

The Effect of Personality Traits on Intertemporal Decision-Making and Its Underlying Neural Basis

【作者】 索涛

【导师】 李红;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 跨期决策是指个体对发生在不同时间点的成本与收益进行权衡,进而做出的各种判断和选择。现实生活中像这样在现在和未来之间或在不同时间点之间做出权衡抉择的例子举不胜举。小到个体的日常生活中饮食选择,大到群体组织乃至国家、跨国组织的公共政策的制定,人类的许多决策都是基于时间维度对成本和利益的权衡而做出的。研究跨期决策对于探讨动物和人类的心智起源和发展过程,搞清现实生活中如烟草和酒精成瘾、吸毒行为、病理性赌博成瘾、孤独症、注意缺陷多动症、暴食暴饮症等一系列行为障碍和心理精神疾病的起因具有重要的理论价值;对现实生活中更加理性决策个人的教育、饮食习惯、健康、婚姻生育、退休储蓄、投资以及国家的经济宏观调控和可持续发展问题,甚至全球气候和环境的决策具有非凡的现实意义。基于以前的研究,本研究从人格特质差异角度出发,利用问卷调查法、行为研究法和脑功能成像法(fMRI)相结合的研究手段,通过6个实验系统地探讨了自我控制、未来时间洞察力、时间感知在跨期决策中的影响作用及其神经基础。在研究一中,采用问卷调查法初步探察了自我控制、冲动性、未来时间洞察力与跨期选择中延迟折扣的关系。结果表明被试在延迟折扣任务中无差异点大小(indifference)与自我控制、未来时间洞察力的自我评分呈正相关,与冲动性的自我评分呈负相关。在研究二的实验1和实验2中,利用跨期选择任务和脑功能成像技术考察了自我控制能力不同群体(高自我控制者、低自我控制者)在跨期选择中反应倾向差异及其相应的脑神经反应活动的差异。行为结果表明,进行跨期选择时,无论任务难易,低控者选择即时兑现但较小奖赏的概率比高控者明显高;脑功能成像结果表明,在右侧额下回/额中回(BA45/46)、右侧颞上回/颞中回/额下回(BA38/47)、右侧海马旁回/梭状回(BA37/20/36/35)、左侧颞中回/额下回/梭状回(BA21/20)、左侧梭状回/舌回(BA18)、海马旁回、额内侧回(BA32)、右侧舌回(BA17)、右侧颞下回/枕中回(BA19/37)、左侧颞中回/颞上回(BA21/22)、右侧颞上回(BA42)、右侧颞中回/颞上回(BA39/40)、左侧颞中回/颞上回(BA39/19)、左侧中央后回(BA5/7)、右侧中央后回(BA2/3)等区域高控者明显明显比低控者激活程度强烈。在研究三的实验3和实验4中,利用跨期选择任务和脑功能成像技术考察了未来时间洞察力不同群体(高时间洞察者、低时间洞察者)在跨期选择中反应倾向差异及其相应的脑神经反应活动的差异。行为结果表明,跨期选择中低时间洞察力者进行选择即时兑现但较小奖赏的概率比高时间洞察力者明显高;脑功能成像结果表明,在左侧海马旁回(BA28/36)、左侧梭状回/枕中回/枕下回(BA18/17)、左侧梭状回(BA37)、左侧额内侧回(BA6)、左侧颞中回(BA39/19)、左侧扣带回(BA7/31)、左侧颞上回/海马旁回/海马回(BA28/34)等区域高时间洞察力者明显比低时间洞察力者激活程度强烈。在研究四的实验5和实验6中,利用时间估计任务、跨期选择任务和脑功能成像技术考察了不同时间感知群体(时间高估者、时间低估者)在跨期选择中反应倾向差异及其相应的脑神经反应活动的差异。行为结果表明,和时间高估者被试相比,无论任务难易,时间低估者更倾向于延迟兑现但较大的奖赏选项;脑功能成像结果表明,在左侧海马旁回(BA34)、右侧颞上回/颞中回(BA38)、左侧梭状回(BA37)、右侧枕中回(BA18)、左侧额中回/额上回(BA47)、左侧枕中回(BA19)、左侧顶上小叶/顶下小叶/楔前叶/海马旁回(BA19/7)、左侧楔叶(BA17)、左侧额中回/额下回(BA6)、丘脑、右侧额下回(BA9)、左侧额上回/额中回(BA9/10)、右侧额上回/额中回/扣带回(BA6/32)、右侧楔前叶(BA7)、左侧额上回(BA6)等区域,时间低估者明显比时间高估者被试的激活程度强烈。总之,本研究发现,自我控制、未来时间洞察力、时间感知在跨期决策甲起着重要的调控影响作用,这些能力的差异一定程度上很可能是诱发跨期选择偏向个体差异的重要原因。未来的研究需要进一步搞清这些影响因素在跨期选择中如何精细调控个体选择倾向的神经机制。

【Abstract】 Intertemporal choices are decisions that involve tradeoffs among costs and benefits occurring at different times. In our real world, there are numerous examples about intertemporal choices. These choices, for example, range from the prosaic-which and how much food to eat at a meal-to life-changing vital decisions about public policy made by states and multinational organizations. In the one hand, the researches of intertemporal choice have important theoretical value. Firstly, it can exploit the mental origin and development process of animals and human. Secondly, it can help to find out the causes of a series of behavior disorder and psychological disease, such as tabacoo addiction, alcohol addiction, drug abuse, pathological gambling addiction, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and binge eating disorder. In the other hand, the researches of intertemporal choice also have important realistic applications. For example, it can make people more rational decision making in personal education, dietary habits, health, marriage, fertility and family retirement savings, investment and the country’s economic macro regulation and the sustainable development of the world, or even the world’s climate and environment decision problem.Based on previous studies, the thesis studied intertemporal choice from the perspective of personality trait. Combining the questionnaire survey, behavioral research, and fMRI researches, the thesis systematically invested the impact of self-control, future temporal perspective, and time perception on intertemporal choice and their neural basis using intertemporal choice tasks in six experiments.Study1preliminary probed into the relationship between delay discounting and self-control, impulsive and future temporal perspective by a questionnaire survey. The results showed that there are significantly positive relationships between individuals’ indifferences and the self ratings of self-control and future temporal perspective, whereas there is a significantly negative relationship between individuals’indifferences and the self ratings of impulsive.In study2, experiment1and experiment2examined the choice difference of different groups which have different ability of self-control (high self-control group vs. low self-control group) and their neural response difference in intertemporal choice by fMRI. Behavioral results showed that, whether the choice task is difficult or easy, low self-control group chose more smaller-immediate rewards than high self-control group. fMRI results showed that high self-control group have higher activation than low self-control group in Right Inferior/middle Frontal Gyrus(BA45/46), Right Superior/middle Temporal Gyrus/Inferior Frontal Gyrus(BA38/47), Right Parahippocampal Gyrus/Fusiform Gyrus(BA37/20/36/35), Left Middle/Inferior Temporal Gyrus/Fusiform Gyrus(BA21/20), Left Fusiform/Lingual Gyrus(BA18), Parahippocampa Gyrus, Medial Frontal Gyrus(BA32), Right Lingual Gyrus(BA17), Right Inferior Temporal Gyrus/Middle Occipital Gyrus(BA21/22), Left Middle/Superior Temporal Gyrus(BA21/22), Right Superior Temporal Gyrus(BA42), Right Middle/Superior Temporal Gyrus(BA39/40), Left Postcentral Gyrus(BA5/7), Right Postcentral Gyrus (BA2/3), Left Middle Temporal/Superior Gyrus(BA39/19).In study3, experiment3and experiment4examined the choice difference of different groups which have different ability of future temporal perspective (high future temporal perspective group vs. low future temporal perspective group) and their neural response difference in intertemporal choice by fMRI. Behavioral results showed that whether the task is difficult or easy, low future temporal perspective group chose more smaller-immediate rewards than high future temporal perspective group. fMRI results showed that high future temporal perspective group have higher activation than low future temporal perspective group in Middle Frontal Gyrus(BA6), Fusiform Gyrus Middle/Inferior Occipital Gyrus(BA18/17), Fusiform Gyrus(BA37), Superior Temporal GyrusPara/hippocampa Gyrus(BA28/34), Middle Temporal Gyrus(BA39/19), Cingulate Gyrus(BA7/31), Parahippocampa Gyrus(BA28/36).In study4, experiment5and experiment6examined the choice difference of different groups which have different ability of time perception (high time perception group vs. low time perception group) and their neural response difference in intertemporal choice by fMRI. Behavioral results showed that whether the task is difficult or easy, low time perception group chose more larger-delayed rewards than high time perception group. fMRI results showed that low time perception group have higher activation than high time perception group in Left ParaHippocampal Gyrus(BA34), Right Superior/Middle Temporal Gyrus(BA38), Left Fusiform Gyru(BA37), Right Middle Occipital Gyrus(BA18), Left Middle/Inferior Frontal Gyrus(BA47), Left Middle Occipital Gyrus(BA19), Left Superior/Inferior Parietal Lobule/Precuneus/Parahippocampa Gyrus(BA19/7), Left Cuneus(BA17), Left Middle/Inferior Frontal Gyrus(BA6), Thalamus, Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (BA9), Left Superior/Middle Frontal Gyrus(BA9/10), Left Superior Frontal Gyrus(BA6), Right Precuneus(BA7), Right Superior/Middle Frontal Gyrus/Cingulate Gyrus(BA6/32).To sum up, the present researches found that self-control, future temporal perspective, and time perception may play important roles in intertemporal choices. The differences of these ability factors may be the important reasons of the differences of individuals’choice and the differences of the neural activation. Future researches will further exams how these factors modulate individuals’choice response at neurological level in intertemporal choices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期