

Digital Design and Experiment Study on Biomass Peiletlzer of Granular Burning Stoff

【作者】 高微

【导师】 李成华;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 农作物秸秆固化成型技术以及成型机械设备的研究对于推动秸秆资源综合利用和加速建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会具有重要意义。秸秆颗粒燃料环模制粒机以生产效率高,操作简便和颗粒成型密度可调等特点适用于大规模工业化生产,其产品可代替煤和石油用于供暖和发电,具有广泛的应用前景。以发展生物质能资源化利用技术为背景,针对秸秆颗粒燃料生产中的关键机械装备,开展环模制粒机数字化设计和制粒机工作性能与影响因素间关系的试验研究,为环模制粒机的设计与应用提供理论依据和实际指导。在分析环模制粒机设计参数对其工作性能影响的基础上,对制粒机关键部件的设计参数进行研究,进而确定了制粒机总体设计方案和关键部件的设计参数。以疲劳破坏理论为依据,根据制粒机压辊工作过程中的受力分析,确定了压辊数目。对数字化造型、特征与参数化造型技术和数字化装配理论进行了分析,采用基于特征的参数化造型技术建立了环模制粒机零部件的三维实体模型,确定了制粒机设计中的关键参数以及参数间关系。在此基础上进行了数字化装配,得到了环模制粒机整机的数字化模型及零部件二维工程图,为制粒机的仿真和分析奠定了基础。根据牛顿定理和拉格朗日定理推导出制粒机多体系统动力学方程,归纳了求解方程所用微分-代数方程的求解算法。通过专用接口模块MECH/Pro将制粒机环模模型导入ADAMS/View进行动力学仿真。通过分析比较不同压辊数目下环模运动全过程中螺旋输送器所受扭矩及其与环模连接副间的作用力,得出压辊数目为4时环模受力较为合理的结论。分析并确定了环模弹塑性变形中的应力-应变关系为等向硬化的Von Mises模型条件下弹塑性增量的本构关系,建立了各变形阶段的有限元方程。利用ANSYS软件进行有限元分析,得出了秸秆制粒过程中环模上应力和位移的分布规律,为制粒机环模的设计提供了参考。通过单因素试验和二次回归正交旋转组合试验,确定了含水率、秸秆原料粒径和发酵时间对颗粒燃料成粒率、抗跌碎强度和单位产量耗电量的影响规律,并建立了颗粒燃料成粒率、抗跌碎强度和单位产量耗电量与影响因素间关系的回归方程。经显著性检验、各因素贡献率分析及回归方程优化求解,确定了各回归方程与实际情况拟合显著,得出各试验因素对试验指标影响的重要程度及顺序,得到各因素的最优水平值并对优化分析结果进行试验验证,结果表明理论最优解与试验值吻合程度较高,为制粒机的设计和应用提供了理论依据。以Visual C++6.0软件为开发平台,研发了环模制粒机数字化设计系统软件,实现了环模制粒机从三维实体造型、参数化设计、性能参数计算、结构性能仿真分析和人机交互等智能设计全过程。通过分析玉米秸秆颗粒燃料总成本费用,计算了环模制粒机的投资回收期与净现金流量,并对其进行经济效益、社会效益及生态效益分析,结果表明,秸秆颗粒燃料生产线具有良好的经济效益、社会效益及生态效益。

【Abstract】 Study on Crop straw curing technology and molding machinery have the importantsignificance for promoting the comprehensive utilization of straw resources and acceleratingthe construction of resource-saving&environment-friendly society. Ring mold pelletizer ofgranular burning stoff is characterized by its high efficiency, simple operation and pelletformation density adjustable applicable to large-scale industrial production,product canreplace coal and oil for heating and power generation, has a broad application prospect. As thebackground of development of biomass energy utilization technology, carry out study on ringmold pelletizer digital design and experiment of the relationship between pelletizer workperformance and influence factors in the production of the straw pellet fuel, to providetheoretical basis and practical instruction for design and application of ring mold pelletizerequipment.On the basis of the analysis of the ring mold pelletizer design parameters on its effect ofwork performance research pelletizer design parameters, which determined pelletizer overalldesign scheme and key components design parameters. Based on the fatigue failure theory,according to stress analysis of pelletizer roller work process, determine the number of roller.Analysis of digital modeling technology, features and parametric modeling technology, anddigital assembly theory, three-dimensional solid models of the pelletizer parts is establishedbased on feature parametric modeling technology, and then determine the key parameters ofring mold pelletizer and the relationship between the parameters. Whole prototype of thepelletizer with digital function obtained through digital assembly and parts two-dimensionalengineering drawings are also obtained, which laid the foundation for the simulation andanalysis of pelletizer.According to Newton’s theorem and Lagrange theorem derive dynamics equation ofmultibody system of pelletizer, and sum up the method to solve the equation by differentialalgebraic equations solving algorithm. Dynamics simulation analyzes through transmittingring mold pelletizer model into the ADAMS/View by using the interface software MECH/Pro.It is concluded that the roller number in4ring mold stress more reasonable through the analysis and comparison torque of spiral conveyer and the interaction force with ring moldconnection pair at different number rollers in the whole process of ring mold movement. Todetermine ring mold elastic-plastic deformation of the stress-strain relationship iselasto-plastic incremental constitutive relationship under the conditions of isotropic hardeningVon Mises model, and establishing the finite element equation of deformation stage. By use ofANSYS software finite element analysis, it is concluded that stress and displacementdistribution in ring mold pelletizing process, which provide reference for the design ofpelletizer’s ring mold.Through single factor experiment and quadratic regression orthogonal rotatingcombination experiment determine moisture content, straw raw material particle size andfermentation time have influence rule on granulation rate, dropping strength and powerconsumption, established regression equation of granulation rate, dropping strength andpower consumption to influence factors. After significance test, contribution rate analysis ofeach factor and optimal solution of regression equation, identify various regression equationand the actual situation fitting, obtain the impact of important degree and order for variousexperiment factors to indicators, get the optimal level of various factors and the optimumvalue analysis result is verified by experiment, the results show that the theoretical optimalsolution and experimental values consistent with much higher, which provide the basis fordesign and application of pelletizer.Digital design system software for ring mold pelletizer is developed which realizedintelligence digital design with functions of three-dimensional solid modeling, parametricdesign, performance parameters calculation, simulation analysis of structure performance andhuman-computer interaction. Through the analysis of corn straw pellet fuel total cost, tocalculate investment payback period and net cash flow of ring mold pelletizer, and to analyzeits economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit, the results show that, pelletizerproduction line has the good economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit.
