

Research on Problems of the Mountain Rural Economic Synergical Development Based on the Public Choice

【作者】 冯佺光

【导师】 赖景生;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 如果农民不是时代人,如果农村不是时代中的市民社会,如果农业不是时代下的产业,我们的国家、民族和占总人口绝大多数的人民总是久久徘徊在时代的大门之外,则我们依旧是时代的局外人。问题出在哪里呢?让农村充满现代社会的气脉、农业充满现代产业的气质、农民充满现代文明的气息。以人为本的生命的存在,在于追求生命的意义。这是个社会心理学的命题:农民的本质问题是农民、农业、农村存在的依据问题,农民的发展问题是农民的存在,农业、农村发展的价值问题。农民的发展问题既是公共选择的依据,也是公共选择的价值。我们一直在争议政府该是什么、做什么,但少有去争议农民该是谁、该做什么。始终不把农民放在主体地位的立场探索可资解决的“三农”问题,把农民置于到了公平的发展权利之外。山区农民为何大都选择用脚投票而离开故土?用手投票而入城务工从事累、脏、重、险的非农活计?他们到底是个人选择还是公共选择、个人行动还是集体行动?回答这些问题,势必各有各的作为学者、作为人融合的使命、人格倾向、价值取向、学术观点、政治主张、政策见解。也都各有各的认识论和方法论。重构公共选择下的山区农村经济协同发展秩序,关注山区农村,支撑中国未来;认知山区农村,引领中国未来;反思山区农村,改写中国未来;建设山区农村,拥有中国未来。“新的事实迫使人们对已往的全部历史作一番新的研究。”一、论文的主要结论通过历史-比较、实证-规范、演绎-归纳等研究方法分析发现,公共选择的集体行动下,山区农村经济社会发展滞后的成因在于以下诸因素集成。其出路取决于新的公共选择范式和新的经济机制设计。1.“协同”与“协调”语境,实则一个“市场”和“政府”权利义务、国家观念和市场逻辑反思、重构的重大理论与实践问题“协同”的历史真素材和逻辑意义的考察,基于原有公共管理和公共政策下过于宏观、抽象的“协调”语境,公共选择和执行主体权利与义务界定模糊。市民社会的农村及其存在方式下的农业,从低效的被组织、被管制的“要我干”到高效发展目标的被服务、被协助、主动参与式发展,向“我要做”的制度变迁,才有可能实现经济社会发展的直接目标。当然,还包括主体间、主客体间纵向横向要素、因素的协同。协调发展,是国家和政府的治理话语。职能和职权属于高位决策层。协同发展,更多的是市民社会、业界利益群体间以平等、合作方式,共同目标的实现为导向,具有完全的自组织性、自觉性、积极性、主动性、配合性、效率-效果-效益性,基于高效目标的参与:“我要做”,不是低效的被组织、被管制:“要我干”。农民率先成为中国农村改革制度诱致性变迁和创新的公共选择主体:作为理性经济人,农民遵循科学理性与合理的历史逻辑、遵守成本-效益原则:既是新制度需求下自动、自组织的公共选择者,也是新制度公共选择的创造者。以小岗村农民发端掀起的家庭土地承包经营的公共选择制度创新之变迁,典型地体现了对低效的“要我干”这一被组织、被发展旧范式的否定,对高效的自组织、自发展,“我要做”这一新范式的公共选择。对于发展中区域而言,地方政府不仅是行政管理者,也是发展工作者,更是协助者、引导者。国际上通行采取参与式发展的研究与实践,或规划和管理途径的发展工作者所扮演的角色“参与式农村评估”(PRA),则更要向发展主体赋权,“参与式学习和行动”(PLA),二者交互作用,取长补短。一个社区的发展,不能绝对和极端的自上而下、行政命令、管制式的计划经济秩序,或“政府主导”名义下,公平和效率都缺乏的寻租经济秩序。解构没有村民参与的抽象的“集体经济”,重构具有平等性、参与性、互利性,自由、民主、公平和正义兼备发展观和价值观下的“合作经济”2.农民参与式、协同发展的公共选择,可实现帕累托最优农民能够做出决策、配置资源并实施公共选择行为,他们通过将内在结构组织化来强化内部规范,做出各种类型的决定,实施有目的的集体行为。家庭土地承包经营的公共选择,实现了帕累托最优:农民不仅自身较大地获益,也让相关多方主体得益显著增加,形成“做大蛋糕”、“共赢”的格局。作为发展工作者、协助者兼具的政府认同、社会公众支持,农村改革制度变迁产生了深厚、广泛的社会和群众基础,降低了多项成本,增强了农村经济发展的活力及驱动力。进一步推动了随后的农村、农业良性发展:贸易市场化的农产品流通、乡镇企业快速发展、劳务经济为模式的劳动力跨区域流动和转移、土地承包经营权流转、农业税取消、农业生产经营补贴、户籍制度的局部改革及其相关福利均享、土地资产性收益适量确权等系列制度变迁,农业、农村经济的发展得以大幅提升,获得了举世瞩目的成就。3.协同化发展初期,农村经济社会的主体性、发展性、科学性、创新性、实用性、可操作性兼具,随后会出现乡村逐渐衰退的趋势农民拥有充分的主体性,广泛而深刻的参与性,使得农村改革发展的诱致性制度变迁绩效良好,既体现了让农民提高收入的政府治理、公共管理和公共政策目标的一致性,农民也对城市经济发展做出了杰出贡献和社会多方利益主体得益显著增加。一个从国家到社会都受益的良性循环效应的价值链得以形成。市场经济理性的公共选择,融汇了农村经济社会发展的主体性、发展性、科学性、创新性、实用性、可操作性。但随着改革开放的深化,与之配套、彻底、完善的政府公共服务及均等化公共品提供、户籍制度变迁、农村农业专业合作经济制度变迁等,已和发展的现实与趋势不相适应,农二、三代入城务工而不愿回乡,作为农村经济发展主体公共选择的“退场”,加之地方政府在困难重重条件下采取的官商资本结合、单一性区域开发模式,也致使提倡和实践中的农村工业化、城镇化、产业化发展受阻。特别是山区农村的多重困难,从现实和长远来看,不单是区域可持续性发展问题,因为山区农村的区域性,占全国地域面积、人口比重都超过半数,加上生态环境、物质资源供给等诸多问题,极度关涉到全国经济可持续发展问题。4.公共选择下山区农村经济发展滞后的根源,是制度化的主体性缺失的制度环境农村改革发展初期成功的积极功能和作用,时序上是一个短期的过程,因为当时村民是为了温饱的积极争取。但人存在和发展是一个需要层次不断递升的过程。此外,随着农一代年老体弱陆续返乡,农二、三代相继入城务工,乡村精英、人力资源几尽流失。城市经济高速发展,农村经济逐渐出现衰退,城乡差距呈扩大趋势。农民局限在制度化了的权力、金钱、身份-地位等为中介的系统世界里,与主流社会相区隔在偏远、闭塞、固守、蒙昧、贫困的家庭、群体和共同话语等空间生活要素构成的生活世界,缺失了区域和经济发展决策、贯彻的制定、实施、管理、监督的属于自己的生活世界和社区公共领域。因为身份是“农民工”,工资报酬、福利奖金、休假制度、社会保险等与“正式工”差距很大,同工不同酬、同命不同价的歧视现象依旧突出。具体到养老、医疗、失业、工伤、生育及住房公积金的“五险一金”,实际上从法权上直接间接规定了区别性对待。摆脱诸多困境和重构全新的现代性时空,唯有将制度化的国家观念和市民社会下的社区发展,即山区农村区域发展的权利保障、自组织主体性发展置于到同一性构建中。农民作为平等的市场主体、利益主体、价值主体和政府、企业形成参与式发展网络,农民有权构建自己的生活世界和社区公共领域。使农民具有决策主体性,具备充分的发展主体的发展权利。作为经营主体性,事实上赋权于农民,使其拥有平等的发展权,农民所认同的地方性文化、民族文化得到保护和发展,农民以平等的参与主体,而非上下关系的主动与被动、领导与被领导角色关系,使其有权和地方政府共同决策、共同规划、共同开发、共同经营、共同管理、共同受益、共担风险。政府一向采取的对区域发展的无限责任,失却了山区农民应有的连带责任,使其长期坐守、观望、等、靠、要,少有危机感、责任心和使命感;同时也无意地剥夺了他们自我发展的主体性权利。5.“行政主导型二元结构”向“市场主导型二元结构”演进愈烈,城乡差距则越大人为设制的“行政主导型二元结构”,除了各种城乡差距,城市曾一度对农村经济剩余的过分提取、城市对农村各种资源的无偿使用,都使农村经济基础十分薄弱。随着改革开放纵深演进,城乡分离越久,自然形成了“市场主导型二元结构”。市场经济条件下,城市、工业对农村、农业、农产品的依赖逐渐减弱,城乡互动由原来的频繁变为日趋稀疏,再加上区域发展政策以城市为中心,农村经济也势必倒退。加上经济全球化,外企进入、国企垄断、私企过度恶性竞争,两种二元结构叠加,城乡收入差距进一步扩大,农村问题的严峻性与解决“三农”问题任务的艰巨性更大,城镇问题则成倍地日增。6.政府公共选择的制度环境与制度安排,存在难以矫正的巨大弊端区域政府导向发展模式,虽有规划-决策-引导-资源优化配置-协调-鉴证-控制-组织-管理-服务功能,但也极易形成公权私化,优势社会资本近亲性繁殖和集中,以官商资本或权贵资本结构-功能方式形成各种资源、权力、市场、机会垄断格局。官员GDP政绩考核方式,事实上存在急功近利、区域发展规划方案难以合法形式在换届后的续任者承接。于是对资源-环境-自然-生态(自然生态和社会生态)-决策等都不可避免地产生巨大浪费和破坏的恶性循环效应。摆烂摊子、权力寻租、以权谋私、腐败、区域市场分割、“公地悲剧”产生的恶性循环效应等不仅禁而不止,反而会更强烈。公共选择下的山区农村经济发展的参与主体单一化、农民不在界内。由于目前山区农村事实上采取的行政区域“管制”,而非“治理”模式,加之地方匮乏金融资本,无规模化、有竞争力的产业支撑,农民土地上的得益远小于劳务经济的得益。山区历史主体、产权主体、利益主体、市场主体、社会主体、治理主体,全被地方政府一元化代理,尚未形成社会化、多元化的主体参与。农民被制度化、市场化地挤出。农民从“用手投票”到“用脚投票”,再到“双重用脚投票”往返于城乡之间。7.科学界定区域管理和治理中行政的“协调”与市场权利自愿自由交易下合作技术的“协同”长期以来的公共选择与其集体行动,提倡区域“协调”等五个统筹,唯有政府支付协调成本,山区农村经济采取社会技术、自然技术相结合的手段实现社会工程、自然工程目标,通过技术上的“协同”、“协作”、“合作”,才能纠正旧有公共选择的负效应与山区农村经济发展的偏离。只有这样,各社会利益群体才有平等身份,公平均等机会、公正的法律保障地位。山区农村经济协同发展具有自身应有的要义、层次、标准、性质、功能、方向、维度、条件、支持系统、途径-方式-方法-模型。只有适用的现代管理与激励约束机制、评价指标体系,受到公共选择方式与协同方式应有的驱动和制动,才有可能将美好的愿望产生良好的效果。8.关涉全国重大战略发展需求的山区农村经济发展,缺失顶端设计最具代表性公共选择和集体行动的历年“两会”、“中央一号文件”,历次关系党和国家重大战略决策的中央全会,虽有针对农村、农民、农业“三农”工作的议题和事项,支农资金也在逐年增加,但都是战术性措施,而非战略性原则;山区农村发展亟待加强其系统性、整体性、独特性、复杂性、长期性和阶段性目标任务,认识山区农村特殊的人文社会历史背景、自然、环境、生态独特性、复杂性;认识山区农村的科学发展及其与国家整体现代化的重要关系,方能解决不利于建设现代农村社会公共服务、社会保障、现代生产、防灾减灾和生态建设等多重体系问题。西部大开发、小康社会建设、新农村建设等系列涉及区域发展的公共政策,需有顶端设计前提下,基层实施才会有章可循。9.全国山区农村分布于异质的人地结构类型全国地貌上以山地为主,有着典型的人地系统结构属性,可划分为一元化、二元化、三元化、四元化的山区人地系统自然地理、人文地理和经济地理同构的基本格局;有着对应的异质地理因素、基本地貌、环境特质、土地资源、主体文化特征。经济社会发展的历史基础与现状,利益群体的世界观、价值观、社会心理与社会意识都像自然界一样,有着千姿百态的存在方式。区域管理与区域治理应该有个性化和差异化,只要统一于宪政基础之上,不宜“左右一致,上下看齐”。一刀切的管制方式,不利于丰富多彩的区域经济社会个性化、风格化发展。10.山区农村的贫困落后对全国整体现代化实现的制动力牵制,难以突破山区对中华民族伟大振兴的深深桎梏基于来国家发展战略,至今还没有顶层设计规划的专门针对山区特殊板块发展的战略性、可操作性蓝图,哪怕制订了类似西部大开发之类的大政方针。系统性、整体性、协同性的山区农村发展对策研究亟待加强。中国山区农村发展科学及其战略,对实现山区可持续发展,与国家整体发展的统筹、协调,乃深化西部大开发、全面建设小康社会、提升新农村建设水平的必然要求,是全面实现现代化建设目标的重要保证,对国家战略决策都将产生广泛、深远的影响和历史性作用。11.山区农村经济协同发展的未来学意义山区农村经济发展的“自然集聚要素”与“社会集聚要素”到底是什么、有多少?国家未来发展的可行性、可操作性手段、目标是什么?诸多系列问题有待探索。没有山区现代化,始终处于贫困落后和环境问题严重的状态,始终是制约中国整体现代化的瓶颈。需要论证山区农村发展现代化的山地高效生态农业的必然性、条件识别、思路;目标与模式;途径;支撑体系;项目选择与布局设计;发展规划;移民安置规划;对策措施。落脚到立足中观范畴的“主体-公平-约束-时间-空间-结构-方式-环境-效益-公益、发展-审美-规划-管理-服务”,注重微观事物和现象在中观和宏观中的角色、位置及其交互作用。二、论文的主要观点1.“一个民族想要站在科学的最高峰,就一刻也不能没有理论思维。”这是一个聚变的时代,现代中国更面临着西方文化、现代化的挑战,环境、自然、生态、社会和谐、人地关系和谐等各种自然风险和社会风险的挑战,更面临着人类共同的五大冲突的挑战,即人与自然、社会、人际、心灵以及文明间的冲突。如何化解此五大冲突,营建一个人与社会、人与自然的和谐环境,是时代人文精神的精髓,也是我国现代化建设的首要价值。这也是山区农村经济发展的发展经济学、社会心理学、技术工程学要义。我国山区农村经济社会的发展,实则决定全国整体发展的状况和水平。2.国家意志、民族理想和民族统一的伟大意义在于实现各类利益共同体达到某种程度的统一一个国家创造物质财富的实业产业及其为他人生产和服务的贸易,都包含民族理想和民族统一的伟大意义、爱国爱家的情结,因为两者都是国家生活的一部分。一个国家只有通过工农商贸业的共同利益而达到某种程度的统一、而非单纯政治话语的一致,才能出现真正的民族精神、国家观念的认同。善治,必须站在全国整体现代化、全体人民过上幸福美好生活的角度:“历史不过是追求着自己的目的的人的活动而已。”而且,“人民”是唯名与唯实哲学观的辩证统一,既非唯名论中虚无的公益人假设,也非唯实论中只有个人没有社会的极端个体主义。山区农村经济发展,无疑是“人民经济”的道路,而非政府和精英投资家合成的单一主体。3.山区农村经济协同发展中公共选择的原则政治与利益政治协调山区农村经济协同发展的公共选择,应基于尽可能实现绝大多数个体集合选择的一致认同,应基于公共管理目标的原则政治而非利益政治。没有全社会的和谐政治治理,作为代表市民社会行使公共选择权力的政府,不管对自身政治的经济计算何等精明,一旦失却原则政治的历史过程与逻辑过程的分离,会使政治资源易于丧失。因此,对社会管理和自身权利的巩固都会缺乏成效。4.国际贸易尚且能够形成统一大市场,国内贸易壁垒面临障碍重重的困扰我国目前市场分割、行政区经济、权力经济、市场垄断、特殊利益集团垄断现象严重,区域经济协同、整合发展困难重重,根本上,并非公共选择的代表和缺乏主见的学者所谓的体制问题,而是基于利益政治下的世界观和价值观所采取的技术性问题。这对行政成本的高昂支付、掠夺性开发资源型经济、高消耗低产出、区域极端化非均衡发展、贫富分化差距扩展、腐败滋生、各领域副产品的大量产出,作为市场经济主体的投资者、经营管理者的企业因为没有成效而在经济全球化、区域一体化中缺乏竞争力等,创造了日益扩大的巨大空间。人们都会有肆无恐地以合法方式做非法行动。5.参与式发展和发展工作者、协助者协同,区域发展主体多元化,充分确立农民的区域发展主体地位区域历史主体、治理主体、社会主体、市场主体、利益主体、参与主体,毋容置疑,应该是市民社会和平等互利的产业组织、私人投资者,既不是单纯的区域政府或国企,也非主要的其他特殊利益集团。作为区域主体,应由政府、企业、非营利组织、居民和其他群体等在一定竞合机制下组成;区域经济主体,应该是政府、市场中介(NGO、NPO)和产业组织。价值目标实现的技术中介是市场。针对科学和人文的规范价值与事实价值、科学的方法中心与问题中心,宪政与科学心理、人本心理、经济伦理道德基本一致时,“人的本性能容忍怎样的社会”和“社会能容忍怎样的人性”两个道德难题才会有解。6.法理上行动者系统主体的确权,需要重塑市场经济制度安排及其环境下的新个体主义经济伦理观每一自组织自发展、既封闭又开放的组织,面对共同的利益或风险、个人力量不足以实现自身追求的目标,则必将诉求组织并与其成员协同、合作与共享。为了有效实现各自追求的目标,各成员主体会采取公共选择——合作的集体行动,山区农民有自己的做出决策、配置资源并实施集体行为的能力,他们通过将内在结构组织化来强化内部规范并作出有效的公共选择。山民,作为各行动者的社会系统,各主体无疑都是一具有重大能动性作用、具有知识的有创造性的个人和集体组成的主体和行动者,他们各自与系统、制度、组织、社会关系的作用,作为主体(代理者)在被迫寻求特殊价值和利益的同时,采纳、改变、转化系统,如市场、商业、企业、行政单位、政府机构等的制度安排。公共政策的制定,政策理论业已成熟,关键问题是还停留在纸面上的问题较多。在利益格局和成果追求上,宣传提倡的集体利益、国家利益、社会利益强调较多,个体利益提倡较少。约束与激励的机制优势平衡。7.山区农村经济协同发展的科学化、战略化决策与实施,势必产生“支点效应”国家顶层设计,尽快制定山区农村经济发展的战略目标,科学决策,相信人们有宪政的文化自觉,准许区域经济发展和山民参与的自主权,不搞一刀切,适当地“去政治化”。中国山区农村科学发展、山区农村发展战略与实施,对落实科学发展观、缩小区域发展差距、实现山区可持续发展与国家整体发展的统筹及协调,是贯彻落实科学发展观、进一步推进西部大开发、全面建设小康社会、深度推进新农村建设的必然要求,全面实现现代化建设目标,都将产生广泛、深远的影响和历史性作用。山区农村经济协同发展,势必产生‘支点效应”,可突破若干经济社会发展瓶颈。三、论文的特色与创新为了增强经济学人文科学研究的针对性、科学性、实效性,论文虽然少有定量分析,但从质的定性研究上,力求从调研、经验观察、分析、推理,尽量保证其信度和效度。1.融合发展观和因果观审视山区农村经济发展的复杂问题自然界、人类社会和思维都是不断变化发展的。人类活动的对象化与非对象化活动是辩证的。山区农村经济发展进程中,其本然、应然,会以不同思想观念聚焦和反映,构成国家决策和研究以实践的历史性课题,并伴随经济社会演变进程而不断完善。所有问题势必处于无限的相互联系的因果关系中。山区农村经济发展,有着因果联系的一因多果、同因异果、一果多因、同果异因、多因多果、复合因果等多样性和特殊性,我们今后能自觉、有目的地采取适当理念、方式以实现山区农村经济发展而提供方法论指导。2.多学科交叉融合的理论基础探析山区农村经济发展问题基于发展观和因果观,识见到人-地交互作用的广度深度日益增强,必需结合自然和人文社科若干学科交叉审视。所以采取地理综合学科、农学、工程学、农业经济管理学、区域经济学、农村社会学、公共选择理论等多学科交叉的理论基础支撑,将马克思主义唯物史观和公共选择理论的方法论融合,以山区农村经济协同发展的“本然”(实证性)和“应然”(规范化)等研究法,借鉴、吸收并拓展了西方公共选择理论传统的合理见解。3.提出村民是山区农村经济发展的中心主体,非政府单纯管制的被领导者,而是有发展权利的平等参与主体理论上解构与重构了社会各阶层及其利益群体的集合性身份和多重人格,强调了国家观念和市场逻辑的独立性与统一性。村民是区域经济发展中多元化利益主体主体的平等的核心伙伴,而非随从。每一组织内的个人都是个“身份集”、“角色集”,都有价值存在要求的独立性。社会各阶层及其利益群体的集合性身份和多重人格,强调了国家观念和市场逻辑的独立性与统一性。回避社会心理学和组织社会学的实质问题,于事无补。4.提出了山区山地经济物质形态与非物质形态的协同发展,进而实现山区经济发展的山地化山区山地经济的物质形态化,即产品的物理化、实体化。山区山地经济的非物质形态化,即利用山区非物质文化遗产,山地得天独厚的自然景观发展山地生态旅游、休闲度假、旅游观光、生态养老产业等诸种产业化经营。基于可持续发展,将山区生态环境的不利因素转化为有利因素,扬长避短,又可实现经济-自然-生态-环境的和谐发展。5.从自然辩证法高度以工程哲学、系统学、协同学视野提升了山区农村经济发展广泛实践的可操作性、可行性自然资源的基础作用与社会经济资源(人文资源,如人力资本、科技、信息、制度、交易及其效率等)作用的有效发挥相结合,山地资源综合研究、山区农村经济协同开发,才是科学有效的。有十分的必要对山区农村先前各层面的单一性研发进行反思。四、论文的政策含义1.国家观念上公共选择的宪政精神、市场逻辑与现实距离缩小走出公益人假设、过分强调意识形态的桎梏,按照公平、公正、公开的权利自由交易的市场逻辑,充分确立个体的市场经济主体地位。今后的工作是如何解决实现的过程、途经和方法,或者采取什么样的措施对既得利益集团的垄断权力及其行为具有法定的管理约束,而对社会弱势利益群体具有法定的管理激励。2.国家观念与市场逻辑的协调国家观念的强制实施和个人权利自由交换的市场逻辑,不应该混淆,更不能以国家观念剥夺合法的个人权利在市场上公平交易的市场逻辑。政府权力在区域管理中的比重较大,政府及其权力延伸(国企、专业组织等利益集团)具有垄断性、侵略性。市场经济内在地要求实现区域治理,以实现内生于一个有共同利益的群体的正式或非正式的制度安排,形成群体的正式或者非正式组织,实现组织内主体成员的集体活动及其合法功能发挥与目标实现。3.区域管理向区域治理的转化无论统计学上划分为同一或均质经济空间、势力场空间、计划经济空间或政策运用的经济空间的区域,还是从地理学区域思想下的均质区域、极化区域、计划区域,我国目前政府主导型发展模式下,实际上剥夺了具有自组织和自发展功能的山地区域社会主体和市场主体地位。区域管理和区域治理协同,当以科学的管理约束和管理激励予以规范。若一味停留在区域协同发展的政治口号上,而无实际可行的举措,这只能使日益积重难返的症结恶化。4.区域主义与区域化:行政(区)经济向市场经济和区域经济的转化区位是一种经济空间场。区域经济发展,微观上以地缘、人缘、业缘为纽带,地理空间和社会空间都是以难以分割的主客体单元,经济行为在自组织机制下的行为会发生自动演化。经济功能区、主体功能区、区位选择、经济区域都是经济行为主体空间行为的结果。政府科层制原则的自上而下的区域经济发展政策需要向自下而上的发展范式转化。5.突破垄断,市场主体多元化、利益主体遵循市场规则自愿竞合山地主体、山地经济主体,应该是山民和平等互利的产业组织,既不是单纯的区域政府或国有企业,也不应是其他特殊利益集团。而应该由政府、企业、非营利组织、居民和其他群体等在一定竞争机制下组成,价值目标实现的技术中介是市场。6.山地资源开发系统观与单一型向复合型开发的山地人地关系系统重构及经济协同发展人类社会系统与自然环境系统要素协调,进行山地资源系统开发,充分利用山地区域资源比较优势,把山地“种-养-殖-农-林-畜-牧-渔-科-工-贸-城市规划建设一体化”发展,通过政府有效公共管理和公共服务,把现有的单一低端原材料加工的工农业园区进行产业集聚、产业集群化升级,获取产品、市场和区域经济发展的竞争优势;立足由主体-公平-约束-时间、空间、结构、环境、效益、公益、发展、规划、管理和服务等要素构成的中观经济发展的基本范畴,转变实技求术的急功近利行为,改变单一性区域开发问题。注重山地本身的资源性或山地作为一个具有特殊功能的独立自然物时的资源价值研究。7.山地经济物质形态与非物质形态协同下的区域综合开发世界主流经济和经济产品的趋势是更加非物质化。在当今知识经济、创意经济、轻型化经济成为主流,生产力和生活水平日益提高的当今时代,消费者日益追求休闲、旅游、度假的绿色化产品,坚持山区农村生活和工作环境休闲化和生活情趣审美化的时代理念,除了充分把握传统意义上的土地、劳动和资本经济发展因素外,加强制度、技术、服务、信息、市场贸易、研发等要素工作并增强创新,使人流、物流、资金流、信息流、技术流、服务流具备,并畅通。发挥山区农村内源的禀赋优势,综合发展具有特色和竞争力的山区经济。8.农村土地制度现代化与“三农”现代化农村土地制度现代化,是“三农”现代化,彻底解决其症结的根本。两方面的含义:一是宪政视角的法权思想,赋予农民应有的机会均等、公正、公平、公开的相应权利之获得,首先要突破特权,从特权到产权。突破高度的集权和垄断,重构富有激励性的机制,尽快完善农村土地产权功能,不折不扣的将其视为农民的财产权。一是技术性工具问题:农业产业化和现代化,要求规模化生产经营,但现行特快分割化的土地承包使用方式,与现代化方式下的作业相悖。9.山地农业经济资源开发利用方案的优化应用线性和非线性结合的规划法研究山地农业经济资源的最优利用,探讨在一系列环境变量约束条件下,如何把有限的资源在许多可供选择的生产活动中进行最优分配,以便对这些资源进行规划,使其得到合理利用。山地区域微观和中观层面的数据库建立、区域宏观层面的数据库建立。进而实现山区农村“维持式变迁”的山地人地关系系统解构;“发展式变迁”的机制设计;“自我发展”的机制设计。

【Abstract】 Let the rural society recuperate, agriculture a modem agriculture with modern industrialization of the temperament, and full of the breath of modern civilization peasantry.The existence of life is in the pursuit of the meaning of life. This is a social psychology proposition: nature of man is the basis for the problem exists; the person’s development is people the value of existence problem. Like the nature of the farmers is the basis for the problems of agriculture, countryside and fanners development problem of agriculture, countryside is the value of existence problem. However, the development of the farmers is the basis of public choice, is the value of the public choice. We have been in dispute the government this is what, do what, but there is little debate farmers who is this, what to do. Always not to put in the position of the farmer main body status for the exploration to solve the "SAN nong" questions, departure from strategic issues.Whv did most farmers in mountainous areas choose to vote with their feet to leave their homeland and duties(agriculture) and vote with hand to work in the city engaged tired, dirty, heavy, the risk of non-agricultural manual labor? They double voting with their feet to go back and forth between urban and rural areas unable to attend to everything at one time? Do they make a personal choice or public choice, individual action or collective action? Why they choose such a life and death fatigue survival and change the path?Answer these questions, and bound to each their own as a scholar and as a human mission, personality tendencies, values, academic point of view, political views and policy insights and each has his own epistemology and methodology.To address and answer these questions, we must focus on the unity of methodology and epistemology!First, The main conclusions of the paperUsing the research method of history-compared, the empirical-specification, deductive-inductive to analysis and find that under the collective action of public choice, the causes of economic and social development in rural and mountainous areas is that the following factors integration. Its way out depends on the new economic mechanisms design.1. The context "Synergy" and "coordination", actually rights and duties of "market" and "the government", sense of the country and market logic of the reconstruction of reflection, important theory and practice problems.Under the existing public choice, the root of mountainous rural economic development lagging behind is that the institutional environment of institutionalized main deletionOver the years, farmers confined to the institutionalized power, money and other intermediary system world with mainstream social segmentation in remote occlusion, stick, ignorance, poverty-stricken families, groups and common words such as space life elements constitute the world of the living, lack of regional and economic development decisions, carry out the formulation, implementation, management, and supervision of their own living world and the community in the public domain. Out of this predicament and reconstruction of a new modern time and space, only the institutionalization of national identity and culture of local communities, the development of self-organizing subjectivity of the regional development of rural and mountainous areas was placed to identity building. Farmers as equal market players and stakeholders and the value of the subject with the government and company, forming the network of participatory development, farmers have the right to build their own world of life and community in the public domain, making farmers with decision-making body, with the full development of the main right to development. As business entities, in fact empower the farmers, it has an equal right to development, the local cultural identity and national culture that was accepted by farmers should be protected and development. Farmers as equal participation entities, rather than up and down relationship of the active-passive and lead-be lead role have the right of decision-making, joint planning, joint development, joint management, joint management of common benefit and total risk with local government.Local government, for the developing regions, not only the role of participation prevailing in the international development research and practice, or planning and management approach, development workers "participatory rural appraisal (PRA)(Robert Chambers,2003), more to the main empower participatory learning and action (PLA),(Robert Chambers,2007), the two interactions and role; the same time it should be to assist and guide (Facilitator). The development of a community, can not be both absolute and extreme or top-down, the Executive Order as "government-led" no villagers to participate in the abstract "collective economy", or without equality and participation, more can not be no freedom, democracy, fairness and justice, development concept and the values of populism" cooperative economy".2. Under the existing public choice, the crux of mountainous rural economic development lagging behind is the system arrangement that urban development deprive the remainder of the mountain rural economicHistorically, China’s rural areas was extremely of "the Homeland Security to move", and "Restraining Commerce", and mountainous rural and urban areas separated by the solid walls, thousands of years, the city also deprived the variety economic surplus of rural and mountainous areas. Since the reform and opening up, it becomes the extreme "heavy industrial and commercial light agriculture ". Long-term national bureaucracy force, the heads of local government responsibility, rather than the public system of modern democracy and the rule of law arrangements, resulting in a more backward democracy and the rule of law more prominent centralization of local government, the economy will be tucked away in the evolution of slow under the agricultural society.3. The evolution of "Executive-led dual structure" to "market-oriented dual structure" is more intense, the urban-rural gap is the greaterWith the reform and opening depth and the urban-rural separation longer, the’"executive-led dual structure" artificially designed naturally became the "market-oriented dual structure". Under the conditions of market economy, urban and industrial waning reliance of the rural areas, agriculture and agricultural, urban and rural interaction from frequently become increasingly sparse, coupled with the regional development policies to the city, the rural economy is also bound backwards. Adding economic globalization, foreign entry, the monopoly of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises excessively vicious competition, the superposition of two dual structure, urban-rural income gap is widening, the seriousness of the rural issues and the task of solving "three rural" issue is bigger, urban problems are increasing exponentially.4. The institutional environment and institutional arrangements of public choice have the great disadvantage hardly to correctRegional government-oriented development model, although planning-decisions-guide-optimal allocation of resources-coordination-Forensics-Control-Organization-Management-service functions, but it can easily form the public the right to private and advantages of social capital, next of kin of sexual reproduction and centralized the formation of a variety of resources, officials and business capital or crony capital structure-function mode forming kinds of the monopoly of power, markets and opportunity. Officials GDP performance evaluation make that the regional development planning program is difficult to legitimate form of renewal after the change of the incumbent to undertake. So to resources-Environment-Nature-ecological (natural ecology and social ecology)-decision-making and so inevitably have an enormous waste and destruction of the vicious circle effect. Put the mess, power, rent-seeking, influence-peddling, corruption, and regional market segmentation, the vicious circle of the "tragedy of the commons" effects not only despite being banned, it will be more intense.5. Under the existing public choice, the participation of the economic development in mountainous and rural areas is single and farmers are not within the boundaryMountainous rural administrative regions in fact take "control" rather than "governance" model, in addition to the local lack of financial capital, large-scale and competitive industry support, and the benefits of farmers’ land is far less than the labor economy benefit. Mountain area, the main body of property right, historical subject interests subject, the market main body, the social main body, governance, are all the centralization of local government agency, which have not been the subject of socialization, diversified participation. The farmers were institutionalized, market-oriented extrusion. Farmers change from "voting with the hand" to "voting with their feet" and to "double voting with their feet" in back and forth between urban and rural areas.6. Under the old public choice, rural social level mountain area and various types of benefit main body decide today’s mountainous countryside development patternBecause of mechanism design and system reason, the regional government monopolizing all resources, fanners were not involved in local village, reflecting that they have lost confidence in such system-mechanism environment, and taking the little profit and the "opportunistic" adverse selection. Making people no longer seek to flee from poverty and backwardness of the rural and mountainous areas, willing to production and life here, which is that people can give the highest rating of some kind of social svstem mechanism.Have equal opportunity to realize the various stakeholders in the pursuit of their own goals; they can only adopt a cooperative collective action. Believe mountaineer:"they can make the decision, the distribution of resources and implement collective behavior, they will be organized by internal structure to strengthen internal standard, make all types of decision, the implementation of the objective collective action.7. Scientific definition of the regional management and governance in the administrative means to "coordinate" with the interests of the industrial organization collaboration technologies "synergy"Long-term public choice and its collective action to promote regional coordination five overall, only the government to pay the costs of coordination, mountainous rural economy to take a socio-technical, natural technology combined with the means to achieve social engineering, the natural goal of the project, through technical "synergy","cooperation" and "cooperation" in order to correct the old deviation of the negative effect of public choice mountain rural economic development. Only in this way the various social interest groups have equal status and fair and equal opportunity and fair legal protection status. Collaborative development of mountain rural economy has its own proper essence, the level of standards, the nature, function, orientation, dimensions, condition, support system, road-way-method-model. Only applicable modern management and incentive and restraint mechanism, the evaluation index system, being droved and braked by public choice way and synergy mode, it will be possible to be good wish produce good results.8. Mountainous rural economic development, so far there is no top design of the special area regarding the national important strategic development needsThe most representative of the public choice and collective action over the years the "two sessions","Central Document No.1", plenary session of the previous relationship between the party and the country a major strategic decision-making, although the topics and issues of rural areas and farmers, agriculture, the "three rural " work, the fund for agriculture has also increased, but they are tactical measures, rather than strategic principles; mountain rural development should be strengthened its systematic, holistic, unique, complex, long-term and phased objectives, tasks, recognizing the special rural and mountainous areas of humanities and social historical background, natural, environmental, ecological uniqueness, complexity; recognizing the important relationship between the scientific development of mountainous rural areas and the modernization of the country as a whole, just that we can solve the problem against building a modern social and public services in rural areas, a multiple system of social security, production, disaster prevention and mitigation, and ecological construction. The development of the western region, in the construction of well-off society and new countryside construction, these series of regional development of involving public policy, need to have the top design premise; the implementation will be rising.9. The national rural and mountainous areas in heterogeneous distribution and structure typesThe national landscape in mountainous and has a typical person to system structure properties can be divided into a unified, binary, ternary, flowers, and four of the mountain people to the system physical geography, human geography and economic geography is isomorphic to the basic pattern; which has a corresponding heterogeneous geographical factors, geomorphology, environmental characteristics, land resources, the main cultural characteristics. The historical basis of the economic and social development and current situation, the worldview, values, social, psychological and social consciousness of interest groups are the same as nature, with a mix of existence. Regional management and regional management should be personalized and differentiation, as long as unified in constitutional basis, should not be "or so consistent, look up and down". Size-fits-all control is not conducive to a variety of regional economic, social personality and style development.10. Contain the mountains of the braking force of the country as a whole to realize its modernization; the difficult of realization of mountains’ modernization is the deep shackles of the great revitalization of the Chinese nation.Has always been based on the national development strategy, so far no top design planning mountainous specifically for the development of special plate strategic and operational blueprints, even if made similar to the development of the western region and general policy. Systemic, holistic, collaborative development of rural and mountainous areas countermeasures should be strengthened. China’s rural and mountainous areas and its strategic science development and to realize the sustainable development of mountain area, and the state of the development of the whole plan as a whole, coordination, but deepen the development of the western region, the comprehensive construction well-off society, promoted the new rural construction is the inevitable requirement of level, is the comprehensive modernization the important guarantee of the target, the national strategic decision will have a extensive and far-reaching influence and historic role.11. The futurology significance of mountain rural economy coordinated development"Natural gathering elements" and "social gathering elements" in the development of rural and Mountainous area economy exactly is what, how many? The feasibility of the country’s future development, operability means and objective is what? Many series of questions need to be explored. No mountain modern, always in a serious state of poverty and backwardness and environmental issues is always a bottleneck restricting the overall modernization of China. Therefore, the necessity of argument mountainous rural areas to develop a modern mountain efficient ecological agriculture, conditional recognition ideas; objectives and mode; way; support system; project selection and layout design; development planning; resettlement planning; countermeasures. Settled based on the concept of the scope of the "subject-fair-constraints-time-space-structure-the way-environment-benefit-public interest, development-aesthetic-planning-management-services", focusing on micro things and phenomena at the medium and macro in the role, position, and their interactions.Second, The main ideas of the paper1."If a nation want to stand in the peak of science, there’s not a moment without theory thinking."This is an era of fusion, modern China are also facing the challenge of Western culture and modern, facing the challenges of the environment, natural, ecological, social harmony and people to harmonious relations and other natural risks and social risks and also facing the challenges of the five common human conflict, the conflict between man and nature, social, interpersonal, spiritual and civilization. How to resolve this conflict of the five is the essence of the humanistic spirit of the times, the primary value of China’s modernization.This also is the point of mountainous and rural economy development economics, social psychology, and technical engineering.2. The national will, the great significance of national ideals and national unity is to achieve the unity of the various types of community of interests to achieve a certain degreeA country to create the material wealth of the Industrial industry and its trade for the production and service of others contains the great significance of national ideals and national unity and patriotic love of home complex, because both are part of the national life. A country only through the common interests of workers and peasants-commerce industry to achieve some degree of harmonization, rather than simply the consensus of the political discourse, to appear genuine national spirit, the concept of state identity. Good governance must stand in the country overall modernization of all people to live a happy life point of view:"History is nothing but the pursuit of the activities of the people of their own purposes". Moreover,"the people" must be nominalism only real moderation, neither nominalism nothingness on the public welfare assumptions, Fei Wei realism personal extremism. Mountain rural economic development is undoubtedly the road of "people’s economy", rather than the government and elite investors’synthesis of a single subject.3. The coordinated development of the rural economy in mountainous area public the choosing principle of politics and political interests’coordinationThe public choice of mountain rural economy’s coordinated development should be based on as much as possible to achieve consensus choice of the vast majority of individual collection, should be based on the principles of public management objectives and political rather than political interests. No harmonious political governance of the society, the exercise of the powers of government of public choice as representatives of civil society, no matter how smart their own political, economic calculation, and once lost the historical process of the principle of political logic of the process of separation, will make political resources is easy to lose. Therefore, the consolidation of the social management and their rights will be ineffective.4. The international trade could form a unified market, the domestic trade barriers facing obstacles plaguedChina’s current market segmentation, the Administrative Region of the economy, economic power, market monopoly, the monopoly of the special interest groups are serious, regional economic collaboration, integrated development difficulties, there is not representative of the public choice and the lack of a strong-minded scholars, but based on the interests of the political world outlook and values to technical problem. Paying the high administrative costs, predatory development of resource-based economy, high consumption and low output, the non-balanced development of regional extreme gap between rich and poor gap expansion, Corruption, the large number of outputs of the various by-products in the field of investment as the main market economy, ineffective managers of enterprises in economic globalization, regional integration, lack of competitiveness and so on, create a huge space for the growing. People will have no fear to do illegal actions in a lawful manner.5. To establish regional dominant position under different identityRegional historical subject, governance, the social main body, the market main body, benefit main body, participate in the main body, no doubt, should is civil society of equality and mutual benefit of industry organization, private investors, which is not merely the regional government or state-owned enterprises, also the main other special interest group. As regional subject, by the government, businesses, nonprofit organizations, residents and other groups, such as in some competing mechanism; regional economic entities, should be the government, market intermediaries (NGO, NPO), and industrial organization. Value to achieve the objective of technology intermediary market. Normative values and the fact that the value of science and the humanities, the Center and the Center of the scientific method to deal with constitutional law and science of psychological, human psychological, economic ethics is basically the same," the performance of the people tolerate the kind of society." society can tolerate the kind of human nature," the two moral dilemmas will be solvable.6. The establishment of legal system needs remodeling market economic system arrangements and the environment of the new individual socialist economic ethicsEach self-organizing self-development, both closed and open organization, in the face of common interests or risk, personal power is not sufficient to achieve their own pursuit of the goal, is bound to the demands of the organization and synergy with its members, cooperation and sharing. In order to effectively achieve the goal of their pursuit the main body of the members take collective action of public choice-cooperation, they can make decisions, allocate resources and implement the collective behavior, through the internal structure organized to strengthen the internal norms, to make each types of decisions, the implementation of the purpose of collective behavior. The various actors in a social system, different subjects are no doubt a major initiative of the role of knowledge of the creative individual and the collective composition of the subject and the actors, their role in the system, institutional, organizational, and social relations, as subject (agent) at the same time forced to seek a special value and benefits, adoption, change, transformation systems, such as markets, commercial, corporate, administrative units, government agencies and other system arrangements. Public policy formulation, policy and theory has matured, the key problem is that many problems still remain on paper. In the pattern of interests and achievements of the pursuit of publicity to promote the collective interests, national interests, social interests, emphasizes more individual interests to promote less. The advantage of constraints and incentive mechanism is balance.7. The scientific and strategic decision-making and implementation of mountain rural economic collaborative development is bound to have a "fulcrum effect"National top design, can work in the development of rural economy mountainous area strategic objective, scientific decisions, believe that people have constitutional cultural consciousness, to allow the autonomy of the development of regional economy, no one size fits all. Scientific development of China’s rural and mountainous areas, mountainous rural development strategy and implementation, implement the scientific concept of development, reducing regional development disparities, and achieve sustainable mountain development with the national overall development co-ordinate and implement the scientific concept of development, to further push forward the western development building a moderately prosperous society in the depth of the inevitable requirement to promote the new rural construction, the full realization of the modernization goals, will produce an extensive, far-reaching impact and historical role. Mountain rural economy, the joint development is bound to have a "fulcrum effect", can break a number of economic and social development bottlenecks.Third, The paper’s characteristics and innovationIn order to enhance the relevance of humanities research in economics, science, effectiveness, the paper although rare quantitative analysis, but the quality of qualitative research, and strive to observe, analyze, research, experience, reasoning, as far as possible to ensure its reliability and validity.1. Integrating the views of development and the causal relation, analyzing the development of rural economy complex problems in the poor Mountain areaNature, the human society and the thinking is the constantly changing. Human activities and objectivity non-objectivism activity is dialectically. Rural and mountainous areas in the process of economic development, its this however, ought to, with different ideas will focus and reflect, to form a national decision and research in the practice of historical subjects, along with economic and social evolution process and continuous improvement. All the problems in the interaction of infinite bound of causality. Mountainous rural economic development, has a causal link for more fruit, with different fruit, fruit for a number of different with fruit, because of fruit, and composite causal etc diversity and particularity, our future can consciously, has the destination to take the appropriate idea, in order to realize the way mountainous countryside economic development and provide methodological guidance.2. Interdisciplinary theoretical basis of the integration of mountainous countryside analysis problems of economic developmentThe breadth and depth of People-land’s interaction increasing, it is necessary to cross-examine the combination of natural and Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. So take the geographical disciplines, agronomy, engineering, agricultural economics, management science, regional economics, rural sociology, public choice theory interdisciplinary theoretical basis of support, the integration of the methodology of the historical materialism of Marxism and public choice theory, using mountainous rural economy coordinated development of the "Inherent"(empirical) and the "ought"(standardized) and so on, learn, absorb and expand the reasonable opinion of the Western public choice theory tradition.3. In theory, deconstruction and reconstruction of the various strata of society and its interest groups, a collection of sexual identity and multiple personality, emphasizing the national identity and independence and unity of the logic of the marketIndividuals within each organization are a "status set ","role set" has a value of the independence requirements. The various social strata and its interest groups set of sexual identity and multiple personalities, emphasized the sense of the country and the independence of the market logic and the unity. Avoiding the substantive issues in social psychology and organizational sociology, does not help.4. From natural dialectics to project high philosophy, systematics, collaborative learning vision promoted the extensive practice feasibility and operability of mountain rural economic developmentEffectively play the role of the fundamental role of natural resources and socio-economic resources (human resources, such as human capital, technology, information, systems, trading and its efficiency, etc.) the combination of mountain resources, collaborative development of mountain rural economy, is the science effective. There are very necessary to reflect the unity of research and development of the rural and mountainous areas of the previous level.Fourth, The policy implications of the paper1. Public choice on the concept of state constitutional spirit, the logic of the market and the reality of distanceOut of the public service people that assume too much emphasis on the ideological shackles of the individual market economy, the dominant position of well-established logic of the market in accordance with the fair, just and open the right of free transactions. The future work is how to solve the implementation process, passing through, and methods, or what kind of measures the monopoly power of vested interests and their behavior with the statutory management constraints, and the interests of socially vulnerable groups with the statutory management incentives.2. Coordination of national concepts and logic of the marketEnforce the concept of state and individual rights of free exchange market logic, should not be confused, but not to the concept of the State deprived of the legitimate rights of the individual fair dealing in the market logic of the market. Government power in the regional management take part in a large proportion, the government and its authority extensions (state-owned enterprises, professional organizations and other interest groups) has a monopoly, aggressive. Market economy inherently regional governance, the common interests of groups, formal or informal institutional arrangements. the formation of groups, formal or informal organization, the main members of the group activities in the organization and its legitimate functions to achieve within the Born to play and goals to achieve.3. The transformation of regional management to regional governanceBoth statistically divided into the same or homogeneous economic space forces in the field of space, the region of space or policies of the planned economy, the use of economic space, or from the homogeneous region in the Geography of regional ideology, the polarized region, plan region, China government-led development model, in fact, deprived of self-organization and self-development functions of the mountainous areas of social subjects and market dominant position. Regional management and regional governance’s coordination need using scientific management constraints and incentives to regulate them. If constantly remain at the regional collaborative development of political slogans, without practical initiative only made the crux of the growing diehard deterioration.4. Regionalism and regionalization:administrative (district) economy to a market economy and regional economic transformationThe location is an economic space field. Regional economic development, micro embodied in the automatic evolution to geopolitical, karma, karmic ties, geographic space and social space are difficult to separate the host-guest unit, the economic behavior of the behavior of self-organization mechanism will occur. Location choice, economic functional areas, functional areas, economic regions are the representation of the spatial behavior of economic agents or results. Good at distinguishing the principle of government bureaucracy, top-down bottom-up specification and format and regional economic development.5. Breaking the monopoly, market diversification, and stakeholders to follow the rules of the market voluntarily competingMountain subject, mountain economic agents, should be mountaineer, equality and mutual benefit of industrial organization, which is not merely the regional government or the state-owned enterprise, also should not be other special interest groups. And by the government, enterprise should be of nonprofits, residents and other groups in a competition mechanism, such as the composition, value realizing the goal of the technology intermediary is market.6. The concept of a single type of mountain resources development system to the complex development of mountain people to the relationship between system reconstruction and economic joint developmentHuman social systems and system elements of the natural environment’s coordination, systems development of mountain resources, make full use of the comparative advantage of the mountain of regional resources, mountain "kind of-a budding-agriculture-livestock grazing Lin-fishing-families-work-trade-urban planning and construction integration" developmait, through the government effective public administration and public servic

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期