

Study on Low Inefficiencies of Compulsory Education Resource Allocation in County

【作者】 杨公安

【导师】 张学敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 相对于人们对教育需求的无限欲望,义务教育资源总是稀缺的。如何在城乡之间、校际之间合理配置有限的教育资源以最大限度地发挥义务教育推动社会发展的价值,便自然而然地涉及到义务教育资源的配置效率问题。针对城乡中小学之间在办学条件、教学水平、教育质量等方面的巨大差距,优化义务教育资源配置、提高配置效率、促进义务教育均衡发展便成为我国多年来的教育工作重点。按照义务教育均衡发展的原则,在配置义务教育资源的过程中应尽量向农村学校倾斜,尽可能缩小城乡之间的差距。但通过实证研究发现,重庆市XX县在配置义务教育资源的过程中,却出现了“锦上添花而非雪中送炭”的现象。城乡之间、优势学校与薄弱学校之间的差距不但没有缩小,反而进一步拉大。这表明该县的义务教育资源配置方式没有体现均衡发展的原则,存在义务教育资源配置低效率。从义务教育的公共产品属性和各级政府与义务教育学校之间的关系看,县级政府不仅是义务教育资源的投资主体,而且是配置主体。由此可见,义务教育资源配置过程中出现的低效率现象,县级政府作为资源配置主体理所当然地负有不可推卸的责任。所以,研究县级政府及其官员在配置义务资源的行为方式乃是研究义务教育资源配置低效率问题的价值所在。公共选择理论认为,在政治决策过程中,政府官员与经济过程中的自然人一样,都是自身效用最大化的追求者。那么,县级政府官员作为义务教育资源的配置主体,在资源配置过程中,是否存在自利行为,是否为了追求自身效用的最大化而扭曲资源配置方式,围绕此问题进行了深入研究。结果发现:在资源配置过程中,政府官员作为理性经济人,为追求自身效用的最大化,既难免会出现以权谋私而扭曲资源配置或为凸显政绩、彰显教育水平而打造“名片学校”以及逆向选择和败德行为;也难免出现迫于城市利益集团的强大压力而在教育政策制定过程中向其倾斜的行为;还难免出现利用自己对义务教育资源配置的管制权进行设租以期进行权权交易、权钱交易的行为。这些自利行为都是导致该县义务教育资源配置低效率的重要因素。“规则不合适,好心人也干坏事;规则合适,坏人也干好事”。由于在义务教育资源配置过程中缺乏必要的规则或制度约束,为政府官员中的机会主义者提供了追求自身效用最大化的空间。可见,要优化义务教育资源配置、提高配置效率、推动义务教育均衡发展,必须制定一套切实可行的规则制度对政府配置义务教育资源的决策行为进行规范和约束。首先,应建立一套行之有效的行政问责制度,使政府官员在义务教育资源配置过程中要权衡自己的利弊得失,不敢贸然行事。其次,组建一个由学生家长代表、城乡中小学教师和校长代表、教育管理部门代表、政府相关部门人员代表以及社会媒体共同组成的义务教育资源投资决策委员会,从程序上约束政府官员的投资行为。再次,引入“政府绩效评估”机制,将义务教育资源配置效率、义务教育均衡发展作为政府官员绩效评估、考核重要指标,以此激发他们优化配置的动力。最后,建立教育补偿机制,扶持弱势学校的发展。

【Abstract】 Relative to the infinite desire of the educational needs, the compulsory education resources are always scarce. How to allocation the educational resources to promote compulsory education development between urban and rural areas, is related to the compulsory education resource allocation efficiency. Optimize the compulsory education resource, improve the allocative efficiency and promote the balanced development of compulsory education to filled the huge gap in school conditions, the standard of teaching and the quality of education in compulsory education schools has become the Chinese Government’s education priorities.In accordance with the principle of balanced development of compulsory education compulsory education resources should be tilted to the rural schools to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. However, through research XX County, in Chongqing we find the gap between urban and rural areas, the advantage schools and weak schools not only reduced, but also enlarged. This phenomenon indicates that the resources allocation in the county do not reflect the principle of compulsory education balanced development there is compulsory education allocation low efficiency. From the public product attributes of compulsory education and the relationship between the government and compulsory education schools, the county government should investment the compulsory education and allocation the resources, the county government should be responsible for the low efficiency. Therefore study county government and the behavior of officials is valuable to solve the problem of compulsory education allocation low efficiency.Theory of Public Choice suggested, in the political decision-making process, like the economic natural person, the government officials are pursuit their own utility maximization. County government officials really have self-serving behavior and distortions the resource allocation is very important, through the research we find:in the process of resource allocation, government officials, as a rational economic man, they may be abuse the power and distort the allocation of resources or to create a "good schools" as well as adverse selection and moral hazard; there is also have tilt behavior in education policy-making process, there are also have power trading phenomenon, trade power for money phenomenon, these self-interested behavior is the endogenous variables of low inefficiency."Inappropriate rules, good person also do bad things; rules appropriate bad person do good things ". The opportunist in government officials maybe pursue their own utility to maximize because lack of rules or system constraints in the process of compulsory education allocation. So we must formulate policy to optimize the compulsory education resource, improve the allocative efficiency and promote the balanced development of compulsory education to balanced the compulsory education development. First, establish an effective administrative accountability mechanisms for government officials to weigh their behavior. Second, build a investment decision-making committees of compulsory education to constraints the government officials behavior, include parent, urban and rural teachers, schoolmasters, education managers, government officials, social medias etc. Third, use the "government performance assessment" mechanism to supervise the behavior of government officials, in order to motivate their internal dynamics Finally, establishment the education compensation mechanisms, and support the development of disadvantaged schools.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G522.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2047