

【作者】 陈涛

【导师】 吴大洋; 李奕仁;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 特种经济动物饲养, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国蚕业有着5000多年的悠久历史,至今仍是具有资源优势和在国际市场上占据主导地位的传统产业。蚕桑产业链长(栽桑、养蚕、缫丝、织绸、服饰),覆盖面广(种植业、养殖业、加工业),经济社会效益和生态效益并举,在农业结构调整、农民增收和出口创汇等方面具有十分重要的地位和作用。同时,我国蚕丝业是典型的外向型产业,在对外贸易中具有十分重要的地位。然而随着社会经济的快速发展,特别是经济全球化的纵深化,我国蚕桑产业发展出现的一些问题更加凸显,如产品单一、效益低下、行业不稳等,同时还面临新兴养蚕国家越益激烈的国际竞争。因此,关于我国蚕桑产业可持续发展的研究具有突出的紧迫性和重大的现实意义。本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义基本原理为理论基础,以“十二五”发展规划与现状、“西部大开发”和“东桑西移”战略调整为时代背景,运用理论与实践相结合、比较分析与综合研究等方法,在比较全面地分析我国蚕桑产业发展的历史、现状及其发展过程的基础上,分析现阶段我国蚕桑产业发展过程中存在的主要问题和影响产业发展的制约因素,阐述我国蚕桑产业发展所具备的国内的产业竞争力与国际竞争力;从蚕桑产业自身的特点和可持续发展的角度出发,对我国蚕桑产业发展的支撑体系进行研讨,并结合具有地方代表性的产业案例,分析现阶段我国蚕桑产业发展面临的机遇与挑战;根据我国经济发展的实际情况,结合国内外的市场变化,探索在新形势下我国蚕桑产业的发展方向;最后提出我国蚕桑产业发展的基本思路、对策与措施,以推动我国蚕桑产业的持续健康稳定发展。通过本论文的分析、研究,得出以下主要结论:1.在调整中逐步建设高起点较稳固的优质蚕茧生产基地。改革开放以来,我国蚕桑生产主产区发生了一系列改变,在“东桑西移”、“西部大开发”等政策的引领下,逐渐向经济欠发达的中西部地区转移,表现出新的发展特点和出现新的产业问题。因此,在国家政策导向上应避免低水平重复建设;在国家财政支持上应集中资金在中西部地区着力打造具有较高桑园管理水平、较好的养蚕基础设施、较完善的技术推广体系的年产优质干茧达到千t以上具有示范效应的蚕桑生产基地,以利于稳定蚕茧产量,保持茧丝资源优势。为此,还应同时做好各主产区的定位和发展目标规划,制定具有针对性的产业政策。2.举国家与行业之力争取蚕丝及其制品的定价主导权。自1970年以后茧丝产量重新跃居世界首位以来,近40年时间里,我国的蚕桑产业一直处于世界第一大国的地位,具有较强的国际竞争力。但是,数十年里主要是靠数量取胜,难以确立强国地位,特别是产业终端产品缺乏国际竞争力,需进行产业结构调整,推行品牌名牌战略,实现以质取胜。同时,国家应加大厂丝储备、采取有力措施,设法基本稳定国内茧丝价格,以避免因茧丝价格大幅波动而导致蚕桑生产大起大落。通过稳定国内茧丝价格,杜绝出口企业间的恶性竞争,逐步取得在国际市场上蚕丝及其制品的定价主导权。3.理顺茧丝绸行业的管理体制促进产业链各个环节的协调发展。蚕桑产业涉及桑树栽培、家蚕饲养、蚕茧收购、缫丝和丝绸制品开发经营等诸多方面,分属农工商贸数个部门,产业链条长,加上分布面广,前后道之间、部门之间、地区之间利益纠葛、矛盾冲突在所难免。国家茧丝绸协调机构,应该在以往工作的基础上,突出重点,加强茧丝绸行业的法律法规等制度建设,设法基本稳定国内茧丝价格,避免出口市场的无序竞争,推进重大科技创新与品牌战略实施,以夯实行业发展基础,引领行业发展方向。4.加强科技创新建立以省力化为主要特征的新型养蚕技术及经营体系。随着城镇化进程加快,外出农民工增多,农村经济结构调整深化,农民经营收入门路多元,粮棉油果菜等大宗农产品轻型栽培技术的进步与普及,养蚕业在农村中的竞争力受到多方面的挑战,栽桑养蚕单位土地面积收益和单工劳动报酬已从优势向劣势转变,并面临后继乏人的窘境。鉴此,需要切实加强科技创新,从品种选育到主要作业技术,从简易设施到机械化设备,从共同催青、小蚕共育到适合集约经营的所有环节,即从技术、装备、经营多管齐下,尽快建立以省力化为主要特征的新型养蚕技术经营体系。5.推进桑蚕茧丝资源综合利用延伸开发非绢丝产业。以资源的高效利用和循环利用为特点的循环经济意识,正在逐步渗透到各个行业、领域。桑蚕茧丝资源综合利用研发工作也已经取得一批丰硕成果,桑枝培养食用菌与重组板材、蚕沙提取药用原料、桑椹生产饮料、桑叶开发饲料等开始步入产业化,丝素丝胶的应用研究也取得重大进展。桑蚕茧丝资源在固守传统的绢丝产业的同时,正在通过延伸开发进入多个非绢丝产业。这种发展态势,对提高桑蚕茧丝资源利用率、增加栽桑土地产出率、增加养蚕农户收益率以致增加整个蚕桑丝绸行业的附加价值,均具有十分重要的作用,应该花大力气给予引导和支持。6.切实激活和开拓内需市场,逐渐降低蚕桑产业对国际市场的过度依赖。长期以来,我国作为蚕茧和生丝的输出大国,并形成了对国际市场的依赖,导致我国蚕桑产业陷入受国际市场变化而大起大落的怪圈。我国人口占世界总人口的约1/5,经济发展势头良好,内需市场潜力巨大,如何激活和开拓蚕桑产品的内需市场,是关系到我国蚕桑产业可持续发展的重大战略问题。依靠科技创新,开发适应国民日益提高的物质文明需求畅销产品,提高产业各环节的生产效益,是拉动内需和降低对国际市场过度依赖性的关键。

【Abstract】 Sericulture, a traditional industry in China with the history of5000years, has the resource-advantage and is highly competitive in international trades. Considering its long industrial chain (mulberry planting, sericulture, silk reeling, silk weaving, and clothing) and wide coverage (farming, silkworm breeding and processing industry), sericulture plays an important role in agricultural restructuring, peasant’s income increase. Meanwhile, sericulture in China is a typical export-oriented industry with great importance in foreign trade.In this thesis, dialectical materialism and historical materialism is used as the base of theory. And all the discussion is made under the historical background of "the twelfth five-year" plan, the western development drive, and "east-to-west sericulture diversion" strategic adjustment. Based on the competitive analysis of the history, current situation and development process of the sericulture industry in China, main problems and constraints in the development of sericulture industry have been addressed and investigated with the strategy of theory combining with practice and comparative analytical method and comprehensive study. And the industrial competitiveness in the world has been analyzed as well. Further more, the support system of Chinese sericulture industry has been illustrated according to its own characteristics and the perspective of sustainable development. And the challenges and opportunities confronted by the development of Chinese sericulture industry have been analyzed by using the local representative industrial cases. Then, the development orientation of Chinese sericulture under new situation has been sought in terms of the economic development of our country and market changes at home and abroad. Finally, the thoughts and strategies and measures of sericulture development in China have been presented to promote the healthy and stable growth of sericulture industry. Six conclusions have been made in this thesis, which are as follows:1.Gradually building cocoon production bases with high starting point and steady quality. Since reform and opening up in China, series changes of the main silk producing areas have been made, the areas move to the less developed central and western regions guided by the "east-to-west sericulture diversion" and the western development drive. At the same time, new features appeared and new industrial problems occurred as well. Therefore, the guidance of the national policy should be made to avoid low-level redundant development, and financial support should focus on building a number of demonstrable sericulture production bases, which have high level management of mulberry field, better infrastructure of silkworm rearing, better technology promotion system and tons of fine quality dried cocoon production capacity. In this case, cocoon market would be stabilized and price volatility would be avoided.2.Since1970’s, the production of Chinese cocoon filament has become the number one in the world. However, superpower position has never been established due to lack international competitiveness of the end products. Therefore, industrial structure should be adjusted to switch core competency from quantity to quality. At the same time, corresponding national measures should be made to guide the international prices of silk and its products to prevent vicious competition and avoid big ups and downs of sericulture production.3.Straightening out relations within the administrative system of Sericulture and Silk Textile Industry, promoting coordinated development of various aspects in the industrial chain. Sericulture industry is composed of mulberry cultivation, silkworm rearing, cocoon purchase, silk reeling, silk products development, and many other aspects, which belongs to separate departments of agricultural industrial&commercial trading. Therefore the contradictions between planned economy and the market economy and between different industrial sectors are restricting the development of sericulture industry. On the basis of past work, national callus silk coordination bodies should strengthen the construction of cocoon and silk industry laws and regulations and other systems, try to stabilize the civil market and domestic silk prices, so as to avoid disorderly competition in the export market, promote a major technological innovation and brand strategy, consolidate industry development foundation, ultimately direct the development of the industry.4.Strengthening science and technology innovation, establishing a new silkworm rearing technology management system with labor-saving characteristics. With speeding up the construction of towns, adjustment of rural economics structure has been deepened, and more and more farmers have been going out to work. In addition, along with the progress of light cultivation technique of bulk farm-products, the competitive strength of sericulture is challenged in many aspects. Transition from advantages to disadvantages of remuneration of land area of one unit from planting mulberry and breeding silkworm gradually appeared. Even face predicament of lack of successors. In view of this, strengthening science and technology innovation is impending. A new silkworm rearing technology management system with labor-saving characteristics should be established as soon as possible. Which covers many aspects of technology, equipment and management, from simple installations to mechanization equipment, from the common incubation, collective rearing for young silkworm to all aspects of the intensive operation.5.Extending comprehensive utilization of mulberry cocoon and silk resources, developing non-silk industry. Research of comprehensive utilization of Mulberry cocoon and silk resources has made a number of achievements. For example, mulberry cultivation of edible fungi, extract of medicinal raw material from the silkworm excrement, mulberry fruit drink and so on have stepped into the industrialization. Moreover, study on application of silk fibroin and sericin also made significant progress. Mulberry cocoon and silk resources are being used not only in the traditional silk industry, but into multiple non-silk industries as well. This is a very important developing state to increase utilization of Mulberry cocoon and silk resources, to increase land planted mulberry output and silkworm farmers’ income, and to increase the added value of cocoon and silk industry as a whole.

【关键词】 中国蚕桑产业可持续发展
【Key words】 ChinaSericulturedevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期