

Multi-dimensional Expression of Exhibition Design of Exposition

【作者】 胡以萍

【导师】 陈汗青;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 一百多年以来,世界博览会以其丰富和深化的形式与内涵成为展示各国文化、经济和科技成就的平台。世博会不是单纯的展览会,而是一种以展示设计为主要手段的全球性交流活动,是人类文明和时代进步的缩影和再现,是现代设计发展进程的见证。作为展览业中规模最宏大、内容最丰富、受众最庞大的世界博览会,是一项涉及到众多方面的系统设计,其展示重心从早期的单纯体现产品和技术及国家的竞争实力到现今对未来的探索、深入思考和文化理念的创新,世博会展示重心的转变引发了其展示手法的多维度和多样化表达,这也是本论文研究的依据和重点。展示设计不是一个单独的设计对象,而是一个完整的环境和系统。当代世博会展示设计的构思是一个由概念到形象的创作过程,具有相对独立性,同时又必须与功能、技术、经济、文化、审美、社会环境等结合起来综合考虑。理念是整个设计的中心思想,围绕这一中心,通过技术美学的探索与融合、地域文脉的传承与超越、艺术形式的解读与表达、社会环境的协调与整合,世博会展示得以成为一个整体系统。从世博会的发展历程可以看出,每届世博会都会吸取往届的思想以建构新的世博会,而伴随这一主题思想,对不同文化的诠释又会激发出全新的展示风格和方法。本课题首先归纳了世博会的类型与特征,以世博会的主题形成与完善过程为主线,梳理其百余年的发展与演变历程,并对历届世博会上的中国馆及其设计展示的表达特征与演进进行客观论述和详尽分析,并以此为基础展开后续研究。通过对文化符号与设计的各自内涵特征与两者关联性的分析,指出世博会除了促进贸易、提升科技和大众教育等目的之外,还具有强烈的政治意图。由此对世博会展示设计中的国家形象和地域文化表达手法进行了深入探讨,提出批判性地域主义实践的可行性,并对世博会展示设计中文化符号滥用的成因进行探究,提出文化符号创新的思路。同时,立足于上海世博会主题,从城市的地域性、生态性和历史延续性进行考量,对城市地域文化与现实性探索的展示进行并重研究。通过梳理技术演进与世博会的辩证关系,研究科技演进下的世博会展示设计及其技术应用。从展馆体量的变化、结构技术与形态表现以及展馆表皮材料等方面的技术成就总结出其演化规律,指出设计观念的更新和生态语言的拓展是新材料、新技术产生和应用的理论基础。在对世博会展示设计中新媒体技术内涵与外延特征的分析中指出其概念的相对性,并对新媒体展示技术的原理和应用形式进行探讨。归纳不同时期社会思潮和艺术流派对世博会展示空间的影响,探寻展示空间设计的风格与特征流变。对当代世博会展示设计艺术表现形式的多元化手法进行总结分析,指出世博会展示设计是一种借助既有技术和艺术手段,通过主题化时空的构建,实现既定主题的表达与沟通目的的应用性综合艺术,其核心目标是在现有技术条件下集艺术之所能,创造一个主题化的展示时空,通过现场作用实现思想交流和认知互动。本文在可持续发展理念的平台上,以世博会主题为线索,以文化元素为基调,解读尖端科技与前沿艺术的展示方法。通过分析往届世博会展示技术与艺术的表达手法,进而研究不同时期展示设计与时代特征的关联性。通过上述研究成果的归纳总结,引出对后世博会展示设计的反思,对概念化的世博会主题到展示设计手法概念化的思维方式和表达形式进行创新性探讨。指出世博会展示设计是一个围绕主题理念这一核心,以文化为依托、以经济为保障、以科技为支撑、以设计为先导的整体系统。当世界文化的多样性通过尖端科技精彩演绎的时候,它打动人们内心的是一种极其朴素的价值观和寻找通向未来的方法。

【Abstract】 Since more than100years, the World Expo has become the stage to show various countries economy, cultural and the technical achievement by its rich form and the deepened connotation. The World Expo is not mere an exhibition, but a global exchange activity whose main means is just about exhibition design. The World Expo is the progress and reproduction of human civilization and the epitome of the era, and it also witness the development process of modern design. The World Expo is the most abundant and maximum scale, the largest audience in the exhibition industry, so it is a system design involved in many factors. Its showing focus changed from simply reflecting the competitiveness of products and technologies early to the future exploration, the deep culture thinking and the concept innovation today. This shift sparked a multi-dimensional display techniques and diversification of expression, which is the basis and focus of the thesis.The exhibition design is not a single design object, but a complete environment and systems. The idea of contemporary World Expo design is the creative process from the concept to the image. This idea has a relatively independent, and it must be integrated into functional, technical, economic, cultural, aesthetic, social and environmental factors at the same time. Around the design concept as the central idea, through exploration and integration of technological aesthetics, spreading and transcending regional context, interpretation and expression of art forms, coordination and integration of the social environment, the World Expo design becomes a complete system. From the development process of the World Expo, we can see that each World Expo draws the ideas from previous periods to innovate. And with this idea, the interpretation of different cultures will inspire a new style and method of display. We make the subject formation and optimizing process of the World Expo as the main line in this subject, first summarize the types and characteristics of the World Expo, and then comb its development and evolution history over hundred years. We discuss impersonally and analysis in detail each Chinese Pavilion at the World Expo and its design characteristics and expression evolution, and follow-up many studies basing on the analysis.Through anglicizing characteristics and relevance of the cultural symbols and design content, we deeply explored expression methods of national image and regional culture in the World Expo exhibition design. We point out the practical feasibility of critical regionalism in this article. We carefully analyze the causes of the abuse of cultural symbols in the World Expo exhibition, also put forward innovative ideas about cultural symbols. Meanwhile, based on the theme of Shanghai World Expo and the city’s geographical, ecological and historical continuity, we think and study the display of local city culture and reality explore.By combing the dialectical relationship between technology evolution and the World Expo, we research the World Expo exhibition design and its technology application after the technology development. From changes of the pavilion volume, construction techniques and expression forms to skin materials of the exhibition hall and other technical achievements, we summarize its evolution law and point out that the update of the design concept and expansion of the ecological language is the theory basis of the production and application of new technologies and new materials. Through anglicizing connotation and denotation of new media technology features in the World Expo exhibition design, we point out that the relativity of this concept, then we discuss the technology principle of the new media display and application form.We summarize the impact of the different periods of social thought and art schools on the World Expo exhibition space, then explore the style and feature changes of space exhibition design. We summarize and analyze the diversity methods of art form expression in the show design of the contemporary World Expo. We show that modern design of the World Expo is an applied integrated art in order to express a specific theme and to achieve communication with technical and artistic means to build the theme of space-time. Its core objective is to create a themed display of space-time with the most powerful art under the conditions of the existing technology, and to achieve interactive exchange of ideas and knowledge through on-site role.On the platform of the concept of sustainable development, the World Expo theme being a clue and cultural elements being a keynote, we interpret the display methods of cutting-edge technology and forefront art. Meanwhile, we deeply analysis the technology showcase and art practice of previous World Expo, then study the relevant between exhibition design and characteristics of each era. By summarizing these study results, we reflect on the exhibition design of the after-Expo. By studying the conceptual theme of the World Expo, conceptual thinking and innovative approach of the exhibition design, we present five integrated system architecture including of concept, culture, economic, science and art in the World Expo exhibition design. We believe that the World Expo exhibition design is a whole system based on culture, science and technology as a precursor, the design as a means, and the concept as a core. When the world’s cultural diversity is wonderful interpreted through the cutting-edge technology, it touches people’s hearts is a very simple values and methods looking to the future.
