

Reliability Design and Neural Network Prediction on Snow Melting of Ground Source Heat Pump System

【作者】 屠艳平

【导师】 管昌生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “十二五”期间,我国准备投入万亿元用于公路建设。虽说国家非常重视公路的建设,但是冰雪天气影响道路交通通畅,甚至导致交通事故,特别是大范围的雨雪天气,会导致大范围的交通瘫痪,造成巨大的经济损失。据统计,路面湿润时发生的事故是干燥路面的2倍,降雪时是干燥路面的5倍,结冰时是干燥路面的8倍。可见道路融雪化冰对冬季道路交通条件的改善起到关键作用,因此路面的融雪化冰技术是一项关系到改善我国交通状况,提高人民生活水平,促进各地区经济持续稳定快速发展的技术。现在通常使用的除冰方法主要分为被动抑制路面积雪结冰技术和主动融雪技术两大类。被动式的方法最主要的是化学融化法,众所周知,采用融雪剂进行融雪化冰会缩短高速公路的使用寿命、严重威胁道路两旁植物的生长,更为严重的是污染土壤和水资源。目前国内外道路融雪化冰新技术是主动融雪技术,采用热力学法,主要包括导电混凝土、发热电缆及地源热泵。地源热泵技术是是利用地下浅层土壤的低品位热能和蓄热性能,使其转变为高品位环保能源的一种热泵系统,其设计基于热力学原理。地源热泵融雪化冰技术利用太阳能蓄热,可节约能源,同时环保、高效、可再生,发展前景巨大。地源热泵融雪化冰技术是一个综合性较强的工程应用系统,涉及的技术领域很多,包括道路、暖通、地质、力学、热传导等多学科交叉,其应用推广是一个综合的系统集成与融合。纵观国内外的研究可以看出,路面随机传热非稳态研究还没有取得实质性突破,沥青混凝土路面融雪试验研究还处于空白阶段,可靠性理论在融雪化冰技术中的应用才刚刚起步,上述融雪化冰技术中有待深入和尚未研究的课题的突破,对地源热泵融雪化冰技术在我国的实际应用将起到促进作用。本文根据国内融雪化冰理论研究的现状,利用传热理论建立融雪化冰随机传热模型,并进行室内试验验证理论模型的正确性和合理性,利用人工神经网络来预测地源热泵融雪路面的耗热量,提出了地源热泵融雪系统可靠性设计方法。研究的主要内容包括以下几个方面:(1)理论方面:从地源热泵路面融雪化冰原理入手,进行沥青混凝土路面融雪化冰随机传热理论分析,建立传热数学模型。以可靠性理论为基础,提出了路面融雪化冰的可靠性设计方法及步骤,基于地源热泵路面融雪化冰系统的随机性,建立了可靠性方程。考虑多个因素的随机特征,推导出可靠度计算公式。(2)试验部分:通过室内沥青混凝土平板融雪化冰试验定性地研究水平埋、不同埋深、不同间距、不同导热系数的沥青混凝土路面材料对融雪化冰效果的影响,定量地研究不同环境条件对耗热量的影响,为理论研究提供实测数据,也为人工神经网络预测提供计算参数和依据。(3)数值计算试验研究:以MATLAB软件为依据,用自己编制的用户子程序建立BP神经网格模型,用来预测路面融雪耗热量。与理论分析的结果和室内试验结果进行比较,证实了理论分析的正确性和合理性。

【Abstract】 During the "Twelfth Five-Year", one trillion yuan will be used for highway construction in China. Although the State attaches great importance to the construction of roads, but snow and ice weather affects traffic, even is the traffic safety archenemy. Especially wide range’s sleet weather will cause the wide range paralysis of transportation and will lead huge economic loss. According to the statistics, compared with dry pavement, the road accident is2times when the road is wet, is5times when the road is full of snowfall, is eight times when it freezes. Therefore the pavement snow melting technology is one item which relates to improve transportation condition and people’s living conditions, relates to promote economy stable and fast development.Commonly used methods in snow melting are mainly divided into two kinds, they are the passive technology and the initiative technology. The primary passive method is chemical method. It is well known, using of deicing salt will reduce highway’s service life, threaten plant’s growth on the both sides of road seriously, furthermore will contaminate the soil and the water resources.A new technology of road deicing and snow melting at home and abroad is the thermodynamics method, including conductive concrete, electric heating cables and ground-source heat pump. The ground source heat pump technology makes use of low grade heat energy and heat storage performance of underground shallow soil, and the low grade heat energy can transformed to high grade energy and environmental protection.The ground-source heat pump technology using the solar thermal storage can save energy, and is environmental protection, high efficiency and has great prospects for development. The ground source heat pump snow melting technology is a integrated engineering application system, involving many areas of technology, including road, hvac, geology, mechanics, thermotics, and its application is a comprehensive integration system.The study at home and abroad on the road random unsteady heat transfer research has not made breakthrough, on the asphalt concrete pavement snow melting experimental is still in the blank stage, reliability theory in the snow melting has just started, the above technologies are needed further research. Breakthroughs of ground source heat pump of snow melting will play a role in promoting actual applications in our country.In this paper, according to the present theory of snow melting, a random heat transfer snow melting model is set up based on heat transfer theory.In order to verify correctness and rationality of the theoretical model, indoor experiments are preceded. Heat consumption of the ground source heat pump is predicted by artificial neural network method, and a reliability design method of ground source heat pump snow-melting system is proposed.This dissertation is focus on the following fields.(1)Theory part. The random heat transfer mechanism of asphalt concrete pavement based on snow melting is analyzed and the model of heat transmission is established. The reliability design method and steps of snow melting is proposed on the basis of reliability theory, the reliability equation is established based on the random character of snow melting system. The formula of reliability calculation is deduced which considers the stochastic characters of multiple factors.(2) Test part. The effect of snow melting is researched through the indoor asphalt concrete test under different conditions,including different depth and different spacing of level buried tube,different thermal conductivity of asphalt concrete pavement materials. And heat consumption on different environmental conditions is studied. The results provide practical data for theoretical analysis, but also for the artificial neural network prediction.(3) Numerical experimental research. BP neural network model is established by use of subroutine of MATLAB software, it can be used to predict the snow melting heat consumption. The correctness and rationality of the theory analysis is verified by compared with the results of theoretical analysis and laboratory test.
