

Nutrient Characteristics of Different Flue-cured Tobacco Genotypes

【作者】 冯晓英

【导师】 袁玲;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 植物营养学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 烤烟是我国重要的经济作物,种植面积居世界首位。目前,我国烤烟生产上主推品种不到10个,品种单一。因此,选育适产、优质、高抗、营养利用效率高的种质资源十分紧迫。氮、磷、钾是烤烟生长所必需的大量矿质元素,研究不同基因型烤烟氮、磷、钾素营养特性的差异,可为选育养分高效的品种奠定基础,也为烤烟生产上合理施肥提供了科学依据。试验以贵州省遵义地区推广品种和遵义市烟草公司自育成的杂交品系及其亲本共计20种基因型烤烟作为材料,研究了不同基因型烤烟苗期、大田期的生长、生理、养分吸收利用和产质量的差异,以及施肥对烤烟营养特性的影响。主要结果如下:(1)不同基因型烟苗的农艺性状和生物量存在显著差异。苗期的根长和苗高分别为4.90-6.91cm和17.85-28.50cm,生物量变幅为0.053~0.236g·dw/株。(2)在苗期,不同基因型烤烟的氮、磷、钾吸收利用存在显著的差异。氮、磷、钾含量分别为38.81g/kg-55.50g/kg、5.45g/kg~7.72g/kg、37.44g/kg-64.67g/kgo烟苗氮、磷、钾的吸收量由高到低的次序为K>N>P,氮、磷、钾吸收量分别变化于2.83mg/株~9.16mg/株、0.37mg/株~1.29mg/株和3.05mg/株~8.84mg/株之间。氮、磷、钾干物质生产效率分别为18.02g·dw/g·N~25.77g·dw/g·N、129.46g·dw/g·P~183.46g·dw/g-P和15.46g-dw/g-K-26.71g·dw/g·K。烟苗氮、磷、钾吸收量之间、及其与生物量之间存在极显著的正相关。因此,在育苗阶段,应注重氮、磷、钾的配比,满足不同基因型烤烟对养分的需求,培育壮苗。(3)烟苗根系活力、硝酸还原酶活性和叶绿素含量存在显著的基因型差异,变异系数分别为0.25、0.28、0.20。烟苗根系活力与氮吸收量和干重之间具有显著正相关。烟苗叶绿素含量与干重和鲜重之间存在显著的正相关。(4)烤烟杂交一代(F1代)烟苗的硝酸还原酶活性与母本值之间呈显著正相关,叶绿素含量与父本值、中亲值和低亲值之间呈极显著正相关。烟苗硝酸还原酶活性、叶绿素含量、根系活力、干重具有一定的中亲优势,硝酸还原酶活性、根系活力和干重还具有超高亲优势。烟苗氮、磷、钾吸收量的杂种优势不明显,但有的杂交材料也表现出中亲优势和超高亲优势。(5)同一供肥条件下,烟株生长存在显著的基因型差异;各生育阶段,不同基因型烟株的农艺性状(株高、最大叶片长度和宽度、叶片数)存在显著或极显著的差异。供试20种基因型烤烟的产量变幅为1644.71kg/hm2~3358.17kg/hn2、上中等烟比例变异范围为55.00%~88.35%、均价变异范围为11.71元/kg~13.65元/kg、产值变异范围为20149.04元/hm2~45174.04元/hm2。烟叶化学成分含量随叶位不同而不同,基因型间存在较大的变异。20种基因型烤烟上、中、下部烟叶的烟碱含量高低值之间分别相差2.01倍、2.66倍和3.37倍,总氮含量分别相差1.72倍、1.64倍和1.67倍,总糖含量分别相差3.23倍、2.70倍和2.44倍,还原糖含量分别相差3.23倍、2.53倍和2.30倍,钾含量分别相差5.42倍、2.04倍和3.55倍,氯含量分别相差7.44倍、5.30倍和6.50倍,蛋白质含量分别相差1.48倍、1.47倍和1.50倍。20种基因型烤烟中,中部烟叶各化学成分含量在适宜范围内的基因型比例分别为,烟碱占40%,总氮占85%,总糖占75%,还原糖占30%,钾含量占25%,氯含量普遍较低,蛋白质含量都小于10%。烟叶化学成分协调性也随叶位不同而不同,基因型间具有显著差异。20种基因型烤烟上、中、下部烟叶,施木克值高低值分别相差4.07倍、2.84倍和2.75倍,氮碱比分别相差1.92倍、2.77倍和2.34倍,糖碱比分别相差6.87倍、5.37倍和5.47倍,两糖差值分别相差6.24倍、7.10倍和6.94倍。20种基因型烤烟,中部烟叶化学成分协调性表现为施木克值偏大、氮碱比偏小、糖碱比不协调、两糖差值适宜。(6)烟株根系活力表现为随生育进程逐渐下降,硝酸还原酶活性、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量以移栽后60d最大;移栽后60d和90d,烟株的根系活力、硝酸还原酶活性、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量存在显著或极显著的基因型差异。不同基因型烟株干物质积累量差异显著,总积累量变化于244.01g/株~363.73g/株之间,主要集中在移栽后60-90d(平均占总积累量的49.61%)。(7)烟株钾含量和钾吸收量高于氮含量和氮吸收量,磷含量和磷吸收量在整个生育期中都比较低。烟株对氮的吸收主要集中在移栽后30-60d;对磷和钾的吸收主要集中在移栽后60-90d。烟株所吸收的氮、磷、钾主要分配在叶片和茎秆,根系比例较小。烟株氮、磷、钾干物质生产效率存在显著的基因型差异。(8)相关分析指出,烤烟叶片数与产量、上中等烟比例、均价和产值之间具有显著的正相关,叶片数对产量、上中等烟比例、均价和产值的直接作用大。烟株根系活力与产量和产值之间具有显著的正相关,与上中等烟比例具有极显著的正相关,对上中等烟比例的直接作用较大。烟株叶绿素含量与产量和产值之间具有极显著的正相关,对产量和产值的直接作用较大。烟株株高与最大叶片长度和宽度之间具有显著的正相关,根系活力与烟叶类胡萝卜素含量之间具有显著正相关,烤烟苗期根系活力与产量和产值之间具有显著的正相关。移栽后30~60d、60~90d、90~120d烟株的氮吸收量和产量之间存在显著或极显著的正相关,移栽后60~90d、90~120d烟株的磷吸收量与产量之间具有显著正相关,移栽后30~60d、90~120d的钾吸收量与产量之间具有显著或极显著的正相关。(9)聚类分析指出,不同基因型烤烟生长、生理代谢、产量、产值和养分吸收利用分类具有较大差异。在苗期,ZYH-4、ZYH-5、ZYH-11、TZ-1、TM-1和晚花K3266种基因型的苗高、根系活力高,南江3号、DZ-3和MSK3263种基因型的生物量和养分吸收量最高。大田期,ZYH-4、CZ-1、南江3号和晚花K3264种基因型的叶片数、根系活力、NR活性、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量、产量和产值高,ZYH-4、T202、、 CZ-1、南江3号和晚花K326的氮、磷、钾吸收量大和产量高。683烟株的氮和钾干物质生产效率高,但氮和钾吸收量以及产量低。(10)以遵义优质烤烟新品种南江3号为研究对象,发现当施氮量在0~90kg/hm2范围内,增加氮的施用量可显著增加烟株的株高、叶长和叶宽、叶片数、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量、硝酸还原酶活性、干物质积累量、氮、磷和钾吸收量,上中等烟比例、均价、产量、产值;施氮量90kg/hm2和105kg/hm2之间的差异不显著,甚至某些指标有所下降(11)35%有机氮和65%化肥氮配施,烟叶产量、中上等烟比例、均价、产值分别比纯施化肥氮的烤烟提高了9.71%、2.30%、2.51%、12.47%,烟叶化学成分含量及协调性最好,中后期植烟土壤氮、磷、钾养分的有效性得到了显著提高,并增加了烤烟的有效叶片数和干物质积累量,提高烤烟叶绿素和胡萝卜素含量、硝酸还原酶活性和根系活力,增加烤烟对磷和钾的吸收。有机氮和化肥氮配施显著提高植烟土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和全钾的含量,有机氮施用量越大,土壤有机质增加越多。

【Abstract】 The flue-cured tobacco is an important economic crop in China, where has a largest tobacco plants are grown in the world. The main varieties of flue-cured tobacco for cultivation are less than10whereby seriously limiting the productivity. Therefore, breeding flue-cured tobacco materials with optimum production, superior quality, highly resistance and high efficient nutrient utilization are very urgent. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the essential major mineral elements for flue-cured tobacco growth, which are mainly supplied through fertilization. In order to select flue-cured cultivars with high NPK utilization efficiencies, it is necessary to understand the differences in nutrient characteristics of various flue-cured tobacco genotypes, which could also provide information for rational fertilization in flue-cured tobacco cultivation. In current experiments,20genotypes were selected to study the growth, physiology, absorption and utilization of nutrients, yields and qualities of different flue-cured tobacco genotypes in seedling and field stages. These genotypes included commercial cultivars, hybrid tobacco cultivars bred by Zunyi Tobacco Company and their parents. The influences of fertilization on nutrient characteristics were also investigated. The main results are as follows:(1)The agronomic traits and biomass of different flue-cured tobacco genotypes varied significantly in young seedling stage. The root length and shoot height ranged from4.90to6.91cm and from17.85to28.50cm, respectively. The biomass changed between0.053g-dw/plant to0.236g-dw/plant.(2)The uptake and utilization of NPK also vatried among different flue-cured tobacco genotypes in young seedling stage. The NPK contents of tobacco seedlings ranged from38.81g/kg to55.50g/kg,5.45g/kg to7.72g/kg, and37.44g/kg to64.67g/kg, respectively.The plants uptaked more K (from3.05to8.84mg/plant), followed by N (from2.83to9.16mg/plant) and P (from0.37to1.29mg/plant). The dry matter production efficiency of N ranged from18.02to25.77g-dw/g, P ranged from129.46to183.46g-dw/g, K ranged from15.46to26.71g-dw/g, respectively. The NPK uptakes positively correlated with each others, which were also positively correlated with fresh and dry weight. Therefore, in young seedling stage of flue-cured tobacco, it is necessary to pay more attention on NPK ratio of different genotypes for their nutrient demand and seedling cultivation. (3)The root vigor, NR activity and chlorophyll content were significantly different among genotypes in young seedling stage, the variation coefficients were0.25,0.28, and0.20, respectively. The root vigor was positive correlated with N uptakes, dry weight. The chlorophyll content was positively correlated with fresh weight and dry weight.(4) The NR activity of F1generation had significant positive correlation with female parent. The chlorophyll content of Fl generation correlated significantly with male parent, mid-parent and low-parent. The NR activity, chlorophyll content, root vigor, dry matter accumulation of flue-cured tobacco in seedling stage had mid-parent heterosis. The NR activity, root vigor, dry matter accumulation had over high-parent heterosis. The NPK uptakes had no significant heterosis, but some cross combinations had mid-parent heterosis and over high-parent heterosis.(5)Within same fertilization conditions, the growth of flue-cured tobacco was significantly different between genotypes. The agronomic traits (plant height, maximum leaf length and width, leaf number) were significantly different between plants of different genotypes in each growth stage. The main economic properties of different genotypes had remarkable differences, the yields ranged from1644.71kg/hm2to3358.17kg/hm2,the supper tobacco leaves rate ranged from55.00%to88.35%, the prices ranged from11.71yuan/kg to13.65yuan/kg, the output value ranged from20149.04yuan/hm2to45174.04yuan/hm2. The chemical component contents in tobacco leaves were different between leaf positions and showed great variations among genotypes. Among the20flue-cured tobacco genotypes, the difference of nicotine contents between the lowest and the highest were2.01times for upper leaves,2.66times for middle leaves, and3.37times for lower leaves; the difference of total nitrogen contents were1.72times,1.64times, and1.67times,respectively; the difference of total sugar contents were3.23times,2.70times, and2.44times, respectively; the difference of reducing sugar contents were3.23times,2.53times, and2.30times, respectively; the difference of K contents were5.42times,2.04times, and3.55times, respectively; the difference of chlorine content were7.44times,5.30times, and6.50times, respectively; the difference of protein contents were1.48times,1.47times, and1.50times, respectively. Among the20flue-cured tobacco genotypes, the nicotine content of40%genotypes was in suitable scope, the total nitrogen content of85%genotypes was in suitable scope, the total sugar content of75%genotypes was in suitable range, the reducing sugar contents of70%genotypes was greater than suitable scope, the K contents of25%genotypes was in suitable scope. The chlorine content is low and the protein contents were all lower than10%. The chemical component coordination were also different between leaf positions and showed great variations among genotypes. The difference of shmuck value between the lowest and the highest were4.07times for upper leaves,2.84times for middle leaves, and2.75times for lower leaves; the difference of nitrogen to nicotine were1.92times,2.77times, and2.34times, respectively; the difference of sugar to nicotine were6.87times,5.37times, and5.47times, respectively; the difference between reducing sugar and total sugar were6.24times,7.10times and6.94times, respectively. The chemical component coordination in middle tobacco leaves of20genotypes showed that the shmuck value were too large, the ratio of nitrogen to nicotine were too small, the ratio of sugar to nicotine were not coordination, the difference between reducing sugar and total sugar were suitable.(6) The root vigor decreased gradually with the development. The NR activity and the contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids reached the peak60d after transplanted. The root vigor, NR activity, contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids were significantly different between the genotypes60d and90d after transplanted. The dry matter accumulation was significantly different between different genotypes, which changed from244.01g/plant to363.73g/plant. The dry matter accumulation were mainly happened after transplanted60-90d.(7) The K content and uptakes of tobacco plant were higher than N content and uptakes of tobacco plant, the P content and uptakes of tobacco plant were lower in all growth period. The N uptakes of tobacco plant was mainly concentrated during30to60d after transplanted. The P and K uptakes were mainly concentrated after transplanted60to90d. The N,P,K uptakes were mainly distributed in the leaf and stem, the proportions in root were lower. The NPK dry matter production efficiency was significantly different among genotypes.(8) Correlation analysis showed that the leaf number was positively correlated with yield, supper tobacco leaves rate, average price and output value.The path analysis showed that the direct path coefficients of leaf number to yield, supper tobacco leaves rate, average price and output value were higer. The root vigor was positively correlated with yield, output value, supper tobacco leaves rate. The chlorophyll content was positively correlated with yield, output value, high direct action to yield and output value. The plant height was positively correlated with leaf length and width, the root vigor was positively correlated with carotenoids content, the root vigor of seedling was positively correlated with yield and output value. The N uptakes of tobacco plant after transplanted30~60d,60~90d,90~120d were positively correlated with yield, the P uptakes of tobacco plant after transplanted60-90d,90~120d were positively correlated with yield, the K uptakes of tobacco plant after transplanted30-60d,90~120d were positively correlated with yield.(9) The cluster analysis showed that the classification of different flue-cured tobacco genotypes’ growth, physiology, yield, output value were different. The genotypes ZYH-4and Wanhua K326grew well in seedling and field stages, of which the yield and quality were good and the nutrient uptakes were high. The genotypes CZ-1and Nanjiang3grew well in field stage, of which the yield and quality were good and the nutrient uptakes were high. The nutrients of T202were higher. The NDMPE and KDMPE of683were the highest, but it’s yield and NK uptakes were the lowest.(10) Within0~90kg/hm2(pure nitrogen) application rates, the plant height, leaf number, chlorophyll and carotenoids contents, NR activity, dry matter accumulation, NPK uptakes, yield, supper tobacco leaves rate, average price and output value of Nanjiang3(high quality varietie) increased with increasing amounts of applied nitrogen. No further improvement was obtained when application rate increased to105kg/hm2N. Negative effects were found for some indexes at105kg/hm2N.(11) Compared with the application of chemical fertilizer, the yield, supper tobacco leaves rate, average price and output value with combined application of35%organic nitrogen and65%chemical nitrogen increased by9.71%,2.30%,2.51%, and12.47%, respectively. The chemical component contents and coordination were the best with combined application of35%organic nitrogen and65%chemical nitrogen.The combined application of35%organic nitrogen and65%chemical nitrogen can significantly improve the availability of soil NPK nutrients at later period, increase the effective leaf number and dry matter accumulation, and the chlorophyll and carotenoids contents. Combined application of organic and chemical nitrogen can significantly improve the organic matter, total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) contents of tobacco-growing soils. The organic matter content of soil increased with increasing application rate of organic nitrogen.

【关键词】 烤烟基因型施肥营养特性
【Key words】 Flue-cured TobaccoGenotypeFertilizationNutrition Characteristics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期