

A Study on the History of Chongqing Early-modern City Planning and Construction (1876-1949)

【作者】 李彩

【导师】 李百浩;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 历史城市与建筑修复工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在中国近代城市中,重庆有着极其重要的地位和特殊性,是中国近代城市的一种特殊类型:她有悠久的历史;两江交汇的山地城区;位于长江上游;近代开埠;特别是战时的国民政府首都,抗战的中国大后方,战后的国民政府“永久陪都”;今日的中国西部中心城市,国家直辖城市等等。本课题属于中国近代城市规划史的基础研究,属于在中国近代城市规划史研究大框架体系下的个别城市规划史研究类型,以重庆在近代时期的城市规划与建设的历史演变为研究对象。在详细梳理整合重庆近代城市规划及其相关历史文献的基础上,结合中国以及重庆近代社会政治经济变迁,将重庆城市规划的近代时期断限在1876-1949年间。基于城市规划史、城市史、历史学等研究视角,根据重庆近代城市规划与建设自身发展演变的特点,将重庆近代城市规划与建设的历史分期分为三个时期:近代城市的形成与城市近代化的探索(1876-1921);近代市制的建立与近代城市规划建设的展开(1921-1937);战时体制的城市规划建设与近代城市规划的进步(1937-1949)。论文从重庆约开埠到自开埠、从军政到民政、从商埠督办到新市制等多条线索,论述了重庆战前、战时、战后的近代城市演变过程,揭示了重庆近代城市规划始于“以新市区开发带动旧城改造”的规划模式;从“开埠时的外来冲击到设市后的局部规划、战时的应急规划和陪都的总体规划”的规划发展过程;从“城市规划行政到防空城市规划、欧美规划理念导入、乡村近代化建设、城市规划职业”的城市规划特点。通过考察重庆各个不同历史时期的城市规划活动,认为重庆近代城市规划具有典型性和代表性,主要表现在:既有外来的市政建设(租界与租借地),更有中国人自主进行的新市区开发规划与旧城改造规划;既有局部规划,更有大量运用欧美近代城市规划理论所诞生的《陪都十年建设计划草案》的总体规划;既有开始的“西方冲击-反应”被动城市规划,更有贯穿始终的“中西融合-建构”主动城市规划;既有近代化的马路主义规划思想,也有战时背景下的分散主义规划思想;既是一种行政城市规划,也有理想城市规划。作为历史研究,本课题不仅补充丰富了中国近代城市规划史的研究内容与类型,而且有助于完善中国近代城市规划史学研究体系,对于准确地把握中国近代城市规划发展的地域不平衡性、各个城市的特殊性以及历史得失,有着重要的理论研究价值和实践意义。

【Abstract】 Among the Chinese cities in Early-modern times, Chongqing has an extremely important position and specificity, and it represents a special type of Early-modern Chinese cities:She has a long history; the mountain city with two rivers converge; located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River; Early-modern opening port city; especially Chongqing was the wartime capital of the national government, the resistance rear area during the China’s War of Resistance against Japan, the postwar "permanent capital" of national government. Nowadays, Chongqing is the central cities in western China, a municipality directly under the Central Government and so on.The research project belongs to the basic research of the history of Early-modern Chinese city planning, and is an individual case of city planning history in the research framework of Early-modern city planning history in China, which takes the historical evolution of city planning and construction of Chongqing in Early-modern times as the study object. On the basis of integrating Chongqing Early-modern city planning and its historical documents, combined with China and the Chongqing Early-modern social, political, and economic changes, the author defines the Early-modern period of the Chongqing city planning in the years1876-1949. From the perspective of city planning history, urban history, and history, the author divides the history of Early-modern city planning and construction in Chongqing into three stages, according to the characteristics of Chongqing Early-modern city planning and construction of it own development and evolution:the formation of the Early-modern city and the city modernization of exploration (1876-1921); the establishment of the Early-modern municipalization and the expansion of Early-modern city planning and construction (1921-1937); the city planning and construction in wartime, and the progress of the Early-modern city planning (1937-1949).According to several threads of Chongqing, i.e., from contracted port city to opening port city, from military to civil affairs, from the commercial port supervision to new municipalization, this thesis discusses the Early-modern urban evolution process of Chongqing before the war, in the wartime, and postwar; reveals the pattern of Chongqing Early-modern city planning starting from "new urban development to drive the transformation of the old city", the city planning development process of Chongqing "from external shocks introduced by the opening port to the regional planning, wartime contingency planning, and the overall planning after the city establishment", and the city planning characteristics of Chongqing from "the city planning administration to the air defense city planning, concepts introduction of Europe and United States city planning, Early-modern construction of villages, to city planning professionals". Through the inspection on the city planning activities of Chongqing in different historical periods, the Chongqing Early-modern city planning is regarded as typical and representative in the Early-modern city planning in China, mainly represented in following points:affected by both foreign municipal construction, and the new urban development planning and the old city transformation city planning by Chinese; combined with both regional planning, and the overall planning in the "Construction Plan Draft of Auxiliary Capital in Ten Years" produced by extensive application of the European and American Early-modern city planning theory; combined with both the passive city planning by the "Western impact reaction", and active city planning of the "integration of Chinese and Western construction" throughout the planning process; combined with both Early-modern roadism planning idea, and decentralization planning idea in the context of wartime; combined with both administrative city planning and ideal city planning.As historical research, this project not only enriches the content and type of research into the history of Early-modern Chinese city planning, but also helps to improve the system of Early-modern Chinese city planning history. This research has an important theoretical value and practical significance to accurately grasp the geographical imbalance of China’s Early-modern city planning and development, the particularity of various cities and the historical gains and losses in Early-modern city planning.
