

A Study on Development of Outcome-Based EdD (Doctor of Education) Program

【作者】 马金晶

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 课程发展作为一个动态过程,包括从提出动议、确立理论基础、明晰课程目标、架构课程结构,到实施课程与评价课程的一系列环节,集中反映了社会发展的教育要求,体现着教育价值取向,制约着教育活动方式,直接影响着教育博士专业学位培养目标实现和教育质量提高。我国教育博十培养刚刚开始,在短时间内其课程发展成绩斐然,但问题也不容小觑。以教育领导与管理专业为例,由于对“研究型专业人员”的具体指向不清,导致教育博士课程目标与教育学哲学博士趋同;模块课程划分标准模糊,降低了模块间的关联性,课程结构过于单一,缺乏学校特色;课程实施局限于课堂教学,脱离实践情境,远程教育、计算机等现代教学手段的缺失,教师队伍数量不足且结构有待调整;课程评价尚未形成有效标准,评价方式、主体和对象单一,缺少对评价结果的分析和反馈,导致课程评价功能失调。教育博十专业学位作为新兴人才培养类型,确立独特课程理论基础,支撑其构建富有特色并能有效实现培养目标的课程,成为当前教育博十培养的关键。正是基于我国教育博士培养的现实需要与困惑,以成果导向课程发展理论为支撑,提出了“成果导向教育博十课程发展”这一课题。成果导向教育博士课程发展融合成功教育、职业教育、能力本位教育以及人本教育理念,明确以“学生发展为中心”、“所有学生均能获得成功”、“强调课程与职业相联系”、“聚焦学习者最终拥有能力”为课程发展理念。课程目标是课程理念的具体化,是课程发展的关键。依据目标陈述抽象化程度,从抽象到具体,教育博士课程目标垂直分为“课程目标”、“学习成果”和“核心能力”三个层级;就某一层次的所有课程目标,依其种类异同,划分为“知识”、“技能”和“态度”三个水平领域。以教育领导与管理专业教育博士为例,其课程目标是培养“研究型专业人员”,他们作为教育领导与管理实践中知识的创造者与使用者,是超越学科范围的问题解决者,是具有强烈责任感的教育家。参酌国际标准、理论基础、学生需求、国家社会与教育发展、学校办学特色、产业发展和职业需求等向度,初步确定了该专业教育博士未来学习“成果”,并归纳为五项“核心能力”,包括“自主、创新和变革能力”、“促进自我与他人发展能力”“课程与教学领导能力”、“组织管理能力”和“专业研究能力”。每一项“核心能力”都是知识、技能和态度三个领域的外在综合表现,共同构成教育博士课程目标体系,体现出学生中心、聚焦清晰、高度期许、彰显特色、层次区隔与连贯、沟通达成共识等特点。成果导向教育博士课程结构强调以专业实践为中心,以行动反思为起点,与实践场景和工作场域相结合,注重团队合作能力培养,聚焦学生未来学习“成果”,利用“核心能力”组件实现课程模块化。借鉴美、英、澳等国家教育博士课程,以及现行教育博士、教育学哲学博士、教育领导与管理者培训课程的有益经验,模块课程打破学科体系束缚,围绕“核心能力”,重组课程实质要素,构建课程实质结构;整合学科知识、跨学科知识、方法类知识与实践知识,优化课程实质结构。根据课程实质要素的内容属性,组建由核心模块、拓展模块、案例分析模块、在场学习模块、补救性辅导模块有机结合的课程形式结构。课程实施是一项复杂的活动,要保证课程顺利实施必须具备相应条件,涉及现有理论研究、学校教育管理制度、物质保障与教师队伍建设等方面。源于对教育博士“职业性”和“实践性”特征认识,以及对教育博士“成人”、“在职”等个人角色意识,决定了教育博士课程实施无法脱离实践。因此,在教育领导与管理专业教育博士课程实施中强调师生共同参与,以教育领导与管理实践“问题”为导向,结合自主学习、团队学习、远程学习、案例分析、在场学习等多种教学方式,配合导师现场访问指导、国内外教育组织参观考察、教育领导与管理者论坛等环节,全方位促进教育博士“核心能力”形成。成果导向教育博士课程评价的焦点是学生学习”成果”,并基于该核心扩展评价范围,包括课程学习评价、毕业论文评价、职业资格认证以及影响学生学习成果的相关因素分析,构筑多维度、多主体、整合性、常态化的评价体系,并以此作为课程持续发展的依据。虽然成果导向教育博士课程在一定程度上改进了传统输入式、学科导向课程的缺失,但仍存在诸多偏误与不足。强调“成果”的明确定义,难免使成果导向教育博士课程发展陷入“科学化典范”的窠臼;强调能力的发展,造成忽视知识学习的印象。问题的存在不断鞭策我们反思,在现代与后现代思想的交融中重塑成果导向课程理论,重新审视“核心能力”培养与“知识学习”的关系,进一步探讨教育博士“核心能力”的确定及其指标的落实。尽管我们从理论与应用两方面对“成果导向教育博士课程发展”进行了探讨,但这些尝试显然不够,很多问题有待深化。展望未来,加强基础性研究是成果导向教育博士课程发展的必要保障;开展实证性研究是推动教育博士课程发展的必要手段;探讨微观操作模式是成果导向教育博士课程实践价值的体现;课程推行策略的选择是成果导向教育博士课程顺利实施的关键。

【Abstract】 As a dynamic process, the curriculum development includes a series of links from proposing a motion, establishing the theoretical basis, clarifying curriculum objectives and building curriculum structure to implementing and evaluating curriculum. It focuses on educational requirements of the social developments, reflects value orientation of education, restricts the educational activities, and directly influences the goals and educational quality for EdD.The program of EdD in China has just been started. Although its curriculum development has made outstanding achievements in the last few years, there are still many problems which cannot be ignored. Take the major of educational leadership and management for an example, the possible overlap of curriculum objectives of EdD and PhD of education is due to the specific direction of researching professionals is not clear; division standards of module curriculums are so obscure that lower their relationships. Moreover, the curriculum structure is too simple to lack school characteristics; curriculum implementation is limited to the curriculum teaching andaway from the practice settings, and lacks of modern teaching techniques, such as, modern distance education and computer, etc. The number of teachers is not enough and its structure needs to be adjusted;the effective standards of curriculum evaluation has not been formed. The simple evaluation ways, subjects and objects and lacking of analysis of the results of evaluation and feedback lead to the disordered function of curriculum evaluationr. As a type of developing new talents, the degree of EdD, the key of developing EdD, has established a unique theoretical basis of curriculum. In addition, the degree has rich characteristics and effectively achieves the training objective. Based on the reality requirements and confusion of developing EdD in China and outcome-based development of curriculum theory, the paper put forwards the subject of development for outcome-based doctor of education program.The development of outcome-based doctor of education program is the mixture of successful education, vocational education, competence-based education and human education idea. It takes the development concepts of "promote the development of students as the center","all students can achieve success","emphasize that curriculum should be associated with occupation", and "focus on learners ultimately having the ability".Curriculum objectives are the specification of curriculum concepts and the key to curriculum development. According to the abstraction of state objectives, the curriculum objectives of EdD can be divided vertically into three levels from the abstract to the concrete:curriculum objectives, learning outcome and core competence; as for all objectives of a certain level, according to its different types it also can be classified into three levels:knowledge, skill and attitude. Taking the major of educational leadership and management of EdD as an example, its curriculum objectives aim to develop researching professionals. As a creator and user of knowledge for educational leadership and management practice, they are problem solvers beyond the range of subjects and educators with strong sense of responsibilities. In accordance with international standards, theoretical basis, the needs of students, national society and educational development, characteristics of schools, industry development and occupational demand, it initially established learning outcome for the major of EdD. The outcome can be divided into five core competences:"ability of independence, innovation and change","development capability of self and others","leadership of curriculum and teaching","organization and management" and "ability of professional research". Every core competence is an external comprehensive performance of knowledge, skill and attitude. They make up the curriculum objective system of EdD and reflect many characteristics of student as the center, clear focus, high expectation, demonstrative features, difference and coherence of levels, and agreement through communication, etc.The outcome-based doctor of education program places emphasis on professional practices. It requires us to make introspection about our work all the time, to combine practice scene with work field, and to pay attention to the cultivation of teamwork spirit. This kind of course enables students to achieve a better development of their career in future, and permits our courses to become modularized by employing some "core ability" components. We will shake off the conventional discipline system by drawing lessons from the EdD program of America, Britain and Australia, and learning from the current training courses of EdD, pedagogy Ph.D., and MSc. We will finally reconstruct the course elements and establish a substantive structure with the "core ability" being centered. We will further improve our program structure by integrating knowledge of discipline, cross-discipline, methodology and practice. And finally, according to the attribute of course elements, we will develop our course into an organic one consisting of core module, expansion modules, case analysis module, site-learning module and remedial service module.The implementation of the program is complex, which involves many requirements such as theoretical research, education management system, material insecurity and the faculty construction and so on. Due to the profession and practicalness of EdD, we shall link the program implementation with practice with an eye to its features (adult and on-the-job). Therefore, we should lay stress on the participation of both teachers and students during the implementation of MSc’s professional courses. Focusing on the problems existing in MSc, we will employ a variety of teaching methods including self-learning, group learning, distance learning, case study and field learning to promote the formation of "core ability" of EdD. In addition, we will also conduct on-site guidance and domestic and foreign educational organization visit, and set up an MSc forum.The evaluation of the outcome-based doctor of education program focuses on the "results" raised by students, and it will be further developed into a system which is multidimensional, multipart, integrative and normalized. This new evaluation system involves curriculum evaluation, graduation thesis evaluation, occupation qualification as well as the analysis of related factors affecting students’learning outcomes, and this system will serve as the basis of the development of program in future..Compared with conventional discipline-oriented course structure, the outcome-based doctor of education program shows certain advantages, but there are still some defects. If we always focus on the definition of "result", the development of our outcome-based program will inevitably fall into the pontiff by "scientific model"; if we overstress the importance of ability, this may lead to the neglect of theoretical study. We regard existing problems as our motivation encouraging us to reconstruct outcome-based program in the fusion of modern and postmodern ideology, to rethink about the relation between the cultivation of "core ability" and "theoretical study", and to further probe into the definition of "core ability" and the implementation of relative indexes. Although we’ve already discussed about the development of the outcome-based doctor of education program both theoretically and practically, we still find there are many problems needing to be addressed. Looking to the future, we should regard basic research as an indispensable guarantee for the implementation of EdD program; empirical study as a necessary way to promote the course development; micro operation mode as the manifestation of EdD program value; the publicity strategy as the key to a successful implementation of outcome-based doctor of education program.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期