

Research on the Development of Instruction Theory from the Perspective of Methodology

【作者】 陆明玉

【导师】 李森;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 人是理性的存在,是一种反思性的存在。人对教学现象和教学活动进行理性思索的结果表现为教学论。因而,教学论本身是理性的存在。目前,在教学论的发展中,存在着诸多问题亟待解决,教学论作为理性的存在本身也需要不断地自我批判与反思。据此,本研究基于现实中教学论的困境以及自我反思的需要,以方法论为视角综合运用文献研究法、历史研究法、比较研究法、逻辑分析法等,对教学论的发展进行系统而深入的研究。全文共分为六个部分:第一部分导论。中国教学论从严格意义上是“舶来品”。近年来,不断出现构建中国特色的教学论体系、发展本土化教学论的声音。究竟中国传统教育思想中是否有本土特色的教学论传承?中国教学论的历史发展是怎样的?与世界教学论发展是否具有共同的发展规律?解答这些问题就能够为中国现代教学论的发展提供可借鉴的启示。本部分主要介绍了研究的源起、相关研究综述、研究的目的及意义、研究思路与方法、研究的重难点与创新点。第二部分教学论考辩。教学活动是人类特有的社会活动,自原始社会起,就有了教学活动。在漫长的历史进程中,教学活动随着社会的演进而改变,随着社会实践的发展而发展。那么就有必要梳理中外关于教学论基本观念的演变,明确教学论的内涵。不同的教学论内涵所映射的是背后的思维方式的不同,即方法论的不同。那么就必须明确本研究的视角——方法论的含义与定位。在本研究中,教学论作为一门学科,对国外教学思想、教学理论的梳理与考察也是在学科意识之下进行的研究。本研究根据研究目的确定方法论的定位:仅在哲学方法论层面对教学论进行历史考察。第三部分从方法论看国外教学论的发展。教学论的不断科学化的进程就是人类关于教学的观念、思想不断成熟,逐步由感性上升至理性,并且不断理性的过程。本部分对国外教学论发展的研究将以理性为线索,以哲学视域中的理性主义方法论为侧面进行梳理与分析。国外教学论的发展经历以下几个阶段:第一,前理性时期。代表思想是智者派的教学思想、柏拉图的教学思想和经院哲学流派的教学思想。第二,理性的启蒙与确立时期。代表思想是培根经验论哲学下的教学思想、夸美纽斯的《大教学论》的教学思想。第三,理性自觉时期。理性主义的发展为教学论提供了新的方法论基础。代表人物是赫尔巴特的教学思想。第四,理性发展的茫然时期。欧洲的新教育运动和美国的进步主义教育等在19世纪末20世纪初教育教学的矛盾与斗争、困惑与抉择中发展。多种哲学思想成为教学论的方法论基础,在理性与非理性的道路上,教学论学科面临着更多的困惑而呈现出茫然的状态。第五,理性的“理性”发展时期。教学论的发展不再局限于哲学方法论的基础作用。教学论在理性与非理性、科学与人文之间做出了理性的思考与抉择。教学论进入了新的发展阶段。第四部分中国教学论的方法论追寻。尽管许多学者认为,中国教学论是“舶来品”。但是,在漫长的中国教育发展史中,依然存在着丰厚的具有现代价值的教学思想需要人们去挖掘与认识、传承与发展。本部分以1860年鸦片战争,中国打开国门,教学论面临着时代的冲击与发展为分割点,将中国教学论分为传统教学论与现代教学论两部分分别进行探讨。中国传统教学论中朴素的辩证法思想、人性观是教学论思想的哲学基础,天启式论断和类推式逻辑为教学论思想的逻辑线索,他们都共同构成传统教学论的方法论推动中国传统教学论的发展。中国现代教学论在被动的接受与主动的建构过程中,始终以借鉴和学习为主要的教学论发展模式。其中,方法论表现为一元的马克思主义哲学方法论和多元的哲学思想。这样中国教学论的发展是在继承传统的基础上,不断寻求科学化的发展道路。第五部分中外教学论的方法论比较。中外教学论的发展在方法论层面的共性表现为追求“存在者”的实体思维与关注“辩证”的关系思维;个性表现为方法论数量的一元与多元、方法论运思的内省与外察、方法论所持之本不同三个方面。事物都是因为比较而显其自身价值,这是辩证唯物主义的一个基本观点。通过比较,阐明中外教学论发展中的共性与个性,并深层次地挖掘其背后的方法论根源,以便更好地借鉴先进的或者更加成熟的教学论思想,推动中国教学论学科的建设与发展。方法论的比较为探寻教学论发展的规律做铺垫。探寻教学论发展的规律,一方面可以促使人们按照教学论发展的基本规律进行教学论研究;另一方面明确教学论的发展规律能够深化对教学论的认识,为教学论的未来发展创造更好的条件。教学论发展的规律表现为:教学论发展是从感性认识到理性认识螺旋上升的过程、教学实践和教学认识的矛盾是教学论发展的根本动力、实践关系是教学论发展过程中一切关系的基础、对本质与规律的探寻是教学论发展的永恒主题。第六部分教学论发展的生长点。回顾世界教学论发展的历史,理性与科学是教学论发展的必经之路,且必然会是教学论发展过程中的主旋律。本部分就以中国教学论的特点为起点,在探讨可能的成因基础上,阐明教学论发展的生长点。生长点是教学论发展的关键问题。抓住这个关键,就能为教学论的发展开辟广阔的道路,从而在最大限度内促进教学论的发展。纵观历史上教学论领域的每次重大突破和革新,都是源于生长点的重大突破和重新抉择。教学论外部发展的根本助力——方法论必然会为教学论的发展提供线索,教学实践活动和教学论本身的特点也会为教学论发展新的生长点有所启示。学科体系是一门学科成熟与发展的标志,因此,从教学论学科体系的维度探讨教学论的未来发展也是重要的路径之一。教学论的实践性、教学研究方法论的成熟与建立、以“学”为逻辑起点的教学论学科体系可能会成为教学论发展新的生长点。本研究的创新之处表现在两个方面:一是研究视角的创新。从方法论的角度对教学论的历史与存在进行考察,期望通过这样的研究对现代教学论的学科建设与发展有所助益。以研究者所掌握的资料来看,从方法论的角度全面考察、比较中外教学论是首次。二是观点的创新。从方法论的角度思考教学论的历史发展、现实存在与未来走向,与其他的视角去审视教学论,会对教学论的发展和走向提供启示。关注教学论的实践性、教学研究方法论的基础学科的发展与成熟、以“学”为逻辑起点建构教学论学科体系成为教学论学科发展的新的生长点。

【Abstract】 Humans are rational beings and reflective beings as well. The results which humans think rationally about teaching phenomena and teaching activities are represented as theory of instruction. Therefore, the theory of instruction is rational entity in itself. Presently, there exist many issues which need solving during the development of the theory of instruction, and at the same time, the theory of instruction, as a rational entity, requires self-criticism and self-reflection. Accordingly, in this thesis the developmental history of the theory of instruction was studied deeply and systematically because of its own realistic plight and need of self-reflection. The research was carried out from the viewing angle of methodology, multiply utilizing archival research, historical research, comparative study and logical analysis.The whole thesis was divided into six parts:Part One is about introduction. Strictly, the theory of instruction is an import in china. In recent years, there have appeared many voices of constructing the theoretic system of instruction with Chinese features, and developing the indigenized theory of instruction. Is there any inheritance of the theory of instruction of local characteristics in the traditional Chinese educational thoughts? How did the theory of instruction develop in history? Are there any laws of development in China which are the same as those in other parts of the word? To answer these questions means offering use of references and revelations to the development of Chinese theory of instruction. The causes of this research, the relational literature reviews, the aims and significance of the thesis, the thinking and methods of the thesis, the difficult and important points and the creativity of the thesis were dealt with in this part.Part two is concerned with examining and differentiating the theory of instruction in history. Teaching is the unique social activity of the humans. The teaching activity has been on since the primitive society. In the long history of human development, the teaching activity progressed and developed with the evolution of the society. For that reason, it was necessary to hackle the basic evolving ideas of the theory of instruction at home and broad and make sure of the connotation of the theory of instruction. Different connotations of the theory of instruction reflect different ways of thinking, namely, different kinds of methodology so it is necessary to make clear the connotation and orientation of the theory of instruction. In this thesis, it was with discipline consciousness that the theory of instruction, as a subject, combed and examined the foreign teaching ideas and theory. According to the aims of the theory of instruction, the orientation of the theory of instruction was determined in this thesis. That is, the historical examination of the theory of instruction was carried out only at the level of the philosophical methodology.The development of the theory of instruction in foreign countries is dealt with in Part Three. The course of the scientizing of the theory of instruction was that of the maturing of the ideas and thoughts of teaching, that of the perceptivity growing into rationality gradually, and that of the rationalizing of human ideas and thoughts of teaching. The point of this part hackled the development of the theory of instruction in foreign countries utilizing the methodology of philosophical rationalism as a side and rationality as a clue, development of the theory of instruction included five periods. The first period was pre-rational phase in which representative thoughts were the teaching ideas of Sophists, Plato and scholasticism. The enlightenment and establishment of rationality was the second phase. In this period, the teaching ideas of Baconic empirism and that of Great Didactic written by Comenius were representative. The third period was that of rational consciousness. The development of rationality offered the new methodological base to the theory of instruction. The representative figure was Herbart. The vague period of the development of rationality was the fourth period. The New Education Movement in Europe and The Progressive Education in America developed with contradictions and conflicts between teaching and education, and with confusion and choices. Many philosophical thoughts became the methodological base and the theory of instruction assumed vague faced with more confusion on the way of rationality and irrationality. The last period was the development of "rational" rationality. In this period, the development of the theory of instruction was not limited by the basic effect of the philosophical methodology any more. The theory of instruction made a rational choice between rationality and irrationality and entered upon a new period of development.Part four:Pursuit of methodology of Chinese instructional theory. Though many scholars view that Chinese instructional theory is the "import", in the long history of China’s education, there exist abundant instruction thoughts with modern value, which demands deep digging, perception, lineage and development. This part sets the Opium war in1860as the division point, when China opened up door to the world, and instruction theory faced impact and development, and discusses the Chinese instruction theory in the perspective of traditional instructional theory and modern one. Plain dialectical thoughts, humanity thoughts in traditional Chinese instruction theory are the philosophical foundation of instructional theory; apocalyptical predication and analogical logic are logical clue of the instructional theory, and they both constitute the methodology of traditional instruction theory, which impels the progress of Chinese traditional instructional theory. In the process of passive adoption and active construction, modern Chinese instructional theory has all along followed the pattern of borrowing ideas and learning from others, of which, the methodology expresses unary Marxist philosophical methodology and pluralistic philosophical thoughts. Therefore, such a progress of Chinese instructional theory has inherited the tradition, unceasingly in search of the path of scientific progress.Part five:Comparison of methodologies of Chinese and foreign instructional theories. The similarities of Chinese and foreign instructional theories in terms of methodology lie in the pursuit of substantial thinking of "Seiendes" and "dialectical" relational thinking; the particularities of these two theories are characterized by methodological number of Monism vs. Pluralism; methodological operational thought of introspection vs. observation as well as different methodological origins. In accordance with the basic viewpoint of dialectical materialism, objects exist as the result of their comparison and therefore manifest their own value. By comparison, this part intends to clarify the similarities and particularities of Chinese and foreign instructional theories, and dig deeper for their methodological origins behind for the sake of better borrowing advanced or more mature instructional theories and pushing forward the construction and development of the discipline of Chinese instructional theory. The comparison paves the way for questing for laws of instructional theory progress. The quest for laws, on one hand, urge people to conduct research on instructional theory by law; and on the other, deepen people’s cognition on its developmental law so as to bring about more favorable conditions fro its future progress. The law represent itself as that the progress of instructional theory is the spiral process of perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge; the contradiction of teaching practice and instructional cognition is the fundamental dynamic force of instructional theory; practical relationship is the foundation of all relationships in the theoretical progress and the quest for essence and laws is the eternal theme of its progress.Part six:The growing point of progress of instructional theory. Looking back the history of world instructional theory, rationality and scientification are the way out through its development and will inevitably be the theme of the developmental process. This part takes the characteristics of Chinese instructional theory as the starting point, discusses the cause of instructional progress as its foundation, and accordingly clarifies the growing point of instructional theory. The growing point is the key issue of instructional theory progress. To get the key issue help open up the expansive path for the theory growth, and enhance the growth to the uttermost. Through the history, every great breakthrough and innovation in the field of instructional theory has stemmed from the breakthrough and reselection of its growing point. The fundamental boosting power of the external growth of instructional theory---ethodology necessarily provides clues for its progress; furthermore, the characteristics of practical activities of teaching and the theory itself likewise have implications for the new growing point of the theoretical progress. As for the Chinese instructional theory in reality, focus on the practicality of instructional theory is the possible growing point of instructional theory progress.Creativity of this research lies in the two aspects. One is the creativity in research perspective. The research investigates the history and existing of instructional theory from the methodological point of view, and expects to do a great deal of good to construction and development of the discipline of modern instructional theory. With regard to the materials obtained, this research is the first to comprehensively investigate and compare foreign and Chinese instructional theory. Second is the creativity in viewpoints. The research deliberates the historical development, current existence and future trend of instructional theory. Comparatively, survey from the perspective of methodology will offer implications for the progress and trend of instructional theory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1811