

Research on Factors and Mechanisms of Students’ Physical Exercise Behavior in Junior High School

【作者】 付道领

【导师】 宋乃庆;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 基础教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 初中阶段是个体身体及心理剧烈改变与快速发展的时期,同时也是其运动能力的突增期和体育锻炼行为及习惯形成的关键期。此外,初中阶段个体的行为具有极强的可塑性,有效的行为干预可帮助学生养成积极锻炼的生活方式。更重要的是,此时个体的锻炼行为是其健康生活方式形成的基础,并且锻炼习惯可带入到成年期,对个体的生活及健康产生深远的影响。然而已有研究表明,青少年时期又是体育退出现象非常严重的时期,特别是在6-9年级是体育退出最为严重的阶段。另外,据全国学生体质与健康调查结果显示,我国青少年学生的体育锻炼严重不足,其肺活量、体能素质等指标均出现逐年连续下降的趋势。所以,充分了解初中生体育锻炼行为的现状、特征和影响因素,特别是揭示初中生锻炼行为改变的特点与规律以提升其锻炼行为已成为现实的迫切需要。对初中生体育锻炼行为影响因素及作用机制的探索,不仅能为健康行为干预措施的制定与实施提供依据与参考,也可以为体育课程改革、促进有效的体育教学以及培养学生的锻炼习惯提供线索与启示。对国内现有文献的分析显示,研究者虽从锻炼的时间、空间、动机、制约因素等方面对锻炼行为进行了卓有成效的探索,但从具体某一方面研究锻炼行为,虽易于研究的深入和实施,但亦容易将原本复杂的锻炼行为现象进行“肢解化”式分析,从而失去对行为现象的整体性和系统性的理解与把握。此外,现有研究多从锻炼行为与影响因素间相关关系的角度进行分析,缺乏对变量间潜在结构或因果关系的探索。另外,从文献涉及的人群分布看,针对初中生锻炼行为的研究亦比较薄弱。基于对上述初中生处于锻炼行为形成的关键期、退出现象突出及体育锻炼不足、研究的意义及现实需要和现有研究相对薄弱这四个方面原因的考虑,本研究在对机制理论、行为阶段理论、自我效能理论、自我决定动机理论、价值期望模型和行为生态学模型综合分析的前提下,在专家访谈、教师访谈、学生及学生家长访谈的基础上形成了初中生体育锻炼行为的分析框架,编制了《初中生体育锻炼情况调查问卷》,运用问卷就锻炼的行为阶段、实际锻炼水平以及锻炼动机、自我效能等心理因素、学校条件、体育课程等学校因素和家长体育、家长支持等家庭因素进行了调查,并就初中生的锻炼现状、特征、影响因素及作用机制进行考查与分析。样本选取上,运用分层抽样和整群施测方法对重庆7所中学进行了调查,其中主城区中学2所,区县中学3所,乡镇中学2所。总发放问卷1700份,回收1547份,有效问卷1383份。分析方法上,运用描述性统计分析和方差分析以考查初中生的锻炼行为及影响因素的现状以及在性别、年级和学校类型间的差异;运用判别分析和回归分析以考查研究变量的线性组合对锻炼行为的预测力及对锻炼行为阶段再分组的正确率;运用结构方程模型多群组同时分析以考查心理因素、学校因素和家庭因素中变量间的结构关系及对锻炼行为产生作用的机制。研究结果显示,调查问卷具有良好的同质信度、重测信度和分半信度以及良好的内容效度和结构效度,是初中生体育锻炼行为测量的有效工具。阶段分布上,初中生整体处于较低的阶段,具体为:前意向阶段n=104(7.5%)、意向阶段n=132(9.5%)、准备阶段n=665(48.1%)、行动阶段n=233(16.8%)、保持阶段n=249(18.0%)。制约因素上,初中生锻炼行为的最大障碍来自学习或作业压力和缺少场地或设施。性别差异上,男生比女生参与更多的体育锻炼;在锻炼动机强度、锻炼效能感、身体效能感和对体育锻炼的价值认知上,男生也显著高于女生;男生比女生更喜欢体育课,对学校锻炼条件的要求也更高。年级差异上,随着年级的升高,初中生的体育锻炼行为有逐渐减少的趋势;心理影响中的锻炼动机、锻炼效能和对锻炼行为的价值判断也随年级的升高有下降的趋势,在家长支持变量上,初一学生显著高于初三学生,在体育课程和体育教师上,初一和初二学生表现出更多的喜好;另外初三学生受学生压力制约的程度高于另两个年级。学校类型间的差异上,主城区和乡镇中学的学生的锻炼行为显著高于区县中学,在坚持锻炼和对身体运动能力的自信心程度上亦好于区县中学,而对体育锻炼重要性的认知上乡镇中学好于其它两类学校;在体育课的喜爱程度上,乡镇中学显著高于主城区和区县中学;在体育教师变量的得分上,最高的是乡镇中学,其次是主城区中学,区县中学则最低,而在学校设施上,最高的是主城区中学,其次区县中学,乡镇中学最低。心理因素方面,自我效能(锻炼效能和身体效能)、锻炼动机和对体育锻炼的价值认知在锻炼行为阶段间的差异均达到显著水平是,随着锻炼行为阶段的提高个体的效能、动机及价值认知的水平也逐渐上升。心理变量的线性组合共可解释锻炼行为37.6%的变异量,对行为五个阶段的总体再分类正确率为39.0%。结构方程模型多群组同时分析显示,自我效能对锻炼行为产生直接的影响,同时可通过锻炼动机和价值认知(女生)的中介作用对锻炼行为产生间接的作用。锻炼动机和价值认知(男生)对锻炼行为产生直接影响,同时价值认知是锻炼动机与锻炼行为之间路径上的中介变量(女生)。性别在锻炼行为心理机制结构方程理论模型中具有调节作用。学校因素方面,课程教师(体育课程和体育教师)、学校条件和锻炼机会在不同锻炼阶段组个体间的差异达均到显著水平,学校变量的线性组合共可解释学生锻炼行为20%的变异量,对五个行为阶段组预测正确率为30.9%。结构方程模型多群组同时分析显示,课程教师因素对学生的锻炼行为的直接作用未达到显著水平(主城区学校群组和乡镇学校群组),而主要是通过学校条件与锻炼机会的中介作用对学生的锻炼行为产生间接的影响。锻炼机会和学校条件对学生的锻炼行为产生直接的作用(主城区学校群组和区县学校群组),同时学校条件是锻炼机会与锻炼行为间路径上的中介变量。学校类型在学校环境机制结构方程理论模型中具有调节作用。家庭因素上,家长体育、家长支持和家里器材在不同锻炼阶段组的个体的差异均达到显著水平,在锻炼行为较高阶段群组的个体在三个变量上的得分也相对较高。家庭变量的线性组合共可解释锻炼行为阶段31.2%的变异量,对初中生五个锻炼阶段再分类的总正确率为33%。结构方程模型多群组同时分析显示,家长体育对女生的锻炼行为产生直接的影响,而对男生锻炼行为的直接影响则未达到显著的水平,同时家长体育可通过家长支持和家里器材的中介作用对学生的锻炼行为产生间接的影响。家长支持对学生的锻炼行为产生直接影响,并通过家里器材的中介作用对锻炼行为产生间接作用(男生)。家里器材对女生锻炼行为的影响并未达到显著水平。性别在家庭环境机制结构方程理论模型中具有调节作用。为了检验初中生锻炼行为机制的外部效度,研究采用不同样本数据对所构建的锻炼行为的心理机制、学校环境机制和家庭环境机制进行了初步的验证。结果显示,验证数据与结构方程模型之间的适配良好,因素间的结构关系、路径系数及其显著性与之前研究结果相一致。说明研究所构建的行为机制具有较好的外部效度。本研究的拟创新之处在于:(1)选题和内容的创新,本文是国内首篇运用机制的视角研究初中生群体体育锻炼行为的博士论文。研究通过分析初中生体育锻炼行为的心理机制、学校环境机制和家庭环境机制,探明了影响因素间潜在的结构关系和因果联系,揭示了初中生体育锻炼行为的特征与改变规律。(2)统计分析方法的创新,研究通过运用结构方程模型多群组同时分析方法探索了研究变量间的结构关系和因果联系,揭示出不同变量对初中生体育锻炼行为产生的直接效应、中介效应以及性别和学校类型的调节作用。本研究还存在的不足有:首先,受时间、经费及自身能力等原因的限制,研究未能就所构建的行为机制进行实验验证,而仅采用不同样本做了初步的外部效度检验。由于在证明变量之间因果关系的存在上,调查研究不如实验研究有效力,所以未能进行实验验证是本研究的不足与遗憾。其次,在样本的选取上,研究只选取了重庆市初中生作为研究对象,样本的选取的范围还不够大。但研究的不足同时也是前进的动力,这也是作者在未来的学习与研究中将进一步探索的课题。

【Abstract】 Students in junior high school are experiencing severe changes and rapid development both physically and psychologically and the junior high school years is also the key period of an individual’s motor performance and the information of exercise behavior and exercise habit. Exercise behavior in this period will be the basis of its subsequent healthy lifestyle. In addition, students’behavior in junior high school is shapeable, and effective behavioral interventions will help them develop positive exercise behavior a healthy lifestyle. More important, exercise habit formed in adolescence can be transferred into adulthood and exert profound impact on their health and lifestyle. However, researches have showed that numerous students quit from sports, especially in6-9grade. In addition, according to results of the National Student Physical Fitness and Health Survey, the exercise level of youth students is seriously inadequate and the indicators of vital capacity and physical fitness continuously decline trend year by year. Therefore, it has been an urgent need to understand the status, characteristics and influencing factors of physical exercise behavior in depth, particularly to reveal the characteristics and laws of behavior change of students in junior high school. Therefore, studies on factors that influencing physical exercise behavior and the exploration of the potential mechanisms of behavior change will not only provide targeted basis for health behavior interventions but also offer reference to the reform of physical education, effective physical education teaching and cultivation of students’exercise habits.Analysis of the existing literature, researchers have fruitfully explored the exercise time, space, exercise motivation, exercise constraints about exercise behavior. However, work on exercise behavior aspect specifically, although easy to study in depth and implementation, but also tend to have the complex exercise behavioral phenomenon be analyzed fragmentally, as a result of losing the holistic and systemic understanding and grasp of the behavioral phenomenon. In addition, most existing literatures studied the factors and exercise behavior with the perspective of correlation, lacking analysis of the potential structural or causal relationship between factors. Meanwhile, analysis on population distribution studied shows that research on junior high school students exercise behavior is relatively weak.Considering the reasons of junior high school students are in key period of the development of exercise behavior, the prominent quittance phenomenon and the lack of physical exercise, the significance of the study and the practical needs in addition to the weaknesses of existing research on this issue mentioned above, under the comprehensively preconditional analysis of mechanism theory, stage of change theory, self-efficacy theory, self-determination theory of motivation, the expectancy-value model and ecological models for physical activity, on the basis of interviews with experts, PE teachers, students and their parents, this study established "Junior High School Exercise Behavior Questionnaire". And factors of exercise behavior stage, exercise level and exercise constraints of students in junior high school as well as exercise motivation, exercise performance and other psychological factors, school exercise conditions, physical education curriculum and other school factors and parents exercise behavior, parent support and other family factors were investigated with the questionnaire developed by this study. With the method of stratified cluster sampling, this study investigated a total of7secondary schools in Chongqing, which includes two schools in the main city, three schools in district and county and two middle school in township and with a total of1700questionnaires was delivered, with1547response and1383valid questionnaires. Descriptive statistical analysis and analysis of variance was execute in order to examine difference of the status and influencing factors between genders, grade and school type with statistical analysis software Spss18.0. And discriminant analysis and regression analysis was used to examines the impact of factors on exercise behavior include the power of prediction and the correct rate of exercise behavior stage re-grouped by independent variables. The structural equation modeling analysis was used to examine the role and mechanisms of the psychological factors, school factors and family factors on exercise behavior with statistical analysis software Amos18.0.The results showed that the questionnaire has good homogeneity reliability, test-retest reliability, split-half reliability, content validity and structural validity, which is an effective tool to measure the physical exercise behavior of junior high school students. Typically, the physical exercise level of junior high school students was low. Distribution of the sample across the stages was:precontemplation, n=104(7.5%); contemplation, n=132(9.5%); preparation, n=665(48.1%); action, n=233(16.8%); and maintenance, n=249(18.0%). The main obstacle of junior high school students’ exercise is the pressure of study, homework or lack of playgrounds and facilities. In terms of gender, boys participate in exercise more frequently than girls; boys are also significantly higher than girls in the aspect of the intensity of exercise motivation, exercise efficacy, physical-efficacy and the cognition of the value of physical exercise. Boys also prefer physical education than girls and have higher demands on the facilities in school. In terms of grade, the students’ exercise behavior showed a decreasing trend year by year, psychological variables of exercise motivation, exercise-efficacy and value judgments on the exercise also appeared the same trend. Family variable of support from parent shows significant difference between grades with students of grade one significantly higher than grade there. First and second year students show higher favorite than third year students on PE curriculum and PE teachers. Moreover, the third year students are more constrained by study pressure than the other two grades. Given the location of the school, students from downtown and township schools perform better on physical exercise than that from district school. Students from downtown schools do better at the persistence of exercise and the confidence of physical exercise capacity, while, students from township schools do better at the cognition of the importance of physical exercise than the other type of schools. Students from township school prefer PE than other type of school. The score of PE teacher variable, township school students gain the highest score, followed by downtown schools, and the lowest of district schools. To the school facilities, downtown schools are the best followed by district schools, and township schools are the worst.The difference of psychological variables of exercise motivation, exercise-efficacy, physical-efficacy and value judgment toward physical exercise between individuals within different stage group is significant; individuals within high stage of group have high level of self-efficacy, motivation and cognition of value toward exercise. Psychological factors could account for37.6%variance of exercise behavior, and the re-classification correct rate is39.0%. Simultaneous analysis of several groups with SEM shows that self-efficacy directly effects on exercise behavior while through the mediation of exercise motivation and value cognition indirectly affects the exercise behavior. Exercise motivation and perceived value (boys) have a direct impact on exercise behavior, while the value of cognitive is a mediator in the path between exercise motivation and exercise behavior (girls). Gender is a moderator in the structural equation model of exercise behavior mechanisms by psychology. For school factors, variables of curriculum-teacher (PE curriculum and PE teacher), school facility and exercise opportunity are significantly different between individuals within different stage group and can in total account for20%variance of exercise behavior. The correct rate re-classified by school variables is30.9%. Simultaneous analysis of several groups with SEM shows that curriculum-teacher’s direct effect on exercise behavior is not significant, while its effect on exercise behavior mainly exerts through the mediator of school facility and exercise opportunity. School facility and exercise opportunity have direct effect on exercise behavior (downtown and district school group). School facility is a mediator in the path between exercise opportunity and exercise behavior. Location of the school is a moderator in the structural equation model of exercise behavior mechanisms by school factors. For the family factors, variables of parent exercise behavior, equipment in home and support from parent are significantly different between individuals within different stage group and can in total account for31.2%variance of student’s exercise behavior. The correct rate re-classified by family variables is33%. Simultaneous analysis of several groups with SEM shows that parent exercise behavior directly affects boys’ exercise behavior while the direct effect on girls’ exercise behavior is not significant. Parent exercise behavior also has indirect effect on students’ exercise behavior mediated by variables of equipment in home and support from parent. Support from parent has direct effect on students’exercise behavior and indirectly affects students’ exercise behavior through the mediator of equipment in home (girls). Equipment in home’s effect on girls’exercise behavior is not significant. Gender is a moderator in in the structural equation model of exercise behavior mechanisms by family factors.In order to test the external validity of mechanisms of psychological factors school environmental factors and family environmental factors that affecting student’s exercise behavior in junior high school, this thesis verified the mechanisms with data from a different sample. The results showed a good fit between data and structural equation model, and the path coefficients and structural relationship between factors consistent with previous findings. Indicate that the mechanisms constructed in the research have good external validity.The innovation of the paper mainly involves:(1) the topic and content, this is the first doctoral dissertation studying the students’ exercise behavior in the perspective of mechanisms in junior high school with the method of SEM. Through the analysis of mechanisms of psychological factors, school factors and family factors, this study explores the potential structural relationships and the causal links of the factors affecting exercise behavior and reveals students’exercise behavior characteristics and the law of behavior change in junior high school.(2) Statistical analysis methods, with the simultaneous analysis of several groups with SEM, this study explores the potential structural relationships and the causal links of the factors affecting exercise behavior and analyzed the direct effects and the mediating effect of variables on students’ exercise behavior in junior high school and the moderating effect of gender and type of school.Limited by time, funding, my own capacity and others, the shortcomings of this study are:First, the mechanisms of exercise behavior constructed by the research are not tested with the method of experiment, while only a preliminary validation of the external validity was tested with a different samples. Second, only students in Chongqing are chosen as the sample, the range is not widely enough. The weakness is also the force for step forward, so these are also what the author will carry on for further and in-depth study in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2696