

The Optimization Research of Logistics and Transportation Service Networks of Food Cold Chain

【作者】 黄纯辉

【导师】 张庆年;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济和社会的快速发展,人民群众的生活水平已经发生了显著的变化,对食品的追求已经从过去的吃饱向着吃得健康和吃得安全转变,所以,这就导致了对“食品冷链”越来越高的需求,在食品冷链中,对成本影响最大的就是食品冷链中的库存问题和运输问题。基于此,本文所研究的重点集中在食品冷链上的库存优化和食品冷链物流运输网络的优化,一方面,丰富和完善了食品冷链物流运输服务网络规划的理论和方法,另一方面,能够为企业和相关政府部门提供决策参考。本论文是在分析国内外关于冷链和运输网络优化的基础上,结合目前我国食品冷链物流运输发展的特点,对食品冷链物流运输网络进行研究。在算法上主要是以启发式算法为主,并以具体的算例加以验证,先进行理论分析,后在理论分析的基础上进行实证分析,定性分析结合定量研究,来探讨食品冷链物流运输服务网络优化问题,本论文的结构由三部分组成。第一部分,包括本文的第1、2两章,是文献回顾和理论准备。广泛的收集了与食品冷链物流运输服务网络有关的国内外相关文献,理论分析主要集中在食品理论、运输网络理论、供应链理论和库存控制理论,同时,将食品理论融入到供应链库存控制和运输网络优化之中,深入的研究了与本论文写作有关的研究现状和研究动态,为后续的建模和方法研究进行了充分的理论准备。第二部分,包括本论文的第3-6章,是本论文研究的主体部分。第3章研究的是食品冷链中的库存优化问题,供应链上的库存问题一直以来都是本学科的研究重点,根据食品冷链上的库存互补问题,建立了基于BOM耦合的供应商库存互补模型,运用系统动力学的方法进行分析,结果表明,不同程度的供应商紧急库存互补,都能有效地从供应源头抑制顾客需求波动,能减少供应链系统的库存总量和总物流成本、减弱牛鞭效应、提高顾客服务水平,其中以三对供应商库存互补模式最优。第4章是研究关于食品冷链物流运输网络问题,针对目前的现实情况,从降低冷链物流运输过程中成本的角度,对冷链物流运输问题进行优化,使用线性规划的方法,对冷链物流运输过程中冷藏空箱的进出、中转构建模型,结合所构建的模型,给出相关的算例,根据给定的数据计算出结果验证了所构建模型的合理性。第5章是针对混合轴辐式运输网络中的应用和决策问题,在考虑到多种运输方式并存的基础上,将铁路快运和航空运输这两种运输方式引入到运输网络决策中,构建多种运输方式联合组成的网络模型。第6章构建了基于固定费用网络设计模型的食品冷链物流运输服务网络模型,并结合算例进行了研究。第三部分是对全文的研究总结以及对未来研究的展望。通过对全文主要研究结论的总结,指出了本论文的创新之处和研究上的不足,并在总结的基础上提出了本课题研究领域未来进一步研究的方向。本论文研究所得出的结论和成果是对现有的运输网络的规划理论和方法的完善,所建立的数学模型可为实际的食品冷链物流中的工作提供指导作用,并为企业和政府相关部门的科学决策提供了可参考的理论依据,具有一定的现实的意义。

【Abstract】 With rapid development of China’s economy and society, people’s living level has been a significant change in the pursuit of food from eating enough toward eating healthy and eating safely. Therefore, therr are more and more demand of "food cold chain", the food cold chain also came into being. In the food cold chain, the mainly factors influencing total cost are inventory and transportation problems. Because of this, this paper focus on the food cold chain inventory optimization and the food cold chain transport network optimization, on one hand, this paper enrich and improve the food cold chain transport service network planning theories and methods, on the other hand, provide decision-making reference for enterprises and government departments.This paper bases on the analysis of domestic and foreign cold chain and transportation network optimization, and combines with the characteristics of food cold chain transport development. The algorithm of this paper mainly is heuristic algorithm, and supplies a example to analyze. Firstly, the method is theoretical analysis, and then is empirical analysis. All empirical analysis bases on theoretical analysis. The qualitative analysis and the quantitative study should be combined, and financially studies the food cold chain transport network. From the whole paper, the structure of the paper consists of three parts.The first part including Chapter1and Chapter2is literature review and theoretical preparation. This part extensively collects domestic and foreign literature related to the food cold chain logistics and transport service network. Theoretical analysis is mainly concentrated in the field of food theory, transport network theory, supply chain theory and inventory control theory. At the same time, the food theory is added into the transportation network optimization and supply chain inventory control. These chapter deeply studies the research status and research trend about writing this paper, and make a preparation for the subsequent modeling and methods theoretical.The second part includes chapter3, chapter4, chapter5and chapter6, which is the main part of this paper. The chapter3studies the inventory optimization of food cold chain, because inventory problem has always been the focus of this subject in supply chain. According to the inventory complementarities problem in the food cold chain, this chapter establishes the suppliers inventory complementary model based on BOM coupled, and uses the analysis method of system dynamics. The result shows that different degree supplier emergency inventory complementation is effectively to restrain customer demand of fluctuation from supplying source, and it is also useful to reduce total inventory quantity and total logistics cost, reduces bullwhip effect and improves the customer service level, and the three couple supplier inventory complementation model is the best. Chapter4is the research on the food cold chain transport networks. According to current realities, this chapter studies the optimization of cold chain empty containers repositioning from the angle of reducing costs, and uses linear programming method, formulates relatively model of in/out of ports or transferring cold chain empty containers, and sets up an example to prove the model. According to the results of the example, the model is proved to be reasonable and useful to solve these issues of cold chain empty containers repositioning. Chapter5is for decision-making model in the extended hub-and-spoke transportation networks. High-speed railway and air transport are considered in the transportation networks decision making. Combined with the extended hub-and-spoke transportation networks theory and taking into multi transportation mode, this chapter establishes decision-making model including multi transportation mode. Based on the fixed cost network design model, chapter6establishes a model of food cold chain logistics and transport service network, and gives a example to prove this model.The third part is a summary and outlook of the full paper. Based on summing up the main conclusions of the study, this part points out the innovation and the lack, and puts forward the direction of further research.The conclusions and results of this paper are the improvement of existing planning theories and methods of transport networks optimization. The mathematical model can be established to provide guidance for actual work in the food cold chain logistics, and it is the theoretical basis and scientific decision-making reference for enterprises and government department. This paper has a certain practical significance.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09;F252;F426.82
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】7711
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