

The Integrity of University Functions and Its Reconstruction

【作者】 任燕红

【导师】 崔延强;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 高等教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 大学是承担一定功能的社会机构。大学功能既是大学的基本理论问题,也是大学实践的出发点。当大学出现时,大学功能的问题便被提出来了。在大学诞生以后的数百年中,大学一直是培养人才、传授知识的场所。第一次科技革命后,科学研究的任务进入大学,大学开始发挥科学创造的功能,大学科学研究的功能被放大。第二次世界大战之后,国家战略需求的满足寄望于大学,社会服务功能便注入了大学。在经济社会进入信息化时代的背景下,文化传承创新无疑成为社会发展的重要力量,文化传承创新过程即人格不断完善,对人类真善美不断地向往与追求,促进人自由、全面、和谐发展的过程,大学文化传承创新功能被正式确立。大学功能是大学与社会关系的集中反映,在大学这个有机体中,人才培养、科学研究、社会服务与文化传承创新是一切大学均具有的功能特性。同西方发达国家相比较,我国大学办学实力相对较弱。随着我国高等教育事业的迅速发展,大学功能不再局限于传播知识、培养人才,而是从社会经济发展的需要出发,将产学研有机结合,大学呈现出多样化功能的特点。当前,我国大学正面临着由社会转型而引发的巨大变革,大学内外部环境发生了根本性的变化,也使大学系统本身出现诸多问题。这些问题本质上是因为大学没有肩负起应有的使命,大学偏离、遮蔽和弱化了其本体功能。问题的解决需要明确大学各功能之间的关系。大学功能体系作用的发挥是以人才培养为主的一体化过程,大学的四个功能不是并列的,也不是相互独立的,从大学发展的逻辑起点和历史起点来看,它们是以人才培养为中心,相互交叉、相互融合,而构成的一个统一整体,归根到底要服务于大学为满足一定社会发展需要而培养人才这一本体功能。大学之为大学,本体功能就是人才培养。科学研究、社会服务与文化传承创新都是本体功能的衍生与细化,这些功能是为了使本体功能更充分地实现而存在的。现代大学的功能具有综合化的特征,它们以人才培养为落脚点,在具体实践中大学通过科技发展、社会服务、文化传承创新、知识传授来培养人才。因此,本文紧紧围绕“大学各功能间的关系”这一主题,沿着基础理论探讨——历史演变与内在逻辑——现实分析——功能整体性的重塑这一研究思路,通过大学各功能关系的厘清进而推动大学功能整体性的有效发挥。本文共分六部分:第一部分阐述本研究的选题目的、意义、研究方法与可能的创新点,并对国内外相关文献进行系统梳理。第二部分辨析本研究涉及的一些基本概念,着重界定大学功能与大学职能的区别与联系,并论述了研究的理论基础,即结构主义理论、功能主义理论和结构功能主义理论。第三部分考察大学功能演变的历史,依据大学历史演变的自然秩序,我们看到在不同的历史时期,大学的功能取向均具有不同的特征。同时梳理大学功能的逻辑关系,意在指明大学功能的不同地位和作用。本体功能即人才培养功能,衍生功能即科学研究、社会服务与文化传承创新功能,本体功能对衍生功能具有决定性,衍生功能对本体功能起辅助作用。对大学来说,不同的功能之间是彼此关紧密关联的有机整体。大学功能的整体性即大学作为一种社会机构对人的发展和人类社会的发展具有的整体功效以及实际发挥这种整体功效的能力,也就是大学对人的发展和人类社会的发展实际发挥的功效不是从功能的单一层面去考察,而应从大学多方面的功能属性予以整体把握。第四部分直面大学功能整体性割裂的现实境遇,分别从大学功能系统失衡与大学功能整体性割裂的原因这两个层面进行分析,从而揭示大学功能整体性割裂的危害。第五部分阐明重塑大学功能整体性的价值,并提出重塑大学功能整体性的方略。第六部分得出本研究的结论,并反思在研究过程中遇到的困惑和存在的不足。

【Abstract】 University is a kind of social institution which burdens some social functions. University function is not only the basic theory problem of the university, but also the starting point. With the born of university, university function has been put forward. In the later several hundred years, university has been the place which functions developing talents and spreading knowledge. After the first science revolution, university has burdened the task of doing the research and the university began to burn the function of the scientific creation. And then the function of university’s science research has been broadened. After the Second World War, the university has been trusted to meet the need of national strategy, so, the social service function has come into the university. Under the setting of economic society into the information age, there is no doubt that the cultural heritage creation has become an important power for the society development. The process of cultural heritage creation includes continuous perfect of character, the continuous pursuit of human’s truth, good, and beauty, and the promoting human’s freedom and all aspects harmonious development. So university cultural heritage function has been established formally. University function is the intensively reflection of university and social relationship. In the university which is consisted of different parties, the talents development, science research social service and cultural heritage creation are all the function traits of all the universities.Compared with the western developed countries, China has a little weak power of running university. With the quick development of our national high education, the university functions are not only spreading knowledge, developing talents, but also combining with production, study, research properly from the need of social economic development. University has a variety of characters. At present, our universities are facing the huge innovation with the society’s change, and there is a complete change in and out the university. Thus this has caused many problems with the university system. The nature of these problems is that universities haven’t fulfilled with their responsibilities and they vibrated, covered and weakened their functions. The solution to the problem needs to know the relationship among the separate functions of the university. The role of university function system is a unified process of developing talents centered. The four functions of the university are not equal and not relatively independent. From the logic starting and historic starting of university development, they consist of a whole entity which is around the talents development, and interact and integrate with each other. In a final analysis, they should serve the university and meet certain needs of social development to cultivate talents.University is called university, for its main function is to cultivate talents. Science research, social service and the cultural heritage creation are the detailed and spreading of the key function. These functions exist for the full realization of the key function. The functions of modern universities have the comprehensive characters. They regard developing talents as the purpose. In the practice, universities develop talents by science development social service and the cultural heritage creation and knowledge conveying. So, this article is around the relationship among the university’s functions and explores history changing and inner logic around the basic theory, realizing analysis and reestablishing of holistic functions. Clearing the relationship of university’s functions promotes the effective role of university’s holistic functions.There are six parts in the dissertation. The first part is about the purposes, meanings, research methods and the possible creative points of the dissertation as well as about combing out the relative documents in and out. The second part analyzes some basic concepts involved with this reseach and focuses on the differences and conections as well as illustrates the theoretical foundations, namely, structuralism theories, functionalism theories, Structural functionalism.The third part explores the history of unversity functions’development.According to the natural order of the university’s historical development,we can see that the orientations of the university functions all have their different characteristics in the different periods.At the same time,this part combs out the logic relationship of the university functions in order to make clear the university functions’different statuses and roles,namely, body function is decisive, derivative functions serve the body function, body function and derivative functions are the unity of the organism.The fourth part faces the realistic situation that the university functions separate overally and analyzes the two aspects from the unbalance of university functions system and the reasons for the overall seperation of the university functions in order to make clear the harm that the overall seperation of the university functions are likely to bring about. The fifth part illustrates the value of rebuilding university functions entirety and put forwards the strategies of rebuilding university functions entirety.The six part draws the research conclusion and reflects the confusings and inadequations in the research.

【关键词】 大学功能整体性割裂重建
【Key words】 Universityfunctionholisticseparationreestablishment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1471