These appeals in fact call for and promote better regulation of management practice, formation of teachers’ virtue. College teaching management has complex practice field and rich ethical spirit. Its implication of standard and the appeals of the virtue are different in value sequence, in which, the college teaching management regulations have the priority in value and instrumental meaning, promoting virtue ethics and shaping whole personality, with higher value and practical meaning.This dissertation is divided into nine parts:Part One is the Introduction. Not only is the research question made clear and so are the aims and significance elaborated, but this part makes sure of research angle, research thinking and research framework as well. The university teaching management embodies the university spirit and university culture, but in recent years, the sollen ethic spirit of the university teaching management have got lost because of the mode of teaching management goes against the university spirit. Therefore, the university teaching has deviated from its nature. It’s urgent to have the university teaching management recover its own sollen rationality and dhama. After locking in the research field, the research thinking and framework are settled by utilizing the ethic appeal as the analyzing perspective and research tool.Part Two focuses on the evolution of the university functions and the revolution of the university teaching management. When unscrambling the historical evolution and the function change of university teaching in our country, the educational values, university development outlook, talent quality and educational view and the managerial notional change of university teaching are probed into. The emergence of the university teaching management ideas shows the characteristics of being dynamic and the ethic teaching management should be epochal and practical through diachronically examining the function evolution of university and analyzing the management ideas in university.Part Three deals with university teaching management and its ethic spirit. Through ontologically interpreting the university teaching management and ethics, the significance and characteristics of teaching management are revealed. At the same time, institutions and elements as well as functions and mechanism of university teaching management are clarified. This part also pays attention to the nature of ethic and the spirit of university. What ethic means and demands for is manifested here. University is a special ethic community, and the teaching management should demonstrate its ethical spirit, core characteristics and fundamental functionsPart Four does with the influence and enlightenment of managerial ethic ideas at home and abroad on university teaching management. Advantages and deficiencies in Chinese and western management ethics are Systematically analyzed and retrospected by utilizing the four dimensional matrix structure, that is, rationality and virtue, personality and social, to analyze the possibilities and necessities of complementation and the coupling of the Chinese and western management ethics as well as their enlightenment on the ethics appeal of university teaching management. The enlightenment shows that it is necessary and important to combine virtue and utility, harmony and contest, rationality and emotion in manage university teaching.Part Five elaborates the Problems with college teaching management and the ethical reflection on them. The deficiency of the ethic appeal and its manifestation are disclosed, such as, conflicts and collisions, which mainly appear in the aspect of democracy and concentration of power, matter first and person first, administrative management and academic management, and on the value orientation of university teaching management, and unbalance of and dilemmas of management mode by means of analyzing the status quo of the university teaching management. And the crux of the problems is analyzed as well in this part.Part Six goes about the types and functions of the ethic appeal of the university teaching management. There exist two types of ethic appeal, namely, internal relational ethic and external practical ethic. If the two kinds of ethic appeal are integrated perfectly, the harmonious virtue will appear in the course of interaction. The functions and significance of ethic are elaborated through manifesting the functions of ethic on university teaching management. The functions include cognitive function, value-oriented function, regulatory function, motivative function and inspirative function.Part Seven mainly centers on the core principles of ethic appeal of university teaching management. Considering the internal managerial development needs and social development deeds, as well as law of development of educator and abductees, three core principles on ethics appeal in teaching management are raised, that is, reasonable, virtuous and harmonious, which show the core orientation of ethic appeal of teaching management in university.Part Eight puts focus on the sollen ethic appeal of the university teaching management. Around the core principles and the existing problems in teaching management, the sollen appeal is discussed, which includes six dimensions-freedom and democracy, norms and order and equity and justice in university teaching management, through which we can objectively analyze the possibilities and limitations. And the dimensions of measuring the level of realizing the ethic appeal consist of the motivation of subjectivity and the realization of freedom.Part Nine refers to the realistic mechanism of and path to ethic appeal in university teaching management. How to generate the internal motivation and external security mechanism is discussed in this part. The internal motivative mechanism depends the ethical aims, the virtue of the subject, the concerting of relation and the regulation of feedback while the external mechanism relies on the circumstance, norms, culture and service etc.. The ethic paradigm transformation--from "disciplining" to "understanding"-are put forward as one of the three ways to manage teaching ethically. The other three ways result in promoting the virtue of managing roles and improving the teachers’moral development, advancing the systematic construction of the ethic teaching management and actively creating the culture of teaching management, and doing research on ethic theory of teaching management.The creation of the dissertation includes:the research angle, the research content and the research idea. Specifically, this dissertation offers new perspective for advancing the university theory of instruction and the reference for exploring the tendency of the theory of teaching ethic at university by probes into teaching management in university from the angle of ethic appeal. In the aspect of research content, three core principles and six dimentionalities of ethic appeal of teaching management are put forward based on the value pursue of seeking for truth, worshiping goodness and appreciating beauty. As for the research ideas, the dual appeal mechanism of teaching management in university, that is, internal relational appeal and external practical appeal are raised as well as three basic dimentions, including the motivated degree of subjectivity, the achieved level of freedom, and the social fitness. In this thesis we also provide some path to electe,such as transforming the paradigms, the role of virtue to cultivate,fostering the role virtue and institutionalizing the managing ethic.

【关键词】 大学教学管理伦理诉求
【Key words】 universityteaching managementethical appeal
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1741